Wanderlust - Out Of Character

*glances around* Yes...yes...I suppose I shall go next?

I am Trignome, the candle rping as the pessimist, William Sou.

Now naturally, being what I am, I'd need water, matches, and wax to sustain myself on a desert island.

I don't actually have a bucket list, but I assume that if I had one, 'buckets' would rank pretty high on it. Everyone could stand to own a few fabulous pails, after all.

Italy seems like a nice place. And if I went there I'd mostly spend my time eating.

Lastly, I hope that everyone enjoys this rp and we all make like Robin Hood's merry men. (With less plundering, and more escapades.)

I, Polaris, accept the role the Food Junkie.

Hey guys! I'm Polaris, you can call me Po (Like the Kung Fu Panda), Pola, Polaris or whatever creative combinations you can think of! You may call me Fire too lol. I'll be playing Cage L. Smith as the Food Junkie. I'm really excited for this role play so here we go!

If I was stranded on an Island, I would bring a bottle of water (a huge one), a backpack, and a book on How to Survive on a Stranded Island.

Bungee Jumping would be one of my top ones. I'm imagining it to be like the Tower of Terror at Disneyland except way more thrilling hopefully!

As of right now, I really would like to go to Japan and eat all their flavored kitkats. I also want to hit the McDonalds there. I heard it's super fancy. Oh and of course, to buy more polaroid films.

For this role play, I'm expecting drama, craziness, and a really good story. Hopefully no one gets left behind on the road or run over LOL. I can imagine them stranded for a little bit if they run out of gas or something. There's just so many things that can go wrong on a road trip and I think that's what makes an awesome role play.


Guess it's my turn:

Good afternoon \evening\morning to anyone who may be reading this! My name is The Servant but you may call me Serv or simply Servant. I will be controlling Matthew Vernon, also known as The Virgin.

Now, to be honest I've never really thought of the stuff that I would bring to a deserted island, but I guess they'll be: A first aid kit (To avoid wound infection, after all I can't be rescued if I am dead) a DVD player with the complete seasons of Man vs Wild (Oh Bear Grylls, please teach me your surviving skills) and a machete (Simple, sharp and can be used both as a weapon and a tool).

Now, my bucket list isn't the biggest one out there, but as of right now one my most desired things to accomplish is to run and finish (Doesn't matter if I come out first or last) a famous marathon. It doesn't matter which one is it or where it's located, it just has to have a large amount of audience members watching it and be internationally recognized. Why you may ask? Well...I just want to know how it feels to be honest.

This is a toughy one. There are so many places I want to visit before I die, like Germany, but right now I really want to go to Canada mostly because of its landscapes and festivals. Plus I've heard they have some really sweet treats which I can't wait to try when I finally go there.

I really can't wait for this RP to start. It's been so long since the last time that I've participated in a RP like this so right now my excitement levels are going over the roof. I am really looking forward to the interactions between all the diverse characters and how they manage to get along. I expect to see both magical and dramatical moments spread across this trip. I am sure that rivalries are bound to happen at one point or another, but to be honest I can't wait to see them.

That was my introduction, can't wait to read yours.​
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Hi ya'll I'm Mittens!


No not that Mittens

My character is Felice Ferdinand, eye candy.


Three things on a stranded island that I would bring would have to be a swiss army knife, a volleyball for company, and flares.


One thing on my bucket list is to cliff dive/jump


If I could travel the world I think I'd like to go drink whiskey in Ireland


What do I expect out of this RP?



  • DRAMA!


  • And simply a damned good time!


Sup Amigos

Ya'll can call me Bear or BB or BrownBear, all will do fine.

My Character is Charlie Jimenez and he's the player.

3 items.... Lighter, Knife, and a pan/pot, so that we would be able to boil water.

I'd like to finish a novel before I die.

If I could travel anywhere it would be Alaska. I want to see the Lights. Dominican Republic again probably but I go there every two years.

I expect some drama and bonds to form up over the course of the trip. Some character development. Hopefully by the end we all become good friends.

Speaking of good friends, if you're interested in having history with Charlie, message me.

*Cues dramatic entrance music*

Ah, yes. Hello. Welcome one and all to this absolutely riveting introduction post written by yours truly. As you can quite visibly see by the words beside this post, my name is ShatteredSoul. I'm a long-time writer and roleplayer, as well as a part-time employee of a clothing store (it's not glamourous, but the atmosphere is cozy and it pays the normal everyday teenager expenses) and a basically full time athlete. Most people call me Soul, but you can call me tonight if you want, I'm down to talk all night ;) What, you don't like cheesy pick-up lines? Well, you might want to get used to them for as long as I'm around.

