War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


"Hey Lucifer!" Calvin yelled with a smile as the demon lunged at him. As the demon slid the ground ruptured beneath him. Calvin stood at the end, holding the demon at bay. He landed a punch into it's stomach as it coughed blood. "Damn." The demon growled.

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Valentina stood in her spot, cool headed and smiling. She stopped her spinning pole and held it parallel to her body.

"Give it your best shot" she teased as she looked straight into Layla's eyes with a death stare while smiling.

She had been preparing to lead the demon toward the fortress like the girl had instructed her when it suddenly fell. It was almost like something had struck it over the head or it had tripped on some invisible string. Anastasia found it was the first when a cloaked figure began calling cheerily to Lucifer.

"H-how?" She muttered, eyes widening as she watched the boy easily hold off the demon.
"Hey, you, the girl! Make sure everyone's okay!" Calvin shouted as the demon flung him into a building. Calvin leapt out of the wreckage and struck the demon with an uppercut as it fell once again.

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"If you insist." She muttered, lazily looking over the girl. It had been fun to a point, but not she was simply being stubborn. "I'm pretty tired of people acting that way." She knew the girl probably had no idea what she was talking about, but Layla didn't care. As long as she knew the meaning then there was no harm done.

So, in order to test the girl out, she readied herself by shifting her weight slightly. Quite suddenly, her arm moving like a blur, Layla flung the knife she carried at the girl. It flashed through the air, followed closely by another. While they were still in flight Layla jumped into action, darting left before cutting across the girl's blind area to slow just behind her.
"We don't have to do this, Gerard." said Lucifer as he glared at the younger boy. Lucifer wanted to help Calvin with the demon but Gerard blocked him from proceeding any further. He could run away but knowing Gerard, Lucifer would probably have a sword in his back.

"Why? You afraid of getting a little beat up?" retorted Gerard.

"You are hurt." stated Lucifer with a knowing look.

"How could you possibly know that?" asked Gerard as he flustered a bit before standing in a formal stance.

"You think I wouldn't know? Your left leg is forward in an open stance. You've wounded your left knee."

"Very smart. But that doesn't mean you'll win. You lack conviction unlike the Lucifer I once knew. You won't kill me. You won't decapitate me. I don't even know why Deus keeps such a weak piece of s*** such as yourself as his ally."

Lucifer grit his teeth and gripped his longswords in anger.

"There. How does it feel? All that rage inside you? Come on now. Fight!" said Gerard as he gestured Lucifer to come at him with his broadsword.

"You are hurt Gerard. Go back." said Lucifer calmly as he turned around to help Calvin.

Gerard lost his patience on hearing Lucifer's response. Gerard charged at Lucifer, finding it a little difficult to run due to the pain behind his knee.

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Valentina quickly brought her pole forward and spun it right in front of her so that the knives would bounce right off. That would be somewhat like a shield to her. The knives echoed as they fell on to the ground but where was the girl?

Valentina darted her head back and forth trying to find the girl's presence than she realized that she was too late to fully escape the girl's next attack, but she could try.

She swung her pole behind her as she turned around, seeing if she could at least nick the girl some how but that was a low possibly due to the fact that she couldn't see the girl.
Calvin continued battling the demon as the crashed outside of the area eventually. Taking a beating himself, while beating back the monster. "Those innocent people.. I promised I wouldn't let this happen again on my watch!" Calvin yelled as he ran towards the demon, a gold aura surrounded him as he flew through the stomach of the beast.

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Lucifer countered the incoming attack by quickly swinging his longsword. As he held the other sword freely, Lucifer noticed an opening in Gerard's armor. He could easily pierce his free sword into Gerard's underarm but Lucifer stood still contemplating.

Gerard smirked and quickly retaliated by dragging the sword along Lucifer's defense sword toward Lucifer's head. The scratching sound of the blades made Lucifer's eye turn and he noticed the incoming threat. Lucifer lunged backwards to dodge the blade but Gerard easily laid a deep cut on Lucifer's face. "Should've attacked when you had the chance." said Gerard as he leaped back, feeling a little pain in his leg. Lucifer felt the blood trickle down his cheek as he ignored the pain from the fresh cut. "You shouldn't have done that to my face." hissed Lucifer.

