War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"Yes." replied Lucifer as he caught up to her and started walking ahead of them. They entered the large dinner halls which seemed practically empty at the moment. He looked at the help and enquired about the food. On receiving a suitable reply, Lucifer guided them to one of the tables. Taking a seat, Lucifer peered at the boy.

'This boy is really weird.' thought Lucifer. "What is your name and where are you from?" asked Lucifer. He gave a quick glance at Layla, added with a smile. "Just give me a moment." he whispered, before turning his head to the boy, waiting for his response.
"Calvin, I mean that's what somebody called me once. I'm not too sure where I'm from. I just kind of wander I guess" he replied with a smile.

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She lifted an eyebrow at the pair of boys and took a seat, not bothered in the least that they wanted to talk. It was normal for boys to want to get acquainted with each other. If it had been a year ago she would have demanded that they pay attention to her, but by now she realize her time was far to important to waste on ordering people around that were stubborn and stupid.

"Take your time." She said, waving her hand slightly.


"If the Goddess Wills it!" She said, blinking as she realized what she said. "I... I mean, if you will it. Ma'am? My Lady? Your Majesty?" She wasn't sure how one was supposed to address a goddess, some sort of formal title had to be suited for the situation.
Lucifer didn't need more words from the boy to understand his situation. He didn't intend to ask any more disturbing questions either. "Calvin. You can stay here if you'd like. We can provide you with food, education and accommodation." said Lucifer with an assuring smile on his face. He genuinely wanted to help the boy.
"Call me whatever you wish. You know why the war has started right?" Maria asked her as she walked

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"Really! That's great!" Calvin yelled gleefully. He then became inquisitive. "Why was such a big place built anyways?"

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"Yes, of course." She took a moment to think about how she wanted to address the Goddess from that point on. A smile lit up her face when she thought of the perfect way to address her. "I'm afraid I haven't been told much of why it started, Mother."
"Humans have what I like to call potential, potential for power, I can feel that power within you. It may seem strange but it is true. I've left the side of my husband because despite his pact, Diaboli was able to keep my son. I have a feeling. A feeling he may yet be alive still" Maria told her, a sad expression could clearly be seen thinking of her beloved son.

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"Well. The Gods have a quarrel amongst themselves and, they decided that they should let their genuine followers and worshipers to fight for them, since they all had great strengths. So, they created educational institutions where young followers of the respective Gods could enroll. Our institution represents the God Deus." Soon, a maid brought bowls of soup and placed it on the table. "Thank you." he said. "So. Which God do you both believe in?" he asked as he pulled the bowl closer to him.
Calvin began eating ravenously "Deus? What gods?" he asked ignorant to who they were at all.

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"Your son," Anastasia repeated, remembering her lessons in the temple of the Mother and her Son. "Filius, the god sent from the heavens because of his relation with a mortal woman?" Anastasia had always wondered if the stories of the exiled god were true, from the looks of the Goddess's sorrow they surely had to be. "Please, Mother, hope surely can't be lost for your son." She continued, "If there was a way I could help. The Goddess only has to request it of me."
"There may be, maybe if he is alive, I can feel your potential, you may be the one I'm looking for" Maria said as she stared off into the distance before looking back to Anastasia with a smile. "If we find him, I'll put in a good word for you, he is handsome"

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Lucifer gave out an exasperated sigh. "They are basically idiots. Just remember that as long as your here, you say that you believe in Deus. Those history lessons will do you good." he said in a low tone. Turning to Layla, he said "So. Where were you all this while? And what's with the black hair?" he asked in an amused tone.
"How did your hair turn black?" Calvin asked with his mouth full.

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She blushed at the Goddess's last statement, "It's an honor, Mother, but I don't think I'm suited to be the companion of a god." Anastasia said, pausing when she thought over what the goddess had said. "Forgive me, Mother, but what do you mean by 'potential'?"


She had silently accepted the food, ignoring the conversation until Lucifer turned to her with a few questions she had been expected from someone sooner or later. "An island in the Caribbean." She stated with a small shrug of her shoulder. "I dyed it, thought a new look was needed."
"How did you kill your hair?" Calvin asked, he obviously had no clue about many things.

"Every human has power within them, in one way or another, potential. I feel potential within you, lots of it" Maria responded with a warm smile.

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Lucifer gave out a fake smile on hearing the boy's question. 'Is he from outer space?' he thought. "Well. You look really good if I say so myself. I'm thinking about getting the tattoo back." 'Except without a curse scripted in it.' he thought. "You never gave me the opportunity of returning that favor you know?" he said with a knowing look on his face.
"Do people fight here? Like for fun?" Calvin asked as he finished his food.

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She stared at the dumb boy for a minute, not sure how to respond to his idiotic question. She was such that Lucifer had been the stupidest person she had ever encountered but now this boy made him look like a genius. "I put it in black ink that made it turn black." She said, attempting to explain but shook her head, turning to Lucifer. "I didn't think you'd want to get beaten to a pulp again." A playful smirk crossed her face.

"It was such a depressing loss last time, after all."


"Potential..." She said to herself as she strolled next to the goddess. "and there are other's with it as well? I'm not the only one with it? Do only mortals have it? What about your son, Filius?" She had to pause, knowing that if she continued she would confuse the Goddess with all her questions.
"There are others. Yours is more prominent than others. My son is a god, so I suppose you could say he has potential" Maria responded

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As Lucifer took a bite of his Honey Glazed Grill Chicken, he heard Calvin's question. "Yes. We do something similar. We shall have duels at the end of the semester with the academies of the other two Gods. So we train and have mock fights. Why are you a fighter?"

On hearing Layla's response, he immediately responded. "Please. I lost that day because of... Never mind. I lost because you were stronger. I'm sorry wasn't a worthy opponent." he said, with a little disappointment in his face. "Say, where you the one who brought the medicine kit?" he asked with a knowing look on his face.

"Who knows?" Layla replied, shrugging her shoulders again as she took a bite of food. She didn't plan to tell him that she actually had been the one to give it to him, it was hardly in her character to do something like that. "They still do those stupid duels?" She questioned, changing the subject. "Count me out, I didn't even want to fight in the first ones."


"I'm honored that you think so," She replied, unsure of how to continue. A question popped into her said suddenly. "Why was your son taken by the God Diaboli?"
"Probably to strike first in war. I only wish for my son back." Maria told her as she took a seat on a bench outside. "With your potential, with a few others at your side. Could you help me get him back?"

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Lucifer had known that it was her since the next day, some of the guys had said that she asked for his room. Chucking the uncomfortable subject, Lucifer heard their responses.

"Hmmm. Well, although most of us are given training and practice, the God Deus shall choose the participants for the duels, whether they like it or not!" he replied, as he emphasized on the last few words for Layla. The maid brought them some cake for dessert. He didn't intend to fight either. The curse was lifted and all he wanted was peace amongst the Gods. That's the reason he kept away from training and fighting. So that the God would see him unworthy of that honor. "Layla? Are you afraid of taking a beating?" he said with mockery in his voice. She seemed to enjoy fighting and harming others making him wonder why she didn't want to fight.

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