I will be roleplaying the lovely Cierra, also known as the daredevil of the pack.

Hm, let's see here. If I were stranded on an island and I could choose three things to bring... Wait. Did I know I was going to be stranded? Is this some sick reality TV show deal? If so, I'm bring a knife to establish dominance, a box of tissues for all the crybabies I'll encounter, and a camera so I can take good selfies when I'm the last person standing.

Nah, for real though. This is a tough one. I'd have to say matches would be my first pick. Then I'd probably go with a 12 piece cutlery set, because I mean who doesn't want 12 of the finest knifes you could ever need. Lastly, I'd probably bring a copy of Lord of the Flies so I could see exactly how not to run an small colony on a deserted island.

One thing on my bucket list you ask? *Looks down at list of over 100 activities.* Er, let me think about this. I'll get back to you in about two weeks with my choice. Right now, the current number one on my list is to learn how to surf, but it's a wee bit hard to do that when you're living in a place where the closest body of water is a small creek about two miles down the road.

Oh man, if I could travel the world completely expense free, you'd never see me again. My current travel wish list has a very close tie for first place between France and Fiji. The architecture of France (um, hello? Who doesn't want to see a huge triangular shaped tower) has always intrigued me and I've one of my best friends (that I met over the Internet) currently lives there. The white beaches and clear waters of Fiji have also caught my interest and I'm just dying for a chance to learn to surf some totally sick waves. Do I sound like a real surfer yet? xD

Oh boy, I am super excited for this roleplay in case you haven't noticed. I think what I'm looking forward to most is a detailed, active roleplay that won't die within one week of the start date. Too many creative ideas are thrown to the graveyard after only one or two pages of posts. I'm also expecting to see lots of good character development and, of course, drama between what will seem like real-life people going through their lives together.

Whoops, it appears I got a bit carried away with this intro post. Ah, well, now you know more about me then you probably ever cared to. I'm always open to any helpful criticism or suggestions, my PM box is open 24/7 ;) Other than that, I think I covered it all. Can't wait to start this fun little adventure with the rest of you!


Soul ツ
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I Jujubee accept the role as the socially awkward Raphael Biondi.


What it is and what is up?

The name is JujuBee but please- call me Juju kay? Or any nickname you might come up with for me during this wild journey. I don’t mind nicknames. I like getting them.

My character is Raphael Biondi and he is the socially award one of the group so expect a lot of ‘dorkiness’ on his part and not knowing what to do/say at certain times.​

If I were to be stranded on an island and I were to have 3 things with me I would have to bring…

~A magical CD player where I could watch Adventure Time, Bob’s burgers, and Sense8 anytime I wanted.

~A lifetime supply of water because let’s face it- I need something that would actually help me.

~My dog. He’s a Rottweiler so I’m sure he’d be a good companion and a great hunter.​

I don’t necessarily believe in bucket lists because I’m honestly very content with the life I have and live. I don’t find things that I need to do before I die. I just go with the flow. But if I were to have something then it would most likely be to go to Fiji at least once. Which that also… Kind of answers the next question as well *sweat drop* Killing two birds with one stone there!

What I expect out of this Rp… What I expect though is to see everyone’s characters bonding as well as all of us to an extent and to honestly just have fun.

I look forward to roleplaying with you all!!
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>.> <.< >.> <.< ... Oh....mmmm seems to be my turn....



The name is LifeNovel or as my homies like to call me autobiography (which is even more of a mouthful for me but hey whatever floats their boat). But life or novel is cool with me too~

And I shall be directing the life of Jaxson Sebastian Mikko, The Slippery Hand! (Better watch out he's coming for ya

Now if I were deserted on an island (which wouldn't be surprising considering my horrible sense of direction) I would probably want to have...

CDS - to break apart and use them as reflectors to gain the attention of hopefully people who care for me and want to find me...

One of those bottles that can filter water on its own (they exist I know! I've seen it with my own eyes) - to lend me an endless supply of water

And a....um....uh...I just had it...oh yeah! Knife - to help me create weapons out of wood and to cut stuff...

Mmmm bucket list...bucket list...bucket list...I don't know? Maybe finally ride a horse for the first time in my life (oh the tragedy...)...oh wait I know! Visit all the caverns of the world. They are such beautiful earth created sites and the waters in some of them are beautiful...

And a place I would like to visit...really all of Asia. I want to embrace my Asian side.

And what I am looking forward to in this roleplay? Just the experience of being able to be in the presence of great writers and having fun.

I, Ahri, accept the role of the Potty Mouth, Minx Williams


Hello! I'm Ahri.

I'll be playing the character of Minx Williams, the potty mouth.

