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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

((Alright, I'll have a try))

Syo sat on the edge of her bed, swinging her legs back and forth. Next to her were multiple bags varying in size. She was looking down at her phone, wanting to send someone a message, but not really sure of what to put. Eventually, she decided to text Solana, just sending a 'hi. im ded nervos about this New York thing'

(syo there's an spellcheck function on your phone, please use it)
Solana had just finished packing when she looked over at her phone. She picked it up, looking over at it curiously before smiling softly.

'I'm nervous too. But just think- it'll be a new life.'
''i guess'', She sent back, ''im still nervos though, i wanted to stay with dad, but..'' But her dad, while not dead, had been left.. very injured. There was a slim chance he was going to survive - she'd visited him about ten times over the past week, and he still hadn't even opened his eyes. So, as a result, she was going to stay with someone else*.

*I assume she's going to stay with one of the older characters, but we haven't sorted it out yet, so I'll just leave it blank for now.
Solana frowned at Syo's admittance of her father. She felt immensely bad for the younger girl. Sitting down in her chair she, looked around her small apartment with a huff. They would be going away from this place and Syo's father would most likely be left here.

'We can always come back and visit your dad.' She texted back. 'It won't be too hard for us to do.'
''yeah, i guess.'' Syo put the phone down for a moment, taking a final glance around the hotel room she'd been staying in, falling back onto the bed with a sigh. Hopefully her new environment was going to be less.. chaotic, than the last. It was in a city, though, so there was a chance it might just be worse. She curled a strand of her recently-cut hair around her finger, thinking of anything to add to the text. ''do u know what time we set off at? since we're both leaving at the same time''
Solana looked at her found and thought it over for a bit, furrowing her eyebrows.

'I honestly don't know. I can text the others and see? Maybe Regan would know.' She sent back, shrugging even though Syo would never see it. She put her phone done and grabbed up her bags, going to put them at her door.
''yeh, that'd be good'' Syo found herself nodding in response, putting her phone back in her pocket and sitting up straight, not sure of how she was going to occupy her time until she got a response. She'd been right in her assumptions that the aftermath of Hell Week was going to be complicated - they'd had to find out where they're friends or family were, see if there was anything salvageable from the houses that had been burnt, sort out where they were going to live..Syo groaned. She wasn't ready for this at all.
Solana nodded at Syo's text before sending texts out to everyone else who had been with them throughout the hell week, asking if any of them knew when they would be leaving.
Rin was perched on a pile of both her and Aric's suitcases, that wobbled dangerously every time she moved slightly. She flicked through the pages of her book, and Aric, who sat cross-legged on the floor, stared at the cover of it. ''Are you seriously reading those weird aneem books again?''


''The backwards ones.''

''Oh..'' Rin just shrugged and went back to her book. ''It's not 'aneem', by the way. Not sure what that is.''

Rin's phone buzzed, and she pulled it out of her pocket.

''Who is it?''

''One of the girls we met during hell week.'' She typed up her reply.

'We're scheduled to leave in one hour, ten minutes.'

as i write this i'm drawing rin, but she's been changed for this roleplay and in her normal pictures she's all sci-fi-y and roboty, so as im typing this up i keep imagining her in her plugsuit and its so unfitting its actually funny
Solana whistled to herself as she relayed the message to Syo before sitting down.

She heard a honking outside and jumped up, looking outside to see Zori's car. In a matter of seconds there was a knocking at her door which revealed Zori.

"Hey, I know I'm early but I'm a tad bit over excited." He said with a sheepish grin.

Solana rolled her eyes but couldn't help the amused smile on her face. "Help me get the bags in the car- We can go relieve Syo of her stress."
''Only one hour, huh..?'' Syo mumbled to herself. She was no stranger to moving around - heck, she'd moved countries - but she'd spent a lot of her life here. As chaotic as it was, she was going to miss this place. ''Mn?'' She thought she heard the sound of a car pulling up outside, but this wasn't her house - or a house at all - so she didn't pay attention.
Sonny was at the old station, Carlos and Butch back in his custody. It was a miracle the damn police station wasn't burned to the ground, guess they were built sturdy. He sat down in his desk, Carlos and Butch across him; Butch had his hands in his pockets, Carlos crossed his arms. Butch slightly chuckled then looked toward the side. Sonny threw a file down on the table and pointed towards Butch.

" Kid... I don't even know where to start with you. "

Sonny sighed and turned towards Carlos.

" You two need to get the fuck out if dodge... Demi's still alive, and she's definitely in hiding. Carlos; hand over your badge and gun. "

Carlos smirked and took his badge off and his pistol from his waistband. He handed Sonny the items and stayed silent with Butch.

" Alright then... I don't really have a reason to hold you anymore. Carlos; you're fucking lucky you had insurance for that car and house! Looks like you're gonna get a fucking huge check in the mail soon... "

Butch still had his bike outside. It was going to be a long road trip, Carlos would probably rent a car, and Butch would offer Kasha a ride. The two shook hands with Sonny and promptly left the station. The two of them didn't speak words to each other, they had nothing to say. They were jaded to the world at this point, almost feeling tribal.


Chad was now an orphan, being shipped to an orphanage in New York City. He was seriously messed up, and would most definitely be scarred for life. His whole family died running away from Hell Week. He was promptly put on the bus and sent off, he could really use a fucking donut right about now.
Rin slid off the stack of bags, bringing two of them with her as she fell. ''We should get going.'' She said to a slightly startled Aric.

