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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

It was as if all chaos happened in seconds. Sirens were sounded, and the sun set. The police were sent out in drones; but needed backup for the impeding masses that donned masks. Sonny and Olivia were already on their way toward her contact for the 'big stuff' as she so happily claimed. Sonny lit another cigaret, attempting to take routes that weren't being Molotov'd. He was surprised at her sudden kiss back at the station; and even amongst the madness, he thought about her.


Carlos drove Butches bike wail texting Zori. He had his number from way back, and figured he would be held up somewhere; if he were still alive.

" Where the fuck are you guys?! Shits goin down! Check Facebook! "

That was where the chaos would always be blared before anywhere else. Hell Week had it's own Facebook page; were they would post pictured of dead body's or blown up buildings. It was a mystery as to why they never got deleted.
"Maybe you're right," Alex said rubbing her temples she was just so stressed even though she hadn't known everyone that long maybe Elyana was right Lexi thought about it "Maybe," her legs were killing her she laid her motorcycle helmet on the table and looked for a place to sit down the only open spot was by Elyana "Mind if I sit here?" Lexi asked
A warehouse stood in an off site part of town. Sonny and Olivia had arrived to Hugo's personal warehouse. There was no one else that knew about this. All of the deals were under the table. Olivia hopped out of the car and knocked on the door two times, signifying that it was her and Sonny here. Olivia had texted Hugo on the way there so he had expected them. The warehouse door slid open and men in all black holding giant fire arms stepped aside to let them in.

Hugo shut his laptop and looked at the cops. "Hell Week, eh? You're gonna need a lot of man power for that...." he paused, "you think your pigs are goin' to get the fuckin job done? You need some of my men." He finished as he got up from his desk and paced slightly.

"Cut the shit Hugo, we don't have much time." Olivia said, her voice carrying an irritated tone.

"Yeesh alright. She's a feisty one, eh?" Hugo chuckled to Sonny as he walked back to the desk to grab a lit cigar from the ash tray. "Now...how can I be of service to you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Olivia smirked at Hugo, "Get me whatever you're gonna give Sonny. I can take it."
" I'll take the standard shit man... With a little more 'umph' . "

Hugo knew exactly what he meant; and reached for a toughbox full of goodies.

Two bags full of ammo.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.2d681832d9a17070232a8fd13601438b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52843" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.2d681832d9a17070232a8fd13601438b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

One Spaz 12Gauge

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.0c6916962b1b27e884f6a8de31a12de9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.0c6916962b1b27e884f6a8de31a12de9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

One M4-Custom

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.a510b7c08bb3d219b88a53ff1eae9973.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52844" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.a510b7c08bb3d219b88a53ff1eae9973.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Two HighPowered 9mm-Hair Trigger

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.56e6963cc77184118d1e5f64576cbfef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52845" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.56e6963cc77184118d1e5f64576cbfef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sonny smirked and looked at Olivia.

" Who's taking the shotgun...? "



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As Hugo brought them the goods, Olivia's grin turned almost evil. She was ready to take down those stupid kids who thought that they ran the place.

"Oh you know how much I love a shot gun." Olivia replied as if it wasn't even a question.

"Anything else I can do for you two before you leave?" Hugo asked. Olivia figured they were pretty set and pulled out a wad of cash from her back pocket and laid it on the desk. Hugo shook his head, "Hell week, it's on me." He smirked.

((omg I'm so sleepy lol I'm hitting the hay. goodnight everyone!))
shoop shoop

i'm back

i have to go to school but i'll type a response

Kasha brandished her knife, not sure of what she was doing or what she'd gotten herself into. All she knew was, she had a pretty high chance of getting stabbed..

As she ran at them, she made a note in her head not to leave any fatal injuries, unless she desperately had to. She found it difficult to hold them off without actually stabbing them, though, eventually ending up stabbing someone in the shoulder.
Chad followed suit, backing up Kasha. He didn't care about hitting vital spots due to his pure willingness to survive this fucked situation. There was no turning back. He saw that there were more masked people in the distance, and knew they would be fucked if they joined in too. Chad ended up getting nicked in the arm with a blade, but he quickly countered with a kick to the enemy's chest. The masked dudes backed off briefly, allowing Chad to grab Kasha's arm.

" We gotta fucking bounce! Screw these guys!! "
Solana sent Elyana a grateful smile and shook her head at the question. She wouldn't dare try it. She'd be fine by herself. Just a few more deep breaths...

