War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

The beast was large and grotesque, but for the sake of her life Alk knew she dare not look away. She let the first arrow fly. It pierced the demon's hip, right where it's left leg met its torso. By the looks of it, he was weakest at his joints: his armpits, hips, and at the base of his neck, but she had no idea how these would affect him.

"That's right, all of us! But me first; I'll be a great first course!" She baited him again, stopping running when she felt a safe enough distance from the cousins that the demon wouldn't be distracted by them. She just needed to hold out until Filius' reinforcements arrived...

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Gerard noticed Alk but he didn't get a moment of interaction with her as she rushed to distract the demon. "Looks like its me and you. Say, where is that 'girlfriend' of yours. You see, I brought her an opponent." he said as he gestured toward Valentina.

Lucifer kept his eyes on Alk as he watched her fight the demon. "Try and draw it to the fortress. I'm sure Amare can help you there." he shouted, wondering if Alk could hear him over the distance.

"I saw her first, you know?" said Gerard. "Will you just shut up?!" retorted Lucifer as he ran to help Alk but his path was quickly blocked by Gerard.

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"You foolish girl, a mere human trying to trick me" the demon cackled deeply. It reached down and clutched Alk in one hand, it's sharp teeth exposed in a grin.

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(I think we should wait for misfortune dreams to post. It's difficult if we keep developing the plot.)

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The night with Layla in the city had been more then she could handle. The sight that she had called 'living' made Anastasia dizzy and put her off the idea of becoming a 'regular' person. She disliked the city, a lot, and now she just couldn't wrap her mind around how people actually lived in that type of world. Layla had seemed so natural there, commanding the room like it was her kingdom. Kingdom of Night, the underworld that Anastasia never wanted to go back to. She would sooner swear allegiance to Diablo.

She half realized they had made if back to the school, dazed as Layla guided her back to their dorm room and placed her in bed before disappearing. It wasn't until the hall outside became loud with excitement that she finally recognized where she was though. Getting shakily out of bed, her head pounding like someone had used a hammer to crake her skull open, Anastasia exited the room and followed the crowd of people to the windows down the hall.

"Whose fighting it, can you see?" One overly anxious girl questioned as Anastasia pushed through the crowd to get a look out the window. There, seen quite clearly from this window, was a monstrous creature. Anastasia sucked in a gasp when she saw it, knowing that it was a demon just by the sight of the red skin.

"Move." Anastasia barked, pushing past the students to return to the room where her sword and battle gear waited. She equipped herself quickly, taking up the blade and strapping it to her belt before she headed out to the battle field. If they were going to fight a demon they'd need a priestess on their side.

(I'll post for Helen next and then Layla, so please be patient!)

Boring, tedious, no fun... that was the basic definition of what the mortal world was. Tapping her finger on the stone wall of Deus's fortress, Helen let out a grumbling sigh and rocked backward. Tipping, she did a neat flip before landing in the square within the god's domain. It was a predictable sight inside. While their main warriors were out dealing with the beast, the others were preparing for if their heroes should fail.

"Not much confidence." Helen snickered, waving her finger so that a hook on a rack of spears came loose and they toppled over with a clatter. She then continued onward, strolling through the fortress lazily. It was a surprise she wasn't noticed, but with her 'human' clothes on it was easy enough to blend in. Helen entered through the main door, humming lightly as she began to skip down the corridor.

"One hundred mortals pinned to the wall," She chimed, "Bloody, bloody, why won't they fall~?" (Imagine the humpty-dumpty tune, except with those words.) She paused in her song as she stopped before the entrance to the cafeteria. "All of them cry and all of them scream, but somehow their death means nothing to me!" She finished her song, entering to take up a piece of cake that rested on the counter.

"Oh, yummy~!"

(Layla is next!) 

When Lucifer left Layla wasn't quite sure how to deal with the girl she had been left with. Turning her eyes on her, she gave the girl an confident raise of her eyebrow as she studied her. Lucifer had an impeccable taste in enemies but she wasn't quite sure how he did with friends. This girl seemed good enough, she at least agreed with Layla that he was a stubborn idiot. Anyone that agreed with her could be a person that Layla generally got along with. Though her definition of get along with was probably the same as anyone else's tolerates. No matter, if the girl could deal with Lucifer offhandedly then she should be able to handle a few of Layla's snide comments. In the meantime it was better to worry about the fool, who clearly wanted to outwit her in their bickering spouts.

Perhaps Layla could let him have a few?

She shook her head as the girl stood to search for something. Layla, for some reason or another, couldn't control her snappy comments when it came to Lucifer Wright. She had considered it once before, letting him win a fight so that she could be done with whatever strange relationship they had. Layla hadn't been able to then and she couldn't now either, her time at in this war would be increasingly boring with out Lucifer. Not that she would tell him anything like he was important to her, he would never let her live it down.

