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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

''Woah there, Sol..'' Syo chuckled, not expecting her to say something like that. She turned to look at Chad, nodding solemnly. ''Yeah. R-I-P, Sunglasses.''
"We've been partners for how many years? Like I actually give a shit if you saw my tits." Olivia joked as she grabbed her purse from the coffee table. She felt bad leaving a mess strewn across the living room, but she knew she could tidy it up later. She slipped her purse over her shoulder and motioned for Sonny to hurry his ass up. "Catch up homeboy." Olivia teased.


After a quick session of retail therapy Elyana was parked in the parking lot of the doughnut shop. She saw Syo and the gang all there and smiled. It would be comforting to spend time with them and not deal with the craziness. She stepped out of the car and entered the shop.

"Hey strangers, long time now see." She greeted with a smile.
Chad sent them a friendly smile; not really understanding how anybody 'could not' know Butch. He grabbed his massive box of donuts and casually sat with the group.

" Eh... I never talked to the guy myself. He used to fight everyone though! It always made things hella interesting. He was probably going through some things at home or something... Nobody just goes out of their way and starts a fight. "

Chad noticed a cool looking dude getting donuts, talking with the group also.

" Dude... You're telling me, this place used to be dead as shit when I came here. These guys must be popular. "
Parker was in the parking lot of the doughnut shop. And he saw people walking up. He decided to try to meet people so he stayed in the parking lot, nervously.
''Yeh. My first encounter with him was me making fun of his sunglasses - y'know, cause it's hard not to - and he started on 'is, but he didn't like.. get violet. He was pretty cool after that. I don't think he was that bad, to be honest.'' Syo shrugged, before seeing Elyana enter. ''Oy oy, Ely!''
Zori greeted Elyana with a wave. "Welcome! You're late! We were just about to head to the park for some fun." Zori said to her before looking over at Chad. "He probably did but he was a cool guy. I enjoyed spending time with him." Zori said, standing up.

Solana smiled at Elyana. "Nice to meet you!" She greeted her before looking at Chad. "You too... Um... What's your name?" She asked, standing up as well and going to throw her trash out.

Zori looked out the window at the guy standing in the parking lot. "What's that dude doing? He's going to get hit by a car just standing like that."
Chad smirked. These guys actually were friends with him? That was crazy, they seemed way to boring for that. And the chick made fun of his sunglasses without getting decked in the face? These guys must definitely be cool. Chad held up his foot long donut and soared it through the sky.

" Chad Kaisune; donut enthusiast, likable loner, and most importantly, the freshman. "

He laughed a little, looking at the dude outside. Now he definitely was very weird.
''Syo Biel! I like frogs, dinosaurs, I can convince small children I'm a witch, and I can survive on a diet entirely of crayons and lighter fluid.'' Syo said proudly, standing up too. ''So, we heading to the park?''
"Park? Please? Introductions later?" Zori said, pushing Solana outside as she yelped in surprise. He went over to Syo and Chad.

"The name's Zori Bloomquist." He greeted Chad, sending him a grin.

Solana stood outside, glaring at Zori.
Tyler drove into the parking lot of the doughnut shop.The sounds of Kendrick Lamar's "Ronald Reagan Era" pouring out of his car's many open windows. He narrowly avoids some guy standing in the middle of the parking lot. 'Who in the hell just stands in the middle of a parking lot?' He was surprised by the rather large amount of people in the shop. A doughnut shop. Would've never thought of that as a hang-out spot, but whatever."

He quickly parks his car and uncranks it, getting out and quickly dipping inside the store. He orders what he always used to back home, six hot glazed, six chocolate covered with sprinkles. "And damn anyone who thinks sprinkles are for kids." He stands, leaning against a wall, tapping on his phone to pass the time before his gets his order back. He regards the collection of people with a slight raise of his eyebrow.

"Wonder who these guys are? Doesn't matter, prolly some local high school douche bags." he thinks, quickly dropping his head. He'd rather not be caught staring. He quietly hums some random beat to himself as he waits.
'What the fuck' was his only thought during Syo's rebellious entry. Chad started laughing uncontrollably, almost dropping his precious donut. Zori Bloomquist was also a crazy ass name. He stood up casually; quickly but reluctantly finishing his donut.

