Wanderlust - Out Of Character

Ahri said:
Freshman year Minx had just received all of her books, and tried to carry them all on her own. She was obviously struggling, so Jerilyn offers her assistance. Of course, Minx's stubbornness leads to her *politely* denying, annnnddd she drops all of her books at her feet, which proceeds in loud curses. She apologizes to Jerilyn, and accepts her help. They end up finding that their dorms are just across the hall from each other! And they were study buddies that year.

How's that? :' )
Sounds good!


Trignome said:
Jerylin-It's possible that William met Jerylin in his earlier travels in California. The only difference in how I see the drunken meeting is that William probably sat her down on a park bench somewhere (assuming that they're outside and she's alone) and given her a long lecture about her innate responsibility to personal health, family, and etc...etc...etc...

I mean because William was approximately 15-16 when he backpacked the west coast and since he's older than Jerylin, she would have been way too young to get alcohol on her own. That alone would have made him incredibly defensive, so he would be unlikely to respond to Jerylin's drunken questions. Most likely, he would have asked her where she lived and tried to taken her home. Or, if she was with a rough crowd, he would have lectured them as well, and ordered them to take her home or he'd report them to the police. Either way, it's an interesting start to their friendship.

Now we lead into present day, where he's taken permanent residence in California after dropping out of grad school. The possibility that they went to the same college for undergrad is definitely possible, especially considering Jerylin's impressive academic performance in the latter years of her education. And the pirated hardware/software further cements their association. As a start-up company though, William may have taken the technology as an investment in his firm to avoid financial/legal liability if caught. (Because then, the pirated equipment is 'technically' still Jerylin's.) Thus, with some clever legal maneuvers and a good lawyer, he can walk out of court unscathed if he and Jerylin are pressed with charges. (He's a jerk, but he's a smart jerk.)

Since William took the materials as an investment, Jerylin receives stock in the company/becomes a shareholder and profits from his firm's success proportional to the monetary value of the supplies she gave him...OR...knowing that William is economically savvy, she traded the technology for free financial consultations and better rates at his firm, in lieu of her dreams of starting her own tech store. William is stringent with money, after all, so he'll try his best to benefit from the transaction without cutting into his firm's profit.
I William gave her a long lecture, she would have definitely the "Oh you're such an Asian" card on him. That's what could have started the trivia. Yeah Jerylin was 15 at the time and that's when her started spiraling down hill so getting alcohol illegally was the least of her problems. If William didn't answer her trivia I can see her pushing herself on him(not like that) even more. Bugging him and bugging him to answer the questions. He could have taken her home or reported her to the police. That would be a very interesting friendship.

Random person: How did you guys meet?

Jerylin: Oh you know very funny story actually! We were at a par-

William: I turned her in.

As for the tech situation, while Jerylin is tech savvy she isn't, as you said, economically savvy, she wouldn't have just allowed him to walk out and all she got was free consultations, but seeing as William is pretty clever he could have persuaded her to believe that that's what she wanted and that she was getting more out of it than he was, which wasn't true at all. Jerylin still probably lives in that blissful lie although she's starting to uncover it little by little. She's school smart, but she isn't as clever as William.

The Servant] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/members/15966/ said:
Fine by me! As for the step-brothers idea, I leave that up to you. Do whatever you prefer.
Hmmm I don't know, I like the fact that Jerylin has a single mom who loved her deceased husband so much she hasn't been able to find someone to take his spot, but I also like the idea of have Matthew and Jerylin as step siblings. Would Matthew's dad easily find someone else?

ShatteredSoul said:
@NessieAlways I love the idea for Jerylin and Cierra! And while Jerylin sort of grew out of the troublemaking habit after high school, Cierra's still sort of stuck in that mindset. Would you be interested in having them on the same dorm floor in college? That way they can reconnect in college in become better friends so that they know each other well enough to go on this trip.
Cierra still stuck in the old habits can certainly bring inner struggles with Jerylin and some potential RP drama =)

And yeah if they're in the same dorm floor then she would probably already know Felice and Minx.