"Why? If it's any satisfaction, your ugly face looks better with it."

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Layla used a blade, which she had taken from her belt, as a tool to knock her weapon away. When had bounced off her knife she swung herself, rotating on the tip of her foot, to turn toward the girl's body. She then twirled the knife in her hand and snuck it around so that it was pressed to the girl's neck.

"I won't kill you." She said into the girl's ear, a smile snaking across her face. "I want to have a nice long rivalry with you but right now this is a bit boring." She glanced toward Lucifer, who was thick in battle with Gerard. "Maybe when it's a bit quieter we can have a little.. chat." Of course, when she said chat she didn't mean they'd actually sit around and talk. Layla hadn't met anyone who had smoothly come back from her comments with ones of their own. It made this girl interesting, one that she was looking forward to fighting later on. If either of them dead today it would be the end of the game. Layla didn't want that.

"Fights are fun," Layla stated, removed the blade and walking backward until she was a good distance away. "But I prefer a game of wits and if it ends today I'm afraid that Diablo's side will be..." She looked over at Gerard and then the demon, "A bit short handed."
Lucifer swung his left longsword at Gerard's neck as hitting any other point would be futile since Gerard had equipped an armour. Gerard quickly brought his broadsword to block the strike and forced Lucifer's sword downwards. Lucifer's wrist slowly twisted and he dropped his sword. Gerard held his sword low, with a smirk on his face.

"You never really were good with weapons, you know?" he asked.

"Neither were you." retorted Lucifer as he swung his right longsword at Gerard's to drop it to the ground.

"Nice. Unarmed combat like the good old days then?" asked Gerard as he backed out upon losing his weapon.

"Sure." replied Lucifer as he picked up both the swords on the ground and placed it on the side of the pathway, where they fought each other. Lucifer honestly added his second sword to the pile before he removed his chainmail.

Meanwhile, Gerard rid himself of his armour, allowing him to turn faster and attack with ease.

Both Lucifer and Gerard looked at the girl fight, expecting them to be pulling each other's hair, scratching and biting each other, although both of them knew from experience that the girls were much more than that. Both of them chuckled at the thought and gave each other a knowing look.

Lucifer pocketed his brass knuckles before taking his karate stance. Gerard himself stood in his karate stance as he waited for Lucifer.

"Master Axe would be so proud."

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(OOC: Since I have two of my own characters fighting, it is kinda boring. It's like playing chess all by yourself. So, I'm gonna let you guys decide who should win. Don't make it based on who your character prefers. Vote based on which character you like better.)
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Valentina growl at Layla's slyness, but she wasn't going to back down just like that. She picked up her weapon and got into her stance, took a deep breath and regained her cool once more.

"Hey! Play with me a little longer.." Valentina smirked, now she was going to go at her with full force. She wasn't going to hold back. This wench was quiet a difficulty wasn't she?

"or.. Are you scared that I might beat this time?" She said trying to provoke her, but kept a calm, cool head while at it.
The Wrights stood glaring at each other. Standing perfectly in their stances with their right legs forward and their hands up for defense. Lucifer stepped out forward and brought brought his right hand forward to perform a chop on Gerard's right hand before quickly performing a feint and moving it to Gerard's hips. Gerard quickly moved his right hand down to secure himself from the incoming attack. Lucifer lunged his back to gain extra force while he returned with a counter attack.

Lucifer performed another feint by giving a pretense attack from his left hand. Gerard quickly moved his left hand to block the attack, leaving his chest cavity defenseless. Lucifer completed his feint by retracting his right hand and attacking Gerard's neck, which Gerard easily blocked out with his left hand. Lucifer locked Gerard's left hand with his hands in the shape of a scissor, while Gerard's right hand remained defending his hip. Lucifer moved away Gerard's defending left hand by unlocking the scissor chop and landed a perfect fist on Gerard's jaw. Gerard felt his head spin as he fell to the ground.

