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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

"Cool!" Mel said and stopped the car in front of Anto's house, "We have arrived." She said in a fake, horrible, British accent.
"Thanks Mel. For everything, I appreciate it." Anthony said as he got out of the car. "I'll see you around." He said as he closed the car door. It felt good that he wouldn't go into school on Monday knowing nobody but his brother.
Mel smiled at Anto and backed out of the driveway, she drove back home and made herself the only thing she knew how to make, Ramen.
Solana walked with Syo and Regan to the donut shop, getting her favorite chocolate donut. She paid for it and bit into the donut happily.

Zori felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out, nodding his head.

"Perfect." He mumbled, changing direction.
Syo ordered several different types of donuts, paying for them with a grin and wasting no time in tucking it. ''Sho we jusht wait here four Zorish?'' She said while chewing, ''I mean, we just wait here for Zori?'' Once she'd swallowed.
Solana nodded. "Might as well." She said, sitting down at a table. She continued to eat her donut, looking out the window.
Taking a large sip of coffee Olivia sighed, she had no idea what she was going to do all day. If she wasn't single, cuddling and watching movies would be an ideal hangover recovery day, but she had no one to do that with. She looked over at Sonny briefly then decided she didn't want to ask. "No idea, I'm hungover as hell. I lost count after my seventh shot." Olivia admitted sheepishly as she took a bite of the food.

"Have you ever considered being a chef or something." She added, having almost scarfed down her entire meal. She was a tiny woman who ate like a trucker.

She got up and put her plate in the sink, washing it out of courtesy. Olivia walked behind Sonny's chair and rubbed his shoulders, "If you want to hang out with little old me today, I'll make us some lunch." She offered with a grin.


Elyana had dressed herself somewhat classy today. She wanted to spend some time with Syo since the past few days had been rather hectic and they couldn't enjoy the dance as planned. Elyana pulled out her phone and shot Syo a quick text.

Hey girly what r you up to 2day??
''im @ that donuts place near the park'' Syo sent back, along with a quick picture of her eating a donut. Solana and Regan could be seen in the background, seemingly unaware she'd took a picture of them.
Mel soon got bored with her Ramen and decided to text Anto.



Heeey, wassup?

Sonny chuckled a bit, this chick had style. He always wondered why they never hooked up; maybe because he figured it would be extremely awkward to have relations with co-workers. But somedays, she would definitely be asking for it. He also did love it when she rubbed his tired shoulders.

" Well guess what; let's do whatever you feel like doing today. As long as your cooking next! "


Chad walked down the sidewalk on a busy street in Washington. He definitely needed to clear his head. So much bullshit and carnage happened yesterday so randomly. He knew this school was different, probably even the craziest school in the country; but he didn't think it would be this fucked up. It even led to a death of a well-known student: Butch. Butch never talked to Chad, but he figured the guy always had too much on his plate to ever speak to a lowly freshman. He gracefully looked toward a donut shop; he fucking loved donuts.

" Something to soothe the soul... "

Chad walked toward the shop; running his hand through his hair.
Zori made his way into the donut shop, seeing the three girls. "Hey you three. This is definitely the park." He teased them going over to order his donuts.

"We got hungry." Solana said with a small shrug.
''Oy oyy, Zori!'' She waved to him, before going back to her doughnuts. ''Besides, what do you prefer? Inedible park, or very much edible doughnuts?'' There was a pause. ''That's what I thought.''
Zori rolled his eyes as he plopped down in the seat next to Regan. "Shut it you before I go back to calling you Syo instead of Sy." He warned her, a teasing smile on his face as he dug into his dozen donuts, practically inhaling them.
"Ahah, I know what a sucker you are for those rubs." Olivia joked with a wink, making sure to make the innuendo very clear. "I'm in the mood for pasta, want to hit the grocery store so I can get some snacks and ingredients?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at Sonny. Before he could even comment, she strutted in her underwear to the living room where her duffle bag was. It held an abundance of extra clothes. Being a police officer meant constantly having to be on the job, rarely having down time. She was a bit too lazy to shower so not really caring about Sonny's presence, she stripped out of her dirty clothes and threw on some sweats and a tank top.

