War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

(Yeah sure, since I'm back now. I guess Alk will stay here for now and stuff.)

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(One month later), The academies still cannot come to a come to a compromise as Diaboli's forces grow stronger by the day

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Lucifer lay in his bed with his eyes wide open. He was contemplating at the ceiling as the rays from the morning sun shot through the window. Stretching his body, Lucifer picked himself of bed and did himself the favor of having a cool shower. After satisfactory styling, Lucifer tread outside his chambers and headed towards the training room. It was now becoming a routine and this bugged Lucifer. He hated the lack of excitement and change. As he tread toward the training room, Lucifer peered at the other students, wearing a smile of course. The academy had finally opened and the students flooded in like swarms. Solitude became non-existent to say the least. All the students believed they could win the favor of the Gods with their good behavior, keeping trouble at bay. As Lucifer neared the training room, he let out an exasperated sigh.
Calvin had remained where he had been the past month, outside of the school training. He had trained non stop since the village incident, he hadn't come back into the walls of the fortress, hadn't spoken to anyone.

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Alk was already up and about this morning, practicing away with her archery. She'd spent that past month traveling back and forth between Maria and her husband's schools, finding a place for herself in each. She'd become somewhat of a shared student, even though she now wore the uniform of Maria's academy. In all of that time, she'd never once returned to the third god's castle, but her first words upon arrival at the Mother's still lingered with her. Vaguely, she wondered how Gerard was doing, having to deal with End every day.

Bullseye. Another arrow found it's mark in the center of a target across the room. She was back at Deus', having arrived this morning. Knowing that she might catch a friend there, she'd set out for the training room as soon as possible.

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Lucifer entered the training room to notice an arrow fly right past him. He quickly turned his head to catch the glimpse of his assailant. "Oh. It's you." he said blankly as he noticed it was Alk. He continued walking and seated himself on the ground, leaning against a wall. Closing his eyes, Lucifer started singing songs in his head.

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She notched her last one, pulling the bowstring taught before releasing. The arrow pinned the collar of her friend's shirt to the wall, but he came out unscathed. "That's all the greeting I get? 'It's you'? Well, you're not so great yourself, you know."

Alk smirked and came over to sit next to Lucifer, who she hadn't seen in little over a week. She poked his side with the tip of her bow. "What's up with you today? Are you and Layla already at it this early in the morning?"

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"Nothing. Everything is so boring. It's like I know what's going to happen already. Train for a long time. Get abused by Layla. Listen to some stupid news about Diaboli's academy. Think about training harder tomorrow and go to sleep." said Lucifer in a melancholic manner. "Of course with the pooping and eating. It's so boring!!" he added. He didn't bother to free himself from the arrow's hold.

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Alk frowned at the older boy, who she'd come to think of as a sort of brother in an odd sense of the term. Sometimes, she just didn't get him.

"Are you crazy? Boring is good. Don't you realize how hectic it will actually be when Diaboli makes his move?" She sighed, trying to settle down a bit. She never understood why people didn't appreciate boring more. "You may say boring now, but later you'll be grateful for this bit of calm in our days."

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Lucifer gave out a sigh as he pulled the arrow out. He realised that what Alk said was true. Moving his body, Lucifer comfortably placed his head on her lap and closed his eyes with a peaceful smile. After a while, his eyes shot open. "Where is that Layla anyway? I've got some new lines for her." he said, sounding rather excited.

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"Sure you do," Alk snorted, patting his head. She had come to learn that Layla was a very admirable opponent, not just with her battle skills but with her words. Whatever Lucifer said, she'd retort with a great comeback that Alk didn't think she could manage in a million years. But the younger girl was glad that somebody was keeping her friend in check, plus she knew that he secretly liked the little menace. "Anyway, I'm sure she's around here somewhere."

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"Yeah! Well we all know that I'm stronger than her but I've not been able to win arguments with her." replied Lucifer in a comical manner. "So. You know she used to be a blonde once, right? And blondes are dumb. So whenever she's going to open her mouth to argue, I'm gonna be like ' You are a blonde. Your arguments are invalid.' " he said followed by laugher, as he pictured her face. He knew that he was being immature and childish but that it was better than being the person he was a year back.

