War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Valentina looked at Lucifer, giving him an evil grin and a giggle.

"Sounds like a good dinner, send me the heart. I'll keep it as a trophy" she said mockingly.

She knew that the students of the Deus academy wouldn't have the balls to do such things, especially since Lucifer could barely hurt Gerard in the fight since they were cousins and Gerard was already hurt.
"I don't give a damn what's going on here, or who you people are. Lucifer, you tell that friend of yours, Calvin, I'm coming for him. This girl sounds annoying anyways, you can keep her" Gin said as he snarled

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'She is smart. Did Gerard tell her something about me?' thought Lucifer as he glared at her. He gave a quick glance to Layla, behind him before bringing his eyes back to the duo. He thought about getting a heart from the biology lab and sending it to her but then classified it into the dumb idea section of his brain. Lucifer knew it would be pointless to hold Gerard captive since the moment he had thought of it since the students in Diaboli's academy couldn't care less about one of their students. But Lucifer had other plans. He laughed as Gin denied the offer of escorting Valentina back to Diaboli's. He nodded at the man that he would transfer the message. He gave another glance to Layla.

"What say I give you a chance to take revenge for your friend Gerard?" he said to Valentina as he swung his sword. His eyes gleamed the words escaped his mouth and a confident smirk appeared across his bloody face.
Valentina, disregarded Gin's insult and looked at him, she gave him the look on to whether she could fight him or not. It was his decision to her fighting, although the thought of getting back to her room and taking a nap would have been a better idea.
Lucifer wasn't really in the mood for a fight either. He had just fought Gerard and he felt pain in some of his parts as well. Lucifer walked to where he had dropped his chainmail and quickly wore it over his tattered shirt. Valentina had a polearm and she seemed to managed it quite well as far as he had seen her use it.

"My name is Lucifer. Lucifer Wright." he announced as he walked back to her. "I am Gerard's cousin. Did he tell you about me?" he asked as he rotated the sword with his wrist. He gave a concerned look at Layla. Either she hadn't spoken anything or she had cursed him and he had turned a deaf ear to her. Both sounded intimidating in a manner, as Lucifer gulped and returned his eyes to Valentina.

She hissed when the blade ran across her skin. She had made contact but not without taking damage of her own. She felt the blade slice through her the upper part of her thigh, cutting open the skin as she fell sideways. Grabbing her leg, she pressed the wound so that the blood stopped.

Layla then ripped off a piece of her shirt and tied it tightly around her leg. She then pulled herself to her feet, placing her hand on Lucifer's shoulder. Her eyes flared angrily.

"Mind your own business." She snapped, "why did you step in?" She was glad he had, but still there was a sense of frustration to having to depend on lucifer.
"I am sorry. Alk's gone missing and I needed to talk to her." said Lucifer rubbing the back of his head. He began to lose his footing upon the sudden weight on his shoulder and placed his hand around Layla's waist to support her. "You want to continue? Should I take you to the infirmary?" he asked with concern as he looked at her leg. The wound must have been quite bad since Layla had willingly used his help. He knew she had to swallow a huge amount of her pride to do so. Turning to Valentina, he announced, "I guess we'll fight another day."
Layla made a face. "I fine..." She stated, flinching slightly as she put weight down on her leg. It stung more then she thought it would, but she quickly placed a serious look on her face to mask it.

She bit back a comment when lucifer placed his hand on her waist. "W-watch it.." She grumbled.
Lucifer scowled at Layla's response. If she didn't want to thank him it was fine but the least she could do was shut up. Dropping the sword, Lucifer began walking, propping her weight on his shoulder. He noticed Anastasia and decided to call her for help. Layla would probably prefer that.

"Hey, Ann! A little help out here. The dumb blonde got herself hurt." he called out, waving his free hand at her.

Spotting an injured Layla and angry lucifer, she headed toward him. She looked over the injury that Layla had and back toward where they had come from.

"I'll take her, you have business to take care of." She then looped Layla's arm over her shoulder and smiled "don't worry I'll take good care of her."


The sight of Anastasia made her flush with anger and embarrassment. If lucifer wanted to dump her that quickly then fine, it was the last time she'd seek his help. Pulling her arm back that she had used to hold into his shoulder she made a face.

