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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Carlos almost lost his shit laughing, being compared to that guy.

" Alex...? Hahahaha! Alex never had to make any fucking tough decisions! The biggest business he probably ever ran in his fucking life? A goddamn lemonade stand! Do you understand how messed up this freakin town is?! It was worse before I came here! I've done shit everyday since coming here that I regret every night of my life. This town was almost looking better every single passing day, then fucking Butch came and screwed everything up! You think he was the only person who did business with Manny??? And that stupid ass cop? She was building a case on Butch, and had all you fuckers on her bill as possible cohorts! I personally didn't give a damn wether you were or not. "

Carlos went on and on, almost getting genuinely angry. Who was this chick to judge him? What the hell did she even know about him? He slowed himself down.

" I only called to make sure you were alright... Save your damn self. "

Carlos hung up the phone and started laying out his cocaine. Guess if he was going to die, he would die high.


Butch finally caught up with Zori, seeing him getting the shit beat out if him. Butch jumped off his bike, it skidding on the ground. Butch swung his bat toward a man's back, hearing his spine snap. The other two thugs sprung up and got their distance, one drawing out a sword.
Solana nodded at Syo, biting her lip. The girl was right in this situation. Carlos certainly was the bad guy if he had no problems killing. She looked over at them all as they talked about going to find Zori and stood.

"We go find Zori. That's all that matters." She said, glancing at the phone. Gritting her teeth she brought it back up to her ear.

She flinched at the rant he gave her, frowning. "Carlos-" She tried to interrupt but saw it wasn't fit. "Carlos!"

She groaned when he hung up, kicking at a trash can beside them.

"That fucking idiot!" She screeched. She glanced at the other girls. "Let's go find Zori." She said, waiting for them to walk before redialing Carlos's number.

Zori was a few blocks down from them. He was sprawled on the ground, bloody. He tried getting up once again but one of them pushed him back down until he heard a snap and the other two ran. He groaned, rolling over on his back and looked up to see Butch.

"Am I dead?" He grumbled. "I'm seeing Butch which must mean I'm dead and went to hell."
'What the fuck? Drive to New York? No fucking way. Just drive to my house, I'll make a few calls, get the apartment ready and cleaned, and then Gerald will swing us over in the second helecopter. The big one is in L.A. with my mum to visit my sister for the weekend, so we'll have to make do' Joe said nonchalantly, trying to not make a big deal of it. 'We'll be there in a few hours'. Joe thought for a moment 'Gerald's the butler/bodyguard/gamekeeper. He's Scottish so you might not understand anything he says. I only understand half of it. Does that sound good then?' Joe smiled at Kiel. @Kordxna

(Is there anyone who wants to join me and @Kordxna in New York?)

( @Kordxna do you want to maybe have your character do something like drive us to my house?)
Kory looked over at Kinny, "Only if he comes with. Otherwise I stay. And if we're going to your house you should drive. We'll be able to get there faster if I'm not checking a GPS every five seconds." she still seemed upset about what had happened at the store and was in shock over everything that happened. She looked over to Kiel and waited for his response. She was really tired but she perked up when her phone buzzed. She checked it and sighed in relief. "It was just my mom. I told her I'm going to New York with some friends and she said she's flying over to Europe for a few days on a business trip. She already told the maid to leave town so I don't have to tell her. I'm ready. We can leave whenever you want." @Melanie Teresa @Ellarya
Syo nodded, beginning to walk, but she had to ask. ''You didn't.. tell him where we were, right? I don't want him finding us, after we found out what he did..''
Carlos snorted multiple lines, he already felt better. One of his girls came up to the room, almost out of her mind herself.

" Daddy... Who was that? "

Carlos didn't even know how to answer; she definitely wasn't any friend of his, that's for sure. Carlos was attracted to her, but he definitely miss-judged her character.

" Don't worry about it... "

The woman slowly started creeping up toward his desk, a small whimper in her voice.

" Are we gonna die...? I don't wanna die... "

She dropped to the ground and started crying. Carlos tried his best, but ultimately failed in the long run. Too much activity was happening here; it was only a matter of time before Renegades would sprawl here and cause a Hell Week. If only Butch had not come. Carlos jumped at his phone buzzing, it was from Solana. What the hell did that ignorant woman want this time? Probably wanted to tell him how much of a 'asshole' he was or something, typical chica bullshit. He was about to let it just ring, but he reluctantly answered; not saying a word.