"I can't believe you fell for that!" said Lucifer smirking. "Don't tell me you've forgotten the Wing Chun block remover."

Gerard grit his teeth as Lucifer got the better of him. The fast attacks were too difficult for him to counter. He had to pay more attention.

Lucifer backed away, waiting for Gerard to return to his feet.

(OOC: Hope this makes sense. I find it difficult to describe stuff like this.) 
(I agree. That's a good point. But if Lucifer dies, Gerard won't have a purpose either. I don't think I want to kill either of them. Anyways, two more votes. Hopefully, it won't end up in a tie.)
(Oh crapadapdap, I'm the deciding vote... Can I say neither or no? I mean, Alk (and therefore I) would prefer if they both just stopped and got along, but thn there wouldn't be much conflict to drive their stories and blah blah blah.)

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(I'll manage something. Don't worry about it.) 
Gerard regained his composure and stood straight. Lucifer smirked at the young boy with confidence on his bloody face. Lucifer had forgotten about the existence about the scar until he felt a burn. Gerard returned the smirk and stared at him. "You've gotten stronger." said Gerard as he rubbed his jaw. "Question is, are you strong enough?"

Lucifer lunged forward at Gerard to perform a hook with his right hand. Gerard brought his left hand upward quickly for defense, catching the punch in his palm and countering with a quick right punch to Lucifer's ribs. Lucifer hopped backward, retreating his hand. Lucifer stood in the boxing stance, hopping on his feet while Gerard stood in a high, weighted stance.Gerard was able to ignore the pain behind his knee as he prepared to fight.

Lucifer performed a shovel hook with his left hand followed by a hook to Gerard's head with his right. Without blinking an eye, Gerard blocked out both the attacks and landed a front kick into Lucifer's unguarded chest cavity. Lucifer backed out, reducing the impact of the kick while Gerard retaliated by going for a right punch to Lucifer's ribs. Lucifer performed an inner defense move and retaliated by performing a diving punch at Gerard's head. Gerard moved on his feet and dodged the punch, crouching while Lucifer landed his ground. Both turned on their heels to face each other again.

Lucifer quickly lunged forward to lay a blind left hook, which Gerard easily backed away from, followed by a right jab. Gerard blocked the jab with his left forearm. Quickly, Lucifer performed a spinning neck kick with his right leg. Gerard ducked from the kick and quickly retaliated by standing up and landing a left hook under Lucifer's jaw before Lucifer's regained his footing. Lucifer felt his head go on a spin but managed not to fall and regain his ground. Lucifer began to regain his composure but was put to the ground by another hook to his face.

Lucifer groaned while Gerard stood tall over him. "You know you won't win this, don't you? And no one is to fault but you." said Gerard with a scoff. "I know you could see my openings but you failed to act because of your stupid ideals. It is these ideals that make you lose no matter how strong you get. Have you forgotten about Axe's lessons? No mercy? No feelings?" he asked as he crouched next to Lucifer. He ripped Lucifer's shirt open, looking for the scars that their master had given Lucifer to remember his lessons. "They aren't there. You've washed them away mentally and physically?" said Gerard spitefully. Standing up, Gerard added, "You are truly pathetic, now. Where is that selfish guy I once knew? Who would've done something as dishonorable as a kick to the groin, just to win. Who despised weakness so much that he used to kill the ones he saw unfit to live. I want to fight that guy not this idiotic boy you've become."

Lucifer grit his teeth and clenched his fists in anger as he stood up. Lucifer frowned at Gerard and he truly did look intimidating.

"Woah! You wanna go another round? Or are you gonna beg for mercy? For taking my destiny away from me?" said Gerard as he gave a half-admired look to Lucifer. Not uttering a word, Lucifer walked upto Gerard and landed a sucker punch on his face.

Calvin ran back into the city "Hey! Lucifer! It's been awhile"


End appeared behind Alk, grabbing her as he opened a portal. End then pulled her into it with him, appearing back at the Bastion of Diaboli.

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