War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Layla raised a brow at Lucifer's clear attempt to fluster her and tilted her head to the side. "Maybe if you were cuter I'd be jealous." She said, easily brushing it aside with a smirk. Layla then turned to the girl as she spoke.

"Alk, huh? You're seem too smart to like this fool, though it doesn't take much brain power to see through him." Her eyes flickered playful toward lucifer.
Lucifer shrugged like an imbecile. He wondered why Alk couldn't see through Layla's sarcasm. She managed to get a boy carry her food for her probably by batting her lovely eyelashes. He wondered how a person such as the boy could have such low self esteem. Lucifer gave out an involuntary pout. His dear friend had spoilt a perfect opportunity for him to use his newly developed line.

"You are a blonde! Your statements and arguments are invalid." he exclaimed suddenly. 'Why? Why did I do that? Wait. It's perfect!' he thought as he covered his mouth with his hands and gazed at Layla.

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Alk looked at her friend in surprise. He'd a actually done it; he'd used the comeback perfectly. Well, besides her having black hair now, but still!

"I cannot believe it." A smile broke out on her face.

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At first Layla was confused at what he had said, blonde? She wasn't blonde. Then she realized he was talking about her natural hair color and snorted.

"That makes as much sense as me saying your hair is blue and therefore you're a smurf." She retorted, actually laughing whole heartlessly at his statement. When she had calmed down a bit she reached across and patted Lucifer's hand.

"You're almost there," she said. "A bit more thought and you might be able to fluster me."
"You are blonde. Your smurf statement is considered invalid." replied Lucifer with a confident smirk on his face. He began laughing loudly. He could use this everytime she opened her mouth.

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Shaking her head, Alk had to laugh as well, but not at Layla. It was more that Lucifer would ruin his perfect one-liner by reusing it without care. Oh well, what could she do about it but laugh for now? "Okay, now it's more believable."

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She held back the smile that wanted to flash across her face. 'Idiots will be idiots, but if I had stayed blonde he might have actually gotten me with that one'. Layla considered how long he'd go on with this phase of his, wondering if she should just go along with it.

"Seems you got me," she said waving her hand in the air. "How clever of you." She forked some of her salad into her mouth, meeting his eyes with unwavering ones. She was curious so see his reaction to her forfeit, she'd never backed down so easily for him before.
Lucifer's laughter ceased to exist when he heard Layla's reply. She just gave up. He looked at her with concern in his eyes. "Hey. Are you alright?" he asked. Lucifer leant over the table and placed his hand on her forehead. "You aren't sick or something, are you?" he asked.

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"Concerned?" She questioned, peering at him from under his hand her eyes moved sideways to Alk. "Careful, your girlfriend might get jealous."

She hadn't expected concern of all things, but it was actually quite sweet. Not that she would tell him that. 'Don't need anything else to inflate his head more.'
Lucifer gave a small pout on hearing Layla's response. No. He couldn't let her take his victory away from him. "She's not my girlfriend. The spot is open. You want to fill in?" he asked rather formally. He removed a pretense diary from his pocket and looked through the pages in the air. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I don't do blondes." he said with mockery.

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"How disappointing." She replied, her face serious. "I was so looking forward to giving you my everything, because deep down I'm just a normal girl..." She allowed there to be a pause, letting lucifer think over that answer before she continued.

"Ah.. Wait, I'm a blonde so my answers invalid, right?" Her usually smirk returned. "Boo-hoo. How sad."

"You did great. Don't expect him to appreciate your talents. Come on. Let's go. I'm losing quite a lot of blood here." As he continued hopping, he decided to continue the conversation that End had interrupted earlier. "So. Where are you from?" he asked.


Lucifer gave out a wide grin. "Now there's the Layla I know." he said as he got up from his chair and gave her a forced embrace. "I'm gonna get another coffee. You ladies continue talking." he announced as he left for the counter. He had a wide smile on his face. He was glad she had given a great comeback and wondered if she really meant it. ' Nah. It's Layla. She definitely isn't normal inside either.' he thought as he hummed a tune.

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Valentina gave a small laugh as Gerard hobbled as he walked, but stopped once he asked the question.

"I don't like talking about my past.." She said in a quiet tone as she walked. She didn't bother looking him in the eyes but rather looked up when she spoke.

Noticing the quietness of the atmosphere, she decided to switch the question onto him to break the tension.

"Where are you from? Family? What grade are you in in the academy?" She started blurting out questions of randomness
Gerard filled his chest with air before he began blabbering. "I'm from the famous Wright family. I don't know if you've ever heard of us but we are kind of a big deal when it comes to the Gods and stuff. I'm a fresher in high school." Taking a moment to breathe, Gerard continued. "For many years, our family had a curse laid upon it by the God Deus. So from a very young age we were trained to fight in the duels and win his favor. It was my destiny! Right until that blue haired fool stole it from under my feet." Gerard grit his teeth as he thought about Lucifer. "And now that traitor is serving Deus, the one who laid the curse on us. God Diaboli was the one who lifted the curse of us and hence I'm here. Serving under him." he added with pride.

