War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Lucifer nodded on hearing her reply. He slapped himself mentally for mistaking Maria with Diana (OOC: My bad actually.). "So. Did Gerard give you any trouble?" he asked. Lucifer was curious as to what Gerard did in Diaboli's Academy and how the girl was able to recognize a relation between them. He wondered if they had that much of a resemblance since Layla was able to read between the lines as well.
(Haha it's okay.)

"So you do know him," laughed Alk. She thought she had caught a trace of Gerard's facial structure in Lucifer's, she up posed she had been right. As for trouble... Her hand came up to rest on her cheek. It'd been a simple gesture, but before that small peck on her cheek was only given to her by her parents and older relatives. She forced a blush away and shook her head. "I wouldn't call it trouble. That End guy was really the one who bothered me."

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"Yeah. Gerard is my cousin. And End was literally a pain in the a** and trust me, I know it." said Lucifer with a tired look. On finally reaching one of the unoccupied rooms, Lucifer opened the door. "Well. You can stay here for the night. You can meet Amare...ugh..Filius tommorow." Lucifer was soon reminded of the other girl who accompanied Layla. "Are you friend with that Anastasia girl?" he asked as he scrutinized the room.
"Hm? The one who came with Filius? No, not really I suppose." She shrugged, slipping her bow and quiver of her shoulders and propping them up besides the door. The room was less lavish than hers at Maria's, but still nicer than her first room. It was more of what she'd been expecting out of a dorm room, more normal. She liked it.

Alk turned to face Lucifer as she sat on the edge of the bed. "She was one of those Maria sent to get her son. I haven't really talked to her otherwise, sorry. Why do you ask?"

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"I don't know. Just making conversation, I guess... Ugh who am I kidding?" said Lucifer throwing his arms into the air. Turning on the lamp on the nightstand, Lucifer closed the distance between him and the young girl and crouched to meet her height, as she sat on the bed. Raising his right hand, Lucifer pointed to the scar on his face. "I was wondering if she could heal this, you know? Since she is a priestess and all. Do you think she can?" he asked giving an irritated look on his face. He hated it when someone tampered with his face.
"Really? That's what you're wondering?" Alk laughed again, leaning back on her hands to put a little more space between them again. She really hadn't been expecting that response. She knew he probably didn't appreciate her giggling, but she couldn't help it! The scar was tiny, honestly. She hadn't even seen it up until he pointed it out. "Well, I wouldn't know, but you can always ask her yourself. But it's hardly noticeable anyway!"

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Lucifer felt insulted one hearing Alk's giggling. He felt like he was a little child, complaining about something trivial. "I can't go around looking like this. I need to be perfect. You wouldn't understand. Those are adult problems." he said with a smirk. 'Nice one.' he thought as he patted himself on the back, mentally. Lucifer stood up and regained his composure. He turned his head to the door and noticed the girl's possessions. "How good are you at using them?" he asked as he gestured his thumb toward the bow and quiver Alk had left by the door.
Alk found herself laughing even more at his words. "Adult problems" her a**. Still, she tried to maintain herself when he pointed to her weaponry. Smirking right back, she responded. "How badly do you want to know? I'd be more than happy to show you how it's done tomorrow."

Okay, so she knew she was being cocky, but this was one of the few things Alk really prided herself in being one of the best at. In everything else, she often preferred to be average at.

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Lucifer couldn't help but smile on Alk's response. She seemed to have a lot of similarities with that brunette. "You know. I know this girl. You two will make great friends." Lucifer pictured the two of them together. Taunting him. "Or maybe not. She's not that nice a person." he added. "So. What got you into all this mess between the Gods?" asked Lucifer as he casually jumped onto Alk's bed.
Alk rolled over to lay on her stomach. "Not that nice a person, or just not nice to you?"

She let her feet dangle up in the air while she rested her head in her arms. Alk was happy to find a friend in Lucifer, he was pretty nice, if a little funny. She needed more friends. "And my parents, I guess. They think that if I'm worthy of being a goddess' student that I'll bring some sort of greatness to our family. I don't really know, but it makes them happy so here I am."