Zori who had still been sprawled across the floor felt his phone vibrate and with a grunt, pulled it out of his pocket. He was slightly surprised to see that it was Carlos who had texted him but opened it anyway. His eyebrows furrowed and he went onto facebook, his eyes widening.

"...Yeah you all thought this place was going to be safe." He said, sitting up and looking around. "These videos tell me the safest thing for us would have been to leave town." He said, showing a video.

He went back to his phone sending Carlos a text that they were all okay and at some girl named Alex's house. He sent the address before putting his phone down and looking up at everyone.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.bcb15272b4eee416ff35727f4668ccd2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52861" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.bcb15272b4eee416ff35727f4668ccd2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Carlos smirked slightly; he was somewhat glad they were okay. He drew his pistol; shooting off into the darkness sprawled by fire. This was his town, he wasn't going to let a massive group of fuck heads ruin everything he built. His first order of business would be escorting his escorts to his home; then helping his group of friends whenever they needed it. Carlos texted Zori one last time.

" Make sure Kasha's safe bro, I still owe her my life. "



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Regan looked up at Zori confused. "What do you mean?" She watched the video silently, her eyes widening in surprise. "So what do we do then?" she asked out loud to no one in particular. "We can't just leave the town." She got up and went to a window to look outside. She saw smoke farther in the distance and made a small noise out of fear.
Zori sent Regan a sad smile.

"We do what we can." Solana replied, looking at her friend. "We wait it out."

Zori looked back down at his phone and read the message. His eyes flickered up, looking over every face to see if he saw Kasha. He cursed when he didn't. Of course she wouldn't be there. She must be out there with that Chad guy.

No bueno.

He quickly stood, walking to the door as he sent Carlos a text.

'Not here with us man. Park. Last place I remember seeing her.'

He glanced back at the others before slipping out and beginning to run back to the park. He would make sure Kasha was safe even if it meant getting hurt himself.
In all the chaos of people running away, Tyler managed to get to his car. Starting it, he quickly fumbled underneath the seat of his car, pulling out a small case. He quickly inserts a magazine, putting one in the chamber, and flips the safety off.

"Fuck, I thought I'd never have to use this again."

He steps on the gas pedal and yanks the wheel, jerking the car to face the group at the playground equipment. He steps on the gas pedal, the tires spinning for a moment before finally gaining traction, launching the car forward. His car quickly closes the distance. Upon arriving, he slams on the brakes, hopping out of the car, gun in hand. He opens fire, dropping two within the first couple of seconds. A third barely had time to yell out "GUN" before he goes down too.

The ones that went down didn't move much.

"Get in the fuckin' car!" he yells, still shooting.
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" Fuck! "

Chad dropped to the ground instantly; he fucking hated guns with a passion. He'd rather get stabbed any day. Flashbacks of the dance yesterday popped through his head, he was close to taking a bullet to the head multiple times. After somewhat regaining his composure however; he shot up, knife in hand. The remaining 3 masked people fled; none of them had guns thankfully, he wasn't sure about the rest of the crazy's running around. It was now fully dark outside. How long had Chad and Kasha been fighting off this group...? It seemed like forever. He quickly turned toward Kasha, a stern but semi scared look on his face.

" Let's go! We should ride with this guy! "
Kordana screamed when she woke up. Cold sweat. Another nightmare. She plopped back down on the bed and sighed. "Fuck. Not again." She stood up and got dressed. She needed to go on a walk, or something. She wasn't sure. She decided to grab Kinny's leash for protection. She was new to the area and had just arrived. She rubbed her temples and tried to push old memories out of her head. "It was an accident Kory. It was just a push. You didn't mean to... It's not your fault." She repeated to herself over and over. She leashed Kinny and snuck out of the house. Sorry mom. She went out and began jogging. She didn't care what time it was and she wasn't sure. She just kept running. After a while she stopped to tie her hair back because it kept falling in her face. She checked her phone and her Twitter had blown up over night. "What I get for posting that type of shit. Oh well." She kept running and had to run a little faster to keep up with Kinny.
Zori ran down the street, looking around in worry.

"Where the hell did we leave her again..." He muttered, yelping and stopping just in time as a car came barreling past him with a few people inside, shouting and laughing.

