War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Lucifer noticed Calvin approach him. "Go help the people. I'm busy and don't interfere." he said in a serious tone. He failed to notice Alk's sudden disappearance.

Gerard was stunned at the sudden attack and was taken aback. Regaining his composure, Gerard landed a backfist and a hook on Lucifer's face. Lucifer turned his neck, wearing his frown to glare at Gerard. Lucifer reacted like he felt no impact from the punches. Gerard began to perform a feint to surprise the bluenette but Lucifer had already made his move. Lucifer crouched and quickly spun on his left foot to land a right elbow into Gerard's stomach. Before Gerard could retaliate, Lucifer had gotten up from his knees and turned on his heel to land a hard right hook on Gerard's cheek. Gerard tripped backward, stunned at the sudden outrage of attacks.

Lucifer waited for Gerard to regain his composure and when he did, Gerard performed a right neck kick but Lucifer pushed it away with both his hands. Gerard's leg regained ground but not for long as he attacked Lucifer again with a right spinning heel kick. Lucifer backed away from the kick as Gerard's feet missed his head only by a few centimeters. Gerard was quick to realize that his attack had failed and retaliated with another right neck kick. Unlike the previous time where he had blocked the kick, Lucifer landed a kick on Gerard's left thigh, avoiding the knee since he knew that Gerard was hurt. Gerard fell to the ground with a huge thud when his feet lost ground. Lucifer hopped away from Gerard, waiting for him to get up. Lucifer calmly watched as Gerard rolled on the ground in anger.

Gerard was given enough time to stand up and Lucifer waited for him to make the next move. Gerard was flustered by the way Lucifer fought. He didn't do Gerard any irreparable damage yet he managed to put him to the ground. Gerard lunged forward with a straight left punch and Lucifer managed to easily get away from it. Gerard moved forward and tried a straight right punch this time but Lucifer moved to his side and caught Gerard's forearm before landing an uppercut to Gerard's jaw, leaving Gerard to count stars.

In a few quick movements, Lucifer brought Gerard to the ground. Lucifer placed himself between Gerard's thighs before firing a series of punches at the younger boy. Gerard blocked a few punches, while a few managed to make contact. Gerard felt surges of pain from his chest and stomach cavity as Lucifer lay punches at the openings. The blood from Lucifer's cheek spilled on to the collar of his uniform and trailed down his chest. Tagging Gerard's leg, Lucifer spun on the ground carrying the boy with him. He retained the previous position and continued battering Gerard. After a while, Lucifer got up to his feet and backed away while Gerard followed suite.
Alk didn't even have time to protest when the hood of her sweatshirt was taken within End's hand and she was yanked backwards. She landed on the cool tile ground of a vaguely familiar, staring up at the cold man standing above her.

At some point while falling, the girl had managed to snatch a single poison-laced arrow, one of three in her quiver. She’d meant to stab her captor, but found that it would be unwise. End was more skilled than her, that she knew. Looking around, she also came to the bitter realization that she was back at Diaboli’s.

Well, crap, she thought. This was really bad. For one thing, it was End who had deliberately taken her. And for another, that man had made a servant out of her once before, forcing her to care for Filius. She didn’t doubt he’d attempt to do it again, especially since she’d escaped with the young god to his mother’s academy.

As it was so, Alk calmly placed the arrow back in her quiver and stood up. She held her bow tightly to her chest, scowling at Diaboli’s student. “Why did you bring me back here?”

Glancing over her shoulder at the nettle between Gerard and Lucifer, Layla let out a sigh. She really didn't want to waste her time on the girl in front of her. With that pole of hers it seemed like Layla wouldn't come out of this unharmed. She'd have to be on her guard, which only made her feel tired. She liked interesting fights, ones were she could tease her opponent until they undid themselves.

"Alright, alright." Layla said waving her head. "How long do you think this will take? I want to... Play... With someone else as well today."

"You allowed his escape, we were not finished with you. You also make excellent bait" End said as he stared in her eyes.

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Lucifer waited for Gerard to come at him as he hopped on his feet. Gerard continued the encounter with a diving punch, which Lucifer ducked with ease. Lucifer caught hold of Gerard's waist with his right shoulder and pinned him to the ground. Lucifer performed the clasher maneuver again but this time, Gerard managed to lock Lucifer’s feet and turn him around, giving Gerard the dominating strike position. Gerard began landing punches at Lucifer just like the latter had done to him. Lucifer looked for an opportunity to escape from this rampage. At the right moment, Lucifer was able to sneak a hook across Gerard’s face, freeing him from the lock.

