War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


"Amare?" She repeated, nodding and about to say more before she found herself pulled into a kiss with the god. Her eyes glazed, unbelieving if what was happening as they parted and he spoke.

"I-it's an honor, Fi... Amare..." She felt the heat of a blush rush to her face.


"Mm, but I might have been able to talk some sense into you." She said, "or beaten it into you, which seems more likely." Layla allows him to pull her over.

"I was on as island, undergoing special training." She shrugged, "but it seems that was all pretty pointless."

Getting bored of causing problems within Dues's fortress , Helen decided to head back. With a small flourish if her finger she appeared within the dark palace of Diablo and strolled through the courtyard in route for the throne room.

"Afternoon," she chimed, entering just at Diablo was speaking with some girl. "New pet?" She looked from the girl to her father.
"I shall let you know as soon as that daughter of mine arrives" Diaboli said


"No need to be nervous, none at all. One day, very soon, I may need you to save me" Amare said as he left. 

"You could say that daughter of mine, I need you to win my war Helen" Diaboli told his daughter with a grin
Lucifer gave a grunt and looked down at his feet. He knew she couldn't have changed anything even if she was present. Anise couldn't, how could she. At the time they were good enemies. Lucifer raised his eyes to look at hers. Never in a thousand years would he have predicted that he would end up with her like this. Lucifer heard her state her training to be pointless. She was considering herself worthless again. Lucifer gave a forceful push at her shoulder. "Fight me!" he said as he rolled his palms, still laying on his side.

A wicked grin spread across her face. "I tend to stay out of politics," she said, before shrugging. "But things have been pretty boring lately so I'll help you out."


"I don't need to be a good to kick your butt." She stated teasingly, "you're to soft for your own good, even back when we were enemies."

"That doesn't make me better then you, which isn't a big feat." She was joking of course, it was clear he had become more skilled since the last time she had fought him. And less emotional, but that was hardly saying anything.
Turning around, Lucifer lay on his back and peered at the ceiling. "You know what is weird. Every year we start of with plans of having duels at the end of the semester and finally, we either end up dead or the duels don't take place." he said. He turned his head to look at Layla. "And please. I would have defeated you with ease in the duels. I think that you went to the island because you were afraid of me. I had stumbled a bit that night but you knew. You knew that I would hand your ass over to you. And so you ran." he said with confidence. He wanted to see how she would respond to this statement.

"Helen, I need you to create the most powerful thing that can exist. In case you haven't noticed your father is a bit outnumbered, what with Deus, Maria, and dear Filius trying to kill me. Filius' mind is not the same, not after all that we have done, you shall use the delightful charm I've given you to have his child. Do with it what you will, but make him hate those three. A being of that power would be enough to rock the world my darling daughter. I always thought one day motherhood would suit you" Diaboli said as he let out a wicked laugh. 

Within an hour of being with Anastasia, Amare knocked upon Lucifers door.

She crossed her arms over her chest, studying her father seriously. "So you want me to birth a god." Helen said, "I thought it was only Maria that had the right to have children, wasn't that part of the treaty the Wicked gods and Pure Gods made. Only one goddess from each side could have children."


"Even with my injured I'd still beat you until you can't see straight." She stated and to prove her statement she quickly straddled him, pinning his arms to his side. "See, not even quick enough to react in time." She snickered, realizing only after what was happening.

Layla stared down at lucifer, looking over his face as she released his arm and touched the bandages still on his face. "You should only get your ass kicked when fighting me." She said, "that's a command. Or you'll never get anything from me again."

"Treaties? They'll mean nothing" Diaboli told her with a devious look. "Find him, his turmoil is about to meet a head"

"If you say so," she grumbled, heading for the door. "I didn't know you were interested in controlling heaven and hell, father."
Lucifer nodded and pulled Layla's head downward to kiss her. He kissed her for longer than he had earlier. This wasn't to shut her up. He proceeded moving his hands when he heard a knock at the door. Giving an annoyed grunt, he lifted Layla off him and placed her to his side and tread to the door in anger. "What do you want?" he asked in rage before opening the door. He noticed Amare.

"Amare? What's wrong?" he asked in a softer tone.

"My dear, we're going to control everything. Now be subtle, go to the fortress, you'll know when your chance arrives" Diaboli said as he tossed her an amulet. 

