War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"No reason." replied Lucifer sheepishly. ' She's only been here for a day. She probably couldn't like him that way.' he thought. ' But then again things between me and Anise was really quick.' He began cherishing his memories. He also realised that Gerard wouldn't know much about her since she had been here only for a day. "So. Where are you from?" he asked as they neared the dorm building.

(Note for DD:Lucifer is at Diaboli's disguised as Gerard, trying to save Alk. Just in case you didn't know.)

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"No where.." She said in a quiet tone that seemed serious than her normal cheerful voice. She paced herself so that she walked ahead of him by a little bit. "I forgot if I asked you, but where are you from? Canada?" She said with a goofy smile.
"Hey! I asked first." said Lucifer cheekily. He wasn't sure why she didn't answer his question but he was curious to know about her. He could see someone in her. Someone he had tried to forget. "Pumpernickel!" he exclaimed involuntarily before shutting his mouth with his hands.

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Valentina's eyes shot wide open when Gerard randomly shouted 'Pumpernickel' out. "Umm.. You okay?" She asked, worried for his health. She placed her hand on his forehead, having to be on her tip toes. "Your temperature seems fine, but you're acting really strange" she looking at him with worried eyes
"Umm... Nothing... I'm fine..." said Lucifer rubbing the back of his head. "I was actually trying to recall the name of that bread for quite some time." he said with stifled laughter before letting out a huge sigh. "Do you care about me?" he asked looking at her hands on his head. Lucifer made sure he hadn't made the mistake of saying Gerard again.

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"Yea of corse!" She withdrew her hand and smiled. "I'm starting to think you really were captured and they like messed with your head" she said jokingly. Once they reached the door of the room she opened it with a key, and she stood at the doorway.

"Remember, meet me back here in 30 minutes so we can go eat. Okay?" She reminded him, this time actually waiting for a reply
"Do you think you can love me? A monster like me?" asked Lucifer blankly as he stood at her doorway. Lucifer really wanted Gerard to find his way out of this mess and maybe she was his key. Lucifer was being selfish and he knew it. He didn't know if Gerard even liked the girl or not but was making his moves for him. He believed that Alk had a point. Gerard could find his way out just like he did. He just needed to find his Anise and this girl truly fit the role.

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"No, I cannot love anyone. You aren't a monster Gerard, no one is a monster. I'll see you in a bit.." She said as she slowly closed the door on him.

"What was that all about.." She muttered to herself. She got out of her armor and placed it neatly in the closet in her room. She changed out of her clothes and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around herself. Once in the bathroom, she placed the towel on the towel rack thing and took a cool shower
A man appeared in a corner, strumming his guitar, with deep sadness in his eyes staring at Lucifer "That pain, that pain in your eyes is the pain that will never heal. It will grow, and grow until you're surrounded by the thorns" the man said poetically as he played.

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Lucifer felt disappointment in his head. Although it wasn't him she had rejected, Lucifer felt bad for Gerard. It truly seemed like there was no hope for him. As Lucifer walked by the dorm rooms, he noticed a blasted door lock. Lucifer walked to the door and smelt the explosives. He quickly realised that it had been a recent blast. "Alk." he muttered. Lucifer soon began running through the hallway opening doors or breaking the locked ones open. He knew she had to be in one of the rooms. Most rooms were empty and the students in the ones that weren't didn't dare to question him. Gerard's disguise truly helped Lucifer. He ran to the next level with the smaller rooms and began checking the rooms.

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"Who the hell is this clown?" asked Lucifer as he noticed the man with the guitar.

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"If you don't get out of here kid, the demon lords will find you, and they'll do worse than kill you" the man said as he played.

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Lucifer looked at the man in doubt. He wondered how he could not know Gerard. "I am Gerard." he said with confidence as he walked to the next room and tried opening it before kicking it open. "Alk?" he asked as he searched the room.

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"I warned you" the man said as he shook his head.


