War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


Gerard frowned on hearing End's response. He disliked Lucifer. He felt that Lucifer was given too much importance. "It's not a problem but he is in Deus' academy. How do you think we'll find him?" he asked expressing doubt.
"Lucifer!" The boy who he had met the final day at Ludus cried. It was Pippen, Deus' new messenger boy. "The village two miles from here is under attack, some of the new recruits are going under your command. Go save them!" He cried

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"Of course I want to be at this academy, but... I left my stuff there," was the first thing that came to Alk's mind and to fall from her lips. Even as she said them, she knew it wouldn't be enough to convince the group.

When Filius raised his hand, Alk in turn looked to the other girl, not knowing where anything was here.

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Lucifer blinked his eyes on hearing her question. He looked up at her and stared at her face, determined to gain an answer. "Well. The thing is..."

Lucifer was cut out off his words when Pippen shot the door open and asked for his help. He gestured the boy to leave before Layla killed him for entering rudely. Standing up, Lucifer prepared to run to the armory. "You want to come?" he asked, in a serious tone. 

Gerard rampaged through the village. Kicking doors open and setting houses on fire. He loved it. He heard the squeals and yelling of people. Some people tried to fight back which he found rather amusing. After taunting with them for a while, Gerard mercilessly slayed them. And all this was being done just to grab the attention of Deus' academy. End was really smart to have planned this to get those runts out of their fort.

Layla glared at the rude boy that had burst into her room, advancing on him with furious eyes. He was just narrowly saved as Lucifer sent him out, though she would find the boy later on if she must. "Mhmm... fight for Deus or enjoy a relaxing nap?" She retorted, folding her arms over her chest again. "I'll tag along, but only because you offered."
The recruits ran and stood at the ready waiting for their orders, Calvin standing among them.


End stood watching Gerard wreak havoc. He posted up upon a house and gazed at the entrance of the town, waiting for the arrival of whoever Deus would send.

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Lucifer smirked on hearing her reply. It was the second time she had used that phrase and it wasn't quite bad. He rushed to the armory and wore a cestus on his forearms and dug a pair of butterfly swords into his pockets. There was no time to wear an armor. Lucifer picked up a katana and headed outside the fort. "Pick whatever you want and meet me out front." He ran slowly so that she could catch up to him. After reaching the recruits, Lucifer made his way out front. He noticed Calvin but there was no time to talk. "Okay. We split into two. The once good at handling weapons, fight! The others! Help the villagers! One team will head in from the east entrance while! While the other comes in from the south entrance!" he shouted. Looking at one of the more familiar recruits, he gestured him to leave for the entrance at east with a team of recruits. "Don't kill the assailants! Subdue them! Harm them if you must!" he added before he lead his team to the southern gates. He turned back to see if Calvin and Layla were in his team.

"So, you're the emissary I was expecting Lucifer." End said calmy as he stood facing the team. Calvin ran towards him on the attack, but End merely waved his hand and sent him flying through a nearby building. End looked at Lucifer again "I have someone you'll want to see Lucifer"

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Lucifer raised an eyebrow as End addressed him. The village was bellowing in fires and distress had spread amongst the villagers. He noticed Calvin fly into one of the buildings. Frowning, Lucifer turned his head, gesturing one of the recruits to help Calvin. He heard End claiming to have someone he would want to see but Lucifer had no time for mindless chatter. "Why did you have to destroy the village to meet me?!" asked Lucifer with spite in his voice. End seemed to have some kind of inhuman powers.
"Filius, give him back. This will be the first of the devastation to come. Right now the men you sent in are being slaughtered, all because of him, all because of this." End said coldly. Calvin crawled out of the wreckage "Owww, that hurt actually"

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Lucifer growled in anger. The thought of his comrades being killed bothered him devastatingly. "We don't have him!!! His whereabouts are unknown!! Now you better have a suitable explanation, before you face the wrath of Deus and his chosen!!" said Lucifer. He gestured with his free hand to his team to leave and help the villagers. In the corner of his eye, he noticed Calvin stand up.


Gerard smirked on the entry of Deus' recruits at the eastern entrance. "Welcome! Welcome!" he said as he cut through them, killing whom ever he could. A few supporters from Diaboli's guild helped him out of course.
End raised his hand and delivered a blast killing several civilians. Calvin leapt to him with an angry roar, but was thrown across the village. "I want him back" End told Lucifer angrily

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Lucifer grit his teeth on seeing End's actions. He knew that End seemed really powerful but he couldn't just stand there watching. "Urgh!!!!!" shouted Lucifer in pure rage.

"WE DON'T HAVE HIM!!!" he shouted as he gripped his katana and charged at the one-eyed man. 'Deus give me strength.' he thought as he set his eyes on his target.


"You guys handle this! I have someone to meet." said Gerard as he walked south. Suddenly, a figure fell from the air and hit him onto the ground.