" So... What's going on at the park? Some crazy Woodstock that I don't know about? "

Chad said sarcastically and jokingly. He never really thought about going to a park on his free time, but he wouldn't dismiss it so quickly.


Sonny drove Olivia to the store, really wanting a cigaret; but not wanting to smoke in front of her. He was trying to quit after all. Once they made their way into the parking lot, Sonny got out of the car and stretched out; his pistol being noticeable underneath his coat as he did. He turned and looked at Olivia.

" Hope nothing stupid happens today... Would absolutely hate to miss one of your lunches. "
Elyana smiled at the group, "Nice to meet you too." Elyana said to Solana. Everyone started to get up to go to the park. Elyana had barely arrived at the doughnut shop and now they were going to the park? She was totally okay with that. "Should I just leave my car parked here?" Elyana asked, not sure if they were walking there or driving.
Parker saw everyone going to the park, he decided to be brave at least for his standards, and try to go redeem himself. Parker started to walk to the park.
''Not really.'' Syo shrugged, ''We just don't really have anything better to do.''

Kasha sat on one of the swings of the park, staring down at her phone. She'd calmed down considerably, finally able to think straight, but that didn't make her any less upset over what had happened the previous night. She could barely remember what had happened after she'd received that text.
"Do we even have enough cars to go to the park like that?" Zori asked. "I left my car at home."

Solana punched Zori's arm once they all came outside. "We have too many people for one car. We need another one for that." She said, pulling her hair up into a bun. "So it would just be us car pooling once we find someone with a car or we all walk."
Olivia just laughed at Sonny's statement. She agreed, she didn't want to miss playing house wife for Sonny. "I would hate to miss out on my house wife fantasy." She chuckled as she grabbed a basket and began looking for the objects such as pasta, tomatoes, onions and ground beef. Once she had everything picked out she grabbed a twelve pack of beers and walked to the self check out. "Make use of your muscles and bag these items for me." Olivia asked, somewhat sarcastic.
Parker walked into the park and saw a girl on a swing, and everyone else just talking. "Hey, :) " Parker tried to smile and be confident.
"I'm fine with walking if everyone else is." Elyana piped up. It was a decent enough day to go on a walk. The park wasn't too far of a walk, and walking in heels was a pleasant work-out.
"Walking it is." Zori said with a shrug as he began walking in the direction of the park. He glanced back at the guy in the donut shop. "Dude got a lot of donuts... I wonder if he shares."

"Don't be fat Zori." Solana said, giving him a look as she pulled her sweater tighter around herself.
Chad accidentally bumped into a dude who was playing on his phone, it wasn't like him to be a clutz.

" Damn bro, my bad. "

He said almost dropping his box of donuts; he callously noticed that the guy had ordered sprinkled donuts.

" Them sprinkles though! I prefer my donuts without em, but that's pretty brave of ya. "


Sonny lifted the bags easily; fully knowing she just wanted to use her charm to skip on the manual labor.

" Hah, whatever you need 'housewife'. "

As they walked toward the car; Sonny felt his phone vibrating, never a good sign. He decided to ignore it until they got into the car.
Kasha dragged her eyes away from her phone screen, turning to stare at the person who'd approached her. ''..Hey.'' She was a bit surprised he'd tried talking to her, but hey.

''Pa~rk, pa~rk..'' Syo chanted as they headed over there.
"I call the swings when we get there! I swear, if you all take them up I won't hesitate pushing one of you off!" He said, looking at them all before taking note of Syo. He grinned. Soy was one of the only people to rile him up.

"Park! We're going to the park! Park! We're going to the park!" He chanted along with her.

Solana laughed at the both of them, smiling. She truly needed this time to hang out with her friends. It had certainly helped her stop thinking about the negatives in her life. She unconsciously brought her hands to her stomach as she smiled at ever, laughing as they all talked.

"I don't think we need the chanting you two." She said, giggling.

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