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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

''..Hm?'' She glanced from Chad to the donuts, momentarily confused, before reaching out to take one. ''..Thanks.'' There seemed to be a lot of random strangers approaching her today, apparently. Syo, noticing this, immediately turned around, pointing an accusing finger. ''Oy! How come she gets a donut?''

(sorry if my responses are short, lol. writers block)
((Now they need the craziness xD ))

Solana looked over at Syo. "Don't be rude. He can share with who he wants to share with." She scolded, sending her a grin before looking up when she heard her name. "Oh!" She said, seeing one of her other friends.

"Hey Alex!" She called back, smiling at her and waving her over to them.

Zori looked over at the new girl and glanced at Chad before looking back at the car. "Wait... That's the guy with the donuts!!! Dude, do you guys think he'll share?!" He asked looking at them all before turning to Syo. "That dude in the car has a whole bunch of donuts. I saw we ambush him." He said, grinning at Syo.
Chad didn't know how to answer her obvious question. He was glad the green haired girl took a donut though; they always made people happy, especially him.

" Cuz homegirl, she wasn't able to buy one earlier! I'd be jealous as shit if a guy came walking toward a park eating donuts without offering me some. "

The struggle was real. Chad only had 6 donuts left. Guess he would have to make another trip to the store before he decided to head to the dorm.

'Hell Week', an appropriate name for the week that the thugs and wishy washies would don masks and terrorize towns. This happened all over the US, and it was bound to happen to Washington eventually. Sonny grabbed Carlos and sped toward the police station.

" I don't give a shit what happened in that fucking building right now; that's nothing compared to what's about to go down if we don't do something right now! "

They both got on Butches bike and sped off, Sonny texted Olivia.

" Hell Week is here; fuck our day off. "
Tyler drove up to the park. He grabbed his doughnut box and began walking towards the group of people gathered at the various playground equipment.
Kasha took a bite out of the donut, looking slightly more at ease. After what had happened yesterday night, she'd expected everyone to treat her as..Well, a freak. 'Freak' didn't feel like the right word, but neither did 'murderer' - it hadn't totally been her fault. She was, once again, never the main part of anything.

But no, everyone seemed to treat her.. just as they had yesterday. Heck, there were strangers approaching her with donuts. Maybe she'd be fine, after all. There was something at the back of her mind, though, this strange feeling she couldn't shake that there was something not quite right here..Like something was about to happen. And she was not looking forward to it.

''Where? Where?'' Syo frantically scanned the playground, before spotting him. ''Aha! Target spotted!''
"I saw him first! I get the better donuts!" Zori shouted, running at Tyler full speed. He grinned happily. "Hey man! That's a lot of donuts! You want to share?" He asked, smiling at him. "The name's Zori! Now ya know me- Now hand over a donut. Give it to me, not th girl that'll be here in a few seconds. She'll eat them all. I just want one."
''DON'T LISTEN TO THAT PEASANT! HE SPEAKS IN ONLY LIES!'' Syo practically pushed Zori out of the way. ''Hi! I'm Syo! Niiiiiiiice donuts you have there.''
Regan squinted her eyes to see who Zori and Syo was talking about then hopped off the swing once she saw the box of donuts. She ran over to them and smiled at the boy. "Hey, I'm Regan. Sorry about these two." She pointed to Syo and Zori. She then turned to them. "If you're gonna ask for one at least ask nicely" she chided.
Zori's eyes widened in surprise when he heard Syo before yelping as he flew in the air before hitting the ground.

"Dammit Syo!" He groaned, rolling onto his side and clutching his head when he saw Regan.

"How about helping me out instead of trying to scold me?" Zori complained, frowning.
Tyler quickly jerked the box out of the reach of both of them, making a sound similar to the buzzer of a basketball scoreboard as he does so.

"Hold on a sec there. You can only get one, and it has to be just straight glazed. There's only six."

Tyler returned the smile to the girl who walked up after them.

"Not a problem. It's nice to see this town has some patient people."

He lowers the box and opens it, displaying the doughnuts.

"Want one? Take your pick."
''Okay, okay, okay-'' Syo chanted over him as he spoke before adding, ''I just need a donut, then I'll leave you alone. Until I need another donut. Which won't be long.''
Chad couldn't help but chuckle at everyone fighting for donuts. He would be right there with them if he didn't have his own. He looked toward Kasha once more and decided it would be a good time to talk.

" I'm guessing you were at the dance last night too... "

Chad was a little mortified of the dance personally, seeing the strippers get shot down also made him puke.


The masked individuals made their way inside the park, none of them holding any visible weapons.

