War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"Leave Miss Layla alone!" Emyr yelled before burying his face, he was clearly frightened.

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"Not right?" She tasted the words on her lips with a soft, knowing laugh. "How in the word is this not right?" She looked over at the goddess, Emyr, and the throne sitting in the ruined throne room. "I'm more naturally suited for a place like this then the goodie-goodie fortress with it's gods of love and justice."

Bending slightly, she picked up Emyr and deposited him into his mother's arms. "Question is, what are you doing here?" She stated.


Taking her son, Helen narrowed her eyes at the boy who had assaulted her and nearly hurt her child. If Layla hadn't been handling the situation she would have already sent the boy's head flying from his shoulders. "Layla is fine." She said soothingly to her son. "Mother would never get you a friend that would easily disappear from your side. She'll be with you as long as you want her to be, mommy promises."
"Who's the bad guy?" Emyr asked as End ran into the room. "You again. How did you kill whip?"

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Lucifer realised his mission at hand. His time was running out. Very soon he would lose his strength. "Layla... Please.. Go.. I shall never ask anything of you again." he said as he pulled out his amulet and handed it to her. "I'll never see you again. Just go away from here." he said with pleading eyes.

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"She came to us you fool. She is with us now. And you're not leaving here, not alive or unscathed. You killed the least of the demon lords. You couldn't dream of killing us all" End said coldly.

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Lucifer turned around and noticed End. He gripped the sword and closed the distance between him and Layla. He forced the amulet into her hand. "Please..." he muttered before charging at End with his sword. "I'll kill you if not all." he announced confidently.

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She looked down at the amulet, raised an eyebrow, and tossed it lazily back at him. "I don't do you favors anymore." She said, turning her back to him as she went to stand next to End. She felt herself wavering but held strong, she had made the decision to do this and so she would keep her word. She was not the guardian of Helen and Emyr, she'd protect them with her life if that's what it cost.

"A boy who's betrayed gods and humans alike," She heard Helen say. "A Wright."
End blocked the attack while sliding back. "You've gained temporary strength I see. Not enough" he said before a demon stuck his arm between him. It was an old man. The demon lord Consequence. The number 2. "Young man, you travel a path of ruin. Make your next choice wisely"

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Valentina awoke in her bed, forgetting about the war and the gods for a split second. It was late when she woke up, about 12 o,clock. Once she had remembered everything she stared at the ceiling and stayed in bed for a little longer. Rolling to one side, she saw her polearm and placed her hand on it, feeling the cold metal.

"Right.. I'm just a toy" she muttered to herself as she recalled her short conversation with Diaboli yesterday. Valentina sat straight up and finally regained her determination back, "No time for feeling sorry for your self Valentina! You having to be positive!" She spoke to herself with confidence in her voice.

Hopping out of bed she took a morning shower and got dressed. She laying in her bed, arms wide open, staring at the ceiling. There wasn't much for her to do, yet.
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Lucifer knew that his death was imminent but he wouldn't bow. Not in front of the people who tortured his Anise. He looked at Layla, wondering what happened to her to take such a drastic measure. He remembered that he promised her that he wouldn't allow anyone else hurt him but her. Lucifer smirked as he swung his sword around, aiming at the newly entered demon's waist. "Die!!!" he shouted in anger.

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The demon took the blow. The sword through his gut as blood gushed from the wound. He reached down smearing his hand in it as he laid a hand upon Lucifer's forehead. "All that is precious to you, and all that you love, it will all burn, it will all wither." The old man said before dying. Suddenly the doors shot open, a tall man in a duster and black cowboy hat walked into the throne room holding a notebook. "Lucifer! Yep, not your day kid, you've got the jackpot, you ain't dying today"

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Lucifer grit his teeth on hearing the words of the old man. He loved no one anymore and the one he loved wasn't herself. Lucifer felt his blood boil. He had only minutes before the spell would break of. He noticed the man with the cowboy hat enter and mumble something about him not dying today. Lucifer could care less. He wanted to kill Diaboli and that was all. Swinging his sword at End, Lucifer asked "Where is Diaboli? This is between me and him."

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End jumped back from the swing "He doesn't wish to fight you" End told him bluntly

"Hey kid, we're taking off, I'm death, you're Lucifer and you're not dying today now scram" the man said as he closed his notebook.

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"No." She stated, stepping between Lucifer and End. "Actually, it's between you and me." Removing her jacket, she picked out a single knife and pointed it at him.
"I'm hungry. I still haven't eaten since yesterday" she said as her stomach growled intensely. She got up from her bed, the wooden floor creaked as she stepped on it. Walking to the door, she placed her hand on the door knob and looked back at her weapon. "I have a bad feeling.." She said in a still voice. No one was here, she didn't have to act happy or cheerfully, and Gerard was no where to be found.

Grabbing her weapon, she walked out. Empty, no students were around which she somewhat expected. Hearing a commotion from the direction of the throne room, she quickly paced herself to it. Nearing the room, the commotion had settled and she only heard murmurs of people inside talking.

