War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"I don't know who she is, but she's not gonna hurt anyone" Calvin said as he glared up to her

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"For something fun to do..." She replied easily to lucifer, watching his eyes move to the girl. "Nasty wound, you shouldn't play with the big boys if you can't handle it, girl." It was funny seeing the girl's face flash with anger. It was clear the wound had hurt her pride just as much as Gerard's defeat had done for him. It was amusing, even more so when the girl started forward and slapped Helen across the face.

"I only start fights I can win." The girl snapped. "Even with this wound I'll slaughter y-" darting forward, the white haired priestess covered the girl's mouth and pulled her way. She didn't let go of her mouth until she had her on a bed nearby to get her wounds looked at.

"Amusing..." Helen snickered, turning back to Lucifer. "I might take that one. What a fun plaything!" She then twirled around to look at Gerard and his captor, "sorry, cutie, but I'll have to take that with me." She pointed at Gerard.
Lucifer turned on his feet to leave to the infirmary. He had to get his wounds looked after and see if Layla was alright after her little outburst. He was sure Layla hated this day more than ever. Lucifer didn't bother with Gerard or the woman since Calvin was present.

Gerard bowed his head in shame as he saw Lucifer enter the infirmary.

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Calvin lifted Gerard over his shoulder "Come on, you aren't tricking me again"

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She sighed, placing a hand on her hip. "Pathetic." She stated, "maybe you'd be better off here." Helen drifted after them, appearing inside the infirmary with a smirk on her face.

"Mortals... Are... Boring..."
Lucifer was heading towards Layla's bed and look at her when he was interjected by the presence of the lady. "Then why don't you go find a God or Demon?" he asked as he changed his course and lay himself on a bed. "There are two Gods here. You may luckily be able to run into them." he stated as he rested his head against the pillow.

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"Filius. Deus." Helen waved them off, "they're more boring then mortals now that the banishment had been lifted."


She crossed her arms over her chest in anger, pouting out her lower lip as Anastasia told her to stay put. The nurse was busy at work making sure her wound was properly dress. She then gave Layla a string of commands. "Don't order me around, old woman." Layla snapped, angry that she was being treated like a child. "I'm leaving now." She got to her feet, biting down on her cheek to force back the pain.

Layla then began out of the room, doing her best to walk normal.

"Now. See!" The girl from before said happily. "THAT is interesting. So cute!" Layla shot a glare at her, placing her on the list of people she'd need to get revenge on.
Lucifer groaned as he heard the woman continue bantering. He watched Layla leave the room in anger and decided to follow her. He could get his wounds treated later. He'd rather apologize to her now than end up with worse wounds. Catching up with her, Lucifer pulled her forearm to stop her steps. " I am sorry. That was rude of me." he said. He remembered Anastasia stating that he had quite an influence over Layla but he wanted to use it the right way. "Do you want me to take that kiss back?" he asked with a grin on bloody face.

Gerard hung loosely over Calvin's shoulder as the boy led him to God knows where.

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She was half way down the hall when someone caught her arm and stopped her. "What?" She snapped, turning to see that it was Lucifer. "Don't apologize for something you're not sorry for, idiot." She stated in response to his statement. Pressing her lips together as she fought back her embarrassment.

"Don't think about stupid things, pervert." She grumbled to his second comment, turning away from him so she could continue her journey toward her room.

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"Alk would have loved to see it."said Lucifer. "Wait a second. I totally forgot about her." Lucifer ran upto Layla "Shouldn't you be walking a bit slower? Anyhow, I need your help to get Alk back!" he exclaimed.

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Layla paused, turning back to lucifer. "What about Alk?" She questioned. "Wasn't she off fighting the demon...?" Layla still wasn't to sure about the girl, she felt that Alk harbored feelings for Lucifer even without realizing it. They'd certainly look better together then Layla and...

She shook her head. "I think your idiocy is rubbing off on me." Layla grumbled, "I'll go change. We can head out after."

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"She's at Diaboli's." said Lucifer in a serious tone. "I need you to help me look like Gerard. I'm going to go get her. We need to make it quick." he added. Lucifer was worried about his friend. He hated how the Gods used the mortals as mere toys.

Meanwhile, Gerard shot his eyes open, finding himself in one of the dorm rooms. The room was locked. Probably the smart work of Calvin he concluded as he laid back on the bed where he had woken up from.