Butch smirked when Zori thought he was in Hell. It seemed... Ironic. The unarmed thug ran off, while the thug with the sword charged Butch. They started bat/sword fighting, it was almost like some kind of cheesy samurai film. The thug carrying a sword obviously was able to use it.
'Love, I'll tell you now I'm not crazy about dogs. But so long as he doesn't shit everywhere, and goes in a cage for the plane ride, then fuck yes he can come. We don't have time to go and pack things tonight so we'll just have to go shopping when we get there. Hope you don't mind a bit of retail therapy, darling' Joe said, getting out and swapping seats with Kory. 'Okay, we had better get the fuck out of here' Joe said, adjusting the mirror to look at some creepy masked men turning into the road. He slammed on the gas and they jolted off, spinning around corners and flying through smashed red lights. They pulled up inside the drive and Joe got out, and bekoned for them to follow. @Kordxna

( @Melanie Teresa I'm going to assume that Kiel will just follow me and kory?)

(@Kordxna Joe lives in this huge, fortified mansion thing and in case you couldn't tell is excessively rich)
Kordana nodded, "Well he's been trained since he was quite young so we don't have to worry about that. I hope retail therapy works just as good as psychological therapy. Maybe after enough shopping I won't need any." She said it in a mixture of tones. It settled somewhere between joking and dead serious. She locked eyes with the masked men in the car and screamed as one of them pointed at her. They didn't seem to chase after her car and she felt much more relieved when they got to Joe's mansion. She still couldn't believe she had just seen those men so up close. She wondered it if was the same people from the grocery store. She hoped they hadn't been watching them. She hoped even MORE that the men weren't watching her right now. She just wanted to get inside so she quickly grabbed Kinny and followed Joe. @Ellarya @Melanie Teresa
After a while of walking, Syo constantly keeping an eye out for any signs of danger, she stopped. ''..Found 'em. And, uh..'' She turned to them, ''Should.. we intervene?'' She didn't think that'd be a good idea - was that a fucking sword? - but she made a mental note to jump in if it looked like Butch was losing. Not sure if there was really anything she could do, though..
Butches head started pounding furiously; he wouldn't be able to fight for much longer. He quickly kicked the thug back a bit, giving him a little more room to breath.

" Why do I always get fucking hurt! Fuck this god damn pain!!! "

Butch said in an extremely raspy voice, he started coughing, attempting to fight off the swordsman. He was getting more and more tired, this wasn't an average masked idiot.
Solana nodded at Syo. “I didn’t tell him anything about where we were.” She said softly before listening to the phone ring. It finally stopped and she waited a few moments before sighing in frustration. Of course he wouldn’t going to talk.

“Look.” She spoke, slowing down just a bit so the others could walk without her. “I’m sorry Carlos. I didn’t mean to upset you like that.” She glanced up when she saw Zori. She bit her lip wanting to shout out to her friend but couldn’t with Carlos.

“Everything’s just crazy okay? I’m a bit wired and my filter hasn’t exactly been working right.” She watched as Butch fought some guy with a sword.

“I have no idea…” She mumbled to Syo, watching in surprise as she waited for Carlos to reply.

Zori sat up, stretching with a groan. He heard fighting beside him and saw Butch beside him. “Shit!” He muttered, jumping up. He helped Butch out, tackling the masked guy and pounding the masked person’s face repeatedly.
Regan started to follow after Solana and Syo, glancing around when Syo said she saw them. Regan breathed out sigh of relief. She was glad Zori was okay though he was bloody and bruised. "Zori's helping him out for now, but he looks pretty beat up. Maybe if they both need us we could do something...?" Regan wasn't sure either. The masked guy had a sword and was pretty skilled at using it.
''I guess, but.. I can't fight. At all. If we're going to do something, we need to plan this out..'' Syo scanned the area for anything she could use, or any other way she could help. She thought for a second, she spotted two figures on the roof of a nearby building, but it was so dark she couldn't find them again when she looked back.

kasha is in the car so if i have anyone run in to help it'll be rin/aric


should i have them run in??
((If you wish!))

Solana bit her lip, looking around as well. She glanced down at the gun still in her hand. "I've got a gun." She spoke, passing the phone over to Syo to hold. "If I get a good aim I can shoot the man. That'll stop him..." She said, her voice steady. "He won't be the first one I've shot down today..."

Zori got punched himself and grunted, dropping onto his butt. He rubbed the tender, throbbing spot before ducking as the man tried to lunge at him before turning and hopping on top of the guy and swinging repeatedly.

"You little fuck!" Zori growled.
Butch took advantage of Zori's help and kicked the sword out if the way. Butch kicked him multiple times on thee sides, getting even more mad.

" Who the fuck are you! Why the hell are you even fucking with us?! "

Butch kicked his mask off his face. It was Chad.


Carlos listened to her; what else did he have to do?

