War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


The handmaidens rushed to the Mother, who closed her eyes for a moment, and unleashed power, healing her son. Filius' hair grew back as long as it was before the execution, his body as perfect as it once was. He sat up, pulling off his blindfold, his eyes had returned to him. "Mother... Mother I'm.." before he could finish speaking she embraced him crying. 

"Hey lady! You forgot about me! That guy, the one eyed one, he's mine!" Calvin shouted as he began attacking, End merely dodged his every strike.


"Helena you fool, we're doing your fathers work, no need to interfere" End said slightly irritated.

"I can make you more than just laugh." said Gerard. Ignoring End's command, he charged toward Layla, after pulling out his dirk. "Let's see what you can.." Suddenly, birds cut out of nowhere and pecked on his face. "Oww. Oww. Not the face!!" he shouted.


Lucifer tried to pacify End but it seemed like he wasn't going to leave without Filius. Things happened so suddenly. Birds came out of nowhere. Calvin attacked End. Lucifer felt his cheek. "Not the face!!" he shouted on feeling a scar.
Calvin vs End:

End began striking Calvin with lightning speed, beating him to a pulp "Enough boy" he said coldly as Calvin fell to the ground. "There's no way you can defeat me, stay down". Calvin stood back up standing in his fighting stance "I'm not finished!" he cried as he flew at him with a punch only to be beaten down again. Calvin returned to his feet, determined not to fall. "He's made of iron"

"How boring." Helen said, waving her hands around to stop the birds. "It's clear these fools don't have Filius, there's no point in wasting your time here." Annoyed by the persistence of the shifty little one (Calvin), she pointed her finger at him. "You." She hissed. "Enough of that." Suddenly Calvin was lifted off his feet as if someone had grabbed the back of his shirt. He was then left hanging in the air.


She readied herself for the attack, though it came from unsuspecting source. A bird, appearing from behind her, flashed by in a blur of feathers. It smacked into her side as it did so, circling to attack again. She hissed, ready to dodge this new foe as she heard the twin complaints from Lucifer and Layla's opponent.

"You two are related, huh?" She questioned, flinching when the bird came at her but suddenly changed directions and flew back toward the clouds.

"Hey! I'm not done fighting him! Put me down!" he screamed angrily while struggling to no avail.


"Very well, perhaps you're right my lady" End replied respectfully to Helen. "Let him back down if he's that eager to be beaten"

"Damn you!!" he shouted as he stared at the bird. He noticed Layla, his previous target and he charged at her as she whispered something incoherent. "I'll go easy on you. Since you are a pretty girl and all." he said as he laughed, running towards her. 

Lucifer walked next to Calvin after rubbing the blood from his cheek. He stared at End. Suddenly, Calvin levitated off the ground. "It's true. We do not have him." Digging his hands into his pocket, Lucifer quickly grabbed hold of his Butterfly swords, ready to counter End if he did attack.

"He can try again later." She stated, twirling her finger in a slow circle as Calvin did the same. "I'm having fun with him right now." Helen then gave a cruel smile, touching her bare feet to the dirt as she landed amongst the warriors. She took a minute to look from Calvin to End, pondering what would happen if she helped the apparently weaker boy. Lucifer and this boy against End, it was a battle she was quite interested in seeing. Which was the reason she let the boy down, settling him next to her as she fluttered her eyelashes and gave him a knowing smile.

"Do your best." She whispered into his ear, dancing away from his afterward with a giggle.


She shouldn't have been distracted by the birds because just when she was turning her head to watch it fly off her old opponent charged. Bringing the sword up, she parried the swing and took a few steps back. She wasn't any good with a sword, at least not as good as she was with a knife, but it would have to do. All she really needed to use it for was blocking, the rest she could do with her hands.
Calvin vs End:

Calvin immediately rushed End again with several more attacks, End still dodging them, only to strike back even harder. End was hardly ever frustrated by things but Calvin was doing just that with his determination.

Lucifer attempted to pull out his hand to block the attack but he failed to do it in time. The punch made Lucifer fall back and onto the ground. Groaning in pain and feeling his jaw, Lucifer got onto his feet. "Why.The.Face?" he asked angrily as he curled his fists. He glared at End. Calvin had been on the offense against End but Lucifer waited for End to come at him. He noticed Calvin join by his side. He nodded at the boy still wearing his frown. 

"Nice. So. Tell me. Are you his girlfriend?" said Gerard as he pulled his dirk back and went for a stab at her side. He wore a confident smile on his face as he did so. 

As Calvin charged, Lucifer noticed that End was careless in defense. Seeing the perfect opportunity, Lucifer laid a knife hand on End's throat. He stepped back, waiting for End to retaliate. Unlike Calvin, Lucifer decided to study End before spending out all his energy in trying to defeat him. After all, End wasn't a mere mortal who would fall down in one such shot but it definitely should do some damage.

"Incorrect" End said as he delivered an elbow into Lucifers ribs. Then spinning landing a kick onto the head of Calvin

She had watched as Filius had scribbled down something on the paper, though Anastasia wasn't sure if she had finished or not before the maids came in to sweep him again. She followed behind after changing into her priestess clothing, strapping her sword to her side. She knew she wouldn't need it but it was better to be safe then sorry. She entered the Goddess's temple just as she embraced her son, clearly this was a joyful sight.


She laughed at his questioned, sliding backwards to dodge the weapon once more before she answer. "He wishes I were." She stated, a smirk playing across her face. "Sadly, Lucifer isn't that lucky." She thrust inward with the sword, though the movement was awkward to her because of her lack of practice. Pulling it back she came to the conclusion that it would be better to discard the sword and did by thrusting the blade deep into the earth by her feet.