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Lucifer sighed. 'Family. Such a disastrous burden.' he thought. Deciding to ignore the discussion about family, Lucifer decided to continue about Layla. "She's a weird kind. Really weird. Kinda annoying. One second she's sweet. The next second she's the devil." he said and followed with a chuckle. "To think that once I used to behave like her. It's weird." he added. "So, do you have a boyfriend or something?" Lucifer asked innocently as he turned to face her.
"Nope, I'm 'too young'." She aside, making air quotes as she imitated her father. She flopped onto her back again in a manner she knew she should have been scolded for. She was fidgety today, probably because she'd gone through so many different environments in one day. She looked up at Lucifer through her lashes. "What about you? Do you have a 'something'?"

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Lucifer blushed a little on hearing her question. He couldn't believe he was discussing his personal life with a stranger girl. "Umm. No. Not really." he replied casually. "Besides, who would love me with a scar on my face?" he said in a comical tone.
"You're still on that?" She whined. Alk smirked at the flushed older boy's slight hesitation to her question though. She reached out to poke his side as she waggled her eyebrows. "You totally have something, don't you? Or should I say someone? Oh, c'mon, you can tell me if you like someone. Don't be shy."

What can she say, teasing Lucifer came easy to Alk.

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Lucifer pondered about the options he had. "That priestess girl looks cute. And so does Layla. I don't really know." said Lucifer. He quickly realized that he had spoken his thoughts out. He had to get out of this trap that had been smartly set by Alk. He cursed himself for not leaving her alone. 'Why did I have to change?'

Lucifer gave out a wide smirk. He eyed Alk from head to toe with the help of the light from her lamp. "You are young. Beautiful. What say we give it a go?" he said with a wink.
Alk rolled her eyes. She was going to deny him of his compliment, but she did feel weird at his question. Scrunching her nose, she said, "I don't think so, mister. Just because someone is cute doesn't mean you should date them, or are you some sort of player? With two girls already on your mind, you better be careful."

She didn't know Layla, but he and Anastasia might make a nice couple.

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'Two? I actually had more in my mind.' Lucifer thought. "Don't worry. I was just kidding. I don't think I really have time for romance with this pointless quarrel between these Gods. Besides, Layla is a witch and Anastasia seems too innocent for my liking." He thought about all the events that had transpired with relation to the Gods. "What would you have done if you had all that power?" he asked as he peered at the ceiling.
"Killed myself. I don't want that power." Alk responded immediately. She would hate being a god; there were too many responsibilities and too many expectations to live up to. She wouldn't know what to do with herself. No, Alk was perfectly happy being normal, nothing more and nothing less. "What would you do?"

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"I don't know." said Lucifer as he rubbed his chin in thought. "I think I'd give everyone an equal birth. No inherited diseases. Equal richness. It's kind off sad how we are born unequal. I think we should all start at the same level and end up where we may, with all our efforts." he said. Lucifer sighed thinking about his life as pictures flashed through his head.
"But if you think that, then what do you think of the Gods?" Alk didn't think his plan was quite right. Yes, it was unfair for some people to be blessed with more capability than others, but at the same time, if everyone were completely equal, she didn't think anyone would have the strive to become greater than what they are. Everybody would be boring, everybody would be exactly what Alk wanted to be...

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"The Gods? I feel they are fools. Just like us. Selfish and narcissistic. With that much power, one would think that they would try to protect people. The ones who deserve it. Instead, they make the good ones suffer while the bad ones gain reputable success." said Lucifer, sounding melancholic. Cutting out of his thoughts, Lucifer shook his head. "I'm sorry. I've been rambling. I think you should get some rest." he added.
"Don't be sorry, but I think you're right. I'm tired." Alk's eyes had already slid shut. She opened them again and sat up, however, looking at Lucifer. "I'll se you tomorrow, right?"

(I actually have to go now, but I'll be back later on.)

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Lucifer grunted before pushing himself off the bed. "Of course you will." he stated with a smile, as he got up to his feet. Walking to the nightstand, Lucifer switched off the lamp and walked away. As he neared the door, he carefully stepped away from Alk's weaponry. As he exited the door, Lucifer audibly announced, "Don't tell anything to Layla about me having a crush on her or something. She's arrogant enough already." Lucifer closed the door behind him as he tread to his own chamber.

(Hey DD. Maybe we should do a timeskip now.)
(Would everyone be okay with a month time skip? Get stronger and such)

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