''..Did you break anything?''

''No, I'm fine.''

''..Well, I meant did you break anything in the bags, but that's fine, too.'' He picked up the remaining bags, and they headed off to the bus stop, climbing on as soon as it arrived and taking seats at the back.
Solana looked at the hotel and grinned. She pulled out her phone and dialed Syo's number. She waited until the girl picked up and without bothering to wait for an answer she yelled. "Get your butt down here with your stuff!"

Zori let out a loud whoop as he texted Regan, wondering where in the world she was at. He then looked over at the hotel with a questioning look. "So this is where she was staying?" He wondered with a surprised expression. "Nice."

Solana nodded, hanging up when Syo was finished talking. "Yeah, although I'm not all that sure she liked it. I wouldn't have. Especially if my father was in the hospital. That's why we have to be very supportive here."

Zori nodded his head and made a small noise. "I'll be supportive... To the best I can be."

"That's all I ask." Solana said, sending him a small smile before remembering something. She went through her contacts and pressed on Carlos, opening up a text message.

'New York.' She typed, sending it and putting the phone back in her pocket.
''Fuuuuuckin' hell!'' Syo immediately dropped her phone, before picking it up, laughing. ''Okay, okay. Next time, try not to deafen me, though.'' She picked up her bags and practically ran downstairs, eager to get out of this place. When she finally came out of the doors, she made a beeline for Zori's car, waving. ''Hi!''

Kasha sat on the wall outside of the motel, a bag at her feet, looking bored. To be honest, she wasn't exactly sure what she was meant to be doing. She knew she was going to New York, but..That was about it. Hopefully, Butch had more details than she did.
((Let's just say Regan was staying at a hotel also since she really has no other place to go xD ))

Regan was sprawled out on the bed in the hotel room, her face buried in a pillow when her phone suddenly buzzed from a text message. She had been taking a peaceful nap up to now. She groaned quietly as she looked up and grabbed her phone, seeing it was a text from Zori. "Oh yeah..." she mumbled with a light laugh. She quickly texted him the address to where she was staying at then sat up straight at the edge of the bed. Running a hand through her hair, she looked at the bag she had and sighed. She didn't have much left since pretty much everything she owned burned down with her house. She had some serious shopping to do in New York despite how unenthusiastic she was about it.
Solana grinned at Syo and waved happily at the girl. "Hey there!" She said as Zori got out of the car to collect her bags and put them in the trunk. "Hop aboard the Zori express." He said, making a small chugga-chugga motion before adding a 'choo-choo!' in the mix as he got in the car.

He noticed Regan texted him back and grinned. He would go get the lovely woman and then head off to the airport.
Syo placed her bags in the trunk, before climbing into the car. ''We just need Regan, right?'' She said from the back seat, tugging on her sleeve slightly. She was excited to go to New York.. but also, kinda nervous, as she'd told Solana. As long as she was with these guys, though? Syo figured she'd be fine.

Rin and Aric, at the back of the bus, appeared to be having a.. pun battle?

''I think Israel.. ISRAEL cool.'' Rin began.

''Oman, that was funny.''

''Yes. But, I'm running out of puns. Kenya think of anymore?''

''No, but I have an article on Japanese swords. It's kinda long, but I can.. samurais it for you.''

''Funny, but not technically a pun using a country name. I win.''

''Dammit, Rin!''

There was a pause, before Aric noticed something in front of him. ''Hey..'' He nudged Rin. ''..Does that guy seem familiar to you?''

''Yes. He was with the group we were with during Hell Week.. Remember? The one who seemed disorientated?''

''Yeh, that was it. Should we talk to him..?'' Rin just shrugged in response.
Solana glanced back at Syo and nodded her head. "Yeah, Regan and then we should be good. I'm not exactly sure where the others are but we'll find them... Eventually." She said with a shrug as she snuggled further into her seat.

Zori whistled as he zoomed off and within minutes was in front of the hotel Regan was in. He pulled his phone out, texting her that they were there. "Solana- back seat."

She whipped around to look at him in surprise. "What?!"

"Backseat. Regan wins front."

"You are a little-" She hissed, cutting herself off as she climbed out of the car and shuffled into the backseat with Syo.
''Sorry, Solana.'' Syo said apologetically, grinning. ''Dick move though, Zori.'' She tried not to laugh as she saw Solana's expression. ''Alright. Hopefully she should be here in any second.''
Regan looked down at her phone again when she got another text. She grabbed her bag and quickly checked out before she went to Zori's car. She got in the car and flashed him a smile before looking back at Solana and Syo. "Hey guys" she said with a small smile, waving at them quickly before she put on her seatbelt.
''Hey, Regan!'' Syo grinned, waving back. She waited til everyone had their seatbelts on, before saying, ''Alright. We ready to go?''
"That is what I am." Zori replied to Syo before smiling at Regan when she got in.

"Hey Regan." Solana mumbled, waving halfheartedly at Regan before looking out the window.

"We are now ready to go." Zori said with a nod, pulling off and making his way to the airport.
Regan sat back in her seat with a sigh. She was definitely ready to leave this chaotic town and head to New York. She's always wanted to go there anyway. "You guys excited for New York?" she asked them with an almost nervous laugh.

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