"What the hell? Shoot outs, death... Can't we have one fucking day of kittens and fucking happiness?!" He growled as someone ran into him. He fell to the ground with a grunt, getting punched in the face by his assailant.

"Hell week!" They shouted, raising Zori up.

"Hell fucking no!" Zori shouted, punching the man off of him.

He stood, letting out a groan before beginning to run again.
Kory gasped when she saw a guy got punched not too far from her. Kinny started barking and she crouched and shushed him "Be QUIET Kinny!". She stood up and looked over at the two men who appeared to be fighting she crossed to the other side of the road that way she could remain safe.
When Zori ran outside Elyana was just confused. Here they were in a safer place and he was going outside? Huh? Elyana turned her attention to Solana, who had politely declined her offer. She nodded, "Alright, if you need anything thought just let me know, girl." She said with a warm tone.
( Omg. I miss so much due to a day of school, ha. )

Anthony woke up, half-naked, entangled in his bed sheets. His room was dark, although that was probably because of his curtains and it was possibly still day out. He tried to wiggle out of his covers before almost falling off of his bed. He put his hand on the floor and tried to find his phone, which was being charged. He found it, unhooked the charger, and checked it.

There was a few messages. One that stuck out was a message from Mel. He smiled as he read it. He used the light off his phone to find his light switch. When he did find it, he switched it on and the room illuminated. He rubbed his eyes and then text Mel back;

Anto, 2:01 PM

Hey. NM. I'm just chilling out. You?

He threw his phone on his bed and searched around for a pair of trousers. When he found a suitable pair, he pulled them up. He grabbed a "Fleetwood Mac" t-shirt, that he got at one of their concerts, and put it on. He looked in the mirror. Although he shaved a few hours earlier, there was already a bit of scruff forming on his chin. He rolled his eyes, grabbed his phone, and then left his room...
Multiple masked individuals busted through the Washington radio building; all holding makeshift AK47's. It sounded like a war going on outside. The masked men opened fire on everyone inside, killing them. A masked lady slowly made her way toward the microphone and talked in a awkwardly sexy voice. It looked like she was in bad shape, but she didn't care; what were a few bullet wounds to a badass? This message was going to be broadcasted everywhere, and this pleased her greatly. She wasn't long for this world anyhow, and neither was her lesbian lover.

" Hello ladies and gentleman... Tonight is a special night; and probably my last... I'm Demi, and this is the Hell Week radio broadcast station. RIP Butchy... I always had a small place for you in my evil, evil heart... This ones for you. I hope these men burn down everything in your honor. May the man that took your life die a horrid death. "


The audience of masked individuals clapped for Demi's broadcast, among them stood Amora. Amora had been in rough shape, one of her wounds were infected and she didn't know how much longer she would make it. Demi's confidence and stride always helped her make it another day, as cliche as it sounded.


He walked down an alley, the Hell Week broadcast ringing loudly in his ears. A wicked smirk spread across his face as he continued to walk the 'back roads' to the Washington radio building. His backpack was full of items as a special delivery to Demi and the others. He arrived at the scene and opened his backpack to slip on his mask then approached the 'guards.' He flashed them the items in the bag before they escorted him to Demi.

"Did ya miss me you crazy fucker?" Kenny said smugly as he approached Demi.
Demi looked over toward her contact; a wicked smile crossing her face.

" Maybe... Maybe I'll be able to live longer than the night? I just wouldn't know how I would react to that news. "

She said, putting her hand to her heart and spitting out blood. It was a miracle her and Amora lived through the prison break, but it was bloody and gory; shit kept her alive. Made her at least 'feel' alive.
He pulled the backpack off of his shoulders and opened the smallest pouch, revealing an abundance of syringes and pills. Kenny prided himself in being known as the 'Doctor' to his peers. His skill in medicine was a shock to others who didn't know of his parents being doctors. He saw Demi cough up some blood and handed her a syringe with some concoction that would boost her adrenaline and speed up her healing process. "Stab this shit into your thigh if you want to quit that nasty blood shit." Kenny said with furrowed eyebrows as he handed her the syringe.

Amora slowly made her way up to the pair and held out her hand weakly, knowing that Kenny had something for her as well. "Ah little sweet Amora, this will help you." Kenny chuckled as he handed her a bottle of pain killers mixed with adrenaline. Amora greedily swallowed down four of the pills before looking to Demi.

"What's next, princess?" She asked. Kenny also wondered the same thing.

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