War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


Lucifer looked at Layla's wound in concern before they both teleported to an unfamiliar place. "I will be able to get back my usual looks, won't I?" he asked but his question was left unanswered. Lucifer wasn't overwhelmed by the situation but he wasn't v comfortable with it either. Lucifer occasionally turned his head around to look for Layla before one of the staff would turn his head back into a desired position.


Gerard scoffed. "That idiot. Because he didn't have the courage to fight he chose to betray Filius. The great Diaboli was generous to have lifted the curse irrespective of that degenerates actions." he said with spite in his voice.

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"Lifted or not," she said seriously. "It was by Deus's hand that he was saved and so he must pay for what he asked for... He has a reason for his action." Her eyes fell on Gerard. "Question is, do you have a reason for your actions?"

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"Of course I do." said Gerard with confidence. "That idiot stole my destiny. I must prove myself to be better than him by killing him. God Diaboli helped us lift the curse but he serves Deus. He deserves to die and suffer." said Gerard with spite in his voice.

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Anastasia lifted an eyebrow. "You plan to better a crime with a crime?" She asked, "you want to be better then him, wouldn't it be more... Productive... To show you are above him by forgiveness and good deeds?" She didn't understand his logic, would two wrongs make the situation right? She didn't think so.
"Things like forgiveness are for weaklings like him. His merciful attitude is going to cost him his life one day. He has forgotten all the lessons we were taught. I can't believe that he changed to be so emotional. He is so spiteful." replied Gerard as he placed the bowl onto the tray. No matter how much he justified himself, he could feel that the girl actually made sense.

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"What an ignorant statement..." Anastasia said bluntly, unable to stop herself before she spoke. She then cleared her throat. "Mercy, emotions... They are the difference between humans and gods. You are not a god, so why try to act like one?"


Once a far amount of time had passed she ended her conversation with a friend of hers and went to inspect Lucifer.

"Lookin good." Layla said, "you look just like your cousin." Reaching over, she brushed a piece of hair out of his face and gave a satisfied grin.

"Another job well done, fellas!" She chimed.

Lucifer looked at the mirror in spite. "Darn. I totally look like that monkey." he exclaimed as he got up from the grooming chair. "I will be able to get back my natural looks, won't I?" he asked in concern as he felt his violet hair.


"Because...because....I don't know...ugh!!!" shouted Gerard. He was growing frustrated as a chain reaction of thoughts was instilled in his head. "All I know is that I must kill Lucifer. He stole my life from me. I was supposed to lift the curse noy him." he said.

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Valentina arrived back at the academy, tired and worried from Gerard, unaware that he was somewhat safe. She walked down the hall of the dormitory, it was less crowded by this time. Her shoes made a clank echo as she stepped down the hall.

Making her way to her room she placed her weapon, leaning against the night stand and flopped down on her creaky bed. She had her arms wide open, her face smothered in a pillow. A loud sigh escaped her lungs as the cold wind made it's way into her room through the open window.

'Maybe I'll rescue Gerard later tonight..' Valentina thought, than she shook her head 'No! Don't be so stupid. It's not as easy as you think Valentina' she said arguing her previous thought. 'Well most of them are wounded so they can't fight at their maximum strength!' She bickered, 'what if you get caught? They'll kill you!' 'Than I'll fight them off, I'm strong enough..' This internal fight went on for a few minutes until Valentina came up with a conclusion.
Lucifer successfully teleported himself to Diaboli's academy with Layla after a great makeover. He looked very similar to Gerard except for a few differences in the jaw line and cheek bone structure. "Stay here." he commanded to Layla as they had landed in one of the rooms. She was in no condition to run if they had been caught and Lucifer didn't want to take a chance. Shockingly, they had landed in his old room when he was at Ludus.

Lucifer had a clear map of Ludus in his head. He knew every hallway and where they lead to. Lucifer peered at the destroyed tower as he walked down the hallway, disguised as Gerard. He expressed confidence in his footsteps and walked with his head high. Lucifer knew that if he had to look like Gerard, he had to just be the boy he was a year ago. Lucifer headed to Amare's previous cell when he had last been here, expecting to find more prison cells there. As he entered the dungeon-like room, he noticed it was empty.

