War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"Relax! I'm gonna beat this guy!" Calvin said as he stood tall and began trying to strike Jealousy. Jealousy began landing punches and kicks pummeling Cal as he refused to quit. "Give up! Give up you idiot!"

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Alk had never seen anything like it before. She felt hope, a spark rekindled into flame. She'd been dumb to give up so easily.

"Kick his a**, Calvin!" The young girl yelled through her tears. They didn't stop, but they no longer caused by sorrow. They were the result of pride, faith, and "resolve". She smiled broadly at the boy and let the tears soak her face.

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Calvin began to shake as his eyes widened his fist began to glow a bright blue. He shouted angrily as he ran towards Jealousy, striking him in the gut with a force sending him across the room. Jealousy stood enraged "I'm going to show you how I really am." he said as he closed his eyes to prepare. Suddenly a door flung open as Diaboli entered the room. "That's enough Jealousy." He said in his usual tone

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Alk's eyes were wide as she watched Calvin send Jealousy flying across the room. What kind of power was that...?

She began to dry her face using her sleeves, trying to regain some composure, as Diaboli stopped the fight. Her face paled, but she did her best not to worry for her friend with the knowledge that she might just cause more trouble for him. Still, what did that god want with Calvin that he would stop his subordinate?

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"You two are free to go on one condition. I've raised an army powerful enough to destroy all of humanity, you will tell Deus of this" Diaboli told them. Calvin ran to strike him as Diaboli merely blinked and flung Calvin through several walls, then levitated his unconscious body back. "Now go"

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The door to Jealousy's room clicked open and Alk scrambled to her feet. She burst into the hall where they had been fighting, breathing hard as she ran towards Calvin. She held tightly to his limp form as she sat on the floor with his forehead pressed to her shoulder. He was too heavy for her to lift, and she didn't have an amulet. The only way they'd leave was to walk out together.

"Calvin, please wake up," she said, shaking his shoulders as vigorously as she could. She felt bad, he was probably in pain from his fighting. They needed to leave as soon as possible. She braced one hand against his cheek and again said right into his ear: "You did it Calvin. You saved me. Now let's go home, okay?"

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Diaboli leaned down, snapped his fingers and the two were outside of Deus' fortress among a crowd entering from Maria's Domain, Calvin lay on on the ground out cold, covered in scratches and wounds from his battles.

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Alk breathed a sigh of relief as familiar surroundings appeared before them. She stopped a few of the students milling about, briefly wondering why they were here, and got them to help her carry Calvin to the infirmary. She passed Pippin on the way and to him to let Lucifer know they were going to be alright.

Only when they had Calvin settled in a bed with nurses attending to him did Alk take a seat at his bedside. She was exhausted, but she kept fighting off sleep. She wanted to be there when he woke up, to thank him for everything. This boy, so obviously not normal, was someone she wanted to keep closeby.

Even so, as she rested her head in her arms atop the boy's bed, leaning forward from her seat, she felt herself slipping away. "I'm sorry," she murmured, letting her eyes fall shut completely as she drifted into a deep and peaceful slumber.

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Calvin awoke covered in bandages, a cast around his arm and leg as he looked over seeing Alk. He didn't want to wake her so he remained silent. He felt a growl in his stomach as he tried to exit the bed carefully. Of course standing on a broken leg is never a good idea. A sharp pain filled Calvin as he shouted painfully "Owwwwwww! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Stupid leg I want food!"

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(Well... I missed my chance to be a diplomatic figure. Lol. Sorry for the disappearance, I've got a sunburn that would make a tomato jealous so I was soaking)

Giving Gerard a smile, she stood and stretched. It wasn't clear whether or not he had rethought his resolve. She could only hope for the best now that she had given her opinion.

"I'll be going." She said lifting the tray. "Try to get some sleep, I'm sure you'll need it to regain your health." Anastasia offered another smile as she went to the door, slipping it open and exiting. She then locked it behind her, hanging the key around her neck as a symbol if her accepting the duty of caring for their guest. It dangled next to the amulet, clear as day. She was making her way back to the kitchens when someone called out to her.