Regaining ground, the fighters immediately moved for their next attack. While Gerard worked up a knee kick, Lucifer lunged forward to perform a straight punch. Both made contact at the same time, weakening Lucifer’s footing and Gerard’s stability. On his way to the fall, Lucifer was able to sneak a left jab before landing on his knees. Both the fighters, ended on their knees but they turned quickly to lay synchronous hooks on each other’s jaw. Blood spilled across both their mouths. Quickly, they stood up straight. Lucifer made the first move and laid a hard backfist at Gerard’s TMJ. Gerard performed a feint by throwing a pretense left hook, which Lucifer caught with both his hands, while Gerard’s right hand approached Lucifer’s TMJ. Lucifer moved his neck forward. Gerard’s fist missed the target as his forearm made contact with Lucifer’s cheek. Gritting his teeth, Lucifer landed another punch on Gerard’s face. Gerard felt completely obliterated as his head felt numb.

Gerard’s eyes fell upon the swords that Lucifer had put away. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to grab them with Lucifer still standing. Targeting Lucifer’s knee, Gerard laid a lower round kick to immobilize his leg with the intention of accessing the weapons. Lucifer jumped into the air dodging Gerard’s kick. As he descended, Lucifer laid a diving punch on Gerard’s face. As Gerard tumbled backward, Lucifer laid a right hook, followed by a left and right uppercut to Gerard’s chest cavity.

At that moment, Gerard knew the outcome of the fight. There would be no recovery from this. Gerard would have killed Lucifer if he stood victorious making him wonder if his cousin would do the same. Although Lucifer had changed, Gerard felt apprehension grow in his head. Even if Lucifer let him live, he would always carry the humiliation with him. It would be embedded in the four chambers of his heart. Lucifer had won this fight without having to use cheap tricks and devastating attacks. Neither did Lucifer didn’t break any of Gerard’s limbs nor did he use calculative pressure points. He hadn’t even taken Gerard’s wound to his advantage. He had fought with true honor.

Gerard was unable to register the attacks that followed but in a matter of seconds, he was back on the ground. Lucifer sat on Gerard’s chest and picked out his brass knuckles from his pocket and comfortably wore them. Panting, Lucifer wiped away the blood oozing from the deep cut on his cheek. Lucifer forced Gerard to look at him, who was trying to close his eyes and sleep to drift away the pain and humiliation.

“Find a reason to live. Do you hear me? Find a reason.” said Lucifer assertively as he looked into Gerard’s scarlet eyes. “I lifted the curse so that we could live in peace. Not to kill each other. I have done mistakes and I have to serve Deus to atone them. But you. You still have a chance to continue with your life. Don’t waste it serving Diaboli. Leave that place and start anew.” He says calmly. Gerard tried to turn a deaf ear on him but had captured every word that escaped the bluenette’s mouth. Gerard gave a pretense nod without uttering a word as he believed he had lost the privilege to speak. He just wanted to get away from everyone, especially Lucifer. His pride had been shattered. Gerard eyed Lucifer’s serrated brass-knuckle equipped hands in question.

“This? This is a return gift for the scar.” said Lucifer, touching his cheek with the deep cut. “Consider it a souvenir.” added Lucifer before punching his cousin on both his cheeks, rendering Gerard unconscious.

Lucifer lifted himself of the unconscious body and walked away from Gerard in a great poise. The scene would have been perfect if only there was raging blast of fire in the background.

(OOC: Gerard loses. Conflict continues. Both live without fatal wounds except for blemishes on their faces. I know it's a long post so I saved you some time.)
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Alk gulped under his stare, her eyes darting toward the floor for a brief moment before flicking back up to meet End's own. She pulled her bow over her shoulder so that it rest across her body and proceeded to let her arms dangle at her sides. "Fine, I'll be your bait, but I want the stuff I left here back, and a better room at least. If you give me this much, I won't think about escaping again."

She shuddered at the thought of returning to that room, that cell. She wondered if there'd still be blood stains from where Filius had suffered the loss of his tongue. She remembered that boy well, though she saw none of him in the god she knows him to be today. That boy had been scrawny, blind and helpless. She'd wanted to protect that boy, even if it had meant submitting to End. And so the questioned entails, why does she submit once more? What reason does she have now, being here?

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Lucifer looked around as he walked away from Gerard. He noticed Layla with Gerard's ally. Lucifer pondered for a moment if he should help Layla but decided to pass. She wouldn't want him to interfere and he believed she could handle herself. Lucifer's eyes fell on Anastasia. "Hey Ann!" he called out to her as he ran towards the girl. "Have you seen Alk?" he asked wondering where she could be.

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Alk laughed bitterly. She glared up at End, and through her teeth said, "You really mustn't lie to yourself, End. Good has always trumped evil, and you know it. Now, I'm awfully tired from fighting that demon that I assume you summoned to lure us out, so why don't you take me to my quarters? At least then I'll be out of your hair until they come to get me, and we kick your butts."

