Wanderlust - Out Of Character

I like puppies the way I like babies. Let me play with them and then give them back lol. Too much destruction.I was always raised with older dogs. The 2 I have now were first puppies labs and terriers are not for beginners lmao.Kittens on the other hand I'd take them all if I could lol.
Hey guys!

Trying to get this announcement out at an earlier hour xD

Just a few things to keep in mind

  • Please post at least a rough draft of you character by tonight! Doesn't have to be completely, just so I know you're planning to complete a character.
    Yes I'm talking to you @oOMoodyStarsOo
  • Deadline to sign-up/finish your CS is Wednesday June 17, 2015. If you need an extension let Mittens and I know.
  • Make sure you've read through everything! Lack of reading may result in automatic disqualification.
  • Nessie's in like 10 other RPs and just got a 9-5 job -_- , so if she doesn't respond right away don't bite her head off please
    She tries to respond as fast as she can

I've just updated the Character status so make sure to get yourself under the green by the time Wednesday strolls along.

I believe that is all for now

Have a great evening!

NessieAlways said:
Hey guys!
Trying to get this announcement out at an earlier hour xD

Just a few things to keep in mind

  • Please post at least a rough draft of you character by tonight! Doesn't have to be completely, just so I know you're planning to complete a character.
    Yes I'm talking to you @oOMoodyStarsOo
  • Deadline to sign-up/finish your CS is Wednesday June 17, 2015. If you need an extension let Mittens and I know.
  • Make sure you've read through everything! Lack of reading may result in automatic disqualification.
  • Nessie's in like 10 other RPs and just got a 9-5 job -_- , so if she doesn't respond right away don't bite her head off please
    She tries to respond as fast as she can

I've just updated the Character status so make sure to get yourself under the green by the time Wednesday strolls along.

I believe that is all for now

Have a great evening!

Herrrooo. So. I looked up the old rp and my charrie isn't there so I figured I just make a different one
@oOMoodyStarsOo I found Rosy's old CS for you. I PMed you the link


Also speaking of babies. Here's the new baby filly at work.

:( I'm alive and still interested. I'll finish up my cs by Tuesday night. I had to entertain a friend for a few days until night time. >.<
FirePolaris said:
:( I'm alive and still interested. I'll finish up my cs by Tuesday night. I had to entertain a friend for a few days until night time. >.<
Sounds good!

Thank you for letting us know =)
Goodness I am finally done! Man I have never loved a character so much! You know thank you @xx0mittens0xx for this inspiration. I would have never made such a character.

I hope you guys love him as much as I do
Gooood Morning!

Just some quick announcements before I become the slave to a cubicle once again... (TAT)

  • If you have a post and the only this it says is WIP and you didn't talk to Mittens or I about it, I'm deleting it.
  • If you still haven't finished your CS you've got time! Tomorrow is the deadline!
  • Feel free to continue editing your character until the deadline.
  • If you need an extension let Mittens and I know
  • Last, but not least, I'll be going around and making small coding edits to your CS. If you're against this please let me know. Or if you did something a certain way let me know so I wont change it. I wont be messing with your writing. Only code stuff.

I think that's all for now!

I hope you all have a wonderful morning!

P.S. I've updated the Character Status!
Reporting that I've took some time to get most of the writing down, and it'll likely just be a revision job tomorrow before I declare the sheet complete. And the theme song. Sorry for the delay - as much as I want to be ahead of schedule I really need to go to rest now.

Also reporting that I like the pretty text headers in the sheet format a lot and wish to thank whoever implemented that for it.
eheu said:
Reporting that I've took some time to get most of the writing down, and it'll likely just be a revision job tomorrow before I declare the sheet complete. And the theme song. Sorry for the delay - as much as I want to be ahead of schedule I really need to go to rest now.
Also reporting that I like the pretty text headers in the sheet format a lot and wish to thank whoever implemented that for it.
Thank you for letting us know!
Hey guys!

Just a few things for the night!

  • You have about 21 hrs to complete/turn in your CS
  • If you need an extension you need to let Mittens and me know!
  • I have updated the Character status so make sure your on green by tomorrow!
  • Things are looking great guys! If they continue this way, we'll start forming relationships by this weekend!

I think that's all for now!

Have a great night!

Hey guys!

You all have about 4 and a half hours to turn in or complete your CS!

Again if you need an extension please let Mittens and I know!

I just updated the Character Status so make sure you're on the green by the time midnight central time comes around.

It is currently 7:25 PM so do the math =)

Have a great evening!

Hey Nessie! I'm so close to finishing! I just need to write the story and possibly fix up the writing sample before I post it. But I have to head out for a while and I don't think I'll be back before 12 your time. Do you think I can have like two extra hours to turn it in?
FirePolaris said:
Hey Nessie! I'm so close to finishing! I just need to write the story and possibly fix up the writing sample before I post it. But I have to head out for a while and I don't think I'll be back before 12 your time. Do you think I can have like two extra hours to turn it in?
Sure! If you can post what you have so far and get me the writing sample (even if it's brief) Those two hours are all yours!
I've been stuck under a writer's block for days now...but I finally persevered and finished that writing sample.

It's a bit short, in comparison to everyone else's, but it's the best I could manage. orz
Trignome said:
I've been stuck under a writer's block for days now...but I finally persevered and finished that writing sample.
It's a bit short, in comparison to everyone else's, but it's the best I could manage. orz

and it's okay! We didn't specify length so as long as we get a feel for your character all is good!

Sign-ups are closed!

Mittens and I will be reviewing the CSs and will get back to you soon =)

Just went and went through the entire signups tab, and this looks like a very fabulous cast.

Quite excited about this.

I Nessie accept the role of Mediator.


Hey Nessie! Introduce yourself!

Hey guys! So I know you all already know who I am, but I still have to put out and example of the introduction. Plus I wouldn't make you all do things I didn't do myself =)

Okay so I've RPed with some of you all before so you all know my story already so bare with me =)

Okay so I'm NessieAlways! You may call me Nessie or Ness or whatever as along as it's not insulting =) I'm playing the role of the mediator as Jerylin Riza Hazen.

Okay now to the questions! If I were stranded on an island what would I bring...I've actually pondered this a lot! I've even written like 3 essays over it. All of the ended up as C-. Guess college professors don't appreciate narratives. Anywho, I'd bring a canteen to hold water, a hunting knife, and a laptop with wifi so I can google how to survive in the wild. xD I hope that I'll make good use of it before the battery runs out.

As for my bucket list, the one thing I've been dreaming of doing is sky diving! All my life I've wanted to become a bird and fly, but since hybrid breeding isn't possible or legal, I'll be happy with jumping out of a plane! Although the idea scares me to death, I'll just have someone push me off if I chicken out last minute.

A place I would love to travel is Greece! Ever since Percy Jackson, I've been in love with Greek mythology and I'd love to visit the place were it all began! Plus eating Greek food and taking a cruise on the Greek islands won't be such a bad thing either!

What I'm looking forward to this RP is mostly the story. I can't wait to see what crazy adventures these people go on. Aside from story, I'm also want to see some character development as 10 people travel around the world and practically live in an RV for the entire summer. Now that I think of it, my claustrophobia is starting to kick in =S

Hopefully it'll be fun!

Anywho I think I'm done!

Can't wait to RP with you guys!!

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