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Wallflower Reboot (MusexErin)

Altier didn't know that Mei had been separated from him until he looked back and didn't see here walking behind him. To that he simply raised a brow, figuring that she had went n ahead or maybe she went to the office or something, quite frankly he didn't expect her to wander off though. With that in his mind he went on to his classroom, him being a second year just like Yuki and apparently Mei. He wasn't in the same class as Yuki though, Altier was in class 2-2. he took his seat at the back of the class, him being surrounded by girls hoping that he would give them a look.

At that moment he wondered what was keeping Mei seeing as how he thought she had the same class that he did, or at least that's what he figured. Her aunt fixed it up so she had the same class as one of the boys in the house, and since Yuki's class was full she placed had her placed in Altier's class. With that in mind he sat in his seat and stared blankly at the board awaiting for her to arrive or for class to start, him taking bets in his thoughts as to which one it would be. At the same time he wondered where the teacher was going to sit her, seeing as how there are a good bit of seats available in the classroom after all. The girls in the class had an understanding that none of them would take the seat beside Altier or the one in front of him, him not knowing about that understanding.

He let out a light sigh as he sat in his seat, his stoic expression catching the eye of the girls in the class without him even noticing.
Mei gnawed on her lower lip as she walked to the office, nerves starting to build up. Carefully she opened the office door before stepping in only to catch the attention of the office secretary. "Ah! You must be Mei!" The secretary smiled before handing her a schedule. "Oh! Thank you so much!" Mei spoke before turning to leave, "Wait," she spoke before peering back over at the secretary, "is there any chance I could still join some athletic team?" The secretary smiled and nodded, "I'm sure track is still in need of a few people, they have practice after school tomorrow, I'd just go then and talk to the coach." "Thank you Miss."

Mei soon moved down the hall, doing her best at trying to find class 2-2. It took her longer than she expected but she managed to walk in just after the teacher. "Ah! Natsume!" The teacher greeted having have been contacted by Mei's aunt she was told to keep her with Altier so she wouldn't be lost, "Welcome! You can take the seat next to Altier." Mei nodded before moving over and taking her seat, only to begin to notice the strong glares from the other girls. "Okay class, we're going to start a partnered assignment, each of you will have to make a creative poster over a famous writer. Your partner will be the other person at your desk." Mei was a bit relieved to work with Altier, due to the fact she felt like she wouldn't be too welcome as one of the girl's partners.
He looked as Mei entered the class, her seeming to have arrived right on time just after the teacher. He was wondering if she would be able to find he way to the class on time, and it seemed that she did a good job all things considered. He remembered his first day at this school all to well, he sort of walked into the wrong room on his first day...that was a bit annoying. Regardless he noticed all of the girls staring back at her with piercing gazes, him leaning over and asked in a joking tone, "Making friends I see?" He probably knew why the girls in the class were giving her the death glare but he didn't pay it much attention, him not really caring all that much about appearances.

The teacher revealed the assignment for the day, Altier looking over at Mei as he announced who the partners were going to be. The girls in the class were about to swarm but the teacher anticipated that and announced the partners ahead of time, him learning from last years teachers mistakes. With that Altier looked over at Mei and asked with a light tilt to his head, his eyes looking right at her as he did so, "Do you have anyone in mind?" He figured that he could think one up if she didn't have one in mind but he figured he'd ask for her opinion first.
Mei chuckled softly at Altier's words, "Yeah, as you can tell, I'm quite the people person," she spoke jokingly as she fiddled with her pencil bag, only to soon pull out a pencil and then open her notebook, doing her best to ignore the glares. "You seem to have quite the following," she teased as she fiddled with her pencil. She soon glanced over at him as he spoke again, asking her opinion on who they should do the project over. "Hm, that's a good question," she spoke contemplating who they should choose, "Perhaps Emily Dickinson?" she suggested.
She spoke of perhaps doing the assignment on Emily Dickinson, him having read a bit of her works every now and then. He may not look it but he does read on occasion, some would attribute his hidden character that's underneath the flesh as a jack of all trades of sorts. Seeing as how she had also previously stated that he had quite the following he remembered a poem that Dickinson had wrote, him stating in aloud at the moment, the girls that were in ear shot listing as well seeing how they rarely even hear him say anything much less a poem:

Fame is a fickle food

Upon a shifting plate

Whose table once a

Guest but not

The second time is set.