Then, as Anastasia started helping her toward the fort, Layla paused. She cleared her throat. "Thanks." she muttered under her breathe.
"Wait. What? So, no cocky reply? No punch in the face?" called out Lucifer as he saw them leave. He felt disappointment fill his heart when Layla didn't respond as he expected her too. She really had depended on him and he didn't want that. Her independence is what truly divided her from the others and he truly did respect that. Lucifer would have preferred to see Layla walk away without any help although it would have hurt her rather than have her strut with him or anyone else. Lucifer didn't really have anything to do at the chapel so he walked up beside them. He'd have to check on Gerard once he reached the fortress.

Hearing the remark she snorted. Waiting until she was a good distance away until she called back to him. "You're lucky my leg is like this." She snapped, "or I'd make your face even uglier then it already is." She then turned her head and ignored him, allowing Anastasia to lead her to the hospital wing.

"That's my girl." he muttered as he walked with them. He had to go to the infirmary as well since that's where Gerard would be so it seemed like he was stuck with them for a while. He felt a drop of blood fall from his cheek to the collar of his shirt. He thought of an annoying question to taunt Layla but decided not to go with it. He changed his side and walked beside Anastasia. "Hey, Ann. How's your stay with the witch?" he whispered into her ears with a smile on his face.


Gerard eyed around the corner before continuing to walk down the hallway. the hoodie helped him conceal his face and he didn't expect anyone to actually know him. Gerard walked with his head down, groaning now and then as he sensed pain in different parts of his body. He was ashamed that Lucifer beat him again and this loss was truly dramatic. He wished that their Master wouldn't hear of this since he would be truly dishonored.

She blinked at Lucifer's question, confused. It was a few seconds later that Anastasia realized who lucifer was talking about and giggled. "Terrifying, actually." At hearing a response to a question she hadn't catch, Layla tensed beside her.

"What are you going on about?" She questioned. "I'm going to press salt in that wound on your face if you don't tell me."


The cake was great, but once it was gone Helen didn't have much to do. She was there on her own whim so it wasn't like her father would interfere with something interesting.

Spotting the hooded figure, and the face beneath it, she flashed a smile. Appearing in front of Gerard, Helen linked her hands behind her back. "Running back to Diablo after a beating from your cousin?" She questioned, teasing. "How pathetic!"

"Umm. Nothing. Mmmm. We were talking about the demon actually, weren't we Ann?" replied Lucifer with an awkward look on his face. He looked to the ground thinking of the events that had just occurred. "Hey, Layla. I am truly sorry. This is the second time I interfered in your fight. I will not do it again." he said sighing. "It's just that when I see you hurt, you look like a helpless girl to me and I just feel it is my responsibility." Upon realizing that he called her helpless, Lucifer knew that his death was imminent. "Not that your helpless. You are actually very strong. You don't need my help. I don't even know why I do that. You can kick my a** with ease. Why would you need my help?" he added in a quick pace with a forced laugh, to try and save his life.


Gerard raised his head on hearing a voice speak to him. "Helen?" he said after easing his breath. "What do you want me to do then? Stay here and let me rub it in my nose?" he asked as he bent his head down and continued walking. "Anyhow. What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, my ass." She said, pursing her lips as she continued to walk. Layla's emotions flared when he called her helpless, her eyes rounding on his with a deadly glare as he went off rambling. His fear of her was enough to make her give a confident, yet venomous, smile. "Damn right I can kick your butt." She hissed, "and I'll prove it right no-" her words were cut off when she tried to take a step. Pain shot though her leg and she sucked in a sharp breath as it jolted through her.

"I'd prove it to you, but I have better things to do then deal with an idiot." She stated, covering up her pain by clearing her throat.

"I'm looking for something fun to do." She said, lightly skipping after him. "If expect you to seek some sort of revenges, by the way." She shrugged. "I would have, but mortals are weaklings. You're weaker then most." The comment made her laugh.

Lucifer gestured Anastasia to let go of Layla as he came from around her. He picked Layla up as if carrying her over the threshold and took a moment to manage the newly added weight. "God. You are heavy." said Lucifer sarcastically as he began walking to the infirmary with Layla in his arms. He was sure he'd earn a slap for his actions and his words. To a third person, Lucifer would seem like a masochist, craving for abuse from Layla.