Lucifer pondered for a while as to where Alk may be withheld. Lucifer was sure that Gerard commanded a respect around here but he just had to ask the right person about her whereabouts. The students seemed oblivious to any of these events as he peered at them while strolling down the hallway to the dorms. There was a high possibility she was there, locked in a room. The question was, Which one.
Determined, Valentina jumped up from her bed. She decided to go and rescue Gerard, and of she get caught well that will be fate.

Grabbing her pole and marched out of the room, she walked down 2 feet from her door and her stomach went rawr.

"Umm.. Maybe I should eat before I go. Can't fight on an empty stomach!" She said cheerily. She turned around and bumped into a figure larger than hers and falling on her butt onto the ground.

"Oh! I'm sorry, my bad" she looked up and It was.. Gerard? He seemed.. Different in a way.
Lucifer gazed at the figure in front of him. He recognized the girl from the battle but failed to recall her name. He eyed her weapon wondering what she would do to him as he was unarmed. Lucifer quickly realized that he looked like Gerard and she probably wouldn't harm him.

"H-hey." said Lucifer stuttering. Gerard's voice was shallower than his as he was older and Lucifer knew it but it would be difficult for him to imitate a shallow voice. Lucifer said "What's up?" in a shallower tone, patting her shoulder uncomfortably. It had been too shallow this time, almost sounding childish. Clearing his throat, Lucifer added "I think I am catching something." with a sheepish smile.

But Lucifer had made sure that his posture expressed confidence as he waited for her response. A part of Lucifer's head was engaged in searching for the girl's name. He clearly remembered the buff guy, Gin whom he had seen during the battle, mention her name. 'Oh no. I forgot to give the message to Calvin. What is wrong with me?' He cursed himself in his head concluding that it was all because he was too engrossed in Layla.
Valentina got back on her feet and gave Gerard a 'I'm okay' type of smile. She studied Gerard, different in some ways but the same in other. His posture was different, facial structure also different, he was a tad bit taller and his voice was off.

"Hi.." Valentina said with a questionable tone. "What's wrong with you? They said they captured you and you were held prisoner.. Guess that was just a lie in general." She crossed her arms, tapping her foot. 'RAAWWR' went her stomach, she realized she was hungry and forgot all about how different Gerard was.

"Oh! Show me where the cafeteria is, I'm starving" she said happily with a childish smile. Valentina was always a person who could eat and eat and eat and still not be full.
Lucifer rubbed the back of his head and continued giving his sheepish smile.

"Sure." he said as he began walking and a drop of sweat ran down his brow.

'Why couldn't I just have said no?' he thought as he dug his hands into his pockets. He turned to face her.

"Oh! I just remembered now!" he said pointing a finger into the air. "I have got something important to do. Why don't you go ahead? The cafeteria is two blocks away from the dorm buildings." 'Or that's where it used to be.'

Lucifer looked at the girl waiting for her to respond. He didn't run away as that would bring suspicion into the picture and he wanted to avoid that.
"Do you mind if I tag along, you're my only friend here ya'know and I really don't want to be alone." She said looking at him with innocent eyes with a little bit of sadness in them. She gave him a pleading smile as she held her weapon behind her.
'Who knew the son of a b**** could make friends?' thought Lucifer as he gave a genuine smile. "Let's get that stomach filled up first." he said as he gazed at the polearm. The weapon that had resulted in Layla's wound. 'Why am I being nice to her?' he thought as he began to lead the way to the cafeteria or where he thought it would be. He decided to eventually ask the girl about Alk's whereabouts while a part of his head ran through random names of girls he knew. 'Carla? Wendy? Lucy? Paula? Talia? Valeri?............'
"Yay!" She squealed as she happily walked next to Gerard as he lead the way to the cafeteria. "I hope they have something sweet, I'm craving it" she said cheerfully. "Oh in my fight, I actually beat someone but than that stupid cousin of yours had to get in the way, I hope I did good though. I didn't want to hurt the girl really but she was mocking me and it was getting irritated.." She pouted at the last sentence.