"Watch where you are falling!!" he said to Calvin as he pushed the boy away and continued marching toward Lucifer.
Calvin landed in front of a large demon, ripping soldiers apart. It was standing at 12 ft tall, large fangs and claws. Calvin dove on the beast only to be tossed about. He continued fighting it, with all of his might. Calvin was scratched, beaten, and bloodied, with inhuman drive he continued to fight.

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She blinked slightly when the girl turned to her and noticed that Filius was motioning for something to write with. Going to her desk she took out a pen and pad of paper, giving it to him. She then leaned over him curiously, wondering what he would write.


Unlike the newest addition to the group, Layla didn't jump into the battle like it was some fun game. She held back, appearing beside Lucifer when it was clear his temper was flaring. "Hothead." She muttered, brushing past him to stand between him and the man addressing him. "It's cowardly to hide behind your men." Layla stated. "I notice you let your dogs do the hard work, why not fight someone a bit more fun?"

Layle held no weapon, she had rejected any offered to her in the armory.

Lucifer's path was suddenly cut off by Layla. "Layla. Get back! You don't even have a weapon. He is not just a mere human." hissed Lucifer as he stood beside her. He moved his sword closer to her, just in case she wanted it before doing anything stupid.


Gerard laughed as he saw the demons rampaging the village. He reached to the southern entrance and stood beside End, glaring at Lucifer.

The rush of warmth from the explosion brushed her hair from her face, whipping it around in the thin air as she hovered just about a nearby roof. Seeing the conversation pass between the people of Diablo and Deus made her laugh, a giggle that drew the eyes of all in the area. She then flashed a beautiful smile, one that glinted with her red eyes causing some to shiver and others to back away in fear.

"How cute." She said softly, tilting her head at the brave little girl that was challenging End. "I knew I'd find something interesting here."


"That thing is pointless." Layla stated, pushing the sword aside gently. "You know I have no use for something like that." She then met the eyes of the man, a shadowed figure appeared next to him. One that had a startling similarity to Lucifer, though she didn't point it out. It didn't matter if they looked alike, he was the enemy.

All that Filius could write, he was clearly in pain. A few of Maria's handmaidens rushed to him, picking him up carrying him away gesturing the two with him to follow


"Gerard, I trust you'll fight your beloved cousin, and he's right girl, I'm not human at all, you'd be wise to save yourself, and turn away." 

A fire could be seen within Calvin's eyes as he fought the demon, shouting with every attack, being beaten back, if he was anything, was tough, and determined.

"Really, so what are you then?" She asked, looking him up and down. "Some sort of pig? Or... maybe you're a-" Her words were cut off then a giggle echoed through the battlefield. Her eyes drifted around the scene, not seeing anything until she caught hold of the blue hair-figure landing gently on the burning roof not far away. Her eyes narrowed, not hearing what the woman said despite seeing her lips move. Layla couldn't worry about her at the moment, she had a different enemy. Ignoring the girl, Layla turned her eyes back to the people in front of her.

Lucifer grunted on seeing Gerard. He heard Layla reject his offer. He noticed that End and Gerard was joined by a blue-haired red eyed woman. She didn't seem like a threat for now. Forcing his katana into Layla's hands, he said "Attack the boy. I'll try and handle the one-eyed freak show. Just don't kill him." Lucifer dug his hands into his pockets and walked toward End. "We don't have Amare. All this is pointless." he muttered. The rest of the group had dispersed to help Calvin while most of them ran back to the fort.

"A demon" End replied in a relaxed voice. "A demon to which you have no prayer of defeating. Now tell us girl, where is Filius"

"Wow. Wow. Lucifer. You look good without the tattoo." said Gerard mockingly. "Why were you hiding behind a girl? Did you pee your pants?" he asked before he started laughing. Gerard noticed Lucifer ignore his comments and approach End, making him grit his teeth. "How dare you ignore me?!!!"

"Trust me, I'd like to know that too." She stated sourly, "Last time I saw that bastard he was buried until the rubble of a collapsed stadium." She felt Lucifer thrust the sword into her hand and shot a glare at him. "I told yo-" He didn't listen, instead instructing her to fight the boy that was behind the one-eyed man.

The boy made a few snide comments as she glared after Lucifer, ones that made her laugh outright. "What a spoiled brat." She stated in amusement. "To afraid to get beaten by a girl?"

"Fight him, I don't wish to kill the puppet, have your fun Gerard"


A large blast was seen from the other side of the town, Calvin stood victorious as the surviving soldiers cheered. He ran quickly to find Lucifer again, "Hey Lucifer!"

"Three against two?" She mused, pointing her finger at the boy who had just defeated one of End's demons. With a little wave of her finger she transformed his sword into a snake, which hissed at him furiously. She then turned her eyes to the duels about to happen, pointing at End with a little giggle as she made a bird shoot at him. It sliced by him dangerously close, not enough to do any damage but it did slice a cut in his cheek open. The bird was then joined by another, though it wasn't just End that he went after. Instead they dove at all four of the tense warriors.

"So tense, so tense!" She chimed happily. "Come on, they're just birds!"

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