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"You're such an idiot, you know that?" Still, Alk couldn't help but smile at his comments even if they were ridiculously stupid. Layla would probably eat him alive, and she'd probably make fun of him for it for the rest of their lives.

She pushed the boy out of her lap, standing up. "Come on, let's go. I'm starving and you need to go try out this line on Layla, so let's head to the caf' to see if she's there."

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Lucifer picked himself of the ground and dusted his clothes before sauntering toward the cafeteria. Hopefully, he'd find Layla there. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face. Lucifer began laughing loudly as he walked through the hallways. He casually placed an arm around Alk's shoulder as he continued laughing. His eyes were tearing up and Lucifer guessed that it would do the same once he said it to Layla.

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"So weird..." Muttered Alk as they made their way to the cafeteria with Lucifer in hysterics the entire time. She really hoped that a quick retort from Layla would put an end to his morning madness.

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Lucifer looked around the cafeteria. His eyes searching for a cute brunette. Upon failing to find her, he proudly announced. "She's afraid. She must be probably hiding somewhere." followed by a comical victory laughter. "Anyways what do you want? I'll just take a coffee." he said, as he recalled the purpose of them coming here.

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"I'd eat anything at this point, but cereal is fine," Alk sighed, scanning the room for an empty table. It was surprisingly busy nowadays, with all of the new students and whatnot. Although she supposed there were more at Maria's academy as well, she just didn't spend enough time out there to really notice and meet tons of new people.

She found a couple of seats near the far windows on the opposite side of the room and quickly moved to take them before somebody else. Before Lucifer could sit down, she put her feet up on the empty chair. "Uh-uh. Go get me my cereal since you haven't done anything at all this morning."

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Lucifer gave a pout as he moved toward the counter. With a naughty smirk on his face, Lucifer gave a hard pull to Alk's chair as he walked away. He didn't turn to see the result of his action as he casually sauntered to the countered and, ordered two cups of coffee and Alk's cereal. With utter concentration, Lucifer brought the tray to the table with his eyes fixed on the tray.

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Alk let out a short shriek as her chair was pulled out from beneath her. She glared up at the back of Lucifer's head, only to find everyone in the cafeteria staring at her. Blushing, she got up and took her seat again, mumbling about "killing him later".

When the boy returned, Alk quickly snatched her cereal and a cup of coffee off of the tray. "Thanks, jerk," she snarled.

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"What?" replied Lucifer giving an innocent look. Taking his seat, Lucifer sipped on his coffee. He stared at Alk for a while before stating, "You need to stay away from her. I think the blonde is rubbing off on you and it's not good. At least not for me." he said as he sipped on his coffee. Lucifer looked at the window and stared at the light reflection of his face. "Do we really look that similar? I mean me and Gerard." he asked. It had been quite a while since he thought about the brat.

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"Huh?" She asked stupidly, surprised at his sudden topic change. Gerard was the center of many of her thoughts over the last month, even though their one and only confrontation really hadn't been all that long. She remembered the purple-haired boy clear as day still. "Kind of. I suppose you have a narrower physique, though. And you hair and eyes are completely different."

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"Hmmm. Because I was having a stupid idea in my head." Lucifer said with a knowing look. It wasn't that difficult for one to understand what he was thinking about. If he could go to Diaboli's and get some valuable information it would be highly helpful.

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Valentina arrived a little later than planned at the front gates of Diaboli Academy. She seemed like the only one in the front but she just assumed everyone was inside. Rolling her luggage behind her, she entered the halls of the academy. There weren't as many people as she thought there would be, "..maybe the dorms..?" She said to herself in a quiet tone.

The atmosphere was deadly quiet and it was very eery, but she couldn't let there affect her. This is where she would start her new life, hopefully it won't be too painful.

Once entering the dormitory, there were finally people. They all seemed strong and big compared to Valentina. Silence overtook the students as she entered, starring at her as she passed and once she found her room she hurriedly ran into it to avoid anymore of the deathly stares. She closed the door behind her with a slam and leaned on it, sliding down while letting out a sigh. "Geez... I really am different compared to all of them.." She said to herself as she sat on the floor infront of the door, starring at the wooden ground.

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