War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"Where's Alk? And how do you know he is my cousin?" asked Lucifer as he turned away from Anastasia on hearing Calvin's voice.

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The reflection of the light in her eyes made Layla flinch, drawing her hand up to her face to block the light. It was gone almost as soon as she moved though. It was a bit to late to realize what was going on so the only choice Layla had was to dodge. Something far easier said then done when it came to that girls weapon. So instead of going left or right, Layla charged forward. Just as the blade was about to cut a line in her face, Layla dropped her body backwards in the move she had done countless times before.

When her hands hit the ground behind her, she swung her legs over her in an attempt to hit the girl with a kick from behind. If luck was on her side it meant that she'd be knocked off balance. It not then all it would do was cause a nasty pain that would go away quickly.


She had turned away for a second, just one.p, in order to help a small boy get to shelter. When she turned back Alk was gone and Anastasia was stunned. "I don't know." She mumbled, her eyes meeting lucifer's "she was just here..."

"Is she in trouble you think?" Calvin asked as he scanned the area like a watch dog.

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"I'm not sure." replied Lucifer as he looked around. He called out for Alk multiple times only to be left in vain. "Go to the fortress and see if you can find her there." he commanded Anastasia. Lucifer scrutinized the area once more. He wondered if it was Gerard who led the attack after all since he failed to find anyone else other than Gerard and the brown haired girl. Lucifer was concerned if End would turn up or that mysterious red eyed woman. The thoughts instilled a chain in Lucifer's head. "Bind Gerard. We may need to use him." he said to Calvin as he walked to Layla, currently fighting the girl. Lucifer had questions and Gerard was knocked out cold to answer them. He had no choice but to intervene in the fight although he knew Layla would probably kill him for that. Picking up his longsword that he had left on the ground earlier, Lucifer continued his march toward the girls as he watched them in action. "And I thought they'd be pulling each other's hair." he mumbled to himself as a smirk grew on his bloody face.

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Calvin sat beside Gerard looking him up and down. "Hey, it looks like your hurt, we should get you help"

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Gerard winced on hearing a voice. With difficulty, he opened his eyes and noticed the demon slayer boy in front of him. "I-I don't need h-help." he said, hissing in pain between words. "And the part of me that hurts can't be healed. Not in a million years." he added as he tried to lift himself of the ground. Slowly, Gerardv sat up. He could feel pain in his muscles and bones. Gerard ran a hand over his cheeks to verify the damage dealt by Lucifer's brass knuckles and it wasn't good. Giving out an exasperated chuckle, Gerard said "Not in the face." before bursting into painful laughter.

Just as Lucifer turned on his feet to interrogate his cousin, Gerard fell back to the ground drained from his energy. Lucifer nodded at Calvin, gesturing him to take Gerard away.

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Calvin carried Gerard to the hospital within the fortress and watched as the nurses tended to him. He continuously asked questions about what they were doing, and why.

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Gerard heard the voice again but this time, he found himself in a room with a doctor tending to his minor wounds and injuries. Gerard knew that he had to get out of there and go back to Diaboli's but he knew he had to remain calm in a situation such as this. "Hey. How did you...you get the strength to kill that felon?" he asked as he peered at the boy in curiosity,

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"I worked really hard, for a month straight, non stop!" Calvin said excitedly. "Come to think of it I'm pretty tired, but I can't sleep until Lucifer's back, and you can't go anywhere"

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Gerard pondered on hearing the boy's reply. He wondered if he would be able to slay demons if he trained for a month. Probably not. "You can sleep. Trust me. I can't go anywhere. Lucifer broke my leg during the fight." replied Gerard, lying through his teeth but expressing innocence in his face.

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"Okay" Calvin said before passing out next to him. Snoring loudly.

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After the doctors bandaged Gerard, he ensured Calvin was asleep before leaving the infirmary. The infirmary was close to the dorms, giving him access to a fresh pair of clothes. Wearing a hoodie, Gerard slowly walked down the hallways, searching for a way to get out. He strolled as he was still tired. All the while, Gerard wished that no one recognized him.

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Valentina used her already prepared weapon to attack Layla's legs as she tried to kick her. With the force and speed that she used, the weapon probably bruised it in the lease bit, but most likely broke it or caused the muscle to tear.