Standing, she decided to head back to her room to check on Anastasia. Though when she arrived the girl was strapping her sword to her waist and exiting the room.

"What in the world are you doing?" Layla snapped, "You could barely walk straight two hours ago and now you want to... wait, what's with the sword?" Anastasia turned back to her, face serious and eyes flaring readily.

"There's a demon at our doorstep and you're worried about whether or not I can walk straight?" The white haired girl asked, "Come on. They are going to need all the hands they can get!" Layla's eyes widened. A demon? Did those actually exist?

"Yes, actually, I am." Layla called, following her. "How do you expect to defeat a demon when you can't even talk without flinching?" She sighed as the priestess ignored her. Stubborn, why did everyone have to be so stubborn!? "Alright, let me stop by the armory. I'll be right behind you." Anastasia's happy eyes fell on Layla as she clasped her hand tightly around her arm. They then parted, Layla heading toward the armory and Anastasia for the battlefield.

(I'm sorry, it's super long! I'm sorry!)
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Once Gerard gestured towards her, Valentina stepped forward so that she was be standing next to him rather then being behind him. She held her polearm behind her, tilted. As the girl appeared, Valentina came into eye contact with her, she gave her a big friendly smile and a small giggle.

"Hello.." She said to the girl, eager to fight. Valentina's heart was racing and her adrenaline was pumping.

'Hopefully this wouldn't be a fast fight, but who knows. She might beat me if she's as strong as everyone says she is..' She thought
The girl nodded to let Lucifer know she'd at least heard part of his directions.She had spared a glance at the pair of cousins, for a first time noticing a girl nearby. For a split second, she wondered what her relationship was with Gerard, but the thought was swept away as she was swept into the demon's clutches.

Alk smiled back, letting loose the two arrows she had already notched as the demon lifted her towards its face. Each came in contact with one of its yellowed eyes just as she stabbed the bottom blade of her bow into the space between its thumb and forefinger, where it's leathery skin came loose.

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Lucifer was angry that he couldn't help Alk. He noticed Anastasia join in, soon trailed by Layla. "Anastasia. Help Alk with the demon. Layla! Handle that pest of Gerard." he said indicating Valentina. If it's a fight they wanted, then it's a fight they'd get. Gerard smirked at Lucifer on seeing his leadership. "Wow. It's like a harem for you, isn't it?" he said in his cocky tone.

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When she arrived at the clearing where the battle took place her sword was already drawn. She had never fought a demon before, but with the blessing of the Mother on her Anastasia somehow felt safe. Some blessings and purification chants came to mind as she assessed what to do. Beginning to speak, she let the ancient words fall through her lips. The language was awkward on the tongue if one did know how to speak it, but Anastasia had been talking in it since was olden enough to. It was more of a natural feeling then speaking in what she consisted to be the 'common tongue'.

She barely noticed Lucifer shout to her as she concentrated on her prayers. When they were finished she was seemingly filled with pure energy, gripping her blade as the energy pulsed through her into the sword. She then charged forward, feet silent as they fell in rapid steps until she was beside the demon's left leg. Dragging the sword around, she ran the blade through it's red flesh with as much force as she could.

(Layla is next, give me a minute) 

The Armory was across the fortress from where she had been, which meant it took her a bit longer to get there then she would have liked. She then quickly pulled on the lightest armor that they offered, strong chainmail that wouldn't weigh her down and a belt that she strapped around her waist. She then collected as many throwing knives as she could, placing them along her belt and into her boots so that she wouldn't have to deal with Lucifer pressing a useless sword into her hands.

When she was done equipping herself with gear she tied her hair up and started for the field. Making her way out of the fortress she spotted Lucifer and started over. She heard him shout orders to her, but ignored them as she approached him from behind and smacked the back of his head.

"Don't do things by yourself, idiot." She snapped, "And don't order me around." With that she tuned her gaze to whom he was facing, eyes drooping with disinterest when she saw the look-alike.

"Oh, it's just you." She said, disappointed. "I thought it was going to be someone more interesting."
"You look cute." said both the Wrights conjointly. Lucifer gave a death glare at Gerard when he heard the younger boy use the same comment as he did and for some reason, Gerard flustered for a moment or two.

"I'm sorry. Amare was to join us but I didn't expect him to bail out." stated Lucifer.

"Valentina! That's the girl we've been talking about. What's your name, again?" asked Gerard.

"Layla." muttered Lucifer.

"Yeah, Layla! And it is her you will be fighting. Don't disappoint." said Gerard to the armor-clad girl.

When they both spoke in unison Layla made a face. So alike it's kind of scary. She thought to herself, ignoring the fact that the look-alike didn't know her name. She didn't know his either but that wouldn't stop her from kicking his butt until he ran away like the last time.

