War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


"Well done daughter. Now come to me, we don't have time to waste my dear" Diaboli said as he smiled with a deep sense of victory.
Lucifer scoffed on hearing Amare's response. "Is that all? Because I am busy." said Lucifer as he turned on his feet and headed for the door without waiting for a response. He looked at Pippin and gestured him to come with him.
Pippin seemed confused by everything going on. "Sir, I thought, you and Filius, were friends sir" he asked.

She stood from the throne, "I deserve one." She stated, "after all I've done for you I think a throne is the least you can do." It was just a statement she said while following her father. She didn't know what else he had planned but it seemed he was rather confident that she was already carrying that god's child.

Her hand moved to her stomach. Shouldn't she had felt at least a bit different?
"We were." replied Lucifer coldly. "I need you to do something for me. And stop calling me sir. I am unworthy of such a title." he said as he walked back toward Deus' anteroom.
Diaboli closed his eyes and waved his hand, the room began to glow in a flash of bright light. "Come now! Ender of the rule!" He shouted. As the light faded a little white haired toddler sat on the floor, he began to cry as he looked around the room. "Congratulations, he's yours, he'll age rather quickly to the point he'll need to be"

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Pippin followed him closely "But you are, I hope one day I'm as smart and tough as you"

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She wasn't sure how gods had birth but she had seen plenty of mortal ones and this was certainly different. Still, seeing the small boy that cried by himself atop the alter Helen couldn't deny it as her's.

Moving forward, she wrapped her arms around the boy and placed a kiss on his forehead, "shhh...." She soothed. "Don't cry, dear one."
Meanwhile, Gerard decided to stay back at Deus' for a while. He wasn't truly able to understand the situation but he knew that Lucifer was involved. He always was in the limelight. Gerard happened to notice Helen when she sneaked through the hallways but decided not to question her since she would probably taunt him. Gerard looked for Lucifer. He would try to convince his cousin to remain calm. Gerard knew it would be weird but he had to try.


Lucifer stared at the boy as Pippin expressed his admiration. 'And she calls me an idiot. I wonder where she is.' he thought. "I need you to tell Deus that Gerard wants to meet him to discuss about Diaboli's plans. Take him out of his room and far away from it. I'll handle the rest." he said.
The child began to smile and laugh. "I can already feel his power. It's immense, it's incredible!" Diaboli laughed out proudly.

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"Yes sir, I'll get assistance, to make sure he doesn't run". Pippin ran to Gerard after finding Calvin and pushing him there. "Gerard, you're coming with us" Pippin said as he stood up straight, trying to seem older.

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(Darn it these Gods are overpowered. They can swat us around. They can give birth to children in minutes. Their children grow faster. They have an eternal life. Yet they fight like children. Ugh!!! xD )

She smiled at her son, a soft uneasiness washing over her when her father laughed at his power. It may be true, she could sense it also but she would never use him for it.

"What name should I give you?" She asked, lifting him so that she could hold him close. "Emyr." She announced, "a name meant for a king."

(Emyr means king in welsh by the way)

"Excellent, now I have matters to attend to, see to it that they have whatever they desire End". End entered the room and bowed to the two of them. "A fitting name my lady, what do you wish of me?"

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She watched her father leave, somewhat happy that he was gone, she then turned to End, eyeing him. "A room, one that Emyr and I can rest in." She said, "and clothes."

Reaching a hand up, she brushed some if Emyr's white hair from his eyes and softly stroked his cheek. He was beautiful, his father's hair but her soft looks. He'd be a handsome when he was grown, strikingly so.
"Yes my lady" End said as he led them to the finest room they had. "I shall be certain you aren't disturbed"

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Helen nodded in thanks, "bring food when you've got time as well." She said before entering the room. Crossing the room she place Emyr amongst the pillows and turned to change her clothing. When she as done she laid herself out next to her son, staring at him as she ran gentle fingers over his hair.
Gerard watched as Pippin commanded him to follow him. Gerard was shocked by the boy's way of addressing him. Gerard nodded simply because he didn't want trouble, especially since he was not at his full strength and at Deus' academy.

Lucifer watched from the corner as Pippin left with Gerard.

He marched to Deus' chamber. Knocking on the door, he entered. "Lord Deus. Gerard wishes to speak with you in private. He wants to share Diaboli's plans with us." he said, expressing false respect. He was still angry with the Gods.

Lucifer eyed around the room and looked at Deus' relics. His targets. "He is in the southern hall. He wants to discuss it with you in solitude in exchange for your forgiveness."
Lucifer waited for the God to leave before he began staring at the relics. They were supposed to contain great strength within them. Lucifer looked through the showcases until his eyes fell on the largest sword. Daedalus. Sliding the glass door open, Lucifer tried lifting the sword but to no avail. He'd need immense strength to lift it. Lucifer looked around to see if there was anything useful. He knew he'd need the weapon but he couldn't wield it. Not with the strength that he currently possessed.

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His eyes fell on a book on Deus' desk. Lucifer walked to the desk and peered at the book. It seemed to consist of some kind of chants. Lucifer tried lifting the book but it seemed like wouldn't budge from it's position. It was bound to the table. Lucifer ran through the sheets to find some useful skill.

'Enniku Shakti Theru. - Possess the strength of 10 elephants for three hours. Enne Rekshiku- Heal completely in a time of 5 minutes.'

Lucifer quickly memorized the chant before Deus would return after finding out his ploy. He walked to the sword. "Enniku Shakti Theru!" he shouted before grabbing the sword by its hilt. Unlike earlier, Lucifer was able to wield the sword with ease. "I have only three hours. I need to be quick." he mumbled to himself. He hid the sword under a cloak and teleported with it to Scotty's. The makeup had worn of and he would have to redo it. Lucifer couldn't afford making mistakes. He was going to kill a God after all. "Layla sent me. Same as yesterday." he said as he dropped the concealed sword carefully to the ground, leading to develop a huge crack in it. 
Meanwhile, Gerard sat in the southern hall waiting. He did not know why Pippin had brought him there but he hadn't questioned about it either.

"What am I here for?" he asked as the boy.



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"Do you know what your master is planning boy?" You asked for me, you said you were going to inform me of something" Deus asked angrily.

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"Ummm. I didn't call for you." said Gerard as he stared at the God in a clueless manner. "Diaboli wouldn't share his plans with me. Only his subordinate End knows about his plans."

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"You didn't call for me? Damn you Lucifer" Deus said to himself.

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