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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn

AceHeart watches the tom retreat, "WindClan is the name of the group of cats who resign here." He meows, "the former WindClan was wiped out for unknown reasons, now we have rebuilt the clan in hopes for this time the clan may prosper."
"Oh that's pretty neat, so you guys are like reclaimers out to restore a lost legacy. Well this has been eye opening to say the least" Four Eyes meowed with a slight tone of disinterest, this was immediately followed by him using his paws to send a large splash of water at the tom cat before dashing off, retreating down the shore and toward the thunder path.
Dusk watched in silence as two toms stood speaking with one another. He hadn't become aware of the newly rebuilt clan until learning so from the their conversation. He quietly slid down from the branch in which he had been watching and goes back to the small den like entrance where he had left Thistle. "It's safe to come out now.." He meowed lowly but is soon aware that the kit had not stayed in place. For the light footsteps running in the opposite direction call for his attention and looking over, the tom catches a slim glimpse of the young cat. 'He's going to get himself killed!'

Thistle had absolutely no knowledge of the two toms but wasn't going to let that stop him from attempting to scare them away. That's what Dusk had always done, anyway. Sneaking toward them with his body low but clumsy steps, the kit pauses a handful of tail lengths away and unsheathes his claws. He'd show Dusk that he wasn't just some kit who can't take care of himself!
AceHeart hisses, watching the tom flee again. "Coward." He growls. He turns, his golden gaze snags on a bundle of light fur in the vibrant bushes. He twitches his ears, and stares at Thistle, "what are you doing?" He asks, curling his tail slightly.
Shadow's tail twitched. She sat by the lake, near the place where she had last met Dawnlight, but dawnlight wasn't there. Shadow stood up and fluffed out her pelt. She had enought with waiting, so she continued towards the forest, staying close to the shoreline in case dawnlight did show up. Why am I always the one who gets hung up? She thought with a sigh
Dawnlight raced to where Shadow was. "Shadow! Sorry for the wait! I had to deal out," she pants, sitting by the cat.
Shadow sat down next to her " it's ok, I'm sure you have more important things to do with your new clan than teach a loner of me some stuff, I'm sorry if I dragged you away from anything, if you're sure it's not too much trouble... What is it you wanted to tell me?"
"I wanted to tell you how we train in the mountains. Are you seeks about me training you? I won't go easy," Dawnlight said, staring her.
Shadow flexed her claws. " No one's ever gone easy on me" she whispered, returning dawnlight's stare with a challenging glare ." I don't expect you to, either."
Thistle stopped moving and poked his head up over the brush around him and scowls. "What's it look like?!" Bouncing through the grass to reach the other cat, he stares back up at Aceheart. 'Well stalking him didn't work...' He frowns but shrugs off the disappointment. "I'm Thistle, who are you?" By this point and time his guardian was walking up behind the kit. Reluctance in his eyes, he slowly comes to a hault a little farther away. "Sorry for the intrushion. He glanced in the direction the previous cat had fleed then returns his gaze to Thistle.
Shadow crouched, perfectly still, her eyes fixed on daw light. She tensed, then relaxed and then sprung, jumping over dawnlight, grabbing her haunches and trying to throw her to the ground.
Dawnlight turned, her eyes flaring as she gripped Shadow by her shoulders. She fed her haunches and pinned the cat.
AceHeart twitches his ears, "I'm AceHeart, deputy of WindClan." He meows. He looks toward the kits guardian, "whats your business here?" He questions.
Shadow gave a surprised Uff! as she was thrown to the ground. She narrowed her, eyes, then pulled her paws to herself before pushing Dawnlight off of her and jumping back up, tail fluffed out , hissing.
Thistle's eyes widened in wonder though he jumped as Dusk spoke behind him. "We have none..we're simply travelers." He was interrupted by a small squeak from the younger cat and looking down the kit had stood moving up and down excitedly. "We did it! We found the clans!" Dusk hisses a warning and then looks back at Aceheart. "Have any of the others clans been rebuilt..?" It was a risky question but he wants to know.
AceHeart twitches his ears, before shaking his head. "Windclan is the only clan rebuilt so far." He meows, watching the kit with amusement. "You have been searching for the clans?" He meows, twitching his ears questionably.
Dusk nods his head slowly. "Yes..I was coming to see if it were true." At the mention of Wind Clan being the only one to be rebuilt yet, his ear twitches. "I see." He looks to Thistle then looks around. "Well..we will be on our way then." He makes note to watch out for borders, not like he would be able to ignore such strong scents.
AceHeart twitches his ears, "if you would like, you may meet WolfStar.. him and I alike both know it's dangerous for a kit to be without a clan.. as they do have a tenancy to wander. I'm sure he'd accept you into the clan with us, or if you'd prefer I'm sure he'll allow you to spend a night or two." AceHeart shrugs, the sub begins to set behind the mountains in the distance, the sky growing dark quickly.
"Your leader??" Thistle squeaked out of excitement and Dusk shakes his head. "I think it best for us to keep moving..he'll be fine. I'm watching him." Turning from the clan cat, Dusk flicks his tail slightly and pauses. "Thank you for the show of hospitality." Watching Thistle lower his head and walk to Dusk, he picks the kit up and starts walking again. The approaching night wouldn't slow them down.
Dawnlight let out a growl, towering over the cat. With a swipe of a paw, she sends Shadow back to the floor.
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Four Eyes slowed as he started to reach the marsh like area he was still on the lookout just in case someone had decided to track him down, so far he did not detect anything, so he continued along and made it back to the abandoned monster kit box that he had made his den. Though to his dismay it had started to sink even further into the muddy ground and the opening that he used to use was now blocked. The tom cat hissed at it before leaving his former den. Four Eyes looked over to the Island and started making his way to it it would be safe to stay there at least for a night. The feline trudged over until he reached the edge of the marsh area. Four eye swiftly jumped up onto a fallen tree and used the land bridge to cross, normally he would have swam across but the water was to cold and there was a danger to swimming in cold water. Four leaped down from the tree he landed gracefully onto the stones they dug in a bit, but did not draw blood but there were definitely uncomfortable to say the least. He pushes his way through the brush until reaches a clearing with a large oak tree. Four Eyes yawns and stretches it felt serene here, peaceful even, though there was something else he felt here like at some point this place had bigger meaning. The Tomcat did not ponder on this for to long as he began to curl up and lay down by the oak.
Crow was out in the city her claws bloody and a cut on her shoulder. Other cars lay dead around her and more circling around her. "I wish you where here wolf-star." She mumbles as three cats lunge at her, she reacted quickly by jumping out of the way and landing behind them. She quickly runs forward and tackles one of them, she drags her claws down the stomach of the cat and before she could get up and attack another she was tackled by a larger cat and was pinned down. She let out yowl so loud it echoed through the woods since she was in an ally way right next to woods.
Shadow flew back, bouncing off of the rocky ground a couple of times before she landed with a heavy THUMP. She stayed where she was, breathing heavily, before she struggled to her paws, swaying slightly and turned to face dawnlight, some small cuts from the stones trickling blood down her flank.

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