War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Alk waited for another five minutes just staring at the cafeteria line. She'd given up with trying to talk to Layla. After that, she knew Lucifer wasn't coming back to the table.

"Something's wrong," she said, rising from her seat. She looked at the older but still youthful girl. "I'm going to go look for Lucifer and see what's up. Feel free to join me if you want."

With that, Alk made her way out of the dining hall. She didn't bother to wait for the girl's response; if she wanted to come she would, Alk wasn't going to force her. Along the way, she ran into Pippen, quite literally. After apologizing, she soon learned about the demon terrorizing a nearby chapel, and how Lucifer had sent the boy to get Filius. She frowned, but thanked him nonetheless. Soon enough, they were both on their way.

Alk first headed for her dorm, the same one Lucifer had shown her to on that first day here. She grabbed her bow and her quiver, but dumped the arrows out. They were practice arrows, their tips blunted slightly. She'd have to go to the armory in order to re-equip herself. Moving quickly, she swept her messy brown hair into a tight ponytail and changed into something more... battle-appropriate than her uniform. And then she was off, but not without grabbing a long, black pouch from one of her drawers.

She burst into the weapons hold, her hair already coming undone a bit. It didn't take much searching to find the right arrows, along with some special surprises. Alk didn't even notice the blue haired boy, clad chainmail and waiting in the shadows until it was too late. She stifled a scream.

"What the hell, Lucifer?" She hissed at the boy. She was more angry at him for not coming to tell her the situation than anything, however.

(This is long, but whatever.)

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Amare found them as he stood in his fine clothing, rapier at his side. "Let's get going"

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"Where should I go, or do?" Valentina asked since she felt out of place. 'I will not stand being useless' she thought in her head as she tightened her grip on to her pole.
"Fight the girl if she comes, your goal is to allow the demon to do his work. I'll be fighting the god Filius." End told her as he watched the giant demon rip people apart, laughing as he did.

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"Who is this girl you speak of?" She asked, confused. Valentina knew of Lucifer but who was this girl. Was she Lucifer's "girlfriend" that Gerard talked about earlier?
"You'll know her when you see her. You ask too many questions girl, those can be dangerous" End said to her as he stared back up her with his hateful eyes

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"My apologizes.." She replied but she didn't stare back at him. Her eyes narrowed to the side when End stared at her with his eyes filled with hate and hate only. His eyes were like 2 deep dark caves that were too deep to see the light at the end. "I'll try to not ask as much questions.." Valentina said in a quiet tone.
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Lucifer stood in the corner of the room as he watched Alk pick some arrows and other weapons. "What's in the pouch?" he asked as he revealed himself from the corner. "You really don't need to come. It is just a demon. Besides, we have Amare!" he exclaimed. "Where's Layla?" he asked as he looked behind Alk like he was expecting her to be hiding.


"She's a brunette. Be careful with her. She can be quite difficult." said Gerard as he patiently waited for the arrival of Lucifer.

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Valentina nodded when Gerard told her information about this girl. She wanted to ask what were her strengths or weakness if he knew but she knew End might scold her for asking too many questions again. 'Looks like I'll have to figure that on my own' Valentina thought
Shrugging in answer to his second question, Alk responded to the first by opening the pouch as the two followed Filius out. Two short blades with a screw on each of their widest end rested alongside two long leather straps.. She removed them with one hand and tossed the empty bag at Lucifer.

"They're for my bow, see?" She asked, securing them in new holes on either end of bow and tying them off with the straps so that they definitely didn't come loose. She smiled proudly at her handiwork. "These new additions are the reason I had to stay at Maria's all last week. I had to get used to training with them, and then without them again. It's unorthodox, but I figured I'd need to have a weapon readily available for not only long distance but close quarters fighting. This was a solution I came up with for now. Oh, and these-"

She placed her heavier bow over her shoulder again and lifted up one of her sleeves. When she'd changed earlier, she had traded her school uniform in for a tight black tank top reinforced with metal plating over her heart and around her torso in strips, so that the metal wouldn't interfere with her movement. Over that she wore a thin brown pullover hoodie, hiding the knife sheathed against her bicep that she now showed off with a flourish. Her skirt was switched for sports leggings and her flats for thin brown boots with extra grip on the soles. Overall, it'd taken five of Maria's priestess' to complete the outfit, along with two others who watched and critiqued. They seemed to know a lot about battle wear, while Alk had merely served as a body for fitting. "I didn't think I'd need it, but one of the older students at Maria's thought it'd be good as a last resort."

