War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"Oh okay." She replied, following after Gerard to the armory but she didn't need it since she was already prepared because of the fight earlier. "How are we getting there?" She asked since this was her first time on a strike. Was it going to be on horse back or were they going to walk? This was all so new to her, it was actually quiet overwhelming. Arriving at the academy almost gave her heart attack, how was she going to react to this?

"A chapel near it, we'll draw them out, and crush them. Don't loose sight of the objective, inform the girl. I have no time to deal with her"
"A portal. End is not a human like you think. So don't mess with him." As Gerard wore his armour, he looked at Valentina seriously. "So. When are you going to tell me why you are here Val? And where are you from?" he asked in a serious tone. He didn't like her secrecy and he needed answers.

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"A portal.. And he's not human.. That's something new" she said, trying to brush off his questions yet again.

"We should probably go, before we keep End waiting for too long and he beats the pulp out of us" she would have walked to the portal to avoid anymore confrontation but it's not like she knew where it was. So she just stood next to him, hopping he would forget about the questions and move on.
Picking up a Dirk from the table, he quickly pinned Valentina against the wall and placed the dagger against her neck. "Answer." he said with a deadly glare. "Are you a spy? Acting all stupid and innocent?"

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A large demon, standing at 20 feet tall roared loudly as he stepped in front of the two. "I want their blood, it will be marvelous to kill the mortals and drink them dry!" It shouted.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401691027.224058.jpg.3b967b55a236c843a6d05dc4396bc850.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401691027.224058.jpg.3b967b55a236c843a6d05dc4396bc850.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Valentina stayed calm on the outside but on the inside, she was scared and wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. She looked straight into Gerard's eyes with unfazed eyes and simply said "___________" but it was too loud from the large demon's roar to hear, only her mouth moved. The large demon stood inbetween the two which set Valentina free from Gerard's grasps.
Gerard loosened the grip over Valentina. "We'll get back to this once we return." he announced as he marched toward End.

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Valentina just pushed the bangs from her face once Gerard left. She followed behind him and End silently, Gerard was sure a different person than she thought he was.

"..rude.." She said under her breath, hoping it would be low enough for them to not hear.
"That is a demon, a high demon of the demon lord of rage." End told the two. "Stronger than any mortal, even Deus' pets, or you. He's stronger than 1,000 men or even more"

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Valentina listened to End tell them how strong the demon was but Val could care less. She honestly just wanted to get this over with and go back to her dorm to sleep her life away. Too bad life wasn't like that in reality.
Alk watched as Lucifer walked away from them until her disappeared into the crowd of hungry customers. Turning back to Layla, she offered a friendly smile. Personally, she liked the girl, although she didn't doubt that Lucifer did too under his stubborn ignorance.

"So, Layla, what's new?" She asked, trying to strike up some sort of conversation while they sat around.
"I am certain, let us go" End told her as he opened a dark portal leading to the chapel

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Gerard reached the chapel along with End, the demon and Valentina. The chapel was decorated and covered with lights. It seemed like some kind of ceremony was about to take place, which meant there would be more people to kill. Gerard smirked on the thought. "Okay. Let's begin with the rampage and bring those flies to us." he said as he marched toward the chapel, gripping his broadsword.

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"Gerard, when Lucifer arrives, you will face him, no one else. Understand?" End commanded

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"Why?" asked Gerard questioning End's intentions. Not that he wouldn't want to stick a sword through Lucifer's heart but End usually didn't care who he fought with.

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"They're orders, that's why" End responded coldly.

"Lucifer!" Pippen shouted as he ran to him. "There's a demon at the chapel!"

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Gerard grunted in response to End's reply. A smirk grew across his face on the thought of battered Lucifer. After Lucifer, he could probably take care of the girl as well.


Lucifer looked at the table from the counter as he waited for his coffee when Pippin's voice, caught his attention. Lucifer regained his composure and accompanied the boy. "Find Amare. I do not intend to die today. I still have to find something to strive for." he said remembering Alk's words. Maybe he did find something but this was no time for loose thoughts.

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It was mainly a one-sided chat, but Alk continued on with no intention of stopping her nonsensical talk. She did pause however, to ponder what was taking Lucifer so long to get a cup of coffee.

(Agh I gtg but I'll be back in an hour or so I promise)

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"I'm coming too Lucifer!" The young boy shouted as he ran off to find Amare.

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Lucifer marched to the armoury to prepare himself while he had the chance. He decided not to bother Layla and Alk. Besides, Pippin said it was just one demon and things would be easy with Amare's help. Lucifer wore a chainmail instead of equipping an armour for better mobility. He began testing the swords before wearing brass knuckles. Picking up two longswords, Lucifer waited discreetly for Amare to arrive.

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