War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


A month. That's how long it had been since Layla had arrived at the stone fortress of Deus. A month and what did she have to show for it? A small spout with Lucifer's look-alike and a months worth of training. Still, it couldn't be said that she didn't achieve nothing in her time wandering the halls and beating the pulp out of anyone that allowed her to. Layla had made a few nice discoveries. The first was that if she placed a smile on her face and batted her eyes a few times she could still get whatever she wanted from most of the men around her. The second was that Anastasia was about as innocent as a baby and needed a strict lesson on just how the world actually worked. Which Layla was always happy to give. She knew some people would call it "tainting" or "ruining" the girls mind, a someone who's name starts with an Luc, but Layla saw it as part of her civil duty.

It had been the reason for the overnight trip to the neighboring city. She had showed the girl the highlights of the nightlife and was now returning to the fortress ten times more smug then usual. A smirk painted across her face, Layla climbed from the car and helped the still dazed Anastasia out after her. The white haired priestess had a glaze look in her eyes, a side affect from the shock no doubt. It was best to get her to bed, which is what Layla did. Heading to the room they shared whenever Anastasia was at the fortress, she tucked the silent girl into the spare bed and exited the room to let her sleep.

"Children" Layla muttered, shaking her head and heading for the cafeteria. After a full night of spreading her knowledge Layla was starving.
Valentina stopped spinning the pole once Gerard started the fight. Firmly grasping it with both hands on the pole, one in front of the other, not too far but not too close.

Sliding her right foot back, than crouched down a little, turned her waist so that the pole could pass through her, leaving about a foot of it in the back.

She pointed the head at him, making the sun's rays bounce off the edge and shine into his face, hopefully this will blind him a little before she pounces. Not long after she shined the light in his eyes, she pounced with the speed of light.
Gerard closed his eyes as the bright light of the sun struck his eyes. He quickly brought his hands to block out the reflected rays only to find Valentina pounce at him. Gerard quickly crouched his body and jumped away from her striking point. (Let's discuss the fight on PM. That way it'll be more efficient.)

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Valentina quickly studied Gerard's stance. 'The hip!' She thought, it was a weak spot but she would have to be quick about it. She continued charging at him this time, aiming for the hip instead of the chest. The pole's head is too far for the sword's blade to hit any of her vital spots because of the length of the pole, so this attack she was confident in.
Gerard immediately brought both his hands to grab the longsword's hilt. He quickly turned his wrists to block the incoming knife-head of Valentina's poleweapon. The defense was successful as the sound of a clank ran through the air. Gerard hopped on his feet and backed out. He pondered how to get into close proximity with the girl.

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Valentina hopped back a few steps after the failed attempt of attack. "Damn it.." She said under her breath, she didn't give up, she wouldn't. Valentina got back into her stance, this time she waited for him to attack instead of wasting all her energy to attack.
Gerard smirked as he charged towards Valentina. He held the sword high in the air, targeting for her head. As he neared the edge of her weapon, Gerard cleverly ducked. He performed a feint. Gerard continued charging as he gripped his sword, aiming for her waist.

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Valentina stood still in her stance as Gerard aimed for her head than switching for her waist which was something she wasn't expecting. Quickly, Valentina used her polearm's head to try to divert the weapon before it stroked her. Fortunately, she was able to divert the attack with only getting a scratch on her thigh, though it still stung once it started bleeding but that didn't slow her down.

She quickly hopped a few feet so that she would have a distance between him and her. Though she should have stopped to take a breath she quickly lunged at him with all her force and speed aiming for his legs to trip him.
Gerard didn't expect her quick counter. As the polearm struck his sword, it started to slip away from his hands but Gerard regained his grasp onto the sword. He slapped himself mentally for lack of perfect execution. As Gerard tried to regain composure, he noticed Valentina charge at him. She was too close to him to successfully retaliate her attack. Smartly, Gerard flung his sword at her head to distract her. If it struck, he knew that the match would end brutally.

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Once Valentina was close, Gerard swung his sword, aiming for her head. She stooped down low to evade the sword, than proceeded to go on with her attack as planned. She used the pole to attack the back of the knee area so that he would fall flat on his back. Hopefully he wouldn't have time to counter it.
Gerard had bought himself enough time to dodge her attack. He had predicted that she was targeting for his stomach cavity like a merciless warrior would. So, Gerard jumped back and moved sideways. But his prediction was completely wrong. His own actions had led to the agonizing pain behind his knee. The knife head of the polearm managed to cut the back of his knee. Crimson red flowed from his left knee as he hopped back on his right leg, screaming in agony.