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She crossed her arms, shaking her head. "No way you're going alone." She stated, looking him over. It wouldn't be hard to get him to look like Gerard, they already looked so similar. If she brought him down to Scotty's it would take less then a hour.


Everyone had departed, even the strange girl with blue hair who had basically evaporated into thin air. With. Itching to do, and after apologizing to the nurse Layla had insulted, she headed out. She had a few responsibilities around the fortress one of them being helping out he cooks in the kitchen.

Arriving she was asked to bring a tray to some person staying in one of the locked dorms, and was handed the key along with the food. She wasn't so sure about this but with a nod she agreed, heading off.

"Hello?" She called, knocking before she unlocked the door and slipped inside. "I brought food." She looked over the person inside and swallowed nervously. Gerard Wright, Diablo's loyal follower.

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"And there's no way I am going to take you back there." said Lucifer with assertiveness. Looking to the ground, Lucifer began shuffling on his feet uncomfortably. He began to blush, before he looked at her with confidence and said, "Look Layla. Today when I saw that demon, I promised myself I would do something if I came out alive. That something was to kiss you and tell you that I like you." he said without stuttering or closing his eyes. "But as you know I failed to do the second part since I was..you know shy. So here's me. Telling you. I love you Layla James. There I said it!" Lucifer looked down to the floor. "I know you don't feel the same way and there's no reason you should. I just had to get this of my mind." he added with disappointment.


Gerard lifted his head up to notice Anastasia enter the room with food. "Didn't know they gave room service to prisoners at Deus'" he said as he groaned and lifted himself of the bed. "Thank you." hec said.

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She was still studying Lucifer, debating whether she should bring him to the shop or not. It would mean letting him in on some of her life outside of Dues's fortress and the gods war. The only other person she had let in on her secret life was Anastasia, who she considered one of her only friends. She completely disregarded his first statement, knowing that if she wanted to go she would and he couldn't stop her.

It wasn't until she heard the shift in his tone that she actually tuned into what he was saying. Her eyes widened as he spoke, unsure of what to do until she realized he was probably teasing her. "Don't say things you don't mean, stupid." She replied, sourly searching his face for signs of flies. When she couldn't find any her face softened. "Wait... Are you serious?" The calm and confident look in his eyes drew her to the conclusion that he had to be. Her face got hot at once, turning red as her stomach did flips in her gut. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to respond, no one had bluntly said something to her like that.

"I-it's not like I dislike you." She said, unable to meet his eyes. "I might..." Her words got soft as she spoke, though he cheeks turned a deeper red after she had finished speaking what only she could hear.


"We can't have you starve." She replied, putting the tray down at the table. "You may be the enemy but you aren't bad. We all have light and dark inside us, it's the way the Mother made us." Watching him get off the bed she shifted, wanting to help but unsure if she should.

"Are you in pain?"

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Lucifer felt a cringe in his heart when Layla initially expressed disbelief in his words but it eased when she finally realised that he was being honest. "It's okay. You don't have to console me. I understand." he said trying to forget about the feelings flowing through his head. "We have to get Alk. She needs our help. I need to get these wounds looked at." he added.


"No. Your doctors do a good work here." said Gerard as he sat at the edge of the bed. He smirked at the thought of good and bad in him wondering if there was really any good. "What is your name? I think I've seen you. You were the one who kidnapped Filius, right?" he asked.

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"Why did you follow me if you didn't get your injuries taken care of?" She asked, realizing he was still a bloody mess. Grabbing hold of his arm Layla dragged him back into the infirmary, sitting him down on the bed. "Stay put until I'm back." She looked over at the nurse who was preparing bandages and cleaning ointments. "Got it?" She questioned glancing back at Lucifer.

Layla hen turned and exited the hall, heading for her room to change and send a note to he workers at Scotty's. She should at least warn them the idiot that she always talked about was coming.


"They are guided by the gods, of course they are good." She said with a shrug of her shoulders. "I'm Anastasia." Picking up the cup of water and pressing it into his hands. "And seeing as he was being held prisoner, you can hardly call it kidnapping." She smiled.

"But yes, I was the one to rescue Filius."

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Lucifer gave an exasperated sigh as Layla left. He realised that he had done the biggest mistake he ever could have. Lucifer let the nurse tend to his wounds as he lay on the bed. Things would never be the same between him and Layla, and she got the eternal pass to keep his mouth shut. Giving another sigh, Lucifer decided to distract himself but no matter how hard he tried he failed. After the nurse had dressed his scar, Lucifer peered into the mirror. "Maybe if you were cuter." he repeated Layla's words that she had once dealt on him.


