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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

''I don't think so..'' Syo looked around at the rest of them.

''Not us.'' Rin and Aric said in unison, and Kasha simply shook her head. ''Carlos said to wait back at the house for him and Butch, but..I don't know if they'll be done yet.''

plus he doesn't seem to be commenting lol
"I don't exactly want to wait for them. They'll find us if they need to. Is waiting back at that house even a safe option?" Solana asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
"I don't think it would be" Regan said, looking at Solana. "I mean, what are Carlos and Butch even doing?" she asked curiously.
''Doesn't really sound that safe, if I'm honest..'' Syo nodded, turning to Kasha. ''Alright, how about we find somewhere safe, then you can text Carlos and tell him where we are?'' The way she said 'Carlos' gave off the hint she didn't have that high of a opinion of him. She wasn't sure she wanted someone like him with them, not after what he did.

''I don't know what they're doing. They said they had things to 'sort out'.. Given their track record, I'm kind of worried.'' Kasha sighed.
Solana shrugged at Regan before turning to listen to both Syo and Kasha. "That sounds like a plan. Let's just get somewhere safe." She said.

"I'll lead the way. If someone finds a house that looks safe enough, just give a yelp." He said, turning around and walking down the street. He discreetly pulled out his gun, letting his eyes flicker this way and that for any signs of someone who would try and cause problems.

"Sort stuff out? That just means more death for somebody..." Solana mumbled, frowning slightly. "So much killing has been going on since the dance. After this I would love to just get out of this fucking town."
''Same.'' Syo pushed a few lone strands out of the way of her face. She looked worn out..And managed to almost look like a completely different person when she wasn't wearing her usual smile. ''Everything was so calm, then..'' She clapped her hands together. ''BAM!'' A startled Aric twitched slightly, on impulse moving to stand behind Rin. ''..All this started happening.''
Solana jumped in surprise at the clap Syo did and glanced back at her. She sent the girl a small smile and nodded her head, slowing down till she was walking side by side to the girl. She wrapped an arm around Syo's shoulder, giving her a small, tight hug.
Syo looked up at Solana, sending her a grateful smile. ''We're going to get out of here, right? All of us. I don't care if it's tricky or we nearly die while trying, I'm gonna make sure everyone gets out of here..You guys deserve way more than this.''
She nodded, sending her a soft smile. "We are most certainly going to get out of here. All of us. You deserve it just as much as we do too. Don't forget that my darling." Solana said with a small nod.
''Heh, I won't.'' She said with a small laugh, mulling over the plan in her head. Syo had no idea where they were going to go once they all met up, and the aftermath of Hell Week didn't look very promising..Just very, very muddled. There'd be the problem of finding out how their friends and parents were doing, finding houses, having Washington recover..At least she knew her friends were safe. Biyu was on holiday, too, so she'd be fine. And, like she said before, her mother was out of town, too..But the status of her dad? She had no idea. She didn't want to think about it, either..

''Ah, over there.'' Rin said, snapping Syo out of her train of thought. ''That looks like a good place to stop.'' Aric nodded.

''Well spotted, Rinny.''
Zori glanced over where Rin had directed them and nodded his head. "Alright, safe spot. Let's get our asses in there yeah?"
The group nodded, eager to get to somewhere that seemed safer. ''Ah, but while you're on the subject of protecting people..'' Aric looked over at them, ''..You don't need to worry. If things get really nasty, me and Rin can probably sort them out.'' He said with a small grin, looking over at Rin, who raised her eyebrows slightly in concern.

''..Aric, no.''

''But- But! It was effective!''

''Yes, I'm sure setting someone on fire probably would be!''

''In my defence, I didn't get to the actual 'setting on fire' part.''

''You were about to.''

''I didn't do it though.'' Kasha sighed as they began to argue, leading the rest of them away.