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Valentina gave a smirk to herself as her plan worked out successfully, different from what she had planned but it worked out in someway. Now his speed and stamina would decrease immensely. She stood up from the crouched position, her blood oozed from her thigh, staining her white stocking but that didn't matter. She just needed to finish him. Walking towards him, she gave him a smile, a scary one at that.
Gerard stood in his horse stance. He felt a bit intimidated on seeing her approach him but he didn't express it on his face. He wondered if he taunted her a little too much. But she proved herself. She proved to be capable and Gerard was sure that End would be satisfied with her performance as well. He felt a biting pain as the wound felt the cold wind. He prepared himself for Valentina's final attack.

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Once Valentina was at an appropriate distance where her knife head of the polearm could reach Gerard without having to do much but swing, she raised her pole and swung down at him, aiming for his neck.

As the knife came closer and closer, faster and faster, she stopped it right at his neck. She gave him a little nick on the neck, just enough so that it would start bleeding.

"If this was real, you would be dead" she said with a cheerful smile as she lowered her weapon back to side.
Gerard smirked. He was confident she wouldn't chop his head. His smirk was replaced by a frowning face as he felt the pain in the back of his knee. Supporting his left leg, Gerard began to tread toward the infirmary. Turning his head around, he forced a smile on his face. "You sure did bring something to the table." He began laughing loudly remembering about the hilarious event that had occurred in Valentina's room. His laughter was cut short by a grunt as Gerard continued walking away in defeat.

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Valentina held her weapon behind her as she used her other hand to scratch the back of her head while giving a somewhat of a nervous giggle.

"Sorry!" She said as he walked away, 'he looks in pain! I should help him! Plus I'm kind of hurt too..' She thought to herself as she looked at him and than at her scratch.

She ran after him, catching up wasn't hard since he was limping.

"Do you need any help?" She asked, giving him a cheerful yet friendly smile.
Gerard smiled on seeing Valentina offer him help. He comfortably placed his hand around her shoulder and let his left leg ease from the weight of his body. "Y-yeah. Next time, bring that cheesecake to the table as well." he said, smiling. He was glad she was not upset with him for his mean talk. "And please. Please. Don't joke in front of End."

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"That's all I needed to see" End said as he looked to both of them

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Valentina held her weapon in her left hand, lending her right shoulder to Gerard as they walked to the infirmary.

"Yeah.. I wasn't trying to be funny, I honestly didn't know what he meant" she said giggling as she walked. "I'll try to be less stupid around him.." She said with goofy smile of innocence.

Her smile faded after End showed up in front of them. Wondering if she had lived up to his expectations she asked, "So.. How did I do?" She said nervously with a small smile
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Alk smiled brightly at Lucifer, glad he was giving a more positive outlook a chance. Where she sat, she face the windows of the cafeteria while the boy across from her faced the entrance. She didn't notice that Layla had finally arrived as a result, but maybe it was Lucifer's slight change in demeanor that gave it away.

"What is it?" She asked, turning around in her seat. She still clung tightly to her friend's hand with one of her own, but she didn't seem to pay any attention to that. Her emerald eyes soon trained in on the black-haired girl from across the hall. She gave Lucifer a coy smile before turning again. With her free hand, she waved at the girl. "Layla! Hey Layla, over here! Lucifer has something he wanted to say to you!"

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Layla had just walked into the cafeteria, her eyes looking over the crowd of people a she brushed past the line to get her food without complaint from those waiting. She picked out a salad that looked remotely good and a soup, which she allowed a gapping boy carry for her. She was making her way to a table when her name was called by someone she didn't know. Drawing nearer Layla noticed Lucifer half-hidden behind her small frame and a smirk played across her face.

"Your girlfriend, hothead?" She questioned, looking the girl over. "Shame you didn't know him back at Ludus, he was a pleasure to have around." Her voice dripped with sarcasm as the boy placed her tray on the table for her and left. "It's nice to meet you." She continued, "I'd introduce myself but it seems you already know who I am."
Lucifer flustered in his chair when Alk suddenly called out to Layla. Yes, he wanted to taunt her but he wanted to wait for the perfect opportunity. Besides, it was only when he saw Layla that he realised how intimidating she really was. He wondered what he would say as the brunette approached him and Alk. He scowled when she referred to Alk as his girlfriend. Wait a second. This was perfect. He could draw her into an argument now and then kaboom. "Why? You jealous Layla?" he asked with a sly, taunting smirk on his face.

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Alk dropped Lucifer's hand, blushing lightly as she scowled first at the boy before speaking in response. "I'm not his girlfriend, so ignore him. Just a friend who happens to be a girl. I go by Alk, by the way."

She paused, patting the seat beside her as if to tell the girl to sit down. Tilting her head as she scrutinized the girl who she'd heard so much about, she wasn't so sure what Lucifer got so worked up about. Alk turned back to face the boy in question. "You really are an idiot, you know that?"

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