"Though I have to admit it was quiet hard to beat her, she was very strong but I'll become stronger, hopefully. You'll help me train won't you?" She asked, no looking at him as she walked a little ahead of him.
Lucifer grit his teeth and gave an unwilling nod. It was not just because of the fact that the girl had hurt Layla. It was because no matter how he tried, he wasn't able to hate her. She seemed normal unlike how she had been during the fight. She performed silly antics and filled herself with joy for petty things, reminding him of someone he knew. She had a happy aura around her.

'She may be his Anise, just like Alk said. Looks like you still have a chance Gerard.'

Lucifer was trailing away in thoughts about his past, before he quickly shook his head and brought himself back into the real world. They had passed by the destroyed tower and were closing the cafeteria. He decided to ask her about Alk. "Hey..." Lucifer's words trailed as he couldn't spell out her name. 'It's Valerie. It's Valerie.' "Val. Do you happen to know where they took this girl? Her name is Alk." he asked.
"They took a girl?" She asked, stopping her tracks. "I wasn't aware of this, I mean I know the Lucifer dude said something about a girl but I thought he was just confused.." She said in a quick ramble. Wait, why did he want to know of this girls whereabouts? Wait! How did he know they even took a girl? Suspicious..

"How do you know they took a girl?" She said walking closer to him giving him a death stare almost as if she was looking into his soul. Than she started laughing and a cheerful expression found it way back on her face once more. She struggled, "No. I'm just kidding, you don't have to tell of you don't want to. You looked so scared. If they tell me anything about a captured girl I'll tell you okay?" She lied. If they told her anything, until Gerard stopped acting weird she wouldn't tell him anything. She was still suspicious of him though.
Lucifer sighed of relief when she stopped suspecting him. "I actually know her. She had been here when Diaboli had captured Filius." said Lucifer to assure the girl. He remembered Alk telling him about having met Gerard when she was held captive at Diaboli's.

' So her name is Valerie after all.' he thought. He pondered as to where they might have held Alk as they reached the cafeteria. He opened the door wide to see it was a training room. "Uhhh.." he said as he gave a sheepish look at the girl. "You want to fight?" he asked with fake excitement. "You seem really tough."

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Valentina turned to Gerard with suspicious eyes. "Sure..." She said even though they already fought earlier. He defiantly was acting strange. "But after the fight can we please go get food. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday" she said trying to act stupid, as if she didn't notice anything different about the way he acted.

Walking to into the training room, she stood on one side of the room. It was only Gerard and her in the room. Everyone had probably gone to the real cafeteria or gone to the courtyard. Getting into her stance like before, she was ready to attack. This is going it be tricky since there wasn't any sunlight in the room.
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Lucifer closed his eyes as he entered the room. He was trying to convince himself to fight the girl but no matter how he tried, he could not just think about it. He cursed himself for suggesting the idea. "You know what? Let's get you some food first. It wouldn't be fair." he said as he walked out of the room. 'What is wrong with you?' he thought as he stared across the ground. On the opposite building, he could read the words Cafeteria. "Come on." he called out to her.

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Amare ran to Lucifer's room as he pounded the door awaiting an answer.

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"Ugh.." She growled, she slumped over, her support was her pole. "Make up your mind dude!" She said, no standing straight up and walking to Gerard. "Before we go could I go change out of my armor. I'm getting sweaty and sticky in it. Okay. How about you go do what you needed to do and I go wash up. Sound good?" She asked. "Meet me back at my room in 30 minutes." She said as she started to walk away, not waiting for reply.
Lucifer was glad she finally got out of his hair. He began following her as he was heading to the dorms himself. He decided to find out a more about Gerard's 'friend' as he caught up to her but there was a possibility that she had already told him. Lucifer decided against doing that and asked her "What do you think of Gerard? I mean I am Gerard. What do you think of me, Val?" he asked stifling uncomfortably with the words as they escaped his mouth.

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Valentina looked at Gerard, giggling at the fumble of his words. "I think that you're an awesome dude who helped get past my first day of school" she said with a smile, "and I really appreciate that" she added. "Why did you ask?"

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