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Wallflower Reboot (MusexErin)

Mei laughed at his comment, doing a hair flip, in such a fashion that she was making fun of her own action, "Well of course!" She joked with a smile, before shaking her head. It was unnatural, even when she was making fun of girly-girl actions, for her to do them. Soon she set her water on the coffee table before her eyes settled on the TV screen. "Don't get me wrong, I love my action movies, but I feel like the main characters could always spill a bit more blood you know? They just rarely get injured at all. It's kind of a buzzkill for the movie."
"I don't know about that," he said with a slight tilt to his head, "I've seen some that barely had the hero make it." He laughed lightly and then added with a grin, "But yeah I know what you mean, they get shot at with automatics and never even get hit with one bullet...seems unrealistic." He was quite surprised at how much she seemed to think like him, in a way it was sort of nice to have a girl that wasn't following him around like a puppy and one that he can just talk to about things. he knows that they are supposed to be turning her into a lady bit he sort of wondered if that would mean that this part of her would no longer be applicable.
"Those are absolutely the best!" Mei grinned as if she were a child on Christmas Day. "It just makes all the more sense for the hero to not be able to get through every obstacle untouched." Her attention soon turned back to the movie. She knew once she became a 'lady' she'd have to be more for romantic comedies and lame things of the sort, so she figured she'd enjoy her sweet freedom while she could. She soon grabbed her water, taking a sip, before setting it back down on the coffee table, but it did nothing to clear her swarming thoughts. Altier was a pretty chill guy actually, and had some pretty similar interests as herself. Shaking her head slightly, brushing her thoughts away she refocused on the movie.
He wondered what was going through her mind at the moment, him quite frankly wondering if she even wanted to do the whole lady thing. Retrospectively he was only doing it for the free rent, but is it really right o do it if the other person doesn't want it? The way she was acting right now pretty much screamed, "Yeah this while make me a lady crap is stupid.' Anyone that calls themselves a lady-or at least what society sees one as-wouldn't watch action films and say that they are not bloody enough, they'd be more into heart wrenchers and the like. Completely candid, he didn't really even want to do what her aunt asked but having free rent would make their lives easier so he just went along with the rest of them.

If someone didn't accept him for who he was he'd probably just ignore the tool, so he knew that she was probably fed up with this whole idea. With that in mind he glances over a her and then back to the movie.
"She's dying," Mei finally spoke, her eyes still fixated on the screen, "she was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few months ago and she'd always wanted me to follow in all the women of my family's footsteps and become a lady." Her finger nails dug into her palms, "I don't want to do it, I'm the complete opposite of what a lady should be, but..." She trailed off with a shrug, "I figured I could at least make her happy while she's still here." Shaking her head she peered back over at Altier, "But don't concern yourself much at all with my family's affairs."
He paused for a moment as she explained why she was going through with this, him looking over at her. "Well she's a bit like a foster aunt to me," he let out a light laugh, and then added with a light nod, "I'll do my best to help you out." He knew about the tumor that she had but he didn't think that it was that serious, him figuring that it was just benine considering her aunts age. With that in mind he placed his hand on her shoulder and then smiled, "It'll all work out, I wouldn't worry to much."
A soft smile eased on to Mei's lips, "Thank you, Altier," she finally spoke before returning her attention to the movie once more. It eventually ended and the other three had yet to arrive back, so they began another movie to pass the time, this time, Mei paid a bit less attention to it, eventually falling asleep.
He smiled lightly as she thanked him, him replying with a nod, "Not at all." With that he started another movie with he, seeing as how they have not arrived yet. However a bit into the movie she fell asleep and started to wobble back and forth against the back of the couch, him figuring that it was only a matter of time before she fell over. With that in mind he simply sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders, letting her fall toward him so she wouldn't tilt he other way and hit her head on the coffee table. He placed a pillow on his lap and let her head rest on the pillow, it seeming that the day had drained her more so than she let on.

