Wanderlust - Out Of Character

I'm just plopping this here for now so that I can update it as relations are worked out.

»Felice - Since Cierra is a starting photographer, Felice asked her to do a few shots for he resume. Over time, Cierra and Felice have become close friends to the point where Cierra doesn't even charge her for the photoshoots anymore

»Charlie - Tried to

»Jaxson - Met through mutual friends, has hung out together in groups and just together as friends, has been involved in some of her daring little adventures

»William Sou -

»Cage - Met for the first time on a weird double date through mutal friends, ended up having an eating competition and became friends. Cierra loves to mess with him by stealing his food.

»Minx - Met at a party where they undertook so sort of crazy building-diving stunt, living on same dorm floor, good friends who love a good adventure together

»Jerylin - Friends in high school and kind of hung with the wrong crowd. While they grew apart in between high school and college, Jerylin dropped her bad habits while Cierra embraced them. Back in college, they live on the same dorm floor and are good friends.

»Raphael - Has seen a few of her stunts and somehow always manages to get in a small little comment about her latest gig, Cierra doesn't know him on a personal level but really seems to try and pry open his personality

»Matthew - Met as a dare, realized how clueless he is around girls, is currently "coaching" him on how to behave, good friends
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I was going through the different character sheets and I think that Rapha would be a lot closer to Jerilyn. He'd be really nervous and intimidated by Felice.

@BrownBear Those two could certainly have some kind of friendship going on.

He's majoring in neuroscience and minoring in sociology if anyone else's charrie is majoring in something close to one of those two things.
Everyone's doing it, so I am gonna do it too.

(music)Felice -

(music)Charlie -

(music) Jaxson-He stole Matthew's wallet, but there were no hard feelings since he bought him dinner.

(music)William Sou -

(music)Cage -

(music)Minx -

(music)Jerylin -

(music)Raphael -

(music)Cierra -After a dare went completely wrong she became Matthew's "coach" for talking to women.
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@The Servant

I just got a really quick idea for our two charries. Let's say Matthew was at a bar, alone, and Cierra was dared by one of her friends to get his phone number. After she started talking to him and used numerous cheesy pick up lines, she realized that he was pretty clueless and instead of making fun of him, she kind of took him under her wing and tried to "coach" him about how to talk to girls, and they've been friends for a while now? I'm just throwing out a random idea so let me know what you think.
I just wanted to say...Thank you all for trying to keep the relationships organized in a list!

That really helps Mittens and I keep things together!

Once you have your completed list feel free to post it under your character's relationship in their CS.


That seems plausible!

Maybe Jerylin saw Ralph getting taken advantage of and since shes "The Mediator" decided to step in and help him out. She's taken him under her wing since then and treats him like her little brother.
ShatteredSoul said:
@The Servant
I just got a really quick idea for our two charries. Let's say Matthew was at a bar, alone, and Cierra was dared by one of her friends to get his phone number. After she started talking to him and used numerous cheesy pick up lines, she realized that he was pretty clueless and instead of making fun of him, she kind of took him under her wing and tried to "coach" him about how to talk to girls, and they've been friends for a while now? I'm just throwing out a random idea so let me know what you think.
.....That idea is so perfect.

Oh hey @NessieAlways Jerylin works at an electrical repair shop right? What if Jaxson is a daily customer there picking up scraps of material from broken devices to build up some props for future magic performances? And plus for his chemistry needs as well.
Alrighty, I'll have some random ideas here.

@xx0mittens0xx : Felice

I'm thinking that Cage went to the bar where Felice was working and decided to use one of his pick up lines. He thought he was really clever and said, "I might as well call you google, because you have everything that I am looking for," before winking at her. I'm assuming it didn't work (because he's a sucker LOL) but it could lead to conversations about school and college. Since they're from the same Biology department (his major is just a branch of Biology), they can bond over professors and all?

@LifeNovel : Jaxson

Sounds good, they can be former roommates. I'm pretty sure they're close and out of curiosity, does he steal food too or just random things? I feel like they probably had a love-hate relationship if he stole Cage's food. But since Jaxson likes food, Cage drags him out to eat every night whenever the guy gets hungry?

@BrownBear : Carlos

Since Carlos's is the player and maybe witnessed some of Cage's failure at bars/parties, he took the guy under his wing. Or maybe if Carlos is in a Fraternity, they can be frat brothers.

