War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"I'll be waitin' outside just remember, his life's mine until further notice sweetheart" Death said as he walked out of the room. End immediately followed.

Emyre sat on the floor looking up at Layla. "Miss Layla, I like you, you're nice to me. Are you sad?" he asked as he rolled around

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Wiping away his tears, Lucifer lifted himself of his knees and stood upright. He wouldn't let Helen feel like she had complete command over him. Besides, he wasn't really hurt. "What's your proposition?" he asked as he crossed his arms across his chest.

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"Sad?" She gave the small god a little skeptical look. "I don't think emotions suite me very well, so why would I be sad?" Picking up a ball, Layla juggled it between her hands before tossing it over to Emyr. "Tell me, Little Master, would you be sad if someone who betrayed your trust refused to fight you like a man?" It was an honest question because, in truth, Layla had felt an overwhelming sense of sorrow in the fact that Lucifer wouldn't fight her. He had given in so easily, nothing like the Lucifer she had known a year ago.

"I think I'd be a bit more... angry... don't you?"
"Me too, was it the bad guy out there? If it was I'll get him" Emyre said before waddling over to Layla giving her a hug

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"Perhaps it was, but you don't have to worry about him." She patted his head, chuckling softly. "He's no match for me when it comes to wits so I'll always be able to outsmart him in a fight." She wondered what this boy's fate was, the small god that had appeared so suddenly. She didn't doubt that Diablo had plans for him, dark ones that would use him to win the war. Layla didn't want that, not in the least.
(After Lucifer, and Helen talk, and Death gets his say, time skip time)

Emyre looked up to her confused, "Did you live with the bad guys?"

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She was silent for a moment, unsure of what to say as she thought through her words carefully. "I don't think there is such a thing, Little god." She said softly, "Just a war with people that aren't sure what they want and a thirst for power." Shifting so that she was sitting on the ground, Layla arranged the boy so that he was on her lap and poked his nose.

"You don't have to worry about that either though." She stated, "Good or bad, I'm here to protect you and your mom will never let any harm come to you." 

With the fortress settled, she had nothing better to do then go back to her rooms. Once there she changed quickly and laid back onto her bed, exhausted from the day as she fell into a restless sleep.

In her dream she was standing atop a hill, miles of swaying green grasses around her with nothing but a small hut in the distance that showed any signs of life. As she neared it, the door opened, allowing the thin frame of Layla to emerge from it's mouth.

She was different though, not the Layla that Anastasia remembered. Her hair was the color of pink flowers but that's not what truly made her feel so different. Instead Layla had horns, black in color, poking from the top of her head and eyes the color of blood. As Layla approached her, the same bright smile made different by her new demonic form, a small child rushed out to cling to her leg. He was small with white hair, a color that matched closely to Amare's.

"Emyr." Layla said, giving Anastasia a smile. "This is a friend of mine. A priestess of your grandmother's." Anastasia's heart froze at the statement. There was only one person whom could be the father of that boy, the only son of her Goddess Maria. The god that share the boy's pale hair, Filius.

Anastasia woke suddenly, gasping as she looked around her now dark room. Her heart raced and her mind whirled, she needed to speak with Amare at once. 

She folded her arms over her chest, pleased with the compromise and yet slightly frustrated at the boy's stubbornness. "We are at a compromise then?" She said, standing so that she could smooth out her clothes and descend the small staircase to stand in front of Lucifer. "As you wish, Layla's life will be spared. No harm will come to her by my orders."
Lucifer nodded in approval. He was glad he was able to do something right although it seemed like he was now stuck with another God. "I need some rest. Can you guide me to my chambers?" he asked.

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Knowing it was for her own good that she didn't intrude, Valentina waited outside of the door for a little while until she grew impatient. So she knocked, and waited for a reply. While waiting, it seemed as if the world as slowed down and a million thoughts were rushing through her head.

What if the God Diaboli had a fight with his daughter and they had a major battle and blood everywhere. What if he was executing people that looked at him the wrong ways maybe he was having a tea party. What if his daughter were killing servants for fun. What if she was having demons fight to the death against each other?! Valentina tend to over think things, even if they were little.
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"Valentina dear, welcome!" Diaboli said happily as he entered the room. (On a break lol)

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Snapping out of her that weird mind of hers, quickly looked up at Lord Diaboli, "H-Hello! My Lord Diaboli. I heard a commotion so I thought I would come to see of everything is alright. It seems the noise has settled" she explained, a little nervous. She had always been nervous around the God but she had her reasons to be.
(Finally finished! I'm planning on skipping about a month ahead everyone okay with that. Winter, we can say the conversation that's going on now is happening then )
(Time has skipped a month)

"Valentina, you will be one of the vital leaders on the charge of Lakeseed, with 200,000 lesser demons at you and perhaps two others command.

Also, you are to keep in touch with Emyre, my grandson and bring me reports of his progress, and remain in his favor, understand?" Diaboli ordered.
"Sir! I am honored that you would give such a high position to a mer mortal such as I but do you really think I'm up to such responsibility and task?" She blurted out, not meaning to be loud but in the heat of the moment it just happened.
"You have to be my dear" Diaboli said with a grin, "Now go find my grandson" 
Jealousy stamped through the throne room angrily with what seemed to be pie upon his face. "You girl!" he shouted to Valentina. "Where's Lady Helen?!"
" it can be hot in these parts too" drake said, as he rode his stallion that white as snow, slowly it down as he glared towards a valley that was still distant to him, he sighed knowing it might take him a few hours to reach the temple, it would be a pleasant surprise to return after a year, they might have even missed me, he thought to himself getting off his horse, " need a break boy?" he asked as if talking to his horse, it was replied with a subtle neigh, as drake sat down he could see the sun setting down , and the beauty of the mountain under the ambient light, " ah, this is truly a bliss" he said as he admired

( u can pop in if u want i dont know of what happened in past year k)
"Thank you Lord Diablio. I shall not fail you" she said with a prideful smile. Bowing to The Lord once more, she was about to exited from his presents, a man with what seemed like pie on his face rushed in. Hadn't ever met the man, she had no clue into who he was. Seeming the man stampeded into the throne room with a worry of consequences, she concluded he might be of high ranking so she decided to be polite

"No, I have not. My apologies"

For the past month, Valentina has been training and training and training. Eventually, she was the highest ranking fighters in the school. She has been fighting other student whom lank coordination and willpower. Isolated in her own mind, she has made no friends since Gerard left, not wanting to make any anyways.
Jealousy's face was red as it could be "That son of hers did this! There he is! Get back here!" he shouted as he chased after a young boy, at the age of about 10 laughing hysterically while evading Jealousy.

Calvin saw a man with a horse ride near the fortress, he ran quickly towards it. "Hey! A horse! I've never seen one up close! Wow!"
(I fixed it to man instead of boy so it sounded right)

"Son?" She turned back to The Lord. "I'm guess that is the Grandson?" She asked in a calm tone, holding her pole with both hands as the man frantically chased after the boy whom she settled as the son of the Goddess Helen.
"erm...well hello there" he said, getting up and moving near to his horse and petting it's mane, " who might u be" he asked with a pleasant smile, drake surely had no idea of who might this person be, but he surely had a doubt in his head that, drake was confronting a diabloi spy at this very moment, he had never seen a person this young near the temple, the only young people he saw were normally students of the academy.

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