War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Lucifer took out a form from the desk and looked at the particulars to be filled in. He wondered if Calvin would even fill in half of it but he handed the form to him with a pen. "Here. Fill in whatever you can." he said with an assuring smile. He looked through the Excel files in the office computer to find the unassigned rooms.

(100 posts already?? What??)

"There's not much to tell, to be honest," Alk started, bringing her hands out of her luggage. She'd found a bag of potato chips, but she realized that she wan't even hungry. She sighed and sat back down. "I was supposed to go to the academy of Maria, but somehow I ended up here. It's okay though; nobody's at fault but me, so I guess I'll have to endure here instead."
After collecting the half-filled form from Calvin, Lucifer handed him a key for his dorm room. He browsed through the desk and gave a map of the school to Calvin on finding one. The map showed only the student-accessible parts of the building. "That's a map. Just in case you get lost." he stated.

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"Yeah, you didn't know? I thought everyone had heard about the war by now..." Alk wondered aloud. She frowned at the boy, confused.

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"War? That can't be" the boy said anxiously.

Calvin grabbed the map "Thanks! I'll get going right away"

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Alk was getting seriously worried. How long had this boy been confined to this room? Surely someone would have told him, right? "Well, I guess it isn't war quite yet, but the three gods certainly seem to be preparing for it. They're gathering their forces with their new schools... You really don't know? I mean, you are at Diaboli's academy after all."

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Lucifer nodded and gave out a small smile. Lucifer pondered if he must get some rest but the fighting and action had got him all worked up. Lucifer was too excited to sleep. He ran his eyes through the Excel files again. "Layla James...Layla James...Ah...There!" Lucifer muttered to himself. He decided he would go meet his old comrade.

Lucifer marched out of the office room to the girl's dorm room. He wondered if she was already asleep or if she was still interested in that fight. He wondered why she underestimated Calvin. 'Did she take my blood or something?' he thought as he clearly remembered his long-gone pride and vanity. Even if she wasn't willing to fight, he could have a nice chat. He actually did have a few questions for her and guessed that she might have some for him too. Reaching her doorstep, Lucifer laid loud knocks on the door.
"I've been in this room for awhile obviously" the stranger replied. "I'm sorry if this is a burden. I fear they.." The door then flew open as a a fellow with black hair and one eye stepped into the room. "That's enough talk from you. Girl, what has he told you?" The man asked coldly

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All scowled, biting back a few harsh words. If this was how it was going to be, she'd have a difficult time here. Once she had regained some sense of composure, she looked the stranger head on. "My name is Alk. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, boy, and I have no clue what you're talking about. This guys couldn't tell me anything; he obviously has no clue what's been going on out there."

She shrugged, gesturing to the boy with the bandages over his eyes. "Besides, why would you care?"

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"I'll fill him in, the gods are not happy, this world will be Diaboli's, and you, you'll never speak again" End grabbed the young man with the bandaged eyes and drug him out the door. The sound of a knife sharpening could be heard, shortly after the scream of the fellow could be heard. He was thrown back into the cell, blood rushing out of his mouth.

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"Oh my- what just-!" All couldn't even form coherent sentences as she kept to the injured male's side. She practically threw herself on the ground, where blood already spilled dangerously onto the floor. How could that person be so cruel? This boy couldn't even fight back...

She fumbled for a piece of clothing from her bag, pulling out a shirt. She quickly moved his head onto her lap and pressed the shirt to his mouth, but she had no idea what was causing so much blood. Nevertheless, she didn't feel like she was going to faint. In fact, she felt oddly calm in this situation, if angry at the current offender.

Speaking of him, she glared up in his direction through blurry eyes. He stood in the doorway; Alk thought she saw a hint of a smirk. "What have you done to him? Are you insane?"

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"I've cut out his tongue. You may have it if you wish. Your duty now is to keep him alive at all costs. If you fail, I will kill you. You shall refer to me as End, and only that so you understand?" He said in his icy monotone

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Gerard smirked on hearing the scream. He did not know why they tortured that particular person but Gerard couldn't care less. He loved it. To see someone in pain. To hear them squeal. Gerard was a sadist and he loved it when End sometimes allowed him to torture that inmate. He sauntered gracefully to the cell and stood beside End. "Who is the pretty one?" asked Gerard with a large smirk on his face. He glared at her before looking at the boy.
Alk did not flinch at his words. Of course she would do her best to save this boy, but the one with the black hair... Her eyes cleared, at least now she had some sort of purpose.

And if it weren't for the rapidly bloodying shirt in her hands, Alk would have strangled the purple-haired one.

"You shall refer to me as Alk, and only that so you understand?" The girl shot back at the boys. She shook her head, looking away sharply. She was afraid that if she glared any longer, she'd really lose it. Her bow was only a few feet away, buried beneath the clothes in her large suitcase... She didn't even need her arrows for a job like this, honestly. She let out a sigh. "I don't want his tongue, I'd rather have yours. I'll keep my new roomie alive, so you won't have to worry about killing me. Besides, you already have your own mother to worry about. She cannot be in the right mind if she named you 'End'. Or perhaps she just sealed your fate."

Needless to say, Alk didn't like these guys, but she'd put up with them if it meant saving a life.

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"She's merely a servant now. You aren't to hurt her. Girl demons don't have mothers, you'll do as I command now." End said as he turned his back to her

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"Oh. Oh. Look at all that anger." said Gerard with a sly grin. "Permission to enter, ma'am?" he asked mockingly as he jumped into the room. "My, my. You are pretty." A light blush came across his face and he quickly turned his head to the wounded boy. "How sad? I ordered extra special c*** for you today. Too bad you'll have to eat it without even getting a hint of the taste." he said as he continued with his mock laughter.

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"I've meant to speak to you Gerard" End said as he turned back around

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"If you keep calling me 'Girl', then I am going to have to go against your orders and call you 'Boy'. It's only fair," Alk sighed. While she was partially relieved (the blood was slowing ever so slightly), she couldn't help but feel a bit anxious at his comment. A demon, huh?

Her head had whipped back up at the third party's words. "You're sick. The lot of you are sick in the head."

She was reeling at these events.

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"You call it sick, I call it the true nature of humanity" End responded with a stare

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Gerard heard End and he turned on his feet. Looking back, he said "We'll continue later." with his prominent smirk. He walked to End. "Yes? What did you have to say?" he asked ignoring End's statement to Alk.

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"Be prepared for anything, follow commands, and be ready for anything. Diaboli has told me to be prepared for something big"

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"Oh, but aren't you a demon? You're starting to contradict yourself, better watch it." All didn't know why she kept at it. Normally she would have just kept quiet and went along with it, but the guys were just to much. She simply could not hold back her remarks. Briefly Alk wondered what else would surface in their presence...

"I'd rather die, Gerard, than continue anything with you or your freaks." She muttered.

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The young wounded man looked up at her shaking his head, as if to beg her to stop.

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Gerard nodded but felt annoyed. He didn't need to be told that. He was always prepared. He always followed commands. He turned on his heels and kneeled in front of her. "You and I are going to be great friends. So. What is your real name, Alk?" he asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

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