Gerard gratefully accepted the water and gulped it down quickly. "We give rotten blood to the prisoners to quench their thirst." he said as he looked into the empty glass.

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"That doesn't sound very pleasant." She mused, making a face at he thought. "I can't imagine having to drink something like that, but I suppose you had no other choice..." She lifted the plate next, handing it to him before settling in a chair by the window.

"Dues, Filius, Maria, Diablo, even the unnamed daughter of Diablo and other children of the gods." Anastasia said, "in the end mortals are just pawns and they'll use anyone that allows them to."


Returning to her room she noticed that Anastasia hadn't come back to he room but dismissed it. Instead she changed into casual clothing and untied her hair. When she was finished preparing herself Sheba e Scotty's a call, warning them that she'd be dropping by. She the went back to find lucifer staring at himself in the mirror.

"Worried about your face?" She asked, looking over his bandaged face. "Shouldn't be to bad, scars add character. With those weird tattoos gone it might look good on you... Probably not though." She snickered slightly as she pointed toward the door.

"Let's go, you wanted to look like that weird guy right?"


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Lucifer nodded as he heard Layla's comment. "It'll help me explain my loss at Diaboli's" he said. He'd probably have to visit Goddess Maria again to make his scars disappear. The memoryv of travelling to Maria's academyv reminded Lucifer something vital. "Give me a second." he said to Layla as he rushed to Alk's room and returned with her teleportation amulet. "This will help us travel to where we desire." he says as he tied the amulet around Layla's neck. She looked cute in that dress but he felt it wasn't the appropriate time to make that statement. "Hold it in your hand and think of where you have to go." he said as he placed his hand lightly on her shoulder.


Gerard consumed the soup that was brought for him as he listened to Anastasia talk. He couldn't help but agree to the girl's words. "What does Deus make Lucifer do?" he asked.

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Glancing down at the necklace she lifted an eyebrow. "Should we be using this?" She asked, "it's not like it's very far away, where we're going." Layla looked him over before shrugging and grabbing the amulet. She then closed her eyes, a strange feeling overcoming her as she thought of where she wanted to go.

When she opened her eyes again they were in Scotty's shop. She laugh, looking down at the necklace with a satisfied look. "This things pretty nice." She said, gesturing Lucifer toward the back room. Passing through the door to the back, they entered a room filled with all the things needed to make Lucifer into Gerard.

"Do what you can to make that guy look like..." She rummaged through her bag until she pulled out a picture of Gerard that she had secretly taken for the occasion. "Him." The staff, mostly men, agreed and swept lucifer off to make him look like his cousin.


"Make him do...?" She muttered, "he has a debt to pay. Lying to a god is not something that is taken lightly. He's doing what is asked him so that his life is spared." Anastasia hadn't heard the full story of why Lucifer was under the service of Deus, but she did understand some of it.

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At some point, Alk was moved to a different room. Not that they were pardoning her in any way, it's just that they'd left her locked up with her weaponry. After a few minutes of trying to sleep, the young girl soon found that she could not. For a while she just paced around the room, but then an idea started to form in her mind. She flipped both bed frames onto their sides and positioned them in the corner, against the wall opposite the door. After she put all of her belongings behind them, she grabbed one of the specialty arrowheads she'd gotten from Deus' armory, and jammed it in between the door and it's frame. This tip was packed with tiny explosives. When connected to a shaft, if would trigger a chemical reaction that'd cause the bombs to go off. They weren't big, but they were enough to blow the lock and, unfortunately, to garner the attention of a few students/guards. She was just sneaking out of her room with her stuff repacked when they caught her and swiftly moved her to a new cell. Needless to say, they confiscated her bow and quiver.

While it was smaller, the room's one bed at least had an actual mattress and a few sheets to go with it. This time as well there was a small window, but it wasn't blurry plexiglass. There were no blood stains on the floor, and no signs that anyone had ever occupied it before her. The thing she was most grateful for, however, was most certainly the bathroom. It was tiny and only had a toilet, but there was a door and there was toilet paper and Alk was content with it. Overall, the room was like that of an extremely cheap, barren motel.

Sitting on the bed, she was able to think clearly for the first time since she'd been captured. Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't such a bad thing...

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