"Alright, not that that useless thing is gone." Layla said, rotating her shoulders to loosen them. "Shall we get down to business?"

She fidgeted nervously when the God Filius spoke, her eyes roaming around the room before she stepped forward. "I can hardly call it rescuing you." She muttered, coming to stand next to him and the Goddess. "Not when the Goddess willed it, It was my duty to fulfill her wishes."

He then reached over as he stood, kissing Anastasia's hand "I am truly in your debt." Maria smiled and stood beside them "Don't sell yourself short." Filius immediately turned to his mother "We need to see father, we need to talk to him"

"Ughh." muttered Lucifer as he felt a sudden surge of pain in his ribs. The heat from the burning buildings made him sweat profusely. Lucifer noticed end kick Calvin onto the ground. Immediately, Lucifer landed a hook kick to End's ribs, before End regained his ground. Lucifer changed his mind. There was no time to study this opponent. It was not one of those silly duels. Without giving time to respond, Lucifer pounced onto End in an attempt to punch him.


"Oh. He's been speaking about some girl who he met at school and all. Thought it was you. Hopefully, she isn't as ugly as you are." said Gerard with a smirk. He moved his hand to gesture her to come at him after she dropped the weapon.

End grabbed Lucifers fist, and landed a knee in his stomach as Calvin dove on his back. "Enough!" End shouted uncharacteristically, he began furiously striking Calvin, knocking him to the ground and continuing. "Die you insect!"

Lucifer fell back groaning. 'Deus, Filius! Where are you?' he thought as he looked into the dark sky. End was strong. Too strong for two mortals to take on. He noticed that End had his back to Lucifer while he pounded Calvin to a pulp. 'Wait a second. I have my swords.' Quickly, Lucifer dug his hands into his pockets and wielded his butterfly swords. In the corner of his eye, he noticed Gerard fighting Layla. Luckily, neither of them were too badly hurt.

Without drawing much attention, Lucifer charged at End and dug both the knives into his back with all the strength that he could. He could have gone for the neck but it was too risky and he may have failed completely. Moving quickly, Lucifer pulled Calvin out from End's grasp and moved him to safety. He scrutinized the boy with worried eyes.

"I-it's the truth though!" She stammered, blushing deeply when the god kissed her hand. "I'm a humble servant of the gods and that's all." She felt the air grow serious around her as Filius straightened, he then declared that he wanted to talk to his father. This caught Anastasia off-guard. Never before had she imagined that she would be in the presence of not one or two, but three gods.


"Words of jealousy I suspect?" Layla asked, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "No need to get angry, I know that my looks have the ability to cause people to be flustered but harsh words are hardly the way to charm someone." She let out a slow breath, her eyes darting to the various joints that she could aim for in the first blow.

"Why don't we make the game a bit fairer?" She chimed, darting forward with a speed that was easily faster than it had been a year ago. She aimed for the joint between his shoulder and arm but at to last minute twisted her hand so that it hit his collar bone instead. Her move to numb turned to one to harm, if it hit it would break the bone easily.

Layla didn't pause though, her body at once bending backward so that her hands landed firmly on the ground and her feet kicked upward. She aimed the kick toward his jaw, knowing that if he was anything like Lucifer he'd easily be able to read a move like this. It had been one she had used on him during their duel, though it had been ineffective then she wondered if this look-alike was as quick minded.

End stood with the swords through his back, pulling them out and dropping them in front of Lucifer, as black blood rushed from his body. "Gerard, let us go, we'll be back." 

"Your father won't listen to me.." Maria said as she stared away. "Perhaps he'll listen to me, Anastasia, would you accompany me to my fathers fortress?" Filius asked as he looked to her awaiting a response.

She managed a nod, "Y-yes!" She stammered, excited and yet nervous in the same instant. She then realized that the Goddess might need her and turned toward the Mother. "If the Goddess wills it, of course."
Maria smied to Anastasia "Certainly, you may accompany him. Prepare your things, I imagine you'll be there for a few days". Filius smiled as he went to clothe himself. "Take care of him Anastasia, that's all I ask of you" Maria told her as she held her hand

She nodded, her face serious as she gave the Goddess's hand a light squeeze. "Of course, mother." She stated before turning toward the exit. She paused in the doorway, turning back. "We'll be back." Anastasia then headed back to her room, dressing in normal traveling clothes and preparing a bag for the trip.
Gerard felt immense pain in his collar bone upon receiving her strike but he was quick to see Layla's incoming move. He smirked. He gripped his Dirk, prepared to catch her foot and slice it. Just as Gerard rose his hands to catch her leg and strike, he felt a surging pain in under his jaw. It was Lucifer. Gerard fell to the ground immediately and turned to see who dealt the surprise attack.

"You?! Why you, pest?"

Lucifer frowned at him as he heard End asking him to retreat. Lucifer was glad that End had decided to leave.

"Go home. Stop serving Diaboli. He's bad." said Lucifer in a calm manner, still wearing his scowl.

"You don't tell me what to do. You are with that miserable God who laid the curse." he said as he got up to the ground. "You traitor!"

In anger, Lucifer charged at Gerard and laid a series of punches and kicks on him. The punch under his jaw made everything hazy for Gerard to retaliate. Lucifer kicked Gerard to End.

Lucifer turned to see how Calvin was holding up before turning to see Layla.

"You're more similar then I thought." She stated, rubbing her hand where she had broken his collarbone. "He clearly saw through my kick, just like you did." Layla had been expecting it, almost happy that he had been able to read it. It meant there was another opponent out there that could really get her driven to fight, one she'd look forward to fighting. So far only a small few had made her heart quicken in anticipation, she wondered if that boy would be added to the list.

"I broke his collar, though it seems you did more damage then that."

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