"I should be the one saying that to you... Erm... Lucifer's look-alike!" She snapped, finishing confidently even though it was clearly the worst way to address someone. She looked toward her opponent with a slight lift of her eyebrow and back at the boy. "Does she plan to hit me with that?" She asked, pointing at the pole behind her back. It had a menacing looking blade attached to the end.

"Somehow you don't seem like much, not if you have to twirl around a stick to actually do any damage." Layla stated, her eyes flashing teasingly as they held the girl's. "Hope you don't run away like what's-his-face. We had just been getting to the good part."
Valentina gave a nod to Gerard once he introduced Layla to her. She didn't look like a weak little girl but she also didn't like that strong, than again looks can be deceiving. Valentina brought her pole to her side and started to spin it with her fingers like she always does to past time. Hearing Layla's insults didn't have an effect on Valentina, it just made her want to win even more. But she won't lose her cool, she'll stay calm.

"Don't worry, I don't lose to a weak little girl like you, I also don't play nice" she mocked Layla as she gave her an innocent smile

"And honestly, I don't think you'll do any damage at all. I'm sure you'll break a nail, and wouldn't that just be terrible?"
With the blows that the demon suffered from both Alk and Anastasia, his grip loosened and Alk moved quickly out of its grasp. She scrambled up his arm, climbing precariously upon the moving limb. Standing on its shoulder and using its hair to stay on, the brunette shouted at the other girl, "Head toward the fortress! Filius might be able to provide some help there, or maybe some of the other students will come!"

Alk stabbed her blades into the soft area below his jaw, carving into it. Needless to say, she was no artist, but she got the job done. A chunk of flesh fell from its neck, it's blood burning her hands. She lost he grip on the demon's hair, falling down towards the ground below with alarming speed. She ran her bow-blade through the demon's thin armor, slowing herself to a stop. She dangled a few feet above the ground before kicking off of it and swiftly removing her bow. She landed in a low crouch and sprinted out of reach. She could she the fortress of Deus looming above city roofs already.

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"Yeah. I was just about to chop her leg off until some smurf (borrowed) interfered. And my name. My name is Gerard Wright." said Gerard with pride. He noticed Val spin her polearm, ready to fight. "Don't underestimate her. She's really strong..." Gerard continued bantering about Valentina while Lucifer stared in awe at the fact that both girls were rather similar. Deciding to save Gerard from Layla's wrath, Lucifer pulled him away. Lucifer for a moment had forgotten about the demon's existence until he heard Alk's voice. Gerard freed himself from Lucifer's hold.

"Let's fight!" he announced. Lucifer scoffed in response.
The demon grinned and roared. "You cannot defeat me, I'm stronger than 1,000 men, now witness!" It shouted as it charged a beam of energy in it's mouth. Suddenly, the demon was struck and fell onto it's back. Calvin stood in a tattered burlap cloak, "You guys, make sure everyone's safe Alk"

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"It's to bad I don't care who you are." Layla said to Gerard easily, giving him a delicate smile as the other girl spoke. Layla's comments had clearly done nothing, but it seemed the fun was only just beginning.

"Oh~?" Layla chimed at the girls last remark, her eyebrows shooting upward as she snickered. "How interesting..." She tilted her head to the side, studying the length of the girl's weapon and the side of her arms. She was skilled, that much was clear from the ease she manipulated the staff with. She was also cool headed, an opponent that wouldn't be undone by the common teasing that Layla mixed in with her fighting style.

"It's a shame," She said, reaching down to remove a single knife from her belt. "I only go full out against strong opponents and idiots. Somehow you don't look like either of those." (Idiot meaning Lucifer, of course. Lol) Having both complimented and teased the girl in one comment Layla smiled. She let the knife twirl in her hand, similar to what the girl was doing, before catching by the blade. Two finger pressed on either side of it, she eyed the sharpness of the edge.

"It's my policy to never start first unless I have to."
Lucifer watched the demon fall from the corner of his eye while Gerard saw it clearly. "That boy..." Gerard's words trailed away as he stared in awe. Lucifer took a moment to turn and recognize the boy to be Calvin.

"Is stronger than us?" Lucifer completed Gerard's sentence. Gerard nodded.

"Maybe." muttered Lucifer as he walked to Calvin to provide assistance. It had been quite a while since he had seen the boy. A month to be precise.

Gerard blocked Lucifer's way with his broadsword. "You'll have to cross me first!" he announced. Lucifer wore his traditional scowl as he scanned around him, looking at each member on the battlefield. Lucifer wondered where End was. He was quite sure that Gerard hadn't led the pack himself and neither could it be the demon. It was strong but mindless. Upon failing to find the one-eyed threat, Lucifer brought his eyes back to Gerard. "We don't have to do this Gerard." he muttered.

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