Calvin awoke to learn of Alk's predicament. He quickly ran and scrambled to find a teleporting pendant, before the guards could stop him he arrived outside of Diaboli's fortress. "Alk! Alk!" He shouted as he ran forward

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Lucifer continued with his rampage of breaking doors open, ignoring the words of the man. Alk had to be saved and he couldn't back down because of some silly threat. He heard Calvin's voice shout out for Alk. "That imbecile!" said Lucifer as he grit his teeth in anger. He would personally break the boy's teeth when he would find him but he had better things to do. Hopefully, Layla would find him and shut him up before he causes them too much trouble. Finally, Lucifer came to the last room on that level and kicked the door open.

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Calvin climbed the walls and fought his way into the hallways were he saw someone he thought was Gerard. "Get over here you! Where is she!?" Calvin yelled as he charged forward

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"You moron!! It's me Lucifer. What do you think you are doing here?" asked Lucifer as he walked to the charging Calvin and threw a sucker punch right at Calvin's mouth, just as he had thought he would. "Haven't you heard of the word subtle?" he asked in anger. The boy had spoiled all of his plans and he hadn't been able to track Alk yet.

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"I'm finding Alk, why are you dressed like the bad guys?" Calvin asked completely puzzled

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Alk was once again in a fit of restlessness. She'd changed her outfit for a loose t-shirt and an old pair of jeans. Her hair had been undone from its perch on her head and the knots all combed out. Then, she proceeded to throw a tantrum.

As she a myriad of foul words spewed from her mouth in angry torrents, Alk even found herself a but surprised that she knew so many profanities. She didn't let it stop her though, and nobody was spared from her rampage other than her own mother. She yelled at the gods for bringing nothing but trouble. She yelled at the people who confined her. She yelled at her friends, her enemies, her self. She tore the sheets off the bed and kicked the walls, ripped her bags open and threw her things around the room. Alk did as much damage and made as much noise as she possibly could.

Almost as soon as it was done, it was over. She slid down the closed door, sitting there with her back against it. She figured End or another guard would show up soon enough to get her now.

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"It's called a dis---guise..Shhh." said Lucifer as his ears caught noises. He looked above him. "She's on the next floor!" he announced to Calvin before he rushed to the stairs and stood before the room he had guessed to be the source of all the noise. Lucifer kicked at the lock. "Alk! It's me Lucifer" he said as he pushed at the door, which required more force than he had expected he'd need.

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"Hey! Alk! Are you okay? We've come to save you!" Calvin shouted excitedly

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"Here to save you?" Layla repeated. "Seems like you're here to get us all killed." She had appeared in the doorway soon after the other two, furious at their stupidity,

"I would have come alone," she said to Alk, "but being injured I wouldn't have gotten far without someone. That fool just trailed along." She jerked her thumb in the direction of Calvin.

"Who are you calling a.." Calvin was suddenly grabbed by two arms that burst through the wall. Gin stood clutching his head. "Now you're mine" he said as he threw Calvin down the hall.

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For a moment, Alk just sat there, dumbly staring up at the door's locked handle. It's not like she hadn't been expecting some sort of rescue, she'd even told End they'd come for her, she just didn't think it would come so soon. Infiltrating Diaboli's castle was extremely dangerous, and plans should be well thought out and not executed rashly. All this, just to get her? Certainly there was someone or something more important that End had taken that they wanted to get back, she rationalized. After all, it wasn't like she was anyone special in the grad scheme of things.

"Lucifer?" She asked quietly, as two other muffled voices traveled through the door. Layla and that boy, Calvin, the one who'd shown up to deal with the demon. She didn't move from where she sat, but her hands reached out to curl her fists around two unidentified articles of clothing. "What were you guys thinking? You shouldn't have come here, not yet..."

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"Alk? We really don't have time for this." said Lucifer as he noticed Calvin being hit by Gin. He forcefully pushed the door open and looked at all the stuff scattered in the room. Behind the door, he saw Alk. "Look. Everything is alright now. Layla will take you back and I will possibly return with that fool." he said as he placed his hands on her shoulder. He wondered how she would react when she saw him disguised as Gerard.

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