War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"Lucifer!" A soldier said as he stood beside the table. "A letter from the Father"

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"Of course," She replied, nodding as she took a spot next to the goddess. She then rested her hand on top of the Mother's, giving her a kind smile that she hoped was comforting. "I'm your loyal servant until the end of my days and therefore your son's as well. I cannot sit by when a piece of the Mother Goddess's heart is locked away with her son in a cell."


"Fighting, I enjoy that." Layla responded, digging her fork into the cake so that she could examine it in the light. "It's people ordering me to fight that I don't like." Feeling that it was safe to eat, she placed the sweet in her mouth and gave Lucifer a confident grin.
"Good news, you'll be sent with a team I've assembled, you'll go to Diaboli's Bastion through a path we've made, you'll free my son, and bring him back here" Maria told her as she reached out and held Anastasia's hand. "Thank you, it's truly a noble, and appreciated task"

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"I'm sure you'll be chosen again." he said to taunt her.

"C***!" muttered Lucifer on the sudden entry of the soldier. Wiping his mouth with a tissue, Lucifer pulled his chair back and walked to address the soldier. Grabbing the letter from his hands, Lucifer rubbed his beard wondering what the contents might be. Considering it inappropriate to read it when in company, Lucifer placed the letter in his pocket. "Thank you." he said to the soldier as he peered at the man waiting for him to leave or give a response.
The soldier left dutifully. "Lucifer, the boy you've met, he has potential, test him, spar with him. Do not hold back- Deus"

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"You've probably jinxed me now." She stated sourly, "I hope you're picked as well, don't get beaten to a pulp this time." She then watched as the soldier delivered the letter and departed. "Seems you're one of the favorites this time as well, huh?" She questioned. "What. An. Honor." The sarcasm was apparent in her voice, teasing as she took another bite of her cake and pushed the plate away.

"Well, I'm done." She said, "Show me to whatever sparing place this fortress has, I haven't practiced in days."


Her eyes widened slightly at the suddenness but a determination masked her face. "Yes, I'll be sure to return with him safely." She stated, tightening her grip on the Mother's hand before abruptly standing and giving the goddess a deep bow. "I'll go change into better clothes for the trip, will you let me know when the team is assembled?"
"Yes I will, it shall be tomorrow. Take this." Maria said as she handed her an amulet.

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Anastasia took the amulet from the Goddesses hands, quickly slipping it around her neck so that it rested against her chest. "Thank you, Mother." She said with another bow before heading in the direction of what she assumed were the dorms.
Lucifer read the gesture and quickly glanced the letter. Him? Is he sure? He heard Layla's words interjecting his thoughts as he peered at the boy. "I'm not that strong. You should know." he stated.

'Perfect. She wants to fight. I'll make them both fight.' he thought as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Come with us. I want you to show me how well you can fight." he stated as he led the way. After traveling through a maze of hallways and stairways, they arrived at the training field. It was much larger than the arena and it didn't have any seating arrangement. It was solely meant for the purpose of training.

"Well. This is it!" he exclaimed. Lucifer walked to Layla and pulled her head closer to his before whispering. "Go easy on him. And give me details about his fighting techniques. I need an opponent's perspective of him. Please. Do this for me." he said as he pulled back, waiting for her response. He gave the best puppy look he could afford to make.
"So who am I sparring with?" Calvin asked as he scratched his head confused.

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"You look disgusting." She commented when Lucifer gave her what she assumed was a begging look. "If you're going to beg at least get down on your knees next time." With that she stripped off her jacket, tossing it toward Lucifer as she unlaced the shoes she wore and slipped off the long knee-socks. They would simply get in the way if she wore them so it was easier to strip them off now.

Layla then took the rubber band from around her wrist and used it to tie up her hair, sweeping back the black locks so that they wouldn't get in her face. "I hope you don't mind." She said, gesturing for the boy to enter the ring with her. "I'm a bit out of practice so I'll be an easy fight but you should still come at me will all you've got."
"What!? I can't hit a girl" Calvin told her while shaking his head.

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Lucifer sighed on hearing her response. He hated it when she insulted him. He knew how to respond but decided not to.

"Don't back out and don't be fooled. She's not as weak as she claims. Give it your best. Don't choke each other or do any devastating moves. Trust me. You can die!" The institution had priests, who could bless them from being immune to such moves but Lucifer was too lazy to go get them. "Try to keep it light. We don't want any injuries before the semester even commences now do we?"
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"No?" She questioned, tilting her head. She then slapped him hard across the face, "Don't look down on me. Stupid." She snapped, venom leaking into her words.
"I can't hit a girl, I mean it" Calvin told her as he shook his head again

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'How can Deus consider someone like this? Even though she slapped him, he didn't express anger towards her.'

"Calvin! At least give her a try! She's not really bad. Trust me. I know." he said as he rubbed his nose and gave her a scowl, before smiling.

'Ugh. I just hope I don't have to fight.' he thought.
Layla let out a sigh, furious that he felt such a way. She disliked men that looked down of the power of females. In fact she disliked him enough to teach him a lesson. "You don't want to hit?" She asked, sourly. "Fine, then I'll do the hitting." With that she brought her hand up with a precious that could have been deadly to drill her finger into the joint between his shoulder and arm, making the region sting with pain. After that she swept her feet out, knocking him backwards so that he fell into the dirt at her feet.

"You don't want to hit a girl." She hissed, "Doesn't it hurt your pride more to be beaten by one?" With that she grabbed her things, pulling on her socks and shoes.

"Some boy your god picks." She hiss at Lucifer, taking her jacket from him. "Tell Deus that when he has real warriors he can come find me, until then don't expect me to fight for him."
"Not hitting a girl. It's not part of my code!" Calvin replied to her as he stood up dusting himself off.

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"Your code is Bull****!" Layla snapped at him, "Even Amare offer to fight me and he's got more sense in his left hand then you have in your entire body." She then huffed at him, pacing away so that she could drop onto the ground and glare furiously at the boy from a distance.
"I'm not a god, I've never even really heard of any. I'm not fighting a girl, that's just not happening" he said as he crossed his arms.

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"God! I told you to take it easy on him." hissed Lucifer. "Anyways. I want to fight you. If I'm not messed up at the end of this fight, we'll have a joust." he said as he removed his shirt and handed it over to Layla. He didn't intend to soil his uniform. "Don't be angry. Okay? Pray I don't break my bones." he added.

He walked up to the boy. "Okay. I'll fight you. Just. Don't hit the face. Okay?"
"Feel free to hit me, anywhere I guess" Calvin said with a smile. "Don't hold back on me, let me know when you're ready"

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"I won't pray to a god that allows people such as that on his side." Layla stated sourly, "But I'll root for you." She then paused, narrowing her eyes. "If you get beaten by this child I'll never let you redeem yourself from our last match."
Lucifer gave out a sigh. He removed his pants and threw it to Layla. If fighting wasn't weird enough for him already, he now stood in his boxers. He couldn't remember the last time he fought. "Okay. I guess I'm ready." he said as he stood in the English boxing stance.
"Why are you striping, idiot!" She called to him, his pants hitting her squarely in the face as she furiously batted them away. "At least act like your in the presence of a girl! Damn the both of you!"

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