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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

WolfStar stopped at the Stream, he unsheathed his claws, that indeed were not claws, yet dog teeth. He and his clan mates were going to have to remain with the dog fang claws due to the fact they are deep into their paws. WolfStar scowls slightly, raising his paw, and in one swift moment, his claw tears through the thin leather of his collar, and it falls from him. He inhales deeply, many cats yowl, before slicing their collars off one one, they drop into the fast moving stream. WolfStar smiles, as AceHeart removes his. The tom stares at it for a moment, it was stained with blood, then AceHeart kicked it into the water, watching it drift off with the other collars.

WolfStar nods, and the clan dispands, some to drink from the river, some to hunt, and most began to return to camp.

AceHeart and WolfStar sit together by the river, AceHeart sighs heavily, the burden of his last lifted from him.
Dawnlight ran around camp, fixing bedding and making sure it was all set for the clan's arrival. "Here is our new home...."

@Cyber Wolf
Four Eyes yawn and batted at his ear, he stood up on his fours. The tom cat stretched and started to slowly padded along the shore, he turned his head looked to see the three Twoleg nests he didn't start to hurry any he was too far away for him to worry about one of them trying to shoe him away with their brush sticks. Four Eyes started going up shore when he crossed the thunder path near the Twoleg nest. The hills weren't to hard for him to navigate he started to slow even more as he started to see a group of cats in the distance "This is strange I haven't seen other cats here before." He thought. Four Eyes lowered himself on to the ground , the clear hilly ground making it impossible for him to hide anywhere.
WolfStar looked toward AceHeart, he chuckled slightly, then his eyes wandered toward the tom on the hill. He stood up, and growled. While this feline was a decent distance away, WolfStar didn't enjoy being stalked. He narrowed his gaze, watching the Tom.

AceHeart looked toward the Tom, growling softly.
Four Eyes locked eyes with the cat who had growed at him. He felt his pound as his eyes darted toward the lake then back to the black feline, before dashing off toward the lake his heart racing now all he could think is that he had to get to the water he didn't know if they'd pursue but he didn't want to check.
WolfStar snorts, watching the cat run off. If the cat had trespassed WolfStar would have given chase. He looks tk AceHeart, "reinforce the boarder scents." He ordered, AceHeart nodded, before leaving to do so.

WolfStar turned and began to walk toward camp
Dawnlight was in their den, curled up and waiting for his return.

Nightsong was organizing hey herbs, muttering their names under her breath.

@Cyber Wolf
WolfStar walks into camp, he shakes a few thorns from his pelt from the overgrown throne bushes near the entrance. He glances around, before slipping into his den and purrs when he sees DawnLight. "Did I wake you?" He meows.
Dawnlight got up and pressed her head against his. "No. I was waiting for you," she murmured, licking his cheek. "How's the clan?"
WolfStar purrs again, "They are healthy, for what I know they love it so far." He meows, curling his tail around hers.
Dawnlight purred back, wrapping her tail with his as well. "That's good," she said, smiling at him

@Cyber Wolf
Wolf rubs his head against hers, before his chest fur becomes ruffled. "DawnLight.. do you want kits?" His ears twitch slightly and he looks to his paws in embarrassment.
Dawnlight looked art him, a little bit of surprise in her eyes. "I actually do," she said. "Why do you ask?"

@Cyber Wolf
WolfStar shrugs slightly, "well.. because since we are rebuilding the clan, and this season is beautiful, plentiful.. I figured it's a beautiful time for kits." He meows softly.
Dawnlight rubbed her head against his. "I'm ready when you are ready to have them," she murmured

@Cyber Wolf
WolfStar sighs slightly, "I'm just not sure that I'd be that great of a father." He meows innocently, before looking toward DawnLight.
Dawnlight pressed up against him, purring. "It didn't matter. If you don't want to have kits, that's fine."
Sliding to a halt, Four Eyes looked around and took a breath of relief they did not try and pursue him. The Tom feline padded over to the water and lowered his muzzle close the cool lake water and began to drink. He looked back up and began to walk across the shoreline again he knew he was going deeper but they seem to have gone away.
Lion emerged from his temporary den, he had taken a rather refreshing nap. Still disregarding the scent markers, he strolled down the stream and stopped to lap the cool water. He watched the minnows, not having anything better to do.
AceHeart ventures toward the stream, when the scent of cats makes him growl. How disrespectful. He thinks, quickening his pace. He peers out from the underbrush, spotting the strange toms, one from a bit ago who had fleed when he was spotted. AceHeart growls, unsheathing his dog fang claws, he slowly steps out from the underbrush, glaring at Four Eyes, "Can you both not smell? This is WindClan territory. " He hisses at the strange toms, his huge claws digging deep into the soft dirt.
The feline sprung up, and slowly padded around to face AceHeart. Eying the cat's oversized claws and stepping back he meowed, starting with a stutter "i-I can smell j-just fine, I'm sorry for trespassing I'm not used to other cats near the lake especially not a organised group."
AceHeart straightens up slightly, "you're lucky I found you, any other cat would gut you." He hisses through his fangs. He twitches his ears and curls his tail like a question mark. "I suggest you watch for the scent marks, WindClan is newly rebuilt, and is definitely watching for trespassers. " He meows
With a swallow, Four Eyes lowers his head he continues moving backward until his tail is touching water as the tom cat does he mews in reply in an attempt to divert attention from his movements. "Yeah I guess I am lucky, and you keep saying something about a WindClan is that the name of your group? And what do you mean by rebuilt there are you guys moving in from a different area, or are a sub denomination of someone else..."

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