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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

''A city doesn't sound too bad.'' Kasha admitted. She'd always liked cities - busier the better. There were so many people coming and going, so much going on that Kasha had never gotten bored there. Syo nodded, ''I've never really lived in a city. It could be cool.''
"A city?" Solana asked, looking at them all with a questioning look. "That's certainly... Different."
''So I guess..we'll just go to wherever's safest.'' Syo turned to Kasha. ''Have you told them where we went?''

''Sending them a text now.'' Kasha replied, staring down at her phone.

(we're kinda stuck here lol)
(unless you want to shoot Kai or SimplyCarnage a note? I think they're the ones we're waiting for, anyway. plus i'd feel like i was being irritating if i did it cause i already sent a note before, lol)
Butch and Carlos make it to the radio station; this whole thing was dying out now, the National Guard units finally getting the foothold over the town. Butch was wearing the bag with the jewelry inside, and Carlos had his pistol drawn. They made their way inside; seeing absolutely no resistance.

" What the hell happened to everyone man...? I would think Demi had guards posted here or something... "

As they made their way inside, they noticed a shit ton of blood everywhere. Bodies were scattered everywhere, bullet holes glazing the walls. Demi or Amora were nowhere to be found. Butch set his bag down and sighed, sitting on it.

" She... Got away? "

Carlos put his pistol back into his pants; taking his phone out and texting Solana.

" I'm gonna text Solana to signal for the Guard right now... This shit is dead man. "

Carlos' Text: Solana! Drape sheets over the door of the house. But label them 'we need help'. Once the National Guard gets there, they will probably violently clear the room. Don't hold any weapons! Stash them somewhere, whatever you have to do... Be carful. I don't know how this re-integration is gonna go, but you better text me whenever you get where they send you.

Carlos noticed humvee's loaded with soldiers stop near the radio station once more, them running out of it with weapons; attempting to clear the radio station. Carlos took his pistol out and threw it away. There was no way they would be able to meet with the rest of the group. Carlos sent another text.

Carlos' Text2: We won't be able to make it to the house... You guys will be fine, you better not die before we see each other again!

The soldiers break into the radio station and tackle down Butch and Carlos; zip tying their hands and pushing them outside. Surprisingly, they didn't check Butches bag; and they told a soldier to drive the bike to wherever they were going next. Hell Week was over.

((You're free to skip if you want, I left a lot of things in the open for imagination. Carnage had writers block with what to do with Demi, so she pretty much escaped. She may come back! Butch and Carlos have been taken by the National Guard and placed into different Re-Integration programs, but get released fairly quickly due to the fact that they are 18 and live on their own. Characters under the age of 18 will have to enter the program, and will be put in foster homes if their parents are dead. HOWEVER! Butch, Carlos, or any other character who is 18 and above can claim to be their guardian, and they can all move to New York to start a new life. If y'all have an alternative option, let me know! ))
(That seems like a pretty good plan. I'd go with that option)

The room fell quiet for a while, before Solana's phone broke the silence. There was another pause, before Syo, who couldn't stand the silence, mumbled, ''You got a text.'' It was something obvious that probably didn't need pointing out, but she just wanted something to happen. They'd been sitting there for a while, not sure of what to talk about. ''It could be those two saying they're done, or something.'' She added.
Solana had gone into a peaceful mood, thinking over what they could possibly do. She was certainly up for getting out of here. Her parents weren't her concern. However the life that was being created in her was. She refused to have it in this town.

She jumped when she heard her phone.

Zori chuckled at Syo. "Thanks for the announcement there captain obvious." He teased her as Solana grabbed her phone.

She read the message and frowned slightly before nodding to herself.

"Carlos said to drape sheets over the house." She said, standing up. "We have to write that we need help and apparently we'll get the help."

Zori gave a slightly confused look but nodded his head, standing up as well. "Anything else?"

Solana stopped, turning to look at him before looking at them all. "Hide the weapons. Syo, think you could help me with this?"

((Sure. I'm up for it.))
Syo nodded. ''Yeh. Let's go.'' She followed Solana, in search of some sheets, or maybe a pen. Rin and Aric exchanged looks at 'hide the weapons'.

''We should probably go through our stuff.''

''Mm.'' Rin and Aric went to the other room to go through their bags.

''Right..'' Syo went through the drawers, finally tugging at one of the bedsheets. ''..Found some!''
Regan decided to help Solana and Syo by looking around for some pens or markers. She went through a couple drawers in the kitchen and finally found a black Sharpie. "Found a Sharpie" she called out to the others.
''Alright!'' Syo called back, stomping down the stairs, sheets in hand. ''So we just need to put, like, ''HELP'' on it, and then put 'em over the door.''

(D'you guys want to time skip? I'm not sure to exactly when, though)
"That's exactly what we need to do." Solana said with a nod before smiling at Regan. "Awesome. Let's get this done with so we can get out of here."

Zori began collecting up all the weapons and hiding them all over the house.
(Btw, at what point are we going to start up the reboot? Are we going to let them get to a certain part of the rp where it feels good enough to end it there, or..?)
((We should probably start up the new one right before they leave for new york and start them in new york for the other one. And hello heartbreak.))
((Yeah. Basically, after this whole 'Hell Week' thing, a lot of people are getting moved into a different area, and the idea is that most of them are going to end up in New York.

Alright! So skip to them..Idk, packing their stuff up and getting ready to go, or somewhere before that))

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