Amare glared at Lucifer with an intense stare. "Get your weapon, get your weapon now, get it and we are going to duel"

"I don't need this," she said, giving the amulet back. "I'm the goddess of

Mischief, appearing and disappearing is part of my talent." she then disappeared, traveling to a wall overlooking the fortress where she could watch without being seen.
"What?" asked Lucifer giving a doubtful look at Amare. "Why?" he asked as he pondered about the same. He was a God for God's sake. Lucifer was sure he couldn't take him own. He turned his head to look at Layla and see her reaction to this new development.
"Take it now or fight without it. You ungrateful bastard" Amare said as he turned Lucifer around and slapped him in the face.

She had been so immersed that when the knock on. The door sounded she had just barely heard it. Layla then allowed Lucifer to move her aside, blushing fiercely as she followed after him.

"Amare." She said, seeing the god was the one who had disturbed them. "What's wrong?"
Lucifer was shocked when Amare slapped him. Rubbing his cheek, he asked "What is with you? Have you lost your mind?", gritting his teeth in anger.

"What the hell are you doing?" She hissed, pushing at Amare's chest so that he had to step back. "What in the world has gotten into you?"

"Have you? If you could witness what my eyes have seen..." Amare said before blowing Lucifer back with a wave of his hand. "Diaboli ripped her apart, he made it slow, he made it intimate, it was the last thing I saw before seeing darkness. You've moved on quite well I see, she showed me compassion genuine compassion when it was gone. That is what happened, and the world still turns, and so do ungrateful, mortal, bastard clans. I watched it, I watched it, I looked in Anise's eyes!" Amare shouted as the building shook violently.
Lucifer fell to the ground. He grit his teeth and curled his fingers into his palm, ready to fight as Amare began to speak. He spoke about someone being ripped apart but it seemed irrelevant to Lucifer. He prepared to strike as Amare referred to his family but held it back on hearing her name. "A-Anise? W-what are you talking about?" he asked as his body began to shake.
Amare lifted him as he glared in his eyes with all of the pain, all of the venom, "Anise... It was Diaboli.. Ripped her apart as his demon lords forced my eyes open, to watch every moment, to look in our Anise's eyes as she suffered" the building shook even more violently as Amare dropped him. He began to clutch his head again "Why?... Why?!" he shouted as the building crumbled around them, leaving nothing but were the room once was.
Lucifer's body began to feel weak and motionless as thoughts flourished through his head. He looked into Amare's eyes and frowned. He hadn't noticed the building crumble. He could only think of her. Tightening his fists, Lucifer lay a punch on Amare's face. "NO!! You are lying. You are just saying that so you can make me fight." he said as he continued laying hard punches on the God's face. It didn't matter who was stronger. Lucifer felt pure rage run through his veins. "She is with her aunt. I know it! YOU ARE LYING!!" he shouted as he continued punching and quickly began kicking the God everywhere he could.

It was like she wasn't even there, Amare had pushed past her easily as he attacked Lucifer. Layla made a face, again useless in a battle that clearly had to do with the time she hadn't been with them. She could so nothing but watch, even as the building around her crumbled.

She couldn't run and she couldn't fight, Layla was trapped. She let out a gasp as a large chunk of wall nearly crushed her.
"Enough!" shouted Deus as he grabbed Amare, Maria followed holding his shoulders dragging him away. "Lucifer! We're going to speak about this" 
Maria carried Amare to a room and set him inside. "Be alone for awhile son, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for all of this" she said as tears filled her eyes. She loved nothing more than her son. She exited to find Deus, and try to defend her son if she must.
Lucifer hadn't noticed Layla's sudden absence. He drifted into oblivion as he stared at Amare in rage. "There is nothing to speak about! You stupid Gods! You are all liars and I'm uncultured. Deceiving us in every step. How dare you call yourself Gods if you couldn't save an innocent soul?" he asked in rage. "Anise.." he mumbled as tears ran from his eyes. "She meant no one any harm. This is all my fault. I had her involved." he said in a softer tone. He dug his face into his hands as he continued crying. Lucifer screamed on top of his voice. "I will kill that Diaboli or I will die trying." he said as he closed his eyes and grit his teeth.

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