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"Wow. You really are prepared for this aren't you?" asked Lucifer as he knocked at Alk's chest, with his free hand while the other held his swords. His brass knuckles collided with the metal plate, giving out a clank. Although the breast plate was well concealed, Lucifer could make it out. "Be careful with such stuff. Sometimes your own armor becomes your enemy." he stated as he retrieved his hand. Lucifer looked at Amare, waiting to see if the God was ready to leave.

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"Fine, fine. I'll just let the priestesses know." She jabbed, placing a hand over her chest. Alk loved the outfit, but she did feel it was a bit much at times. She'd had to convince those ladies out of so many things, like a pretty design here or brighter colors there. Too bland, they said about her choices. But bland was just what the girl strived for. Her other hand went to rest on her hip as she looked up at Lucifer, who had a good amount of height on her. "And thank you, I try my best to be prepared for any given situation, even that which involves some demon and my friend who doesn't tell me about these things. Don't think I'll forgive you so easily for marching off to battle without at least letting me, and Layla, at that, know."

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"That blonde is truly marvelous. You just spent ten minutes with her and now you hold a grudge against me." replied Lucifer, scoffing. "I wonder what she has put into the head of that cute priestess girl. I didn't even get a proper chance to interact with her." Sighing, he adds "Why does Layla hate me so much?"

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"I'm afraid I cannot go with you, fathers orders" Amare told them with a frown. "Get going, now"

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"You're so melodramatic, Lucifer," Alk teased. To be honest, she didn't even let the girl talk the whole time she'd been alone with her. She felt a bit bad, but there was nothing she could do to change that interaction now. At Filius' words, she spun towards him. "But how are we..."

She scowled, if it was really Deus' orders, then who was she to oppose them. She rolled her sleeve back down and nodded. At the door, she waited for Lucifer. "I guess we're off, then."

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"Wait. What?" asked Lucifer with his mouth wide open. "I-I can't take on a demon. W-what do you think I am man?" said Lucifer, stuttering. He was confident to go without reinforcements on this venture only because Amare would accompany him. Lucifer began reconsidering inviting Layla for help.

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"Let's just go," Alk said, walking over and beginning to drag Lucifer past Filius and out of the room. She did her best to reason with him. "Besides, Pippen said he was coming, and I'm sure Filius can send Layla too. But the longer we stay here, the more damage that demon is causing."

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"I'll be certain to call in any reinforcements we possibly can" Amare told them.

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"Noooo!" shouted Lucifer dramatically as he let Alk drag him. Without Amare, the task would be ten times more difficult and Lucifer knew it.

(Sorry. Didn't get any notification.)

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"They should be coming, remember your roles, I'll be watching from the Bastion" End said as he departed

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"Oh, hush." Alk rolled her eyes dropping Lucifer's arm to let him walk on his own. The pair quickly made their way off school grounds and toward the chapel. Both fortunately and unfortunately, the chapel wasn't too far away. The young girl began to feel a certain apprehension that had otherwise gone unnoticed during the preparation for this fight or whatever it was going to be.

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As Lucifer and Alk rushed to the chapel, Lucifer's eye caught sight of the horrific demon from a distance. He nudged Alk to look as the demon consumed a few more mortals. "I don't think we can take that down." he stated as he ran faster toward the chapel. Lucifer noticed the demon about to consume a bunch of children. Planning to distract it from the civilians, Lucifer ran to the demon only to be tripped over and fall to the ground. Lucifer quickly turned to see who the source of mischief was.

"I can't believe you fell for that!" exclaimed Gerard as he stood in front of Lucifer. Lucifer quickly got up to his feet and looked in the direction of the children, only to find them dead. "Why are you here?" asked Lucifer as he glared at Gerard in anger.

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"More meat I see" the large demon exclaimed as he tipped down a pillar, staring at Lucifer and Alk.

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Alk grimaced as she sped toward the demon behind Lucifer, bow in hand, an arrow already notched. Even if they couldn't take it down by themselves, that had to at least try and save the mortals still in the area until reinforcements came. Her eyes remained trained on the demon, trying to work out its movement patterns and other tidbits. So far, it just seemed really intent on eating people. Alk tried her best not to think about those poor children. She was already so focused in on it that she didn't notice when Lucifer fell in her path, nearly tripping her as well. Stopping abruptly to avoid this, she looked at the figure standing before them. Her wispy brown hair was already flying about, but she could see enough. "Gerard?"

She didn't have time for this surprise, however, as the demon soon honed in on her and her friend. "Crap," she muttered, pushing past the cousins. They'd just have to deal with each other for now; she had a more pressing matter to attend to. Drawing the demon's attention away from the boys and other civilians, she shouted at it while running to the right, in the opposite direction. "Hey, you brainless monster! Over here! Come and get me, I promise I taste way better than him!"

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"I'll be devouring you all, I'll be able to find out!" The demon roared as be began after Alk.

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