If I were stranded in an island and could only bring three things, I would bring:

- a knife

- a first aid kit

- and....this is difficult, but probably a survival guide.

One thing on my bucket list is to swim with dolphins. I love the water, and I love animals. That or live in another country for a year or more!

Man, if I could travel the world I would want to go every place possible. However, I am very fascinated with Japan, and Hawaii.

I expect this RP to be lots of fun! I have the chance to co-operate with many talented writers, and I think that together we will develop a wonderful story. I'm really looking forward to it!

Since everyone has posted their lovely introductions feel free to use OOC to discuss character relationships if you haven't already done so via PM

Feel free to ask me or nessie if you have questions about the relationship part
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Your character was headed to a final for a video game tournament, but your original partner got sick

Charlie offers to step up, boasting how good he was

You lose horribly.. . As in he sucked
Mmmmm well Jaxson is pretty flexible in knowing anyone...hey Mittens how about having Jaxson and Felice attending the same science university? Since Jaxson studied Chemistry and she is studying Biology? They probably have met and have attended many parties together?
@LifeNovel Sure! They all probably attended the same college I mean I guess there could be others nearby but they most definitely would've probably had some classes together and possibly worked on some group projects
Oh and Soul maybe Jaxson knows Cierra from a few hangouts before? Jaxson has broken into some small gas stations before as well as other buildings. @ShatteredSoul
BrownBear said:
xD I don't really understand what the first part is suppose to say but I'll take it as a compliment?

Jaxson's Relations:

  • Felice - Had her as a previous classmate as well as worked on some major science projects with her.
  • Cierra - Has hung out with her before and helped her with some of her dares.
  • Charlie - Karaoke Buddies!
  • William Sou - Attempted to break into his firm for someone who paid him.
  • Cage - Former roommates
  • Minx - Stole Minx's 3DS at one point but because of some issues that day.
  • Jerylin - An almost daily customer to her computer repair shop picking up scraps for future projects for magic and/or chemistry.
  • Raphael - Has been an assistance to Jaxson's magic peformances
  • Matthew - Has been a victim to Jaxson's thievery so as a repayment he bought him dinner that evening.

And well if I can't think of any reasons for Jaxson to know your guys' characters I can say that they were a victim to Jaxson's thievery or that they know him from campus for his magic performances. If that is fine with you guys. And if it is let me know which reason would be more likely for your character. But for now I shall continue brainstorming how Jaxson shall have met the others.

@The Servant
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I'll see what I can come up with, but, worst case scenario, since Jerylin and Felice are roommates, Jerylin could have met Jaxson if they ever had a study date or something. She might have even caught him red handed, but didn't blame him since she used to be part of that life also.
considering charlie dabbled in drug selling before, it would make sense if Jax stole from him in high school which then lead to a fight.

After that Charlie would have probably not held a grudge against you. Perhaps after that incident they had a science class together and he helped charlie in that subject.

perhaps even selling together on occasion and becoming friends by inviting each other to parties.

lemme know what you think
Okay, okay I'm liking these ideas. On the drug part though he may have strayed from that but he would steal if someone asked him to for the right price.
For Raphael I figure he'd be in classes with all of them and maybe a few of the people on the road trip aren't exactly too fond of him and his weirdness.
JujuBee said:
For Raphael I figure he'd be in classes with all of them and maybe a few of the people on the road trip aren't exactly too fond of him and his weirdness.
Ralph has to at least be more than just "met in classes" with Felice or Jerylin. They might have met in classes, but there has to be something else that made them good friends in order to be invited. If you can't think of anything I'm sure Mittens or I can help you out =)
@BrownBear *slow claps* That is truly the best beginning to any friendship.*

The question is how either of our characters got interested in the tournament in the first place...perhaps it was a local event that they both participated in when they were younger? Because my character spent a few weeks running around in California when he was a kid, so they could be childhood acquaintances.

Hypothetical scenario:

*Asian kid w/ backpack staring at poster outside game shop*

There's a prize of $500 for the top 3 finishing teams. I could use that for a rainy day.

*enter stage right #thugboigangstaswaggie who lives in the area*

Hey man, you interested in gaming this?

*backpacker gives thugboi a loooooong look*


I'm a boss at...*glances subtly at promotional poster*...Black Ops. You look like you need a teammate, so let's do this!

*thugboi pats backpacker's shoulder, all friendly-like*

*backpacker shrugs and casually pushes hand off shoulder*

If you're good, then I don't mind playing. *narrows eyes* But we're going to win this.

*thugboi scoffs and grins*

Relax. I got your back, bruh.

They end up losing, but stay on good terms. So for the trip, their relationship stays basically the same: friendly acquaintances.

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