War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Down the hall came dozens of human like demons, heading towards them in a fury, as Gin and Calvin tore through the castle

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Lucifer peered outside the room on hearing roars. "Okay. Change of plans. We all leave. We'll come back for him later." said Lucifer nervously as he pulled Layla inside the room and closed the door behind her.

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And as hell seemed to be unleashed upon them, Alk found herself on her feet and words similar to those she'd spoked the first time she'd been rescued were falling from her mouth. Her eyes rested on the closed door. "Leave me. You two go, I know you want to make sure that Layla makes it out of here, Lucifer. I'll get Calvin back to Deus'."

She took a step towards the horde, one step past her friend and one hand on the door knob. She looked at him, disguised as his own cousin. She reached up to touch his purple-ish hair with a small smile before she even realized it. "Besides, I don't think I'm quite ready to leave yet."

And then she was off with a curt wave at the couple. Alk swung the door open and slammed it shut behind her, sprinting into the fray before either could stop her. She knew she was being slightly reckless and hypocritical as she yelled at the horde of beastly humans. Drawing them towards her, she ran off down another hallway, past her room and those inside.

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"All of you act like I'm some damsel in distress." Layla snapped, ripping the amulet off her neck she thrust it into Lucifer's hand and withdrew a knife.

"Look down on me and I'll use this knife to castrate you." She said with a cheerful smile before exiting the room and heading down the hall. If she was going to die then she sure as hell would go down fighting.
Lucifer stared in awe as the girl for whom he had undergone all this difficulty and risk ran through the demon horde. He definitely wasn't going to standby and watch but he wasn't going to be stupid like Alk, either. "Let's go back and get some weapons." he said, as he caught Layla's forearm before she did something similar. "Let's go! Now!" shouted Lucifer. He ignored her threat about castration as he held onto the amulet and teleported to Deus' landing in his room.

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Despite the warning that she had given, Layla felt a hand on her arm. She hadn't made it far before the world around her changed and she found herself back at Deus' Fortress.

Layla rounded on Lucifer, eyes flashing. "What. The. Hell." She snapped, knife tip pointed at his neck. "I told you not to look down on me."
Lucifer swatted the knife away and pulled Layla into a kiss. "Now shut up. We need weapons to fight. Not kitchenware." he said, as he rushed to the door. He made a note to inform Amare about their situation if he ran into him. "Let's go!" he said as he slammed open the door.

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Calvin continued battling Gin, the two fought with such determination, and force. "What do you want from me!?" Calvin asked as he blocked punches. Gin struck him with a punch in the stomach, then a knee to the face sending him on the ground "I want to fight you, I want to kill you, I've heard you've got a ton of potential too and I wanna challenge you"

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When she was suddenly wrapped up and pulled into a kiss Layla found herself almost forgetting her anger at Lucifer. That quickly evaporated though when he started to speak. Anger bubbling, Layla watched him go toward the door and flung her knife. It stuck into the wood just beside his head, centimeters away.

Layla then casually strolled past. "Kitchenware..." She said removing the knife. "Is that so." She then exited the room without another word.
"Lucifer.. I'm sorry, this is a bad moment I suppose, I'll tell you later.." Amare said as he witnessed the scene and walked away quickly.

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Lucifer rushed outside to confront Amare. "Amare! There is a situation. Alk and Calvin are at Diaboli's and things don't seem really good." he said as he glanced at Layla's leg as she left to the armory. "What did you have to tell me?" he asked quickly.

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"That ought to be important." said Lucifer as he ran to Layla. "I'm sorry, Layla. I have to go meet Deus." he said forcing the amulet into her arms. He gave her a tight hug. "Take as many weapons as you want. Alk is good with a bow and arrow. I'll join you if I can." he said breaking away from the hug and heading towards Deus chambers. He gave her a quick glance before running towards Deus' room. "What did you want of me, Lord Deus?" he asked as he hastily entered the room forgetting that he was in his disguise.

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Alk led her opposition further into the castle. Her memory was better than she let on, and soon enough those two large doors were just before her. She didn't hesitate to barrel through them, stumbling towards the throne of the god she'd met a few hours ago.

The crowd followed, charging in with all of their strange battle cries, and almost immediately regretted it. They halted at the sight of Diaboli laid out in his grand chair, but Alk didn't stop until she was sitting at his feet. She smiled sheepishly up at him although her green eyes were blazing. "Would you tell your dogs that I have no intention of leaving yet, so they can calm down now?"

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"The mother and I have come to agreement, our forces have now joined" Deus told him. Amare sat I'm the armory, holding a sword all the while.

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"They have no choice my dear, they just want to kill you. Now go back to your cell like a good girl" Diaboli told her with a grin.

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"So, shall we be proceeding to war with Diaboli?" asked Lucifer as he rubbed his chin.

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"We must first have strategy before we dive in, that would be foolish to go there without a plan wouldn't it Lucifer?" Deus said scoldingly

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"Of course, Lord Deus. Forgive me for my hasty behavior but there is a small situation. My friends are at Diaboli's at the moment fighting demons and I need to help them." replied Lucifer after regaining his composure.

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"How do you propose to do that?" Deus asked Lucifer with his hands behind his back

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"As much as I'd love to, I cannot," Alk sighed theatrically. She pouted, resting her chin in her hands. "I'm afraid that it's been compromised. If I go back there, Deus' forces will just take me back with them. Such a shame, I was just getting used to that musty old bed."

She peered out at the group of Diaboli's subordinates. They really were bloodthirsty things, weapons out and snarling. How troublesome.... She wasn't really acting normal at all, was she? Alk frowned genuinely now, but tried her best to rationalize her behavior with stress and other factors coming into play.

"I wonder where you'll have End put me now? I'm sorry for making you two go through the trouble."

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"I do not know. Until now the plan was to go alone and fight alongside my friends but now that we are in open war, I am sure I can use Amare's assistance." replied Lucifer with assertive confidence.

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"Going alone? Do you know how powerful the demon lords are? It's likely a trap, I will not take such risks" Deus told him as he shook his head.

Diaboli rested his head on his hand. "What a pity? I see that our trap wasn't as effective as I had hoped. I'm sending you somewhere much worse than your cell dear. Pick your sin" he commanded.

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"What do you suggest we do? Go with troops? It'll take a long time to get them organized and I don't think it'll suffice for their survival. I do not care if you send your son or not but I am leaving. I'm not vital in this anyway so you'll lose nothing." said Lucifer. He didn't mean to defy Deus but he was tired of standing around like the Gods did.

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