" God damn... This place is fucking snoozeville! The only fun place was that whorehouse we fucked up! "

The masked man said disgustingly, as he lifted his mask and spit off toward the ground. The female of the group took out her cellphone and started texting the others for locations and possible loot points. They were the scouting team.
"Did I hear a please?" Tyler asked, raising his eyebrow slightly. "I don't think I heard a please…"

but that's none of my business
Regan looked down at Zori and laughed. "Here, how about I help you up." She helped Zori off the ground then took a donut. "Thank you" she told the boy, sending him another smile.
Zori chuckled and stood, patting Regan's head before taking a donut.

"Thanks man." He said, nodding his head at him as he ate his own donut.
Alex walked over to her friend she was nervous very nervous but she didn't let it show "Hey I haven't seen you in forever Solana," she smiled
''Heh. Yeah..'' Kasha raked a hand through her hair, thinking back to it. ''I managed to get out early, so I didn't see the worst of it, but..'' She leant back, looking visibly tired. ''..If that dance hadn't happened, he'd probably still be alive.'' Kasha took another bite out of her donut. She hadn't specified who 'he' was, but she'd been referring, of course, to Butch.

''DONUT! I mean, please.'' Syo said, before snatching up one of the donuts.
Chad turned his head at the obnoxious noises coming from his left. He saw at least 10 masked people standing in place. He didn't think much of it, turning his head to the right; looking at the group eating donuts.

" .....!!?&:& :$ : "

He turned his head back toward the left; the female of the group walking towards him and Kasha.

" Hey kid! What's going on?? "

Chad couldn't really place it, but he sure as hell knew it wasn't Halloween. He tossed his donuts behind him, turning his body to face her as she cracked her knuckles.
Solana smiled at her, nodding her head. "Yeah it has been a long time." She said with a small nod. "Oh! You have to meet my friends." She said, turning around and pointing at Chad and Kasha. "That's Chad and Kasha... Along with a masked person?" She mumbled, her eyebrows furrowing. She quickly took Alex's hand pulling the girl to the others.

"Guys, I know you're eating donuts but I think we should be worried over the masked people that just suddenly appeared. We can worry over donuts later..." She mumbled, her eyes staying on the group as Zori glanced over at them. "...What the hell? If yesterday hadn't happened I would definitely say this has Butch written all over it but then again..." Zori cut himself off. "...Yeah."
Kasha stared at the huddle of masked people, looking them up and down like she was analysing them, a feeling of uneasiness washing over her. ''..'' She stayed silent, but moved her hand to her back pocket slowly. Already, she could tell they didn't have good intentions.
The masked girl started laughing maniacally.

" Ohhh little asian boy!! "

Chad gave her a fucked up look; knowing fully well he wouldn't be able to talk himself out of this ass beating.

" ... Yeah? "

She walked up toward him, punching deep into his stomach.

" I want your blood... And your soul... I want them both now!!! "

The rest of the masked men rushed toward the group of kids.
((sorry I was watching Food Network xD ))

Olivia put everything away and sat on Sonny's couch, she decided to take a shower. Sonny's house was basically hers. She took a good 20 minute shower before getting out and walking in all her naked glory to the living room where she put on a more professional outfit. Her wet hair was wrapped in a towel as she checked her phone. "Shit." She muttered under her breath as she quickly took the towel off of her head and grabbed her gun, put it in the holster then hopped in Sonny's car, since her car was still at the station.

"I'm en route." Olivia said over blue-tooth as she called Sonny. She shortly arrived at the station and parked. She stepped out and went into the station. "Where's my partner???" Olivia demanded to the secretary, who looked extremely intimidated by Olivia. She motioned in the direction and Olivia immediately seeked Sonny out.

"What's going on?" She said completely unaware of the situation at hand.


Elyana was blissfully oblivious to what was about to go down. Kids in masks began running towards then and she stood, confused and scared.
Zori watched the girl that was talking to Chad and wondered if he should intervene. His question however was answered seconds later when he saw the group the girl had come from running at them.

"Shit." He cursed, back up. "Run!"

Solana backed up a few steps, eyes wide with fear.

"Maybe they're nice!" She said, tilting her head. "Maybe they won't hurt us. It's our relaxation day!"

"Fuck the relaxation Solana! It's now 'I want to live to see another day' day!"

He said, pushing her and the new girl Alex to run.

Solana yelped but started running. She swore this wasn't good for the baby. So much stress and running around here and there. It could get bad if she wasn't careful.
Kasha leapt up to her feet in surprise, staggering backwards as the masked group charged towards them. ''Wh- Shit!''

Syo followed Zori and Solana, startled. ''Wait, what? What's going on?''

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