"You better not have been peeking Sonny boy."


Can I come join?

Elyana texted back as she grabbed her sunglasses and keys, ready to go out and run some errands before heading to the shop where Syo was at.
Chad walked into the donut store with a cheesy smile on his face. All the donuts he could possibly want were here; his favorite place. He picked out a whole box of chocolate foot longs, so he could save some for later. He happily but casually brought them to a table next to a Monty looking group of kids. He sat down and started to chow down, occasionally looking at his phone. It's like the events yesterday never even happened.
''yeh sure''

Syo tucked her phone back into her pocket, chewing on the end of her plait. ''Elyana's coming over here soon, just a heads up.'' She carried on chewing the end of her hair, until, ''Does anyone know where that green haired person went after that whole.. school dance thing? She was acting kind of psycho yesterday, but now I just kinda feel bad for her, thinking about it.''
Solana and Zori nodded as they continued to eat their donut.

"I don't think I've met her yet..." Solana said with a small smile. "I'm pretty sure she's nice."

"She's a real riot." Zori said, glancing at the guy who'd come to sit by them. He raised an eyebrow, wondering if he'd seen the guy before but shrugged.

He glanced back over at Syo and thought about it. "I have no idea. However I do know she tackled knife guy last night. She wasn't in her right mind that much I can tell you." He said with a nod.

Solana looked at them. "What's her name?"
''Er..'' Syo was pretty certain she'd heard her name mentioned a few times. ''She's in some of our classes..K..Kashew? Kashew. Kesha.. Kasha! Kasha Tennin.'' Syo said finally, ''I think. She went all weird whenever you tried to go up to her.''
Regan ate her donut quietly. "I never knew her name was Kasha" she said after she finished a donut and got another one. "I probably heard it once then forgot it. Didn't she hang out with Butch? I always saw them together." The mention of Butch's name made Regan feel a little depressed but not as much since she was in the company of her friends.
Zori frowned, nodding his head. "She did hang out with Butch. I think they skipped the same day we skipped and saw Carlos."

"Kasha..." Solana said, nodding her head in reply. "I like that name. Maybe I'll talk to her one day." She sighed, leaning back in her chair once she finished her donut, looking around with a bored expression. "I think I've gotten used to the craziness we go through because now I'm bored doing something that's actually on the normal side."

"I'm with you on that. But the crazy shit gets tiring at times." Zori said with a shrug. "It gets bothersome. The quiet times are nice. That and not having to go to the police."
''Yeah.'' Syo nodded, ''Biyu said she thought they was going out, but, like.. I don't really think they were, t' be honest.'' She finished up her final donut, rubbing her eyes sleepily. ''Yeah, the less we have to go to the police, the better. I did nooooot like that police guy.''
Parker, a new student at Washington High School, walked into the donut shop quietly. He wanted to go in, get his donuts, and walk out like normal. But he noticed there was a lot of people in the donut shop. More than usual. "Hey, there is usually not many people in here." Parker said.
Sonny slightly peeked, but went back to drinking his coffee. After her comment, Sonny chuckled and smiled a little.

" Only if you wanted me to. "

He sat up and washed his dishes quickly, taking the wash cloth and draping it over his shoulder. He grabbed a toothpick and started fiddling with it in his mouth. He hated shopping with a passion; but for Olivia, he would make an exception.


Chad overheard the people on the table next to him talk about Butch, deciding he would probably fit in oddly in the discussion. He held up his donut with a sad look in his eyes, it wasn't normal for him to look apon a donut so sadly.

" RIP Butch... You were one hell of a action hero. "

Sure, Chad heard about Butches 'bad side' but why would be bring that up? It wasn't right to linger on a dead mans faults.
Solana scoffed. "The cop? He was a fucking ass. Needs to go get laid or something." She mumbled before her eyes widened. "...Did I just say that?" She wondered to herself.

"You did say that darling." Zori teased her, noticing the other guy. "Geez, a lot of people wanted donuts today." He said, waving at the kid when he looked their way.

Solana glanced at the boy from behind and sent him a small smile. "Rest in peace to Butch." She replied before tilting her head.

"You knew Butch?" Zori asked him, waving him over to come sit with them.

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