War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


End picked up Gerard to his feet as they disappeared. They returned to Diaboli's fortress, where he dropped him on the floor, and off to see his master he went


Filius returned to see Anastasia waiting, he returned in a white and gold, regal attire. He stood beside her and pulled him close to her as he wore the amulet his mother gave her, to transport them to the bustling fortress. Standing in the streets, he smiled seeing all of the people, he felt so delighted to see people living their lives, after his solitude, it was welcomed.

"No. It was your attacks that made him weak." Lucifer let out a sigh. Looking at End disappear with Gerard, he shrinked his arms and dropped on his knees. "He's an idiot." he muttered. He had tried not to show weakness in front of his opponents. Lucifer's eye fell on Calvin. With difficulty, Lucifer got upto his feet. "Help me get him back." he said as he strolled to the boy. He had fought really well. The other recruits had left or had died. Hopefully, someone waited to escort them to the fort.


"I shall have revenge." muttered Gerard as he vanished. Dropped onto the cold floor, he cried out for help.

"Dammit. I'm gonna beat that guy, if it takes me training every second I will" Calvin said angrily as he leaned on Lucifer to help him stand. He was clearly angry about the men lost. "It wasn't right dammit! Those people didn't deserve this!" he shouted as he stood on his own. "I'll beat him! I promise I will!"

She smiled at the change the God had undergone, now truly looking like the son of the Mother Goddess. As she was pulled close to him she felt her heart beat race, nervous to be in such a close situation with a god. The same warmth flooded over her as they transported to the fortress of the God Deus, appearing on a busy street.


"Hardly, he was very ready to slice my food of with that dagger of his." She retorted, pausing when she realize she had just rejected the option of being the better of Lucifer and his look alike. She hissed at the thought, a compliment would have been better in such a situation. She really thought she was getting her personality warped by the strange, unemotional Lucifer.

She didn't comment further, heading over to loom one of Calvin's arms over her shoulder. "Yeah, Yeah." Layla grumbled to the kid's rants. "Do your best." 
(I'm logging off of the computer, but I'll be keeping an eye out on tap talk for a bit before I go to sleep)

"This is wonderful! What should we do? What should we see?" he said with wonder in his voice. He smiled to Anastasia as he looked around the large city. 
(I'll be sure to give you an update tomorrow!)

She gazed around the street, watching the people pass. It was true, she had never seen this many people in such a place before. Though she had been raised in the mountain temples. "It truly is wonderful." She replied, smiling. "What is it that you'd like to see, Filius?"
Lucifer sighed. 'Why does the solution to everything have to be fighting? Memory of banished son? Fight! Lost a guy? Fight! Want your son back? Fight! Why can't they just talk things out?' thought Lucifer as he contemplated at the events that had occurred. "You fought well." he replied to the bantering boy, in an attempt to pacify him. Looking at Layla, he smirked. "You know. First day. First day I meet you and I get beaten up. What's with that? Is it like a curse or something?" he asked as he placed a hand on his ribs and continued strolling, guiding them back to the fort.

(Good Night!)

"Anything at all! I wonder if my classmates are here. Any of them. I'm out here again, I'm in the world, among people. It's invigorating" he replied with a joyful smile. As the trio that was in battle wandered back to the fortress Calvin bumped into him. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" said the young man covered in bruises, cuts, and scratches.

"What are you trying to say, hothead?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. "I'd say that you're very lucky to have my favor. Not everyone has the right, no... The privilege to fight alongside me." Layla turned her head away, unable to storm off because of the heavy person they were carrying.

"And who's this girl that boy said you were talking about?" She inquired. "Don't tell me you've gone and gotten yourself a girlfriend while I was away, I feel sorry for her."
Lucifer grunted on hearing her reply. 'I should have let him cut her leg off.' he thought with a grin. "Oh. It was no one. It's over now anyway." he replied after letting out a sigh. "Why? You jealous?" he asked with a smirk. He bent his head, tired from the pain and continued walking as he waited for her cocky response.

Lucifer raised his head to see who Calvin was apologizing to. "What the f*** are you doing here?" asked Lucifer in anger before jumping off his legs and pouncing on Amare, punching his face.

Filius stood taking the punch, as he looked down to Lucifer. "Lucifer..." he said as he thought about him for a moment. Calvin grabbed Lucifer "Why'd you hit that guy!? Come on, take it easy!"

"Ha! You wish." She hissed, jerking slight when Calvin bumping into someone. "Apologize, stupid!" She snapped at the heavy boy, her head lifting to look at who it was. Her heart nearly fell out of her chest at the sight of Amare standing before her. She didn't have time to react though, not before Lucifer had pounced in him.

"Stop! Idiot!" Layla hissed, grabbing hold of Lucifer's collar at the same time as Calvin and pulled him backward "get ahold of yourself."
Ignoring Calvin and pushing the hands holding him away, "You idiot! What are you doing here? We got beat up because of you!" he said frowning at Amare. "Couldn't you freaking help? I got scars on my face, man!! Wait. How did you recognize her?" he asked expressing comical doubt on his face.
"I could never forget Layla" Amare replied smoothly as always. "I came here to speak to my father" he then said, in a much more serious tone.
Lucifer was angry with Amare. He wondered if the God really was his friend like he stated. "And who is this with you?" asked Lucifer as he stared at the beautiful maiden next to him who was ignored by the rest.

"Speak for yourself." Layla retorted against Lucifer's comment about getting beaten. "You're just a weakling." She the shot a glare at him when he made the comment about recognizing her. "Idiot." Se hissed, brushing past both of them to look at the girl behind Amare that lucifer pointed out.

"What's with you and girls with white hair?" She asked, looking over the nervous woman. "Lemme guess, she's a priestess. Right?"
"Yes, yes she is. To be fair Layla I once had a thing for a blonde in case you've forgotten" Amare said with a charming grin.

"Mmm." Was all that she could say in response, a delicate blush painting her cheeks. "Don't get ahead of yourself just because your a god now."


She blushed when the attention was turned to her, to nervous to speak the Filius's friends. They seemed different then she imagined the companions if a god would be like. The girl was rude and the boy was aggressive. How did Filius meet such people?
"I'm a weakling? Really? I can't believe you are saying that. I mean you just had to fight that stupid Gerard. You truly don't know what Calvin and I faced there." retorted Lucifer. Layla was being too disrespectful and it hurt the little pride that remained in the deepest corners of his heart. "Okay. Okay. Enough with the flirting." he stated before walking to the priestess. "What is your name?" he asked with a charming smile of his own.

She finally managed to speak when the boy who had punched Filius addressed her. "Anastasia." She muttered, eye cast downward. "Priestess to the Mother Goddess."

"Calm down." She said to lucifer. She shook her head, did he honestly expect her to pat him on the head and say good job? Wouldn't that be completely out of her characteristics.

"You did well enough," she then Looked away, hating to say anything nice to him. "But you still need to train. He's likely to come back again."
"That guy was tough, but I'm gonna beat him" Calvin said as he ran off to train, even injured he was prepared to work as hard as he had to, to become stronger than ever.
Lucifer quickly pulled Anastasia's right hand from her sides and placed a kiss on the back of her hand, just like Amare always did. "It's an honor to meet you. My name is Lucifer Wright." Just as he was about to add compliments about the girl's beauty, Lucifer felt a wincing pain in his rib. "Ouch." he muttered as he placed a hand on his rib. "I think we should get back. That one-eyed guy beat me up real good." he hissed as he began walking. He didn't care if the others joined them or not. 'I need to train. She's right.' he thought as he continued strolling. 'Where is that idiot going?'

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