War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"Oh yeah? Care to share?" Alk asked, even though she could probably already guess what was going through his mind. She played with her cereal, only having taken a few bites before giving up.

She looked up at Lucifer funnily at his sudden exclamation. "I don't know, you just are. Your face is skinnier, and over all your just a bit lanky."

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Gerard noticed a new girl enter the academy. She seemed quite overwhelmed. Gerard casually tread toward the room that she had quickly jumped into. Laying a knock on the door, Gerard waited for an answer.

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Lucifer felt a tinge of insult in Alk's statements and it could be easily read by looking at his face. He pondered about how to turn this whole thing against Alk. He was quite good at it since he constantly improvised from his timely bickering with Layla. "You liiiiikke him." said Lucifer as he narrowed his eyes at her with a grin on his face.

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Valentina let out a lil yelp once she heard an unexpected knock on her door.

"I-I mean, I'm coming..!" She said, fumbling her words around. Stumbling to get up from her near heart attack, she opened the door, but only big enough for her eyes to peek out. "Yes? Who are you?" She said staring at the man who was at her door. 'Maybe I could make new friends!' She thought in which she celebrated in her head of her brilliant idea
"Excuse you?" Alk was slightly taken back, but she quickly focused in on Lucifer. She scowled, narrowing her eyes right back at him. "Why on Earth would you think something as crazy as that?"

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Gerard raised an eyebrow on hearing a yelp from behind the door. He wondered what was going on. He held out a hand when she finally opened the door. "My name is Gerard Wright. And what might your pleasant name be?" he asked with a comforting smile on his face.


'Uh oh. I really need to keep her away from Layla. She's becoming too smart for her own good.' he thought. Fumbling with his cup of coffee, Lucifer replied, "Because you met him only once but you remember almost everything about him. There must be something." he said with a sigh. ' That ought to cover it.'

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Valentina opened the door wider once Gerard held out his hand,

"Hello Gerard! My name is Valentina Alison Fiammetta. Nice to meet you" she responded cheerfully. As she grabbed his hand to shake it, a warm smile formed on her face.

"My, my. What pretty eyes you have." stated Gerard as he peered into her eyes. Turning her wrist, Gerard bent his back and laid a kiss on the back of Valentina's wrist. "It's an honour to meet a pretty girl such as yourself, Valentina. Do you mind if I call you Val?" he asked with a pleasant smile on his face.

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"Uh huh, so you immediately jump to the conclusion that I like you're cousin. I just happen to remember the time that I spent as some sort of servant and caretaker for a blind and tongue-less Filius. I mean, it's not like that was something that had any influence on me at all!" Alk half-shouted, not wanting to attract more attention than it was worth. She pushed back in her seat, her appetite completely lost, and crossed her arms over her chest.

She refused for there to be something going on involving Gerard, even though by all means there already was. Nope, she was determined to only like normal guys, bland guys, the kind that she could be perfectly happy doing absolutely nothing with. Gerard, a student of Diaboli, could be none of such guys. So, no, Alk refused to like her friend's cousin in that way, even if it totally disregarded her true feelings.

"Besides," she grumbled on, "I don't doubt he's already taken. Unlike you, who is too scared of the girl he likes to actually confront her."

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Valentina's smile disappeared from her face once Gerard kissed her on the hand. A shade of light pink painted her cheeks rose as her eyes widened of surprise.

"Uh-uh-um-uh" she stuttered, not knowing how to respond to the event that just accord.

"T-Thank you, for calling me pretty. I've never been called that before by the opposite gender before and so right now it's kind of a shock someone would" she said quickly in a ramble. "Yes, you can call me Val is that what makes it easier for you" Valentina was making a fool out of herself, she was never good at these types of stuff.

Lucifer patted Alk on her back. "Ok. Ok. I'm sorry. I was just teasing. I don't expect you to like him anyway. He is a monster just like I used to be. Except he's worse. " replied Lucifer. Lucifer didn't know if Gerard had someone or not. "Look. I'm not really serious about Layla. I would have definitely made a move if I was. Besides, she and I are completely different." He began contemplating about himself, his past and Gerard. Shaking his head, Lucifer cut himself out of his thoughts. He lifted the cereal bowl and decided to spoon feed Alk. "Ahhh." he said opening his mouth widely, expecting her to follow suite.

