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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

"I told you I wouldn't go easy. I'll help you to my old den before I must go. Sorry for this," she whispered, padding to Shadow's side
Shadow shook her head " no,no, it's ok, this just isn't my terrain to fight, I'm used to trees and places to disappear in...." she murmured, giving the pine forest a swift glance. " but thank you for the fight, it was nice to spare instead of actually fighting." she purred, following dawnlight to the den, limping slightly.
"If you say so. There will be no lesson tomorrow. Heal. That is your job for now." Dawnlight looked ahead. "I will teach you. But it will hurt."
The black cat nodded " I don't mind if it hurts, I just want to be as good as I can get." she meowed. " and thank you, I'll see you once I heal?" she asked, pausing in from of the den ( have to go btw,school)
"You have great potential, my dear. Heal completely and we'll train again. I'll check I on you every chance I get. You are a strong she cat," Dawnlight said, licking the cat's cheek like a mother to get kit before racing home, silent as the shadows.
" thank you.." shadows said, watching the cat run off back to the Windclan camp, probably. She sighed and looked behind her at the den. It had moss strewn across the ground where cats could sleep. Shadow sat down and licked her wounds, giving herself time to think over the day.

( wait , is this day 1 or two?)
Dawnlight caught a rabbit while she was out, acting as if she went hunting. She didn't need her mate worrying.
Shadow was about to curl up and sleep, but hesitates. She looks over her shoulder to the entrance of the den. It was still early, she would still have time to look around. Her injuries would be fine, they were just scratches. She turns around and walks out of the den, the rays of orange sunlight hit her as she looks over the lake.the sun is setting and it is beautiful. It's alway beautiful. She sighs and tear sher gaze away from the sunset, walking slowly towards the pine forest..
The tom cat eyes shot upen and awoke, with a yawn the feline stood up and stretched. Before he began to exit the lush forest that was in the center of the island. Four Eye padded along the shore and looked at the lake he stared for a moment before leaping into the water. It was cold, but it woke him up, he began to swim it wasn't to hard even with the small waves. The tom made it shore by the river he didn't shake any of the water off as he had to back into more water to get across. Four Eyes shook the water off when he made it to the other side
Shadow sat down, her head bowed. she had to go, she had to do what she was told to do, but... she cast a quick glance over her shoulder, looking at the grassy hills of wind clan/s territory. She still had so much to learn.... Shadow sprang up, hissing at the sky " Why do you have to make everything so hard?! she growled. " why can't I just do what I want to do? Why do I have to rebuild a clan? I can't do it! okay? I can't do it, not without-..." shadow broke off, her eyes filing with tears. " not without willow. Is she safe? Is she even still alive, without me...?" shadow whispered, her gaze unblinking, directed at the first stars that where showing at the horizon. She bowed her head, shoulders slumping in defeat. " I won't get an answer will i?" she turned back to the pine forest and leaped in to it. She could always go back, right?
Four Eyes kept alert while in the forest he didn't have a good grasp never really exploring this side of the lake. The tom wandered through the forest getting deeper with each step he was up wind if there was anyone here they would detect him before he noticed them and this was worrying especially since he didn't know if any other cats had moved into the area.
Sheeva had scratches and dried blood on her fur, trying to clean it off she swiveled her ears to a sound. Was it who she just ran into to fight again? She fluffed her fur and flattened her ears, now low to the ground and watching anything that moved.
Shadow paused, her ears twitching, searching for the smallest sound. She had smelled someone, another cat. Carefully and quietly she started climbing up one of the trees, hauling herself up onto a branch, before sitting perfectly still, her senses alert for any other loners or rogues that'd pass by.
Crow sat in the middle of a pool of blood dead bodies lay around her, she got up with a huff. She limped out of the ally and towards the woods. "Time to go home." She mumbled to her self.

(I'm back for a while, more test are coming up, Yay! Not really)
Four Eyes kept padding through the forest, he heard a slight shake of the needles, but he didn't pay to much he was not being very cautious in his mind he guessed that it was just the wind.
She spotted the Tom, slowing her breath, so that she was hardly moving. Shadow watched him pad trough the line trees, not paying attention at all. She narrowed her eyes. It was dangerous to be unaware of your surroundings, maybe I should tell him that. She waited until he came a little closer, then jumped down right in front of him, meowing " Hi!" in the most friendly manner. Her cuts stung a little from the jump, but she ignored them. " you do know it's dangerous to wander around here without paying attention? You might run against a tree." she said
Crow was now in the forest, she was panting from the fight and her wounds where slowing her down. She decided that she would find a den or a safe place to stay for a while. She wondered around until she smelt a scent she hadn't smelled in so long. Thunder clan, she thought as she went under a bush of undergrowth.
When the feline landed in front of him he swiftly braced his claws against the ground. He didn't respond to her admittedly polite greeting, he clenched his teeth he would have to get used to there being competition wrong, because he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Four Eyes kept quiet for a moment after the she-cat had finished speaking, he felt as if he should dart away again, but he could only get away with that so many times before they decided they would have enough. He took a breath and a familiar smell came and he growled at Shadow.

"So, you Windclan cats are spreading all across the lake, you know for as much as I can tolerate your type I think I've just about had it."
Shadow's tail twitched in annoyance " I am not from Windclan, you ungrateful cat. I am a shadowclan descendant and I have absolutely no Interest in joining Windclan, oh and I don't care if you've had enough of "my type". "My type" is trying to bring the clans back. So I either suggests that you accept that fact, or leave." she hissed, ears flattening. Why did all cats have to be so hostile? She wondered. They always talk first before thinking
"That's just great more these clan cats are trying to rebuild, you know I don't know who you guys are and why you all coming back now, All I know is that I was tolled a long time ago I could make a home here, but it seems that was just another lie." The Tom cat hissed back stepping back and lowering his stomach close to the ground, and his ears lowered , as he did he thought aloud "But that's what I get for listening to a cat in a dream."
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Dawnlight padded into Wolfstar's den, laying the rabbit in the corner of the den before curling up beside him. He asked her about kits... if she wanted any. She does but she promised herself not until the clan is completely settled. But oh how desperately she wanted them! But she'll wait until he is ready

@Cyber Wolf
Shadow was about to hiss back , when she froze. A cat in his dreams had told him to live here? " wait, what cat are you talking about? What did he/she say? Did he/she say anything about this place?" she asked quickly, her tail twitching excitedly. " was the cat from Starclan? Did it have stars in it's fur and eyes?"
Four Eyes relaxed her reaction was confusing, what a was starclan from how she reacted it was clearly something that held some sort of reverance. Though she seemed to be acting more akin to a kit curious about the world.

"Slow down one question at a time." He meowed with a confused tone.
Shadow dipped her head " sorry, It's just.. Unusual. could you tell me about this dream you had? It might be important." she meowed, lifting her head again to stare at him expectantly.
Four tilts his head, but then took a breath no reason why she couldn't know. "Okay, so about 13 moons ago I had the dream , and all I really remember is that a cat that had the night sky in it's pelt and it said something on the lines of head to the lake with the moon's water. at the time I was desperate to leave where I was so I left against my better judgement, and arrived here during the night and I assumed this was the spot because the lake reflects the sky very well." Four Eyes explained.

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