Whose crumbs the crows inspect

And with ironic caw

Flap past it to the Farmer’s Corn –

Men eat of it and die.

With that he smiles lightly and then looks back over at Mei with a raised brow, adding, "Surprised?"
Mei studied Altier in surprise as he recited a poem, not having expected him to be into literature to be able to know a peom by heart. A soft laugh escaped her lips, "Maybe a little," she laughed, before noticing how all of the girls that had been glaring at her earlier seemed to be swooned. Shaking off the sight, she peered back at Altier, "for some reason you just didn't strike me as a reader." She found herself chuckling for a moment for reciting one of the many she could recall, "I have no life but this,

To lead it here;

Nor any death, but lest

Dispelled from there;

Nor tie to earths to come,

Nor action new,

Except through this extent,

The realm of you."
shaking her head, she peered down at her notebook momentarily, "Poetry is quite expressive, but many people aren't too into it. It's quite a shame, really."
"Like I said yesterday," he said with a light nod, and then added, "I'm more an in the moment guy." With that he stretched a bit and then looked over at the poster board that they would have to do for the assignment, him grinning over at her as she recited a poem as well. He replied to her last addition to the conversation, "Well in my history class last year if I remember right an ancient Greek once said, 'Painting is silent Poetry, and Poetry is Paining that speaks." He laughs a bit and then adds with a slight shrug, "Some just don't see what the world has to offer," with that he paused and tapped his chin in though for a moment adding shortly after, "Maybe that's why I don't stick to one thing, I just want to see it all."
Mei nodded, smiling slightly, "Isn't that humanity's problem? Having to choose between partially enjoying everything or fully enjoying one thing?" she laughed softly as she began jotting down a few ideas for their project on her notebook, her slender hand moving quickly, yet her cursive quite legible. "Then again, I could be wrong." Mei was still doing her best to ignore the occasional glares by the other girls, who where quite upset to not have Altier as a partner. "It seems you have quite a few friends," Mei finally spoke once more as she wrote.
"Friends?" He said looking around at the girls that were staring his way, him scratching his cheek with a slightly raised brow. With that he added with a shrug, "I duno I guess." He didn't even know half of the girls that stare at him, most of them are just names and faces. Quite frankly he didn't even know why all of those girls seems to even register to Mei, him initially thinking that she didn't really care for appearances. It seemed however hat he might have jumped the gun on that little guess, seeing as how she had spoken up about the twice now.

((Logging off for a while things to do))
"I guess it's just kind of intimidating," Mei finally spoke, as she glanced over at the many glares she was getting, before shaking her head and continuing to write. Mei had been a bit of an outcast at her old school, especially with the other girls. With her tomboyish personality, she didn't quite fit in. Sure, she was used to being pushed out of groups, but not obvious hatred. Gnawing on her lower lip as she thought and then would write ideas down on the notebook. She could even remember when she'd confessed her feelings, only to be rejected in a humiliating way. Crack. Mei was snapped out of her thoughts, realizing she had snapped her pencil in half. A flush of embarrassment fell upon her face as she grabbed another pencil from her pencil bag only to continue writing.

(( Okiedokes! c: ))
Altier laughs lightly as she brakes her pencil in half and presented her embarrassed expression upon her face, him saying as she started to write with anther pencil, "You know you have some adorable faces." As he said that the girls in the class all sported a shocked expression on their faces, them all wondering what this girl has that hey do not possess. He leans over to see what she was writing down and in doing so presses up against her unintentionally, the both of their shoulders touching as he looks over her scrawling. As he looks over it he speaks aloud, "You have very neat handwriting as well Mei." Quite frankly this 'tom boy' girl is quite obviously hiding quite a lot about herself underneath her outward appearance, which could initially be said about Altier as well.
Mei hadn't quite expected Altier's words, after all, her? Adorable? The slight pink flush darkened from his words as her eyes fixated on her notebook, trying to calm herself down at least a bit. "I didn't know that," she managed to laugh. Yet, she stiffened as Altier leaned against her to look over her notes, instantly her hand stopped writing, only to listen to Altier comment on her handwriting. "Oh, uh, thank you," she finally spoke, "My aunt made me take handwriting classes when I was young, actually," she spoke peering over at Altier.