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Gerard smirked on hearing Valentina's response. "Wow. You are really formal aren't you? But if it's any comfort. You really are pretty." Gerard looked across the corridors before taking the liberty to scrutinize her room. "A young girl such as yourself shouldn't be living in such a filthy room. Let me take you to a better room." he said as he peered outside the room's window.

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Alk tried to scowl again, but she found herself unable to at Lucifer's silly face. This conversation was all very tiring; she didn't want to think about these things right now. Sighing, she meekly opened her mouth to let him feed her. She took a bite and wrinkled her nose as she chewed.

"It's all soggy," she said, mouth full. "Go get me a new bowl and maybe I'll forgive you for upsetting me."

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The blush on Valentina's face faded a little as Gerard continued to talk to her. Hearing the last part of his sentence, she simple smiled and shook her head.

"No, it is okay, this room is fine, it isn't.." She turned around to look at the room. She hadn't realized how dark and dirty it was. "It's okay, thank you for the offer though. I'll make this room work, so please don't worry about me" she said turning back around to face him, trying to give him a reassuring smile

Lucifer rolled his eyes before leaving the table to get another bowl. He harshly placed the bowl on the table and returned to his seat. Staring at the window, Lucifer began to talk without bothering if Alk listened to him or not. "There was this girl. Back in Ludus. Her name was Anise. She changed me into who I am now. But she left after I betrayed people for my own needs. It was then that I decided to live selflessly. I'm ready to atone for my actions and I don't expect to survive out of all of this mess. And as far as I know Gerard, he thinks the same as well. We both know that this war is going to be our end and we are just living for the day."


Gerard locked his arms behind his back. He decided not to compel her anymore. "So. Val. Tell me more about yourself. Where are you from?" he asked as he gazed at her.
Valentina noticed the stares from the girl behind Gerard. They were all giving her the 'I-will-kill-you' types of stares, 'I wonder why' she thought to herself. Gerard asked to know more about Valentina but to be completely honest, she didn't trust him enough to tell him of her past. She also wanted to get away from all the stares.

"Umm before I answer anything, would you like to come in. It's not much since I just got here but.. " she said, but her voice trailed off.

"Sure." said Gerard with a peaceful look. He sauntered into the room and seated himself on the bed. "You know. I seriously suggest that you change your room. I can arrange it for you without any trouble."
End stepped in to find Gerard and Valentina, with his icy gaze he stared for a moment before asking "You are?"
"No, no. I don't wish to trouble you since I've only just met you" she said walking over to the window and opening it. The room was getting too stuffy and the natural lighting coming in through the window made the room brighter than before.

Valentina sat on the open windowsill as the light escaped passed her figure. She tilted her head towards Gerard, giving him a smile and a small giggle to reassure him of her decision.

"So, how long have you been at this academy?" She asked, hoping he wouldn't ask her of her past.

After Gerard answered the question, another man entered the room. Quiet a rude one for barging in without knocking but Valentina didn't have time to think about that rather than to think about the question he asked her

"About half a year..." replied Gerard but his voice trailed away on hearing End's question. "She is Valentina Alison Fiammetta." he replied as he stood up. "What's the matter, End?" he asked as he wondered the reason behind End's visit.

"I just overheard someone I did not know, what do you bring to the table girl?"


Amare walked the streets of his father's academy, it was difficult for him going back and forth, trying to settle their dispute. War was on the horizon, a war he knew they needed to be together for.
(That moment when you write a whole response and it gets deleted at the last second, unable to recover it. *sigh*)

Alk listened intently, munching thoughtful all the while. Once he finished, she continued to eat. They sat in silence until the younger girl had finished her bowl.

"Maybe Gerard just needs to find his Anise. Maybe you both just need something to look forward to once all of this is over. Me? I already have my life after the war all planned out: I'm gonna settle down with a nice, normal guy and have a family. That's what I'm fighting for, certainly not for the gods. What will you fight for, huh Lucifer?" During Alk's own little speech, she had leaned forward and snatched up the boy's hand. It was much larger than her own, reminding her of how small she was in this world. Still, she wouldn't give up on her dream. She hoped that Lucifer could find a similar one.

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Valentina's first impression of this man named 'End' is scary.

"B-bring to the table? Well I didn't really pack anything to eat, I just though that I would buy food from the cafeteria and that would be what I ate. I didn't think I needed to bring anything to a table. This wasn't in the student manual!" She said rambling unsure of what his question was but answered anyways. "if I knew we had to bring something, I would've brought a cheesecake!"

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