He looked down at her with a slight tilt to his head and was quite surprised at how cute her sleeping face was. With that in mind he looked back to the movie and sat there contently awaiting her to wake up or the guys to arrive home...which ever came first.
"WE'RE HOOOOME!" Chi chimed as he walked through the front door with Yuki and Lestopher. The volume of his voice was just enough to make Mei jolt awake, quickly sitting up and figuring out they'd returned. "Welcome home," she chuckled softly as Yuki set a few bags of food he had picked from the market down in the kitchen. "What are you two watching?" Lestopher questioned as he stood behind the couch, leaning against it and focusing on the movie, "We were killing some time till you guys got back by watching action movies." "Those aren't very lady like," Chi teased and Mei laughed and rolled her eyes, "Too bad."
Altier was sitting and watching the movie quite contently as the guys arrived, it being quite hard to not notice them seeing as how loud Chi was. With that in min he looked back as Mei woke up and responded to his sarcastic retort, him commenting on how unladylike the choice of film was. Altier didn't refute that seeing as how action flicks were not the typical lady killer movies, no pun intended. With that in mind he let out a light laugh, and stretched in his seat, seeing how he stayed perfectly still the whole time she was lying on him. In that sense he was a bit stiff, but he didnt seem to mind it that much seeing as how she has had a trying day.
Mei peered over at Altier, realizing she must have fallen asleep on him, seeing as there was a pillow on his lap and he looked so stiff. A soft smile rested on her lips sat she studied him, "Oh, and- uh thank you," she spoke, after all he could have just woke her up or even fall and hit her head earlier, but instead he had let her rest comfortably. "What do you guys say that we go out?" Yuki spoke as he moved over to them, "Cleaning dishes and cooking sounds like a drag." Chi chuckled, "Ha, then we could teach Mei to eat like a lady." "I don't mind," Mei spoke, before rolling her eyes at Chi's words, "Ehhh, I'd rather not," she laughed.
Altier laughed lightly as her and Chi seemed to have established a younger brother sister relation, it seeming like they were separated at birth or something. It was like they just spoke in sarcasm back and forth when ever they were near each other. All in and it was quite amusing to Altier to see this, her seeming to like the conversation that Chi offers. With that in mind he looks over at Les and says aloud, "We could all go to Borneiu's, I'm sure they could get us a table." Chi said with an ecstatic expression on his face, "Yes! Your families restaurants are the best, and we wouldn't have to pay!"

Yuki looks over at Les with a nod, him replying as well, "It would help out our tight budget this month."
"Then let's change you out of that," Chi spoke sticking his tongue before grabbing Mei's hands and pulling off the couch and dragging her to her room. "My uniform is fine-" "NOPE!" He laughed rummaging through her clothes before pulling out a skirt and blouse, "This is fine." "Fiiiine," she complained, ushering him out of the room, "Just leave so I can change." "Okay, okay, I need to change anyway," he laughed once more before walking out and shutting the door behind him.

Soon she changed, tucking the soft pink blouse into her black skirt before slipping on her shoes and brushing out her waist length ginger hair. Soon she peered over herself in the mirror, smoothing out her skirt before walking back to the living room.
The whole time she was gone Altier didn't even bother getting up from his seat on the couch, him just removing his schools blazer and keeping the rest of the outfit on. His stoic and somewhat uncaring demeanor being what the girls liked about him after all, him never going out of his way to impress anyone at all. With that in mind he waited them to get back, Mei being the first one to come back to the living area. His eyes went wide as he saw her standing in the open area, him commenting on her appearance with an uncharacteristic tone..it sounding like he was smitten kind of, "Um, wow..."
Mei peered over at Altier as he spoke, his words making her laugh softly. "I still prefer sweatpants," she joked, sitting back down on the couch and peering over at the TV as they waited for the others. Soon she glanced over as Chi walked out with Yuki and Les, the three having have quickly changed as well, not putting too much time into their appearances. "Everyone ready?" Yuki asked peering around to make sure. Les twirled his car keys on his finger as he walked to the door, "Lets go," he spoke with a slight grin. Mei stood up following behind Yuki and Chi.
Altier followed along with them, him keeping pace as they made it to the car. The seating was typical in the car, Les and Chi in the front and Yuki and Altier in the back. However this time Altier was in the center of the seats, him glancing over at Mei with a slightly annoyed expression upon his face. He thought to himself at that moment, 'Why does he have to have a normal sized car?' He offered her a slightly uncomfortable smile, as the car started to move.
Mei picked up on Altier's discomfort once they were in the car, and did her best to give him as much room as the car would allow her to, even though it was a small amount. She did her best to not take note of their closeness and instead peered out of the window as they drove, watching as the world became a blur from the speed. It was a good drive, perhaps fifteen or so minutes, before they pulled in the parking lot of the place, Les turning off the ignition as they all filed out of the car. Mei breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat happy to be out of the cramped car, as they walked into the restaurant.
The ride wasn't that bad, him actually quite pleased to have been closer to Mei than Yuki. Regardless he made his way toward the restaurant with the group and walked inside with them, him looking around and seeing the senior staff member to which he walked up to, "Oh Kio, would you get us a table?" The person known as Kio said with a nod and slight bow, "Right away sir, no problem at all." With that said and done Kio showed them all to a secluded table, Kio asking as he stood at the table for a moment, "So is this attractive young woman your girl friend Sir?"
Once they had entered the restaurant, it seemed that Altier knew the senior staff member, to which he approached, the others standing a bit behind, lingering as they spoke, before they followed him to a table. Yuki and Les took their seats, sitting next to each other, Yuki fiddling with the menu after doing so, and Chi stood unsure of where to sit at first, before taking a seat. Mei had wondered off into thought, something she did rather often, only to peer over at Kio who stood next to her and Altier as he spoke. Instantly her face flushed a deep red color when he asked if she was Altier's girlfriend, quite caught off guard with the question. "No- uh, we're friends," she spoke with a bit of an awkward laugh as she took her seat, Chi laughed, leaning back in his chair, "I dunno, Mei, I think it would be cute."

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