War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


Reaching her dorm room, Layla had stripped off the clothes she had been wearing for the trip from the island to the fortress and stepped into the shower. Placing her hair in a bun so that it wouldn't get wet, she scrubbed herself with the sweet scented soap she had bought. She was sticky from the heat, her body flooding with relief when as the water washed away the sweat from the day. When she stepped out she didn't bother grabbing a towel, instead Layla allowed herself to air dry as she left the bathroom and went to put away her clothing. She was pleased to see that the driver had placed the bags in the right room and had done most of the sorting for her. All she had to do was decorate the room before slipping on clothes and undoing her hair.

She was about to sit down to read when a knock sounded on her door. Layla narrowed her eyes, wondering who needed her as she undid the latch and slipped the door open. Lucifer was standing behind it, so with a little sigh she stepped aside and allowed him in. "Not often I get a visit from you." She stated closing the door behind him and crossing the room to sit at the small table area she had set up. "What's the occasion?"
"Anastasia. The time is now" Maria said as she entered Anastasia's room. "Join the rest of the party, they're out in the hall"

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"Gerard, she matters not, come with me" End snapped as he walked towards the door.

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Lucifer gracefully entered the room. The strong scent of her soap caught his nose. "Nothing special. I thought I'd just check up on you and see if you are ready for that fight." He ran his eyes around the room. It was nothing compared to the luxuries he was provided but it wasn't too bad either. "How do you like the room?" he asked as he locked his hands behind his back. "You smell nice." he added abruptly.

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Alk stilled the shaking head in her lap with both hands. With a sharp intake, she looked up, face blank. Calmly, she lifted one red hand, covering the one that Gerard had stuck in his own hair and stopping it's movement as well. "What he said, I don't matter, not to you."

She let her hand fall.

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She had spent the rest of the day preparing for the mission that the Mother Goddess planned to send her on. Anastasia knew she would need a good nights rest, her energy had to be plentiful if she were going to rescue Filius from the confines of the Wicked God's palace. Now she wore something more function then the formal clothes she had worn the day before.

"Of course, Mother." She said, exiting her humble rooms to join the group awaiting her arrival outside.


"I've had better." She replied, motioning to the chair across from hers. "To be honest, I expected you to still be at Ludus." Proping her elbow on the table she rested her chin atop her hand, staring at him curiously with her large green eyes. "I still have next to no clue what happened after I left." She thought back to her short time spent at Ludus and shook her head.

"I left right after the stadium collapsed."
"There are six of you, Anastasia, you'll use the amulet I gave you, it'll send you to my sons cell, free him. The other 5, you'll fight and give her an opening. First five, go!" Maria exclaimed as they teleported away.

"Intruders! After them Gerard!" End shouted as he ran

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Her eyes widened slightly as she looked down at the amulet around her neck, her finger brushing the cold metal as she listened to the Goddess's instructions. When the other five had disappeared she took the amulet in her hands and closed her eyes, allowing the warmth of the magic within it to envelope her.

(I have to eat dinner so I should be back in 30 minutes or less)

Gerard sighed. "He always spoils my fun, you know?" he said with a pout. "Anyways. I'll see you later,love." he added before giving a quick peck on Alk's cheek. He ignored her comment and tread out of the room. He looked at his hands as they had a coat of blood. 'Guess, I'll have to take a shower' he thought.


"Why would I be there? Anyways, after you left, this Diaboli person came to earth and made a pact with Amare. By the way. Amare is the God Filius. Well, Amare was going to be killed. Then Deus and Maria came to earth as well. Maria wanted her son back. Deus didn't do anything since Amare made a pact. Blah Blah blah. And here we are now. Three Gods. Three academies." said Lucifer without taking a break.


His ears perked on hearing End's voice. He quickly regained his composure and ran back to the cell.

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"Amare is a GOD?" She questioned, looking at him like he had finally gone around the bend. "Somehow that's not very believable.

(Sorry it's short, BRD)
Besides Gerard's odd behavior, there was only one other thing she had noticed: both boys had left without locking the door to their room (or cell) when the intruders had come.

Moving quickly, Alk propped the wounded youth up against the wall. She turned his head so the blood would fall without choking him, and quickly got to work. She wiped her slick hands on her skirt without care and pulled the suitcase up onto the bed. It's insides were promptly dumped on the floor, her bow and full quiver landing on top of the pile. She smiled, snatching them up. All that was left was to wait.

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Lucifer frowned at Layla. 'Why is she looking at me like I'm insane?' he thought. "Yeah. He was the one who destroyed the tower. SINGLE-HANDEDLY. It's kind off difficult to believe but it's the truth. I don't know where he is now." he stated. Lucifer expressed disappointment.


Gerard entered the cell. He noticed Alk hold her bow and quiver but what intrigued him more was the magical source that came from the corner of the room. The light slowly engulfed the room. Gerard reached out for his pair of Sai within his jacket and quickly wielded them.
"Gerard. I shall remain here, go forth and kill the intruders" End commanded calmly.

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After the warmth faded, Anastasia slowly opened her eyes. She stood in a cell, more like a room, and as the light around her faded she looked curiously at the occupants of it. She hadn't expected such a amulet to have magical properties like this. Running her fingers along the metal, feeling it grow cold under her touch. She then put more attention in the people, her eyes searching each face.