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Valentina's eyes widened as Gerard told her his life's story in under a minute with only 2 breaths in between. She just stared at him with an astonishing look on her face until she realized that she needed to respond.

"oh..! So you're freshman too?" She asked, trying to moving through all the topics he just said one by one so it would be more organized.

Before he could answer her they had made it to the infirmary, "oh, I guess we're here already. You can tell me inside" she said with a cheery smile on her face as she helped him inside
Gerard nodded as he entered the infirmary. The doctor was in, so he would have no trouble in finding one. As he lay himself on the bed, the smell of medicines hit his nose. "I was here the last time because of that idiot. I can't believe I let him beat the crap out of me." he said as he grit his teeth and clenched his fist. Unlike Lucifer, Gerard was outspoken. "He and that stupid girlfriend of his." Gerard laid on his waist so that the doctor could comfortably do the necessary. He remembered that Valentina was hurt as well. "She has a cut on her leg." he stated to the doctor, rather sounding like a command than a request.

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Valentina sat on a backless spiny chair as she watched Gerard lay on the infirmary bed, the doctor cleaning and bandaging the wounds. As the doctor's assistant tried to disinfect her wound, she raised her hand up to decline.

"It's okay, only a little scratch. I can clean it myself" she spoke softly to him. Giving her the disinfectant and bandages for the wound, she placed it on a small table near by.

"You talk a lot out this.. Blue haired person.. You really hate him, do you mind if I ask who he is?" She asked her head down, cleaning the wound but her eyes looked at him. "I mean I know he stole 'your destiny' and he betrayed you but is there any other reason that you despise him so?" She ask as the chemicals of the disinfectant burnt the cut. She let out a small cry of pain
"Lucifer." replied Gerard sounding spiteful. "Lucifer Wright." He pictured Lucifer in his mind. He wondered if he had any other reason to hate him. "No. I don't have any other reason to hate him and I don't need one." he said. "When the tattoo disappeared, I lost it completely. I found no reason to live. Nothing to strive for. It was like I lost my soul." he said as he ran his hand around his right eye and rested it on the temple. "But God Diaboli gave it back to me." he added. "Why did you decide to serve him?" he asked.

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After the wound was clean she bandaged it around her leg, 'perfect' she thought.

"Lucifer Wright.. I'll remember his name so if one day I run into him, I'll try to kill him for you" she said with a smile drawn on her face. "Unless you would like to do it instead.." she added on. She didn't answer his question but she tried to make him forget about it by changing the subject yet again.

"Where is your room located? You told me earlier that you could easily change my room for me, so I'm guessing yours was changed." She asked curiously, spinning on the chair cheerfully. Both the doctor and assistant stared at her with judging eyes. Her childish side was peeking through again, but that didn't affect how she acted.
Gerard smirked when Valentina told she would kill Lucifer. He knew she could do it with ease. A year ago, maybe not. He realised that she was dodging his questions and he did not like it. He figured it was probably because of the presence of the doctor. "It's underground. There used to be a couple of rooms for the priestess and priests. They are much better than the other rooms. You want me to arrange one for you?" he asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

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"It's fine, I'd rather be above ground so that I can see sunlight. Thank you for the offer though" she said, still spinning on the chair but this time her head was handing back. Her hair danced freely in the air as it followed behind her. Than her stomach emerged from the depths of hell and growled like a beast of death.

She stopped the chair from spinning anymore with her foot and she looked at Gerard with both eyes wide and her cheeks glowed a rosy pink.

"I think I'm hungry.." She said with an awkward smile of embarrassment.
Gerard gave a genuine smile. He pushed himself of the bed and began waking out of the infirmary without thanking the doctor. He expected her to be following him so he spoke after a chuckle or two. "You know. It's kinda weird. We just fought fifteen minutes ago and now we are like best friends. Is something wrong with me or with you?" he asked.

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"You two, get out of bed, we're going to make another strike. I'll be bringing another demon with me, do not disappoint me" End said as he almost stared through the two of them.
Valentina stood up, using her polearm to push herself off the seat. She spun around, facing Gerard and gave him a lighthearted smile but her reply was interrupted by End.

"Strike? What do you mean?" She asked confused on what in the world he meant by strike. On the inside she was disappointed because she didn't get to eat first but she didn't show it
Gerard grunted in acceptance. He couldn't argue or defy End. "Looks like you'll get to meet that smurf( borrowed) after all." he said to Valentina as he walked to the armory. He decided to get some armor on since he was already wounded. "We are going to attack Deus' academy. Or something near it." he said with a sly smirk.

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