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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

((Oh yeah. I'm definitely cool with schools being blown up. If they're heading out to New York then I'm all in with that plan also))

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"I just want to get out of the town. I don't even know where my parents are." Zori said with a small frown as he glanced outside the window. "I hope they're okay. I really want them to be okay."
Tyrone sounded the battle cry; it was freakin horrifying. His thug unleashed a missile straight for the school. The impact exploded the whole top section, making some of it landslide toward the ground. Gunshots could be heard sizzling past the humvee, a couple hitting the vehicle.


Another missile was fired, this time at the base of the school. The whole building combusted on itself, making the building slowly collapse toward the ground.


Carlos agreed with Butches words and walked back inside. Demi would definitely need to be taken out, she was more to blame than Butch for this whole thing. He went and sat on the sofa, looking towards Kasha and smiling.

" Glad to see these guys managed to get you safely out if this messed up bullshit... "
''Mm..'' Kasha didn't need to worry about her parents whereabouts, but she genuinely felt bad for Zori. It was chaotic out there, and she knew he was well aware there was a chance they didn't make it. She watched as Carlos entered the room. ''Safely enough, yeah..Hm?'' She stiffened slightly, and Aric sat up a little. ''..You guys heard that, right?'' She wasn't completely sure what it was, but if she had to say..An explosion of some kind?
(( A little, but there's explosions going on everywhere slightly. A radio broadcast from Demi should tell the group what happened though. ))
Zori shrugged his shoulders at Kasha. "There have been a whole bunch of explosions since we got in here though I will admit that the latest sounded a lot more... Bigger? I don't know."
''It's probably 'cause we're close to it..'' Aric bit his lip, nervously gazing out of the window with an anxious expression fixed on his face. He stood up to get a better look outside, but couldn't find the source of the noise, so shrugged it off, a faint trace of nervousness still visible on his face. ''If it's bigger, we should be careful.'' Rin mumbled from the floor. She hadn't managed to get to sleep yet, and rolled over to look at them. ''If they get closer, this could get bad.''

''It's already bad, to be honest.'' Aric pointed out.
"It's already very bad." Zori said with a small nod, biting his lip in thought. "But if they get closer, where the hell are we going to go?" He mumbled, standing up and pacing around the room, deep in thought.

"We need to get out of here. We really need to get out of here."
Regan woke up with a start after the explosion, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "What the hell was that?" she mumbled, squinting her eyes to look at everyone. She sat up with a small groan and let her eyes adjust before speaking up again. She heard some talking but she wasn't sure what was going on. She noticed Zori pacing back and forth and tilted her head to the side. "What's wrong with him?" she asked, running a hand through her hair and combing it out with her fingers.
''Preferably now.'' Aric nodded, looking serious. ''If we set off too late, I'm pretty sure it'll end badly.'' He began to gather things up, and pulled the pillow out from a reluctant Rin's head. ''Rin, you need to get up.''

"Nothing's wrong Regan." Zori said, pressing a small kiss to her forehead and sending her a quick smile before grabbing his bag.

"Solana!" He called, earning a muffled noise from her. "You've got to get up."

"I'm up." She mumbled, pushing herself up and sitting as she yawned.

"Get yourself ready." He told her and she slowly nodded, turning and gently pushing Syo. "Get up Syo. We're leaving." She said softly.
Syo groaned, stretching in a almost cat-like way, before reluctantly getting to her feet. ''Fuckin'.. '' She swayed on the spot, grumbling for a minute. ''..S' the middle of the night..'' Rin, also, seemed displeased about this, but Kasha was fairly calm, picking up her stuff and attempting to sort out her hair. ''Right. We'll go get the other guy, then head out.''
"We're leaving?" Regan mumbled again, slowly standing and gathering up her blanket and pillow. "Where are we going?" she asked curiously, looking around at everyone. "We don't even have a place to stay."
"I know Syo but we have to go now." She said softly.

"We may not have a place to go but we've got to get out of here." Zori said to Regan packing up a few blankets and stuffing them in his bag.

Solana stood, stretching a bit as she yawned. "Time to go..." She mumbled.
''Yup..'' Aric muttered, throwing the bag to Rin, who slung it over her shoulder, jumping onto his back. Kasha just stared.

''What's with the piggybacks..?''

''What do you mean?'' The two said in unision.

''Like- You always give eachother piggybacks everywhere..'' They exchanged looks, confused.


''..Whatever.'' Kasha, shrugging, headed to the back door. ''Let's head out this way, guys.''

everytime someone asks rin and aric are just like ''i have no idea what you're talking about''
Regan quickly packed her stuff in her bag then put it over her shoulder before she followed Kasha to the back door. "Guys, what about our parents? Are we just gonna leave them here?"
Solana grabbed her own bag, putting it on before grabbing her pillow and holding it tightly to her chest. She followed after Kasha.

Zori followed after Regan and shrugged. "I had tried calling my parents earlier. They never picked up..."
''I wanna go look for mine..My mum was on a business trip, so she'll be okay..I dunno about my dad, though.'' Syo mumbled, unusually quiet. ''..But if you guys just wanna find somewhere safer first, that's fine.''
"We can look for parents first. I'm not against that." Zori said with a shrug.

Solana stayed quiet, listening to her friends. She had no intentions of finding her mom whatsoever.
Regan nodded her head. "I guess we could look for Syo's dad first" she said quietly. "If that's okay with the rest of you." She was quiet for a few more seconds before speaking up again. "I hope all of our parents are okay."
''Alright.'' Syo nodded, biting her lip anxiously. She doubted her dad was at the house, but.. ''Let's go.''

skip to them reaching syo's house/shop?

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