"I'm guessing neither of you are whom I'm looking for." Anastasia state, looking at the two men wielding the weapons and the girl with the bow. "which means..." Her eyes caught hold of the last person, bleeding and bandaged.


"I thought it had been the earthquakes.." She mumbled, lifting an eyebrow at him as she shook her head. "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, since you don't seem to lie as much any more." Layla paused, hadn't it been her that had lied so much in the past? She still lied through her teeth most days, though her mask was something she put on when in front of her parents only.
A few of the intruders stood outside of the door and began attacking Gerard. The wounded man on the ground held Alk close to him, looking in the eyes of Anastasia.

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Gerard merely nodded. End was capable of handling it. Gerard turned on his feet and slowly left the room before taking a moment to glance at the magical source.

Gerard gripped his Sai as he ran down the hallways. He noticed a woman holding a long broadsword. She seemed ready to strike but it did not intimidate Gerard. He ran toward her and escaped from the poor swing she placed. Quickly, Gerard stuck the pointed end of his Sai into her neck. He pushed it through until it dug deep till its hilt. Gerard truly was merciless. Picking up the broadsword, Gerard ran to the stairway. A sudden arrow passed across his face, making him frown in annoyance. He would not fail. Not now.
The smooth silver bow felt good in her hands, reassuring even. The girl looking at her roommate like he was some sort of medallion, not so much. Within seconds of her appearance, Alk had her bow raised with and arrow notched, all the while the hurt boy clung to her clothing. She ignored him; it was her job to take care of him after all. While she didn't think that this girl could be any worse than End, she was still a stranger. "What do you think you're doing here?"

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Lucifer just groaned. He hadn't mentioned about his involvement in the plot but he felt that it didn't matter. "Anyhow, I've been meaning to ask. Why did you come back? And why to Deus'?" he asked, expressing doubt. 

Gerard turned his head around to notice a couple of intruders near the door of the cell. "Damn." he muttered. Gripping the broadsword, he ran back to the cell, stepping on the body of the dead woman. He shouted as he ran at them to catch their attention. Gerard noticed that one of them held and Axe while the other held a longsword. The man with the longsword prepared to defend himself from Gerard's strike while the woman next to him waited for him to reach them. Gerard smartly performed a feint with his sword and sliced the man by his waist before turning and quickly defending himself from the swinging axe. Gerard took a moment to peek into the cell. The light had faded and a beautiful maiden was in the room.

Within seconds she saw the girl with a bow point the arrow at Anastasia, her eyes widened slight but she gave the girl as gentle of a smile as she could. "I apologize for my late appearance." She stated, stepping forward to brush a bit of the girls hair out of her eyes. "I imagine they treated you horribly here, you are our dear Filius." Anastasia's eyes trailed over the wounded man as she bent to inspect his injuries.

"Your mother is worried," She stated, meeting his eyes with gentle ones. "I hope you'll come with me, but I cannot do what a God doesn't wish me to. Even if the Mother sent me to received you."


"Why...?" Layla repeated, rolling her head from side to side on her palm. "I suppose the question would be, why not?" She gave a snide chuckle, one that was very much like those she had given back at Ludus. "I'm a warrior of Deus whether I tried to flee or not, you can say the God sent a special messenger to make sure I appeared on his side."
Filius grabbed Anastasia's amulet holding both her, and Alk in his arms, the amulet had a bright blue glow as they suddenly vanished in thin air, and back in front of Anastasia's room.

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Alk let her bow droop as her eyes widened. This was Filius, so nod Deus and Maria? The wheels were already turning within her head, making connections. She was just looking to the god when a bright light appeared.

And then they were gone. Somewhere else. Somewhere unfamiliar.

And to her surprise, the first words that left her mouth were blatant and commanding.

"Bring me back."

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"Bring you back?" She questioned, "You don't want to be at the Mother Maria's Academy?" She tilted her head to the side, looking around in silent realization that they now stood in her room. She hadn't done much unpacking so she couldn't say she was ready to entertain, let allow host a God. Still, what she had set up would have to do.

Quickly picking up the dead man's longsword with his free hand, Gerard pierced it's edge into the chest of the woman who held the Axe. He gave out a smirk and turned to the room, which gave out a bright light, only to find the maiden, Alk and the prisoner missing. "Where did they go?" asked Gerard as he stood next to End.


Lucifer chuckled at Layla's response. He stared at her like he was reading her mind. "It's weird, you know? I never thought we would ever have such a conversation. But I'm still not able to get over the fact that you dyed your hair. I mean, why? What difference does it make? Not that you look bad. I'm just curious what runs in that funny brain of yours." he said with a smug smile.
"They're gone.. We shall retaliate immediately, how would you feel about seeing your cousin again?" End asked Gerard

Filius could not walk, the tendons in his heels cut, he raised his hand as if to ask for something to write with.

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"I think it suites me better." She stated, "When I was blonde I seemed... innocent. Don't you think I look like a new person, a person that actually matches my personality?" Layla fluttered her eyelashes innocently before a smirk danced across her face. She then stood, crossing to stand in front of him. She folded her arms over her chest and stared up at him, studying him.

"How'd you get rid of the tattoo?" She asked.

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