War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Lucifer teleported to Diaboli's after successfully having his disguise redone. Lucifer walked with confidence to the large hall. He carried the concealed sword with him as he walked through the academy. No one doubted him as he was in perfect disguise. Lucifer opened the door and noticed it was a throne room. The room seemed rather empty as Lucifer walked to the unoccupied throne. He eyed around wondering where Diaboli could be. All he could think about was Diaboli's hands on Anise and her death. Lucifer couldn't stand the idea as he grit his teeth and frowned, looking for the God. If he could find his bedroom, Lucifer could kill him during his sleep. Lucifer began looking at the adjoining rooms.

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"I saw this coming Lucifer. You came to kill me because I enjoyed her suffering, here I sit in the shadows, in my transformed form, wanting to make you suffer too!" A demon hissed as it leapt from the shadows at Lucifer. "I am master Whip, The Demon Lord of relishing the suffer"

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Lucifer quickly lost his ground as he was attacked from nowhere. The ground cracked upon his fall. The strength of ten elephants was going to be with him for another hour. Lucifer grit his teeth on the thought about Anise. He tried to look at the figure but there didn't seem to be one. He was just surrounded by darkness. " I am here for Diaboli's head. So stand back!" he said as he picked himself up.

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"Did you honestly think we would just let you through! Welcome to your suffering!" Whip shouted as whip-like appendages spawned from his back and began thrashing Lucifer.

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Lucifer shouted in agony as whips began trashing at his back from out of nowhere. The disguise had been pointless. Lucifer held on tightly to Daedalus as he felt the pain surge through his back and his sides. Lucifer had gained the strength of ten elephants but not their durability. He didn't have any material form to attack and Lucifer knew that this was a mistake. Closing his eyes, Lucifer began embracing the pain. Yelling at each whip that lashed onto his body. He wondered if Anise had underwent the same abuse. The thought of Anise sent an unexplainable determination through his heart. He began laughing loudly as the whips lashed at his back. "Pathetic!" he said with spite as he grit his teeth to swallow back a shout of pain due to the most recent impact from a whip across his back.

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"She went through far worse, and I loved it! I loved it even more than this!" Whip shouted as he continued his assault

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Lucifer shouted in rage. He couldn't handle the thought of Anise in pain. Lucifer's clothes began to shred to pieces. In a fit of rage, Lucifer removed Daedalus from cloak and swung it in the direction of the incoming whips. The ends of the whips fell to the ground before it reached his skin. "How dare you do something like that to her?" he said staring at the dark shadow on the wall. "Fight like a man if you dare!" said Lucifer as he tightly gripped the sword's hilt before breaking through the wall allowing specks of sunlight enter the throne room.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1402342629.744836.jpg.f6691ad6ef22c4bf7c48098dc5bbf503.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1402342629.744836.jpg.f6691ad6ef22c4bf7c48098dc5bbf503.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Now you're mine!" Whip shrieked as he dove from the wall at Lucifer

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Lucifer felt intimidated as the figure jumped at him. 'This is not the time to fear. This is the time to fight. You have to do this for Anise. This...monster tortured her. You can't back down. You can't let her down.' he thought to himself as he held the sword in his right hand. Curling his fist, Lucifer lay a punch under the demon's jaw with the strength of ten elephants. "How dare you touch her?" he asked as he looked at the demon, waiting for it to retaliate.

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"How dare I? It was fun watching her get ripped apart as the idiot god stared. The execution was my idea in the first place!" He shouted laughing as he spawned even more whips than before.

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Lucifer eyes were filled with pure rage and hatred. He put his arms forward to catch hold of all the whips that had been swung at him. The whips coiled around his hands. With the sword in his right hand, Lucifer cut his left hand free from the contraptions. He gave a forceful pull from his right hand, bringing the demon towards him at an accelerating pace. As it neared him, Lucifer punched it to the ground, resulting in creating a crater in the ground. Lucifer tossed the sword from his right to left and freed his right hand as well before standing over the demon. "You never should have done that." he said as he began swinging Daedalus in his hand. The once heavy sword was now a mere toy for him.

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The sword collided with the shoulder of Whip as he coughed blood. "Damn you human!"

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Lucifer glared at the demon. Lucifer wasn't going to show any mercy to this one. He had been the one who was behind the evil ploy and he could never think of forgiving such a heinous creature. Lucifer quickly swung the sword and cut off the demon's limbs. He watched it. He wanted it to suffer. Just like she had.

