War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


"Master Diaboli is going to take the world within his own grasp, you are here as his servant, his weapon, his tool, how can you contribute?"
(Happened multiple times to me on tap talk. Annoying!)


Lucifer couldn't help but smile at Alk's optimistic response. She really believed that things would be alright. Lucifer knew one thing for sure. It was either going to be him or Gerard but he decided to keep the negative talk low for a while. With a chuckle, he replied. "I really don't know. I just fight because I owe allegiance to Deus, for his forgiveness. And for Amare for betraying him. Maybe I need to find a reason for myself." A wide smile came across his face upon the idea of having something to strive and work for. He tightened the grip on her assuring her that he would try to do as she told.


Gerard began to roll on the floor laughing on hearing Valentina's reply to End. The serious man never did like jokes but Gerard was a young kid.
"Ohhhh... Riight.." Valentina said

'Stupid stupid stupid!! Baka! You're so stupid Valentina! You've made a fool of yourself! Are you proud??!!? What would mother say??!!" She thought in her head, yelling at herself.

"I can fight.. " Valentina said, her eyes started to drift to the side as she tried to think of more ways she could contribute... none came to mind.

"She can fight." repeated Gerard in a serious tone to back her up after controlling his laughter and regaining his composure. He eyed her, expressing the question if she really could.
"How well I wonder, given her lack of mental prowess, I'm hoping very well" End said as stood firmly.
Valentina let out a small nervous giggle.

'I hope so too' she thought in her head

"Sorry.. Everyone calls me an airhead" she said with a half smile at End. "I hope I live up to your.. Expectations than.."

"She was just joking." replied Gerard trying to stop from bursting into laughter. Turning to her with a stupid grin, he gestured toward her "I mean look at her. She. obviously. has. a .lot of. metal prowess." he added. 'I didn't bring any food? What the hell?' he thought, biting his cheeks to not burst out again.
"Joking eh?" End said as he looked to the both of them resentfully. "She'll have to prove her worth somehow? Any suggestions Gerard, since you're in such a gaming, joking mood"
"Well, actually! I could possibly spar or duel another student of your choosing... If that could be an idea to help with your suggestions.." She said timidly, End scared her and that was it.
Gerard eyebrows twitched on hearing End's response. He knew very well what End meant. Gerard turned to look at the girl before returning his gaze back to End and nodding. "I will do it." he said, on hearing Val's reply to End.

"Very well, I'll not be disappointed by either of you, that's a promise" he replied in his cold monotone.
"When and where shall we duel..?" She asked while fear struck her ever so heavily. Gerard seemed like a strong person to fight..

'Why did I have to bring up my idea..?!' She thought to herself

'Why does it have to be him?!' She thought again

'Why must I be so unlucky?' She thought, this time sobbing in her mind

"In the courtyard, you will escort her Gerard, make haste getting there" End replied as he vanished in a cloud of black smoke.
Once End had disappeared in his cloud of black smoke, Valentina flopped down onto her knees.

"Why must I be so unlucky and stupid" she said, facepalming herself.

The disappointment set in and she became a ball of depression in a corner of the room.
"I'm sorry. I should have kept my mouth shut." said Gerard as soon as he saw End leave. He placed his hands on her shoulders to comfort her. "It will be alright, okay? You do really know to fight, don't you?" he asked. He wasn't sure if she was just bluffing since he had just met her a few minutes ago.
She nodded her head, "Yes I know how to fight.. Although you'll probably still whip my butt" she said in a depressing tone.

"Life hates me.." She mumbled as her ball of depression became more larger

"For my funeral, shall it be an open casket?"
Gerard chuckled. This girl had no pride and lacked self-esteem unlike him. "Don't worry. I won't kill you. You know what? I don't think you are strong. You are just a weakling. You can't even touch me. I think you are gonna die after all." replied Gerard with arrogance and a spiteful look on his face. Hopefully, he can taunt her into fighting hard. Drive her ego into giving all it takes to prove him wrong. He hoped he wasn't wrong and he didn't demotivate the girl even more. Gerard wished that his method of approach just worked.
As Gerard said all those things, Valentina felt something burning in her. She clenched her fists and her will to fight slowly came back to her. She stood up with a determined grin on her face.

"No! I'm not weak, and I won't lose to you! I will beat you no matter how long it takes me. I will live up to End's expectations and I'll prove him wrong about me! I. Am. Strong!"

Valentina was pumped up and ready to fight again. She was confident in herself, she believed she could actually possibly win!
Gerard gave out a loud sarcastic chuckle. "You wish. We Wrights are impeccably strong. What can an alley cat like you do?" he asked with a smirk as he gracefully turned on his feet and left for the door. "Prepare yourself. I'll be waiting outside. And about your death. We'll probably burn your body." he added as he closed the door behind his and stood in the hallway. He was glad that his idea worked.
"I'll show him! Come on Valentina! You can do it!" She told herself in the mirror. Switching out her glasses for contacts, she quickly changed into her armor and got out her weapon which than she processed to twirled around her fingers making it spin.

Once she finished, which took about 3 minutes, she ran out into the hallway where Gerard stood waiting for her.

"I'm ready! Sorry for the wait" she said happily as she braided her hair so it wouldn't be in her face when she fought.
"Wow. You think looks are gonna save you? Well you thought wrong." said Gerard as he walked, leading her to the courtyard. 'Ok. I think you've taunted her enough.' he thought as he crossed his arms across his chest and continued treading. He wondered if Diaboli would watch the fight. Gerard didn't care about others' opinion with the exception of the God.
"I'm just braiding it out of my face stupid!" She said, sticking her tongue out at Gerard as she followed behind him. Once in the courtyard, Val stood a few feet away from Gerard. She looked around, wondering if End was going to watch since he wanted to know her worth.
Gerard walked to the weapons stand and picked up a longsword. He began swinging it around, trying to figure out its center of gravity and other characteristics. He cut it through the air in the regular sword stance. He didn't bother to wear any armor or wield any other type of weapon. Stretching his body, Gerard gave a confident smirk to his opponent. "Should I go easy on you? Since you are a girl and all. Another question. Is it your time of the month?" he asked, followed by huge laughter that ran through the air.
Valentina, at this point, was pissed off for sure. She had enough of his insults but she wouldn't sink to his level of childish immature jokes.

"Ha. Ha. You're so funny. Got anymore hilarious jokes up your sleeve?" She said sarcastically in a mocking sort of tone.

"You're the only one laughing" she said with a smirk spinning her polearm with her fingers.
"Trust me. You do not want me to make you laugh or cry." replied Gerard.

(OOC: Let's assume End is watching.)

Gerard noticed End watching from a distance. "Well. Let's get started, shall we?" he said as he rotated his wrist, spinning the sword in his right arm. He stopped the motion and pointed the edge towards her, taunting her to come at him as he confidently stood in his natural stance.

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