The bell rang for next period, and quickly Mei looked away before grabbing her belongings and heading to her next class.

"Mei!" Chi called after her in the hall, and soon enough girls were glaring at her again. What was it with these guys and girls? Biting her lip she stopped walking and waited for him, as they began to walk towards the class. A smile flickered onto Chi's face as he spoke, "You, Altier, and I have the same class," he chuckled. Oh, great. Mei knew this meant more glares during class. "I see!" She smiled softly as they entered the room, only for Mei to get an assigned seat from the teacher, and once again, unknowingly due to her aunt's talks to the staff, she was sat by Altier and now Chi.
Quite frankly this day was most likely not what Mei was expecting, seeing as how she was quite obviously not use to this much attention. With that in mind he followed them to the next class, and she was yet again assigned to sit next to him, however this time Chi was on her right as well. The leers that she was now receiving quite frankly were so obvious that the other boys in the class took notice of the and just ignored the girls in the class...them not wanting to be the recipients of a glare. With that in mind Altier looks over at Chi and asks in a light tine, "So how was your last class Chi?" Chi replied with a light sigh, him looking off into the distance as he replied, "Better than yesterday, they only cuddled me today."

Altier shook his head and said with his stoic expression, "Well that's good then, maybe they are letting up."
Mei found herself zoning out after settling down at her desk, her eyes fixated to the mahogany wood of her desk as she lightly tapped her pencil subconsciously. So far she was doing pretty well handling they insane amount of glares she was receiving, doing her best to pretend they weren't even there, but she had taken note of the few pity stares she recieved from a few male classmates. Her attention soon turned to Chi and Altier as they held a conversation and from their words and expressions it was easy to tell that they weren't fond of being followed around by girls all the time. "You'd think everyone would have the right to personal space," Mei muttered softly, only to receive a laugh from Chi, "Yeah, I wish!" He exclaimed before shaking his head, only to lean over towards her, "You know, I think you're the only girl I've come across that isn't...well, like that," he spoke motioning towards the staring girls, "Mei...are you homosexual?" Mei's eyes widened immediately at the question, not having have expected anything of that sort, "No, I'm not homosexual," she spoke before shaking her head, chuckling awkwardly. "Are you sure?" "Why? Do you really doubt me that much?!" Mei laughed, "I assure you, I'm not lying."
"There's nothing wrong with that if you are, " Altier simply shrugged and added with a light nod, "My sister is after all." he hadn't revealed that to anyone before, Chi looking around Mei with a raised brow, "You have a sister????" With that Altier nodded and then received another question from Chi, him utterly aghast that he didn't know this, "Why haven't you said anything about this Altier???" Altier replied with a slight shrug, his stoic expression on his face as he did so, "Didn't think it was of any consequence." Chi made his annoyed face that was just so cute and replied, "You hiding anymore siblings Alt???"

Altier shook his head and looked over at Mei, him giving her a wink it seeming that he intentionally brought his sister up to get the questions off of her, "No, none that I know of anyway." With that he leaned forward on his desk and looked toward the board at the head of the class, it seeming that the teacher was about ready to get class started for the day.
Mei was quite grateful that the topic had been turned off of her, something she knew was purposely done by Altier, she could tell from the wink hinting that. Her face was still flushed with surprise and even a slight bit of embarrassment as class started, the teacher soon beginning the lesson.