I would say he did steal some of his food to annoy Cage or if he got angry at him but he would make it up by either stealing food that is Cage's favorite and give it to him or buying food for him.

Okay, so. Here's an idea I have, but I'm not quite sure if you would be 100% on it because of how I wrote it up about your character. It's up to you really, I won't be offended if you want to change it. So we could say that Carlos and Cierra had a few miscellaneous classes together, and since he's a player he invited her over to "study". Cierra figured that he wasn't exactly wanting to go over class material but she went to his room anyway and when he tried to make a move on her, she laughed in his face about how desperate he was. I'm not totally sure where that would leave them (awkward aquaintances? It would certainly make for a little drama between them on the trip, especially if Cierra hurt his pride) but just let me know what you think. Again, it's totally up to you on this, depending on how you want your character to be in this situation.
These are just suggestions! Feel free to add your own twist!


Felice and Jerylin

Felice and Jerylin became friends during their college orientation. They were in the same group together and after touring their future campus, they decided to dorm together during the school year. The two became best friends throughout their years of college. They are still roommates up to this day and are looking forward to this road trip.

@The Servant

Matthew and Jerylin

I wanted to pull the childhood friends, but Matthew didn't come to the U.S. until college...hmmm lets see. Single parents club? Lol kidding...I mean unless...Oh wait yes! So what if Matthew's dad met Jerylin's mom in the bank? He could have helped her open an account of something and they hit it off pretty well. The two single parents became instant BFFs forcing Jerylin and Matthew to meet. After several dinners the two could have gotten comfortable enough with each other and before they knew it they were plotting to get their parents together and become step-siblings. Their plans failed (unless you want them to succeed and their parents are going to get married and they'll become step-siblings), but the two still continued to bond.


Charlie and Jerylin

We meet again...So how's it gonna go down this time around? Any ideas?


Cage and Jerylin

Can she call him by his middle name? Cage is a food person so maybe Jerylin bakes for him? He's Jaxson's roomie so maybe he went with Jaxson to one of his many shopping trips. While Jaxson shopped, Cage and Jerylin could have talked for a bit about...ummm...life? (IDK), she mentioned that she used to bake when she was little and Cage, being a food junkie, made her bake for him. Since then Jerylin is Cage's personal baker =P Or any idea that you might have!
@The Servant Cage met Matthew during a college festival when he was out of money and really hungry. The nice guy (maybe?) offered to buy him food when his debit card got declined and Cage decided Matthew was a pretty cool guy. They hung out a couple times and slowly bonded over their girl failures? They could become best buds after Cage drags him out for food and drinks, up to you!

@JujuBee This is going to sound lame but maybe they were paired up in a class together? The class had a final project but Cage was hospitalized due to some injury and Raphael was left to do all the work. Raphael still gave him credit and Cage thought he was a cool dude so they became friends.

@ShatteredSoul One of Cierra's dare can be to steal Cage's wallet. Cage just got paid for the first time, he was pretty pissed that someone took his money. He can either still hold a grudge (to make the role play more interesting) or she can give it back and buy him food. Though I'm not sure she's the type to give back the things she stole LOL.

Freshman year Minx had just received all of her books, and tried to carry them all on her own. She was obviously struggling, so Jerilyn offers her assistance. Of course, Minx's stubbornness leads to her *politely* denying, annnnddd she drops all of her books at her feet, which proceeds in loud curses. She apologizes to Jerilyn, and accepts her help. They end up finding that their dorms are just across the hall from each other! And they were study buddies that year.

How's that? :' )
Liking the list thing so gonna do it to. Here's some already formed relationships or ideas for relationships with Felice. If you don't approve or have something better let me know and I'll change it.

  • @The Servant Matthew- If Matthew ends up good friends with Jerylin, then Felice being Jerylin's roommate would know him as well
Hey @JujuBee what if Jaxson was just doing a random magic performance for his friends in the front of the school and he sees Raphael and asks for his assistance with his trick and ever since then he may have pulled Raphael to help him with his tricks whenever he saw him walking around?

Felicity-Yup. I believe this is a good place to play the party card. Due to their conflicting personalities and their lack of shared interests/friends, they probably wouldn’t meet any other way.