" Well... Just tell Butch I'm at my house. He can come and do what he freakin wants... My works ruined anyway, everything is in fucking shambles. "

Carlos had lost, he figured he would talk to his old friend one last time. Unless Solana had something else in mind... Maybe something he missed.
Syo took the phone, nodding quietly. She didn't want it to get to the point where Solana had to use a gun.. Syo figured Solana probably didn't want to use one, either. As soon as she saw Butch kick the sword out of the way, she ran over to them, skidding slightly at the last second as she stopped to pick up the sword. ''Hi, guys! I figured you needed some help.'' She held up the sword triumphantly. ''So if I have this sword, that means this guy can't stab you, and I get to keep the sword, right? Right? That's a win-win!'' Syo felt proud, even though she didn't.. actually do anything. To be honest, she probably just wanted the sword. It looked kinda cool. ''Hey, hold up.'' She peered at the masked - or, now unmasked - guys face. ''..You're the donut guy who was talking to Kasha..What're you doing here?''
Regan saw that it was Chad, the boy from the donut shop who went to the park with them. She went over to them and stopped Butch from kicking Chad again. "Stop, it's okay" she told him. "He's someone we know from earlier."
Zori was surprised when he saw it was Chad.

"Oh shit." He said, scrambling up to his feet and making his way over to the guy. "Dude!! What the hell were you thinking?!" Zori scolded him as Solana put the gun down. She sighed in relief, not having really wanted to pull the trigger. She'd shot down three people already. That was enough of her.

Unfortunately she'd given Syo the phone when Carlos replied, having missed everything he said.

"Zori how are you?" She asked, quickly making her way to the others.

"I've been better." Zori replied with a shrug.
One Hour Earlier...

[For massive effect, play this :D ]


Chad awoke in a building, unsure of how he got there. There were dark circles around his eyes, and he only tasted copper in his mouth. He sat up, looking at an epitome of evil and secrecy.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.5e57a84dee32a139b4518c1af9810ad6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.5e57a84dee32a139b4518c1af9810ad6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He said his name was Natas... Said he was a friend. He mentioned something about chaos raining down on the planet, and Chad being the only one to 'deliver' the souls of the good into the next world. Chad was starting to feel extremely sick, until Natas said he would be okay. Chad felt like there were beetles in his mouth, he didn't know what to do or say. Loud noises were heard, too many to count. Chads head felt like splitting, he didn't know what was wrong. Why was he scared? He wasn't scared, never. That was the sign of a sociopath; something Chad never wanted to be. Natas said it was normal Demi-God behavior. Said Chad was in fact, a Demi-God. Chad walked out of the building with his sword slung on his back, Natas following closely on his hind legs.



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''Where'd you get this from?'' Syo held up the sword, genuinely curious. ''..I'm keeping it, by the way.'' She turned to the others for confirmation. ''I can do that, right?''
Butch grabbed Chad by the throat and went up in his face. His pupils were way too big, this wasn't a completely 'there' person.

" Is he a drug addict? Because he's high off his fucking ass right now... "

Chad remained on his knees, not saying a word; occasionally looking back toward Natas for approval. Chad had killed numerous people today, and it's bad when you lose count. Chad had a completely blank expression on his face, sticking his tung out.

" Natas said to fight... I wasn't going to, but he said you were a demon... Said you were not a 'friend'.

These people were a little familiar to Chad, but in his current state, he wasn't even able to tell what time it was looking at a watch.
"It is a nice sword if I do say so myself." Zori said, nodding his head. "I'm fine with you having it as long as you don't try killing one of us."

"Be careful with it Syo." Solana said, her eyes widening when she saw Butch grab Chad. "Be careful Butch..."

"He shouldn't be an addict. I mean the last time we saw him, he was wasting his money on donuts- not drugs." Zori said, listening to him.

"There's definitely something wrong with him." Solana said once he was finished talking.

"Who the fuck is Natas?" Zori wondered. "Let's just tie him up somewhere."
Butch had a better idea for him. He decked Chad in the face, knocking him out. Butch dragged him behind a couple of bushes.

" ... We leave him here. "

Butch was glad to see Zori, but he looked different too. He was one to talk, Zori's pupils were almost just as messed up. As Butch turned around, he saw it. A fucked up looking fox that was standing up on it's hind legs. The fox lit a cigaret.

" Young Butch... You haven't been smoking... C'mon, take one of mine. It'll help... "

Butch dropped his bat and rubbed his eyes. He needed a fucking cigaret, and every other upper drug on the market right now.

" My names Natas... I'm a friend of course... "

Natas pointed his paw toward Zori, scowling. Natas screamed like a banshee for at least 10 seconds before purring. He lowered his paw and faced Butch again.

" He's gotta die Butch... He's 'wicked'... He's not a friend! "

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