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Fantasy War for the Throne [always accepting]

just then Marcus walks in announcing that john had arrived he walked and said "Brutus my old friend good to see you" Brutus bowed to him "lovely to see you john" he said
Draco entered the palace, he knew he was late, but had a hell of a good reason, he had found the contact he was suppost to be meeting in the tavern from a week ago, the lead pulled through and he knew where another one of the knights were, but he decided it would be best to keep it on the down low.

[sO SORRY!!!!!!]
[Well crap. That took forever. Anyways, back!]

Edanra followed Brutus, then bowed before the man that would make or break the future of their land.
Brutus saw Draco arrive "ah john this is Draco and this is nikrael they are royal guards now please let us get to business"
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"now i need men and you said you'd be willing to offer some how many exactly and what's the price?" Brutus asked siting down and gesturing for john to do so as well "well" john said "the only request we have is that if you do get power we want our merchants to have no taxes on anything they buy just by showing a citizen card just for a year and for that we'd be willing to offer 500 men"
"Complete free trade," Nikrael murmured. "Good for an economic system. Not so good for a man who wins popularity with socialism." She raised her eyebrows at Brutus.
"it's free trade for them only our government wouldn't be making money to support it" Brutus said "is that a good amount of men or should we try to get more?"
"Haggle for 750," Nikrael suggested. "You can always hint at a threat of a tariff imposed halfway through the year. He'll know that by then, any men he provides will be pointless to you. But do be subtle."
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"ok 750" Brutus said "and i'm a merchant who made his living this way i know how to negotiate"
"same thing though" Brutus said walking to john "we want 750 men one year of free trade for you but that could always end sooner" john thought for a moment and said "yes deal,now let us eat" and the all crowded at the table and started eating Brutus shot Nikrael a look and mouthed the word "son"
john's face lit up "yes he just turned nine oh he's the wonder of my life want's to fight you know he told me today daddy can i go with the men to Brutus's house oh i laughed at that"
Nikrael laughed politely, intrigued that he would talk so openly about someone he clearly cared about dearly.

"And do you approve of him becoming a soldier?" She asked, wondering if the boy's father planned for him to follow his footsteps.
"not now of course" John laughed "but one day when he's older if he still wishes to fight then yes i will approve"
Nikrael laughed again. "Of course. Well, if you ever want him to be trained by a professional, my colleagues and I would be more than happy."

Nikrael couldn't help but wonder if their once golden reputations were stained by the Emperor's murder. Had anyone been there, they would know that no one could have saved him. But few are so educated or logical, Nikrael had learned.
"oh well thank you i will definitely take you up on that offer" john said "don't worry i know how the emperor died nothing could've been done"
Nikrael started. How did he know what I was thinking?

She continued to pick at her food, feeling uncomfortable but not showing it. It must have been his haggling and merchant skills, she finally decided. He knows how to read people, understand their thought process.

Knowing this didn't make her feel any more comfortable.
Brutus got up and said "i need to use the washroom i'll be back soon" after he left john said "how loyal are you to Brutus?"
[Hey guys! been waiting for you all day!!]

Arcsidian then finally woke up. It is then, in the middle of the woods that he realized he has lost his consciousness. He hurriedly gets up and starts making his way towards the merchants home.

[i'm guessing draco or Nakrael might be there by then!!]

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