"Gerard!?" She stammered looking back the way she had come as he appeared in front of her. "How...?" (Obviously it's really lucifer, but he still looks like Gerard)
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It hadn't taken long for her to get to the armory. As she entered she crossed to the small room that was meant for practicing technique and testing new weapons. Lifting a collection of knifes from the shelf she glared at the target before firing the knives off in a dance of acrobatics and fighting style. She was smoothly twirling until her leg shot with pain and she gasped, dropping to the floor to cradle her injured leg.

"Shit." She hissed, burying her face in her arms. "Shit. Shit. Shit." Layla had never been so frustrated.

Amare stood holding the hilt of a sword as hard as he could, he wanted to say something, but knew he would be damned for any word.

"Anastasia!" shouted Pippin as he ran to her "Have you seen Amare, Calvin, and Alk, they're back!"
"Ugh. I am Lucifer. I disguised as Gerard to save Alk. Anyhow, Deus needs an emissary to make a deal with Diaboli. Apparently, the Mother and he have joined forces. I suggested your name and he would like to see you. ." said Lucifer shuffling uncomfortably on his feet. He was worried if Layla had already left. "Go to his anteroom!" said Lucifer as he ran to the armory. The girl's mouth had the potential to destroy the chances of Diaboli failing to accept the deal and he knew it.

Lucifer gave a sigh of relief when he reached the armory and noticed she was in the smaller training room. Although, she was on the floor, he was glad. Lucifer decided not to help Layla since he knew that her pride had been damaged enough for the day. He could clearly remember her trying to prove herself. "We don't have to go." he said standing at the doorway. 
(Where is Amare? At the armory?)

She didn't look up when she heard Lucifer's voice. She didn't move at all in fact. Instead she sat with her knee drawn up and her face buried in her crossed arms. She didn't expect him to understand, as much as she wanted him to. She had already failed and she had barely faced war. Layla was losing confidence one fight at a time.

"You can't ask me not to go." She said at last, "I've already wasted a year." Sighing, she climbed to her feet and cleared her throat as she lifted one of the knives from the ground next to her.

"What do you need?" She then asked, "come to for another kiss?" Layla put the normal teasing tone into her words. A smirk playing across her face.

(Anastasia is next)

Amare began to remember it, his sacrifice, his torture, the loss that truly came with it. The pain was unbearable, the tendons cut in his heels, his eyes ripped out, starved, tongue cut from his mouth. "What was it for really? The so called sacrifice? What did I save?" he said aloud as he gripped the sword so hard that the hilt was crushed.
Lucifer blushed a little when Layla asked him if he had come to kiss her. She was finally returning to her normal self. "Not quite that. Deus wants to make a deal with Diaboli. So you don't have to go." he said as he turned on his feet. "We'll fight once you are healed. Give you a chance for payback." he added. He knew that would help her get back on her feet.

Lucifer noticed Amare from the corner of his eye. It flustered Lucifer wondering why the God was so bothered. He walked upto him as he heard his words. "Frankly, nothing." said Lucifer.
Amare's eyes widened as he stared into Lucifer's. "Precisely, nothing". He stood face to face with him "Nothing at all, not Diana, not Anise, nothing. Everyone lives their lives in peace, but not I, I am destined to shoulder all of the suffering of the mortals of which I allegedly saved, even the one I made it a point to sacrifice all that I was for. For nothing at all, nothing but ashes for me to look upon every day. Just as it was, only the anguish grows"

Returning the tray to the kitchen, she started toward the throne room when pip hurried over to her. "They're back?" She said, face lighting up. "Thank the gods, I'm glad they are safe!"

Gerard nodded his head and fell bac on his bed. He began contemplating at the ceiling. Gerard wanted to get out of there. His mind was changing and he knew it. Luckily for him, the girl had left the door unlocked. Gerard sauntered out of the room. He could still feel pain in different parts of his body. Gerard decided to go to the infirmary and get something for the pain. The people at Deus were generous. As he entered the room, he noticed Alk sit next to Calvin who was in his bed. Gerard was completely oblivious to the events that had occurred. He didn't know that Alk was captured. He didn't know that Lucifer had disguised as him. He didn't know anything about the fight at Diaboli's. "Alk.." he muttered before walking away quickly. They wouldn't let him go.

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