BrownBear said:
Charlie and Jerylin @NessieAlways
We meet again...So how's it gonna go down this time around? Any ideas?

Perhaps this time around, Charlie finds an interest in Jery, and does not simply plan to get into her pants. What do you think about a history of dating?
Sounds interesting...What did you have in mind?
I wouldn't say kind...She's more along the lines of overly obsessive and tenacious

Just wants people to like her in order to fill her fatherless gap
NessieAlways said:
Hmmm I don't know, I like the fact that Jerylin has a single mom who loved her deceased husband so much she hasn't been able to find someone to take his spot, but I also like the idea of have Matthew and Jerylin as step siblings. Would Matthew's dad easily find someone else?
Right now I stand on the same grounds like you. On the one hand I was planning to say that Matthew's mother cheated on her husband, leading to them divorcing and Matthew (Very young at the time) staying in the custody of his father, who became distrustful of women because of his ex-wife's infidelity. But on the other hand the idea of two step-siblings on the trip does sound kind of interesting. I don't know...I'll let you know if I come up with something.
LifeNovel said:
Okay Trig ready for my idea of how Jaxson knows William?
What if Jaxson attempted to break into his firm? @Trignome
I like the idea...but I wonder if it's practical for Jaxson to break into a small establishment. Unless he has detailed information on valuables within the office, I wonder if he'd risk the effort. It'd be a funny situation though...

*some random night, dark skies and few people out on the streets*

Jaxson: *finding door unlocked* Alright! Today's my lucky day.

William: *walks out of office* Francis, good timing. You forgot your-

*William stops mid-sentence and stares at intruder*

*Jaxson pauses, hand still on the door*

William: *half-joking* So. Are you here for a consultation, or are you a thief?

I'm not sure how their relationship would progress from there, though William would suspect that the sudden client came in with ulterior motives. (He's a pessimist, after all.) The other option, with a similar encounter to this one, is if Jaxson tries to pickpocket William in some public setting, like a mall or subway station. As soon as William realizes his wallet was stolen, he calls his bank and reports the loss of his debit and credit cards. After that, the hunt for the pickpocketer begins. I don't know if he'd be successful though, since Jaxson's a pro at his 'trade'.


Couldn't think of anything, sorry...If you have any ideas on how Matthew and William met please let me know.
Huh...this is a tricky one. I've read over Matthew's backstory and personality a few times, but I can't seem to find a good place to slip in a small relationship.

If anything, we could play the 'met at a party' card? I'll keep looking though...there's probably something we could use...maybe a connection through Matthew's father? Since his father and William work in closely related fields, (bank counter and financial consultant) it's possible that Matthew vaguely knows William as an acquaintance of his father.

Whatever ends up being the case, it doesn't seem like our characters will start off very close.
Jaxson could have stolen his wallet and either give it back with apologies or feel embarrassed and just keep quiet about it so it could go either way. @Trignome
Either situation would play out fine. It depends on when you want William to get mad at Jaxson. Because if Jaxson returns the wallet right away, William is going to either report him to the police, or take down Jaxson's personal information (name, age, address, possibly taking a photo for future identification) and threaten to report Jaxson in exchange for a future favor. A pickpocket could come in handy one day. That means, for the majority of the road trip, their relationship would be tentative, but not necessarily bad. So long as William is convinced that he has control of the situation, he's not going to hold a grudge.