Valentina, once striking, hopped back a few feet from the girl, keeping a distance. She gave a smirk to herself as the girl laid on the ground from her attack.

"No time to be sleeping girl" she said in a cold tone of voice, completely different from the warm cheery voice she normally used.
Lucifer saw Layla fall onto the ground and immediately blocked the path between Valentina and her, with his sword in his hand. He knew Layla would probably kill him for that but he had other reasons to interject as well. He smartly avoided asking Layla about her condition since she would probably be more enraged. Layla didn't seem like the person who dwells on pity; rather she hated it, he concluded.

"Give up or you'll end up like Gerard!" he announced. "Where is Alk, girl?" he asked as he stared at her in rage. Although the girl didn't seem like a bad person, he couldn't trust anyone from Diaboli's Academy. "Be careful what you answer because we have Gerard captive."

Lucifer wasn't really sure this would work as he knew nothing about the relation between Gerard and her. She may have been selfish for all he knew but he had to try.
Valentina saw the man Gerard hated, but she had realized she got too caught up in her fight with Layla to realized what had happen to all her friends.

"What happened to Gerard? What did you do to him?!" Valentina demanded. Rage filled her eyes, she didn't care if she got hurt, it didn't matter.

"Who is Alk?" A million questions rushed into her mind but once she remembered what end had told her about too many questions being dangerous, Valentina didn't ask anymore.

"Nevermind. I don't care. This is not your fight, get out of the way boy. This is between me and the girl." Valentina spoke with composure in her voice once more as she looked straight into his eyes with death.
"Hey, you, you supposed to be Valentina?" a stranger asked bluntly.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1402036118.860149.jpg.e1337ab52bffb6cfd32ffabb80a8d151.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1402036118.860149.jpg.e1337ab52bffb6cfd32ffabb80a8d151.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Valentina snapped her head I'm the direction of which someone had called her name.

A strange man that she had never seen before had appeared, asking for her.

"It depends who's asking.. And I'm sort of in a fight right now so if you don't mind we talk later?" She replied to the stranger.
Lucifer felt a sly grin crawl across his face on hearing her concern for Gerard. 'Seems like this may just work.' he thought.

"Oh. Gerard. Well. He's fine for now but you know how we humans are. We easily grow impatient. He's probably lost a few toes by now." said Lucifer. He knew that Calvin wouldn't hurt Gerard and Lucifer wouldn't let anyone hurt him but the girl didn't know that.

"Alk is a friend. I speculate someone from your Academy has kidnapped her. You will help free her if you want to see Gerard live."

Lucifer noticed a new person enter the scenario and pondered who the clown might be. He managed to catch the girl's name.

"Valentina." he mumbled.
"Listen here, if you don't come with me you'll be in another. Name's Gin, I was sent by some Diaboli guy to fetch you" he said angrily. "Hey blue hair, you Lucifer?"

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Lucifer began laughing on hearing the man introduced himself. 'Gin? Who the hell are his parents?' Lucifer wasn't intimidated by the fact that Diaboli had sent him. "Yes." he replied. "I need to speak with Valentina here before you take her." he added. He wanted to instruct her on how to save Alk and probably threaten her a little more about Gerard's conditions. For some reason, she seemed to worry about his cousin and Lucifer was glad she did.
Valentina switched back to Lucifer as he spoke. She could hear the bluff in his lie but she wasn't sure if he was for real.

"I could really care less for Gerard, you can have him. I also don't help people from the enemy side." She said crossing her arms and giving Lucifer a dirty look of disgust.

Hearing the Gin person speak, she honestly didn't know if she could trust him but she decided she will. If he is lying she could defend herself.

"Using people to do your dirty work isn't very heroic of you now is it? Well, I would love to stay and chat some more but I must be leaving. Tell the girl I look forward in continuing our fight once more" she said as she gave him a smirk. She walked towards the man who called himself Gin and waited for him to finish his business with Lucifer
Lucifer grit his teeth when Valentina gave a negative response to his bluff. He felt all his ideas and plans, falter and crumble to the ground.

"I'll send you the limbs tomorrow. Enjoy your dinner." he announced. He had to give it one last try. It was his friend's life at stake and Lucifer was quite sure she was at Diaboli's.

Lucifer looked at Gin, waiting to hear what he had to say to him.

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