''Did she say he nearly set- You know what? I'm not going to ask.'' Syo groaned.
"It's probably best if we don't ask." Solana agreed, glancing back at the two with a confused yet slightly disturbed look.
Syo nodded, shuffling inside, watching them carefully. They'd seemed like..Maybe not normal people, but friendly people, but she was starting to rethink this. ''Alright.. let's get some food.'' She said as they entered, adding, '' 'Cause I'm starving.''
"I've got some food left over." Zori said, pulling his bag off and putting it on the floor. He unzipped it to reveal a bunch of snack items and looked up at everyone. "Eat up to your heart's content."
''Fooooood~~!!'' Syo sang gleefully, dropping down to her feet to inspect the snacks. ''You guys better claim yours now if you want any, otherwise I'll end up eating them all~! Heheh.'' She attempted to sound like her normal self, if she sat around sulking she was just going to make everyone else depressed.

is it bad if i was like ''what if when they go to New York they discover this weird cult thing''

Solana smiled, grabbing a few bags of chips as Zori grabbed what he wanted. "You have to share Syo. Don't be a greedy gut." Zori teased her.

((If we did that, I would put Nami in it xD ))
''But Zooooooriiiiiii..'' Syo whined, but she was grinning. If everyone just carried on messing around like this, she was certain they could block out what was going on outside. She pulled open her packet of crisps, as Kasha leant forwards to take a bar of chocolate. ''We need to look around this house for any food, since we can't just live off snacks.''

((Lol, yeah. I don't.. know a lot about cults, but I can probably play the cult leader anyway, because the way I imagine them, they're gonna be a pretty..odd person. And I like playing as odd people. ''IT'S YOUR DUTY TO BE HAPPY! IT'S YOUR DUTY TO BE HAPPY! ARE YOU HAPPY? IT'S YOUR DUTY! If you obey me and live a life of constant happiness, you'll surely be able to ascend to the Heavens, so listen to me and BE HAPPY!'' ...don't ask))
Zori grinned at Syo and ruffled up her hair like he used to do. "You greedy one." He teased her lightly before going to sit down in a chair he saw in the room.

Solana looked over at Kasha and nodded. "We do need to look for more food. Actual food."

((Oh gosh yes please. If you make the occult leader, Nami will happily follow them if her window tells her to.))
''At least we don't need to look for loads. Apparently, this 'Hell Week' thing has never fully managed to go for a week..It always gets shut down by the police in a few days. We'll be fine.'' Kasha got to her feet, heading towards the kitchen and beginning to rummage through the cupboards. Unlike last time, the owner of this house had actual food, which Kasha wasted no time in collecting.

((I shall! > :D Finally, I get to play as a obsessed cult leader! Not like.. that's something I had been wanting to do, or anything..))
Solana followed after Kasha, doing as the girl did and grabbing her own stash of food for the group and stuffing it into her bag.

"I think the Hell Week might be dying down to be completely honest with you." Solana said with a shrug as she observed her pile of food.

((Yessss..... I already have two characters planned out. Just gotta wait for New York... I kinda want to skip but I feel like we should wait for the others. Especially Kai so he can finish up with Butch and Carlos. xD ))
''Yeah.'' Kasha carefully began to put things away in the bags, ''It's been a lot quieter than it was a few hours ago. That said..I still wouldn't head outside too much.'' She added. ''There's still those people wandering about.'' She took it through to the other room.

((Same. I noted him a few hours ago and he said he was just waiting for everyone to be less busy, but he hasn't abandoned it, so if we need to skip then someone should just shoot him a note))
"Oh, of course." Solana said, nodding her head in agreement. "There are certainly a good amount still wandering about but at least it wasn't like earlier. That makes it a lot better to me. I'd much rather have the stragglers." She said with a small shrug as she followed.

((Ah, okay.))
''If they're not in groups, we're probably better off.'' She agreed. As they entered, Syo's gaze immediately went to the bags.

''No, Syo. We need to actually save this food.'' She said sternly, and Syo groaned.

''Mnyeh, fine..''

''So.'' Aric threw himself into a seat next to Rin, ''Once you get all of your friends together, you said you were going to get out of Washington..''

''..But did you guys ever plan out where you were going to go?'' Rin finished it for him, resting her chin on her hands. ''You can't just run off anywhere and wait for it to blow over.''

''Well, you can. But it's much better to have it planned out..''
"That's very true..." Solana said, thinking over their question. "We do want to get out of here but we don't have a real plan as to where it is we will go..."

"Well where has everyone always wanted to go?" Zori asked, looking around at the group. "I'm up for living in a city. Suburbia isn't exactly the funnest thing. Plus i've always wanted to know what the hustle and bustle is like."

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