If Jaxson keeps quiet out of shame/embarrassment, William probably won't ever know who stole his wallet. But he'll remember the incident, especially since such things don't happen to people often. He might initially be concerned/suspicious about Jaxson's behavior (if Jaxson acts nervous or otherwise uncharacteristically during the trip) and that may lead to the crime being uncovered. When that happens, William is going to be pissed. Long-winded lectures will ensue. Jaxson should be prepared to take several hits to his pride/sense of self-worth/morality.
@Trignome Okay! That sounds great. I was thinking if they're meeting at a family party and all he did was antagonize him, Cage might snapped and punch him since he is pretty short tempered. What do you think? It'll definitely be interesting to see that not all of them are friends. :D
Beautiful, my friend! That sounds like a lovely way for them to get to know each other. (I believe the term is skinship? The skin of the fist to the face.) While William's antagonism before the punch was probably cold remarks, sarcastic, underhanded comments, and preventing his sister from talking to Cage, the punch itself would have confirmed William's paranoia that Cage is some sort of abusive monster hiding under a pretty boy facade. Thus...further misunderstanding between the two of them.

It sounds like a wonderful relationship already.
Yeah, I think the first idea's the better option, what with Jaxson's delicate psyche to consider. Drama is all fun and games until someone goes insane.
Jerylin & Raphael

Raphael was being taken advantage of and Jerylin was gracious enough to help him out when he needed it. He would certainly be okay with her clingy ways if she were to ever cling to him since he doesn’t exactly have that many friends.


Jaxson & Raphael

When you say help with tricks I’m guessing you mean as in help him trick others into getting their money and other possessions? I could certainly see that. At first Raphael wouldn’t be too comfortable doing it but he would ease into it and help when needed. Especially since he isn’t much for going against others. I could totally see Jaxson being someone that would bring Raphael out of his shell at times if they were to get that close.

@The Servant

Carlos & Raphael

I could definitely see something like that. They are most certainly something of opposites too so I could see them being good friends. Raphael does need someone he could have deep conversation with. Maybe they became good friends? If Carlos is someone that likes talking to Raphael then he’s someone Rapha would take to meet his family and I’m sure his family would come to love Carlos and thank him every once in a while for being there for Raphael.


I'm still working on the rest of you!! Didn't forget/neglect you!
I like that

Then I'd like them to be good friends.

That means he knows most things about Carlos

Even that he talks to himself sometimes

He probably knows of his conquests, even he doesn't say them by name, as well as his drug selling past.
BrownBear said:
I like that
Then I'd like them to be good friends.

That means he knows most things about Carlos

Even that he talks to himself sometimes

He probably knows of his conquests, even he doesn't say them by name, as well as his drug selling past.
Great! Though you'd have to give me some more info about this past....


Nessie got an evil side we don't know about. o;

@Ahri Minx and Cage

Okay! I got something. So if Cage and Minx both lived off campus their second year and let's say they rented a townhouse, they could potentially be neighbors. His housemates are all party animals and they invited people around the block. Cage went to invite Minx and they eventually got to talking about hobbies or whatever during the party. He found out she owned a 3DS and since he does too, they became gaming buddies? Lol let me know if you got any other ideas!

@BrownBear Carlos and Cage

BrownBear said:
If I met Cage while in college that would mean every time Charlie came home from Colorado. If youre ok with this then for sure I would like this "Wingman" relationship to be a thing between the two. Of course before college, we may have been simply acquaintances in high school.
Lol I'm a bit confused at what you meant here. I read the Carlos's story and he went to school in Colorado right? Since Cage grew up in California his whole life, they probably never met in high school?

So far...

@xx0mittens0xx Felice - Often find themselves at the same parties, chat occasionally since she knows Jerylin.

@The Servant Matthew- Met at in a drama class that Minx eventually dropped​

@ShatteredSoul Ok, since Minx and Cierra are both thrill seeking, how about they met while bungee jumping off of a house at someone's party? It's very crazy, but something they would dare to do

@JujuBee Perhaps they met at a poetry slam?? Idk I'm struggling with this one

@Trignome Could William and Minx be good nerdy friends who trade Pokemon all the time? lmao

@BrownBear For Carlos, I was thinking the two could not be the best of friends? Like he dropped one of Minx's best friends, and then the next day tried to hit on Minx and she got really mad and cussed him out?
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