She knew that she shouldn't be saying these things. End wasn't Lucifer, he wasn't going to pout or brush it aside with a lame comeback. This man could hurt her. This man could keep her detained forever. He could kill her, and Alk would never get her happy, cliché ending. Nevertheless, the words spewed out of her mouth even as her rage threatened to choke her. All in all, it was toxic mixture of pride and anger that dwelled in her heart, but she knew that being so rash wasn't at all helping her achieve her goals. She had to clench her jaw shut to keep it all inside.

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Valentina gave her a satisfied grin, "Don't worry. It won't take too long.. Hopefully" she spoke as she held onto her pole behind her. "I won't lose a fight until I am dead. That is my motto" she added on.

A few seconds past as the girls just stared at one other, until Valentina started to use the blade to blind the girl with the sun's ray's. This worked on Gerard, hopefully it will work on her as well. As the girl was distracted, Valentina pounced towards the girl with speed that made her look like she was a speeded up video.

While she was still in the air, Valentina pulled her pole across her and swung at Layla's chest to neck area.

"You're a fool. Come, you're meeting the master" End said as he grabbed her arm and began walking

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"Hey!" She shouted, being roughly pulled down the halls. End's iron grip didn't loosen even when she stopped struggling (which she gave up on when they passed a bunch of students, who all glared at her). Soon enough, they were stopping in front of two large doors. She gulped, wishing that said "master" wasn't behind them.

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End pulled her to a large throne where he sat. Diaboli, the handsome man with red eyes. "This must be our new student, charmed" he said with a grin.

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Alk's green eyes narrowed to slits.

"Like hell I am!" She spat at the, although she wished he wasn't, rather good-looking god.
"That wasn't very nice of you" Diaboli said as End slapped Alk across the room.

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Alk landed hard against a nearby stone wall of the room, crumpling to the floor with a cry of pain. She squeezed her eyes shut, hating this, hating End, hating Diaboli and his school. Opening them again, she pressed one hand to the wall and braced herself as she stood up. She didn't say any thing as she returned to her spot before the god, repressing her innermost feelings and worries.

"You dare disrespect the master like that again and I'll kill all that you love" End said angrily. "Now, now, that's enough End, girl, did you know there are more demons than just him, 7 to be precise" Diaboli said with his coy expression

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"Weird, seven is my favorite number," Alk muttered, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Would this guy get to his point already? The girl didn't think she could stand much more of both his and End's presence. Still, she knew she might be collecting some valuable information by listening to what the god had to say about these demons of his.
"There are 3 more powerful than End. I'm raising an army as well. I'm just letting you know just how truly doomed you, and your friends are" Diaboli told her as he propped his feet up.

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"Is that all?" Alk asked, her voice losing its edge as she lost steam. No matter what she said at this point, it wouldn't change the fact that she remained this god's hostage. "I do apologize for my behavior, I'm just irritable when I am tired, as I explained to End before this meeting."
"No need to cower. Take her to her chambers" Diaboli commanded End, he grabbed her arm and began dragging her again.

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Alk's parting smile toward Diaboli was sickly sweet, with no other feeling behind it other than contempt. She let herself be dragged by End through the hallways jntil they stopped in front of a single door at the end of a long hallway. Alk glanced at End for a moment; he didn't make any move to open it for her.

With her free hand, she turned the knob and pushed the door inward. The room was just the same as they had left, and indeed, there was a slight discoloration on the floor from the blood. This also meant, however, that her bags were still there, although it was obvious they'd been rummaged through. Alk turned back to End. "I'm heading to sleep whether or not you let go of me."
Alk flopped onto the rubber mattress of her bed after setting aside all weaponry. She really should have taken the blades off her bow, but why now? She was certain she'd have plenty of time on her hand from now on...

The girl let out a disgruntled moan and curled into a ball. Her body ached from being squeezed and hit around by demons all day. Despite what she'd said, Alk couldn't find sleep at all. Their battle today still raced through her mind, especially one fight in particular. Remembering all of this gave her a new sense of pain.

Alk's family was very close-knit. Since leaving for school, her mother called her every night. Having left her phone in her room at Deus' fortress, she wondered what he mother would think. Would she worry? That was the last thing her daughter wanted for her right now. It was this strong family bond that made it so difficult for Alk to see the cause of Lucifer and Gerard's animosity. They beat each other to a pulp, and yet the same blood (kind of) courses through their veins. How is it that they're so opposing of each other? The young girl sighed, it was beyond her. She closed her eyes and attempted to trick herself into sleep.

"Hey Lucifer, you and your cousin done?" Calvin asked as he scratched his head.

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