Cage-Hmmm...William isn't really a gamer. Unless money is involved. Since both of their families are wealthy, it's possible that their parents are vague acquaintances through work or mutual friends. Otherwise...I'm about as dry on ideas as you are. orz

It's also possible that, in a hypothetical social gathering with family, one of William's older sisters became romantically interested in Cage. (He's pretty good looking, after all.) It might have been a fleeting crush, maybe with some harmless flirting, but William would have fallen into his protective habits and basically antagonized Cage for the rest of the party. (And any consequent party/social occasion.) This wouldn't set them on good terms, but hey...not everyone on the trip is a friend?


Jerylin-It's possible that William met Jerylin in his earlier travels in California. The only difference in how I see the drunken meeting is that William probably sat her down on a park bench somewhere (assuming that they're outside and she's alone) and given her a long lecture about her innate responsibility to personal health, family, and etc...etc...etc...

I mean because William was approximately 15-16 when he backpacked the west coast and since he's older than Jerylin, she would have been way too young to get alcohol on her own. That alone would have made him incredibly defensive, so he would be unlikely to respond to Jerylin's drunken questions. Most likely, he would have asked her where she lived and tried to taken her home. Or, if she was with a rough crowd, he would have lectured them as well, and ordered them to take her home or he'd report them to the police. Either way, it's an interesting start to their friendship.

Now we lead into present day, where he's taken permanent residence in California after dropping out of grad school. The possibility that they went to the same college for undergrad is definitely possible, especially considering Jerylin's impressive academic performance in the latter years of her education. And the pirated hardware/software further cements their association. As a start-up company though, William may have taken the technology as an investment in his firm to avoid financial/legal liability if caught. (Because then, the pirated equipment is 'technically' still Jerylin's.) Thus, with some clever legal maneuvers and a good lawyer, he can walk out of court unscathed if he and Jerylin are pressed with charges. (He's a jerk, but he's a smart jerk.)

Since William took the materials as an investment, Jerylin receives stock in the company/becomes a shareholder and profits from his firm's success proportional to the monetary value of the supplies she gave him...OR...knowing that William is economically savvy, she traded the technology for free financial consultations and better rates at his firm, in lieu of her dreams of starting her own tech store. William is stringent with money, after all, so he'll try his best to benefit from the transaction without cutting into his firm's profit.
Wow you guys have been going! Just got out of school. Last day!! *celebrates* Give me a sec to catch up and I'll get my list going with some ideas.
Joining the "list train" (Sorry if I make any grammar mistakes, I am using my cellphone):


Sounds fair enough.


Minx-We could say that this two know each other through mutal hobbies, like acting for example. I don't know if Minx would ever consider taking both temporary or long term acting lessons so if you have a better idea then let me know!


Raphael-(I couldn't think of much, so if you have any better ideas let me know) After Matthew heard some rumors about Raphael and saw the way he acted around other students Matthew saw a small part of himself reflected in the awkward young adult. After that Matthew would sit with Raphael during lunchtime and try to engage in some small chatting with him.


Couldn't think of anything, sorry...If you have any ideas on how Matthew and William met please let me know.


Our characters are basically complete opposites, so we could say that Matthew was always amazed by Carlos's natural way of talking to girls. At one point, before Cierra became his "coach", Matthew approached Carlos and ask him for some advices on how to speak to women.
@xx0mittens0xx I think that's a great idea! Cierra's just a starting photographer so she would have loved to do some shots for her. It would even be cool to have Cierra do some reoccurring shoots for no charge as the two girls became closer friends.
FirePolaris said:
Alrighty, I'll have some random ideas here.
ShatteredSoul said:
[*]I like this idea, but I would like a history of dating (No sex) with Felice as well. Tell me what you think.

@The Servant

Our characters are basically complete opposites, so we could say that Matthew was always amazed by Carlos's natural way of talking to girls. At one point, before Cierra became his "coach", Matthew approached Carlos and ask him for some advices on how to speak to women.

This is interesting. I feel like a challenge could form between the three of us, along the lines of "who can get Matthew the most women"


I like this idea and accept it.


Seeing as your character is the introvert type, I feel like Charlie would appreciate his company the most.

Perhaps they talk and meet up for man dates everytime he comes back to town, often discussing why society is the way it is. Basically deep conversations.

Hes probably going to be the most real with Raphy is what im saying.

lemme know what you think

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