The rest of the day flew by, or at least so it seemed to Kei. Having every class with at least one of her new housemates, she never quite got away from glares, and so when school let out, it was quite the relief for her. Running by her locker, she grabbed what she needed before contemplating whether or not to wait for the others or just begin to head back. Still, with the glares she was still getting, she didn't quite feel comfortable with waiting, and so it wasn't long before she began her walk home.
Altier was going to walk back with Mei but it had seemed that she already started on her way back to the house, him figuring it was because of all of the glares that she was getting all day. He couldn't really blame her for wanting to get out of the school as fast a possible, seeing how she obviously didn't like to be the center of so many glares. With that in mind he left before the other three guys, them having things to do before they could go back to the house. On his way back he wondered if there was anything that he could do to make her life at the school a bit more easier, although he came up with nothing. It wasn't like you could just walk up to the girls in the school and tell them to stop staring at someone, Chi tried that one time and the girls just thought it was adorable and didn't let his out of their grasp for like an hour or so.
It wasn't long before Mei arrived back, but what she hadn't quite thought through was that she didn't have a way to get in until one of them got back. Shrugging slightly, debated whether to wait for one of them to get back or just go explore around for a little while, which wasn't a bad idea. Yet, soon enough she saw Altier approaching and decided against it. "Hello again," she joked
Altier waved over at her as she spoke over to him, "Oh hi Mei." He figured that she had already made her way to the house, and it seemed that his assumption was spot on. With that in mind he realized that she probably didn't have a key to the house, which would explain why she is currently chilling outside in the cold. ((Figure it's winter...I duno haha)) He took the key out and opened the door for her, him holding the door open for her to walk in. As he waited he asked with a slightly raised brow, his stoic demeanor still present as he did so, "So apart from the death glares did you have a good first day?"
((winter is totally okay! c: ))

Mei hadn't taken note of the cold, even though her nose turned red due to its bitterness, her attention was focused elsewhere. "Thank you," she spoke as she walked inside as he held the door open for her, "My day was pretty decent," she laughed as he brought up the glares. Setting her books aside, she slipped off her shoes, her sock covered feet resettling on the floor. "How was your day?" She finally asked, her brown hued gaze flickering over to him as she took a seat in the near by living room.
Altier moved into the entryway as she did and sat his bag next to hers, him finally happy to be back in the house. School never really bothered him but it was a long stretch, him preferring to just chill at the house instead of sitting through class after class. He looked over at her as she asked how his day was, hi replying with a light nod, "Good enough I suppose." With that he paused and moved over to the kitchen, him pouring some food into the bowl for the kitty...which rushed in when he heard the clanging of the bowl. When he walked back into the living area he looked over at he glanced over at Mei with a raised brow, "How about a movie, I doubt they will be back anytime soon?"
A soft chuckle escaped Mei's lips as she watched the kitten bolt out of nowhere towards the kitchen at the sound of the cat food being poured into a bowl. The little thing seemed to be hungry already, and she didn't exactly blame it, after all it was a growing kitten and needed all the energy it could get. Adjusting herself on the couch, scooting over so Altier would have more room to sit down as he spoke about them perhaps watching a movie. "That sounds splendid!" She grinned slightly before pulling her knees to her chest, only to soon sit Indian style instead. "I'm up for any kind of movie, so take your pick," she added.
He double blinked in thought as he sat down beside her on the couch, him glancing over to her and leaning over her to the end-table on her side of the couch. "Excuse me," he said as he leaned over her and grabbed the remote that was lying on the table. With that he sat back up and blinked over to her with a light smile, "How about am action flick?" With that the tv flickered on and then he flicked it over to netflicks, which in his mind is worth the charge. He didn't know of any movies that were currently out at the moment but he figured there was at least one good action movie out...seeing as how there is always at least one.
Mei nodded, "Action sounds wicked!" She spoke with a slight smile as she watched as he scrolled through Netflix. "Hm," she began before pointing towards one of them, "what about that one? It seems to be rated pretty good." A soft laugh even escaped her lips, "and it has blood and slight gore, what more could one want in a move!?" She joked as she stood, quickly moving to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before once again getting comfortable on the couch, taking a quick sip of her water.
He laughed lightly at her choice and her reasons for the choice, it seeming that she was indeed one for the action movies, his guess being right on the money it seemed. Most guys would have suggested a romantic movie but he could tell that was probably not the right choice for her, seeing as how he figured she'd prefer action movies. With that in mind he started the movie as she went to get a drink, it going through all of the tedious main credits and so on as she was away. When she made it back on the couch the actual movie started, him glancing over at her as she sat on the couch, "Perfect timing Mei."

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