(Sorry. I'll be off for about an hour and a half. Going to my promotion)
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Lucifer ignored the statements of End and Death, and pulled his sword back to attack End again but stopped when Layla cut his way. He had barely a minute left. He couldn't return to Deus' and he knew it. Lucifer dropped his sword on seeing Layla challenge him. He was much stronger than her as he had cast a spell. "No." he murmured.

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"What's the matter Lucifer? Once again you do not wish to reap what you've sewn" End said with a shake of his head.

Death decided he would watch what was going on, he stood next to Helena greeting her with a nod, pulling out a lollipop for Emyre. Emyre took it happily as he laughed and smiled.

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She frowned, hissing unhappily. "Coward." She snapped, "Fight me!" Layla felt her emotions flaring, reaching an edge that she had never been before. It was like he was a lethal drug, picking at her emotions and causing them to act unnaturally. Rushing forward, she aimed for his throat and pulled herself to a stop just before it dug into his skin.

"If you don't fight me. I'll kill you."
Lucifer crushed the sword with his hands as the spell's time came to an end. Lucifer felt it. The strength rushed out of him like it had ceased to exist. He kept his eyes fixed into Layla's. "Go ahead." he said as he fell to the ground on his knees. He'd rather die at her hands than at the hands of the demons. And if she would be happy with that then it was all the better. Lucifer closed his eyes. He had failed to avenge Anise. He had failed yet again.

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"Tsk." She clicked her tongue, drawing the knife back slightly as she debated whether or not to actually end his life. Instead she sliced a cut into his cheek, eyes cold. "I'll let you live, but only because it looks like killing you would be doing you a favor." She then threw the knife away, listening to it clatter as it slide across the floor.

"No way in hell are you the Lucifer I know." She then turned, matching back to where Emyr and Helen waited. "Ma'am, little sir, I think it'd be best if we let End deal with him. I don't have any business left here."


She wanted in curiosity to see if Layla would actually kill him, displeased when she didn't but satisfied when she made her final comments to him. When the girl then crossed the room to address her, Helen passed Emyr into her hands. "Take Emyr and bring him outside to play." She said, "I'll have a chat with the Wright boy."
"Let's do something fun Miss Layla!" Emyre said smiling happily. Death stood by looking over to Helen. "I'm takin' him back when you're done Helen."

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"That just means you never knew me." said Lucifer in response to Layla. He would never hurt her. Not after he had started to develop feelings for her. But nothing mattered now. She hated him and he was in Diaboli's, having failed at the mission at hand. He would have added death to the list but he had been informed that today wasn't his day. Lucifer looked at End, waiting for the man to take him and lock him away.

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She studied the Goddess's eyes for a moment, unsure what was playing underneath the cold red orbs. "Of course, mistress." She finally said, taking Emyr from her. She then gave the child a smirk, tussling his hair as she put him on the ground and took his hand. "Only if it involves torture, blood, or danger." She stated, "Anything else wouldn't be fun." She glanced over her shoulder once more at Lucifer before leaving.


She brushed past Death, "We'll see." She said to him. When she reached the place in front of Lucifer, she grabbed hold of his chin and forced his head upward so that he was looking at her. Helen then rubbed her finger through the blood dripping off his jaw, moving the bloody finger to her mouth so that she could lick the red liquid from her hand. "Lethal, isn't she?" The goddess said pleasantly, motioning for End to help him up. "I understand why you like her so much, she's got the confidence to make Deus jealous."

She turned her back to him as she strolled over to the throne, listening to the sound of scuffling shoes as End dragged Lucifer after her. "I plan to make her a bit more... potent." Helen continued, "Demonic, you could say." Sitting in her father's throne, she gave the exhausted enemy a smile. "Something that will forever bar her from going back to you." Helen had seen if done only a handful of times, humans strong and dark enough to have demon blood infused into their bodies. It would make them immortal and powerful, nothing like a god but a very worthy servant for a King of Heaven and Hell like her son would be one day.

"I want her, my son wants her, and you want her." She said, "Sadly only one will get her and I'm fully supporting my son's efforts. He'll be more powerful then any god yet born. The Son of a Wicked goddess and Pure god." She let the words settle in Lucifer's mind, daring him to asked her what it was she wanted in exchange for the girl name Layla's human life.
"Please." said Lucifer. "Let her live. She doesn't deserve any of this." Lucifer looked at Helen with pleading eyes. Something he wouldn't have done if it were his life at stake. "She never was supposed to involve herself in all this. It was that stupid Deus who chose her. She is not to blame." Tears fell from Lucifer's eyes upon thinking Layla facing a similar fate as Anise. He had heard her mention about the kid being a product of a good God and an evil one but it didn't matter to him. He could care less about the Gods he once served. He just wanted to help Layla. "Please. I want you to leave her alone. What do you need in exchange?" he asked bluntly. He knew that Helen had intended a favor from him just like her father once had.

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Her eyes clouded greedily when she saw the sorrow in the boy's eyes, pleased at how much leverage she had over Deus's dear Lucifer. Still, she had plans that would only work if she and him had a nice talk alone. "Leave us." She commanded, her eyes darting to Death and End. "Now." Death was someone that played no sides and End was her father's lackey, both would rat her out in a moments notice if she discussed terms meant only for her and Lucifer's ears.

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