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"No! No! No! Enough! Mercy! Show mercy!" The demon hissed as his blood shot forward.

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After some time had passed and Emyr had fallen asleep, Helen found herself sitting before a small framed girl with fair hair. Her face showed a layer of smugness and confidence that made Helen want to snicker. She had seen the girl before, fighting on the side of Deus, but she seemed considerably different this time. Not only had her hair changed, but Helen saw a new coldness in her. Perhaps the aftereffect of realizing she was no more important to those on the side of Deus then a horse used for plowing a field. Helen felt pity, just enough for her to accept the girl's offer.

"You want to serve me?" She questioned, looking over at End who had showed the girl to the Goddess's room. "Then serve me well, girl. You're dismissed, End." With that she collected Emyr from the bed, wrapping him in a blanket as she started for the door. The girl trailed obediently behind, almost ghost-like in her silent steps.
"Mommy who's that?" Emyr asked as he crawled upwards to look over her shoulder curiously.

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"Not to you." said Lucifer as he caught hold of the demons head. "Not to the one who hurt her. Who enjoyed it." he said before piecing his hand through its chest and pulled out it's heart. The heart seemed different from a human heart but Lucifer didn't know demon anatomy. He stuck the heart into the demon's mouth before dropping it to the floor. He felt pain surge in his body as a result of the whips but Lucifer ignored it. Swinging his sword, Lucifer began looking for his primary target. Diaboli. "Enne rekshiku." he muttered as he felt his body heal. It would take five minutes according to the book but it did not matter. He could bear the pain. He just wanted to bathe in Diaboli's blood.

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The demon writhed in pain with it's final breath as it died. The throne room was covered in blood

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"A new friend for you, dear one." She said easily, looking at the girl over her shoulder as her son watched the newcomer curiously. "I'm sure she wouldn't object to you calling her whatever you want." In all honesty, it was like the girl was a completely knew person from what she had been before. Her appearance was what had changed the most drastically though, enough that if a person didn't pay close attention they wouldn't recognize her.

"What's your name?" Helen asked the girl, pausing before they entered the throne room. "I need to know what to call from now on." The girl gave a soft smirk, brushing her pink hair to the side as she looked over the pair in front of her.

"Layla, My Goddess." the girl stated. "Layla James."
Lucifer sneaked behind the door when he heard footsteps approaching. A surprise attack would always be better. He could clearly make out Helen's annoying voice but his feet started to tremble as he heard Layla say her name. He wondered if he had just imagined it but he was sure it was her voice. Lucifer gripped the sword, waiting for them to enter the throne room as his body gradually healed.

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The goddess studied the girl, her eyes shifting up and down the girl's thin frame. She didn't look like much but the confidence that Layla held clearly said she was capable in a fight. Helen had complete confidence in her abilities. "This is Emyr, Layla." Helen motioned to the boy clinging to her shirt. "My son." The girl nodded her head respectfully toward Emyr as Helen turned and pulled at the door.

She then entered, Layla shadowing her, to see the room in shambles. "What happened here?"
"Hey Layla. I'm.." Before the child could finish he saw the throne room covered in blood. "Mommy.." He said frightened

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Lucifer quickly jumped out from the behind the door and pushed Helen away before turning on his feet to see Layla. He was worried about her. Was she caught? Was she hurt? Lucifer's jaw dropped as he saw Layla in her new form. "Layla..." muttered Lucifer as he stared at the pink hair. "W-what happened?" He began to lose composure, forgetting his mission and priority.

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It was a rather quick moment, the goddess being shoved to the side as if she were a pointless being and her son tottering dangerously over her shoulder. Moving quickly, she caught the young god before he hit the ground. Layla then placed him gently on the ground, patting his pale head as she turned toward the person who had assaulted her new Mistress.

"Lucifer." She said, eyeing him. He probably didn't remember, or recognize her, but she knew why he appeared like Gerard. She had been in the back corner of Scotty's shop when he had appeared, she had watched as he was transformed into his cousin and left. It had almost solidified her resolve to go to Diablo's. Now he was easily to late, if he had wanted to stop her then he should have controlled himself a bit better.

"What? You don't like it?" Her snide tone teased, the familiar smirk painted across her face as she caught hold of a lock of pink hair and looked it over. "I thought it was a nice change, black was never really my color anyways."
"What are you doing here?" asked Lucifer in a serious tone as he eyed the Goddess and the kid. "I understand you are angry but this isn't right."

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