War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


Gerard nodded his head giving a grunt. Of course it was him. He wondered if the boy had undergone brain damage since he looked quite damaged in all the other places. "What happened to you?" asked Gerard. He could care less about the boy but he wanted to have an update of the situation.


Lucifer nodded as words escaped from Amare's mouth.He didn't know if he should console his friend or mock the God for his 'quick' realization.

She watched as he spoke, a look of relief apparent in his eyes. Layla knew that he worried for her, and it was for that reason that she needed to act normal. The moment his back turned, her face fell and she turned as well.

"Payback." She grumbled, throwing the knife so it stuck deep into the target at the end of the room. Layla shook her head and went to leave the armory. "Amare. Lucifer." She said, nodding her head to acknowledge them before she left.

"I fought a couple of guys. A guy named Jealousy, said he was a demon lord or something, he was a real weirdo" Calvin said clearly with ignorance.


"Mortals.. You don't know, you don't know anything. You don't know suffering, you know nothing of pain. What a damn you give about the sacrifices made for your existances" Amare said as he walked out of the armory. This was the night, the night he wanted to leave them.

Lucifer watched as Amare leave. He was being melodramatic as far as his brain told him. He decided to ignore the God because he was a God. He had parents who were Gods, who would sacrifice the life of mortals such as him for their son. Lucifer could care less about the Gods. He walked upto Layla. Things had been weird between them and he knew it. "When can I retrieve my normal looks?" he asked trying to discuss about a lighter subject.


"Why did you go to Diaboli's?" asked Gerard with questioning eyes.

She was strolling down the hall when lucifer caught up with her. "As soon as you wash the makeup off." She replied, shrugging. "The hair might take a bit of scrubbing but I'll come out with soap."
Maria saw Anastasia as she approached him, she felt the deep realization of what was coming their way "Anastasia! Anastasia!" she shouted desperately.


"To save Alk" Calvin told him as he scratched his head. "Are you a good fighter?"

Without much thought she had thrown herself over pip, hugging him in thanks for the good news before hurrying off. She was heading for the hospital when a voice found her again.

"What can I do for you, Mother goddess?" She ask, hearing the note in her voice. "Is something wrong?"

Lucifer nodded his head as she answered to the point. He wondered what was wrong but he knew questioning her would be futile. She would just deny it. "Look. You aren't weak. I'm sorry if I made you feel like that. Maybe I should stop worrying about you. I guess that's the reason you are mad." he said.


"I used to think so." said Gerard as he gave out a sigh. He looked at Alk. He hadn't known that she had been captured again but he was glad she had made her way out. "Thanks for saving her." said Gerard as he began walking out the infirmary.

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Maria: "My son, he came back. It isn't him, he's not the same, I can feel it, something deep, and terrible, find him, find him Anastasia"


"Is there a point? A point to any of it?" Amare asked himself as he dug his fingernails into his arms. He gave it all, he wanted to give it all for them, and they would never give anything back to him. The three people he wished to save were either dead or a moot point. 

"Hey! Let's be friends!" Calvin yelled back to him as he had a smile on his face.
Alk dreamed that neither she or Filius had been rescued that day, she saw his blood on her hands, on the ground, everywhere. She could stop it, she couldn't clean it all up. The next thing she knew, her hand was reaching out, but just as she was about to come in contact with those messy purple locks, they disappeared.

And suddenly, she was on the floor of Jealousy's room again, both Filius and Gerard gone. Jealousy kept going, kept fighting, even when it became painfully clear that Calvin could not survive this. She screamed as his blood began to dribble out of the corners of his mouth and his eyes went dull. She screamed and screamed, loud and shrill and sharp, until finally it was black again.

Alk woke so violently that for the second time she found her chair clattering to the floor behind her, only this time she was falling with it. A glimpse of purple hair and the words of Calvin's utterance were all she could manage to make sense of before she collided against the linoleum floor.

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She stopped in her tracks, turning to him with a raised eyebrow. "Is that what you think is bothering me?" She asked, shaking her head. "Blaming yourself is a cowards way of getting out of a problem. I knew you were an idiot, but I sure as hell never thought you were a coward." She began to walk again, hesitating at a doorway Layla turned back to him.

"I know a lot can happen in a year," she said softly. "But blaming yourself won't get you anything but heartbreak and I'll hate you for it." A smirk then crossed her face. "What happened to my stupid hothead?"

"Damn them..." Amare said to himself, as he sat atop a tower, staring down at them. He leapt off, towards the ground, landing on his feet, seeing Anastasia as he looked up. "Priestess..." he said as he looked into her eyes, his filled with pain.

"My lord," she said with a soft smile. "To be honest your mother sent me, I hope that you'll place trust in me just as she does. Will you let me bare some of your pain, it looks to heavy a burden to wear alone."

"Bear my pain.. Mortals are the sheer reason for it, come with me, walk with me, I'll enlighten you" he said as night began to fall.

"A lot of things." said Lucifer. "If that's not what's bothering you, will you at least tell me?" he asked. He ignored her calling him a coward because he had behaved like one multiple times. He just didn't want to fight but if it earned him the title of a coward then he would have to live with it.

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"Calvin? Yeah, I'm alright..." Alk began to push herself off of the floor. Her eyes were still zoned in on the exit however, now empty. "Hey, I just wanted to thank you for everything. You're an amazing person and fighter, did you know that? Right now though, I'm afraid I must go..."

The girl smiled at the injured boy, promising to come back in a bit, and then set off. Her body still ached for rest, but she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep if she didn't make sure. She rushed into the hallway, spotting that hair turning around the corner.

"Gerard!" She called, following after the older boy.

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Wrapping her shall a bit tigger around her, she followed the god. "What worries you, Filius?" She asked after they had strolled for a few minutes in silence. "What pain have we unworthy humans caused you?"
(My bad!!!)


Gerard turned on his feet on hearing Alk call out to him. He smiled at her as she ran to him. He didn't speaka word wondering what she wanted from him.

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She shifted uncomfortably, looking around. Layla had no reason not to trust lucifer, he had been with her since she had gotten back and even claimed to have feelings for her. Still, she didn't open up to people easily. It was a habit of hers to bottle her emotions.

"Can we go somewhere else?" She asked, eying a few of the passing students.

"I sacrificed all that I was for the mortals. I watched someone, I watched her die before my very eyes before losing them. The second was sent to who knows where, vanishing from existence. I saw it all, the brutality, and for what? For who? The one who should care the most does not, I watched, they made me see her fate!" Amare said as his eyes widened and tears fell from them. He sat and held his head in his hands, his fingers in his hair, fingernails digging in, his white hair had streaks of red from the blood. "They don't even care! What's to keep me? What are they truly worth!?" he shouted as the sky filled with clouds. 

Calvin stood on his broken leg traveling down the hall, "Gerard, come back, you too Alk, we need to talk about this, all of this, Gerard, you too!" he said while gritting his teeth from the pain.

"Watched someone's fate?" She repeated, shocked. "Who's fate have you watched that you feel so much pain?" She wrapped an arm around the gods shoulder, prying his hands from his head so that she could hold them. She wanted to comfort him but she couldn't if she didn't understand.

Lucifer took hold of Layla's hand and guided her to his chambers. He didn't speak a word on the way to his room. He opened the door to his larger and more luxurious room and welcomed her in.

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