Gerard grit his teeth when Helen called him weak but he had no choice than to gulp his rage down. He'd have to prove himself through action not words, just like Lucifer had. "I'm sure he can't take you on either but he'll be amusing." said Gerard as he thought about Lucifer being beat up by Helen. He wouldn't gain the satisfaction of giving pain to Lucifer himself but he would just have to deal with it. "Let's see if we can track down that mutt."

She knew he was planning something the moment he gestured for Anastasia to step away from him. He then swept her legs out from under her. She made a soft noise in surprise, him making snide comment on her weight while she was still to stunned to talk.

"W-what are you doing, idiot!" She hissed, swatting at his chest a few times. "Put me down...!" Her face had flushed a red, something that never happens to her.

"I swear to god, I'll make it impossible for you to have children if you don't put me down!"


She tilted her head to the side and shrugged. "I'll only fight if it looks interest." She mused following him. "By the way, how's your pride?"

Gerard gave the best poker face he could afford. "Shattered." he replied blankly.


Lucifer looked down at her. He was shocked when he saw a pale red tinge on Layla's face. Lucifer was just beginning to think she was cute when she started bickering in his arms. 'If only she shut up!' he thought as he gazed at her. Stopping for a moment, he forced a brief kiss on her lips.

"Now shut up." he said assertively. Lucifer gave a glance at Anastasia before he continued walking with Layla in his arms. 'I really have a death wish.' he thought to himself as he continued walking, peering straight ahead at the fortress' entrance.

"Put me down..." Her words trailed off when he stopped, staring at her. It made her nervous, fidgeting slightly as she looked around. "What are yo-" her words were cut off when lucifer leaned in and kissed her.

When he pulled back he snapped a command at her, not that she noticed. Her face had grown hotter then it always was before; cheeks burning with embarrassment, surprise, and a bit of an emotion Layla didn't understand.

Reaching up a hand, Layla poked the wound on his cheek. "Idiot." She mumbled, ducking her face so that he wouldn't see the blush. "Idiot... Stupid... Dumb..." Layla muttered from where her face was buried in his shirt. "I'm going to kill you... Stupid Lucifer."


She laughed. "I bet." She said twirling a string used to tie her shirt together. "You'll have to make up for it, to bad at the state you're in you'll never be able to."

Gerard sighed. He knew Helen was speaking the truth. "Do you know where we are going? Because I think we've been going around in circles." he said as he stared at the entrance of the infirmary.


Lucifer groaned as he felt Layla's hand poke on his cut. He was glad she hadn't done as she had threatened earlier. He could hear Layla's incoherent mumbling as she sank her head into his chest. Lucifer successfully made out the words Stupid and kill. "Awww. I love you too." he said cheekily as he turned his head to Anastasia. "That's how you shut a witch. A cute witch." he whispered, winking at her.

As Lucifer entered the academy, he went straight to the infirmary. Upon reaching the infirmary, he carefully placed Layla on her feet before mumbling, "Gerard." who stood a little away from the door, accompanied by the girl Lucifer had seen a month ago.

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"Hey!" Calvin shouted as he leapt from a window in front of Gerard with an angry expression. "You tricked me! Get back in there, now"

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Her eyes widened when she saw the kiss, surprised that it had flustered her friend so much. Layla had just been in her 'underworld' doing things similar - if not worse - then this. Now she looked like an actual girl, red faced and stumbling over her words.

"You have quite a bit of influence over her..." Anastasia pointed out after lucifer had winked at her. "But you might really be an idiot for doing that."


"Of course I know the way out, but I thought you should figure it out for yourself." She mused, looking at the infirmary as footsteps neared. Helen glanced at the trio approaching and snickered.

"Look who appeared!" She chimed, "oh my... You never told me your cousin had a girlfriend..." She eyed the girl that lucifer had set down before looking at Gerard. "Maybe you should kill her. It's a way to get to your cousin, right." Helen flashed a smile.

"Hit him where it hurts."

Gerard noticed Lucifer across the floor standing with Layla and Anastasia. He heard Helen's words but was truly sure that Lucifer wouldn't let him lay a finger on her if she truly was his girlfriend. Sighing, Gerard shook his head when Calvin jumped in front of him. "You got me." Gerard said lifelessly as he held his hands out to Calvin.


Lucifer was about to interject as Calvin jumped into the picture. He noticed Gerard give in which was quite unusual. "What do you want?" he asked the lady whom he clearly recalled being a foe. Lucifer turned his head to glance at Layla to see if she was getting her wounds looked at.

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